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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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four emercom employees were injured during repeated shelling of gorlovka this night. specialists arrived to extinguish the fire after the first arrivals, when the city came under a new attack. two rescuers were hospitalized with shrapnel wounds, and a fire truck was destroyed. prior to this, nine residents of gurlovka were injured, one death was reported. local residents call the shelling one of the most massive in recent times. 10 residential buildings were damaged, some of them burned down, and there were also wrecked cars. in just the past 24 hours, there have been more neo-nazis. beaten 40 times
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at civilian targets of the donetsk people's republic, firing almost 170 shells. and now the news that comes to the news agency’s feed is marked urgently: air defense shot down drones over the voronezh region. when they fell, the warehouse caught fire and detonation occurred; there were no casualties, governor alexander gusev reports. we will return to this topic later. western. they pretend that they allegedly did not know about the kiev regime’s abuses of the civilian population of donbass and prisoners. this accusation was made by an official representative of mitt russia, maria zakharova commented on the publications of the new york times with reference to a foreign doctor who is in ukraine, journalists told about the atrocities of the ukrainian armed forces. so the nationalists shot a helpless prisoner in cold blood in response to his request for medical help, and this is far from an isolated case. maria zakharova emphasized:
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the russian side has repeatedly presented reports on the torture and murder of prisoners of war by the ukrainian armed forces, and therefore the attempts of the western press to pretend that they knew nothing about this called it ridiculous. and the crews of the solntsepek heavy flamethrower systems destroyed the fortified strongholds of the militants. the shooting was carried out using modern systems.
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the anti-aircraft units of the central military district are currently operating in the avdeevsky direction, protecting the personnel and military equipment of motorized riflemen from air attacks. the spent ammunition is changed in seconds, the command battery of the group of troops is the center.
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engineering units working in close proximity are protected from air attacks. proximity to the front line. here are the actions of military mine-clearing vehicles of the southern group of forces operating in the territories abandoned by the ukrainian military. this vehicle also has weapons, a tank machine gun, and is also equipped with eight cloud grenade launchers. however, the car differs from the t-90 tank, on the basis of which it was created , not only in this way, the driver-mechanic with the call sign maga tells us. the underbody has been heavily armored. safety distance, in case there is an accumulative jet from below, seats mechanics, drivers, vehicle commanders, are not attached to the bottom of the vehicle, they are attached to the ceiling, if this explosion is under the bottom, the blast wave will not cause the same harm as on a regular tank, there is special equipment, these are jammers
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for radio-controlled individual devices. combat demining vehicles, of course, are not afraid of not only anti-personnel mines, but also anti-tank weapons. a weapons specialist explained that this will help take measures to protect against this type of weapon, including the creation special shelters. according to him, the cumulative warhead has a cylindrical shape, its length and diameter are approximately half a meter. the nose part is directed inside the body in the form of a funnel;
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the projectile makes a hole due to the effect of energy accumulation and then an explosion occurs. and now our specialists have found out exactly what the penetration depth can be and what methods to use. serbian bosnia and herzegovina into nato. he noted that the serbs will never forget the suffering of their people. and earlier dodik said: the united states is creating chaos in countries around the world, only for their own selfish interests. this is what prevents the serbs and croats from agreeing on a common future. the balance of power in
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the european parliament may change dramatically and turn to the right, all because of hungarian prime minister viktor orban, who became president of the eu council this year. he declared. on the creation of a new political group, which was initially supposed to include the hungarian fidesz, the austrian freedom party and the czech political movement new citizen alliance. but others liked this idea so much that they decided to join it as at least four european countries are denmark, spain, portugal and holland. and the general coalition now has 39 deputies, and this force will help save europe from us pressure, urban believes. biden's team. this was told by host andrea lowfl sanders, who interviewed biden. thus, to the detriment of freedom of speech, the presidential administration is insuring itself against biden’s failures in public, the cause of which is his numerous
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illnesses; they are also carefully hidden. complete silence about how biden was treated by doctor assesses the state of health of the president, this has already been noted by the washington post. from the moment of arrival. to power, he constantly denies the need for a test for cognitive abilities, behind this decision there is a figure hidden from the public eye, namely biden’s attending physician, so the article says, but rumors can no longer be hidden: us allies are afraid that biden will not defeat trump in the elections, as the publication writes about the politician. health, unpopular decisions, and racism all play against him. a video has appeared on the internet where biden, meeting with voters, according to social network users, he deliberately deprived him of greetings. against the skinned woman, activists are furious, they write on the internet, his family exploited slaves for centuries, it’s in biden’s blood. and in france today is the second round of parliamentary elections. the main intrigue is whether the right, led by marine lepin, will be able to get an absolute majority. and before the vote, a rally
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of illegal immigrants took place in paris. they refuse to leave the fifth republic; the situation is more than tense. in addition, some officials said that they may refuse to obey the law. if they win the elections, let me remind you that the national rally party won in the first round, after which macron called for uniting against the right, and the left idea was supported. in tel aviv that night , london security forces harshly dispersed anti-government protests; in addition to batons and gas, they also used water cannons. the israelis demanded netanyahu's resignation and the immediate conclusion of a deal with hamas to free the hostages, lit fires, blocked the streets, and then began clashes with the police. and the news from there the press is vigorously discussing the problems that hang over the head of the cat lary, who has been catching mice in the residence for a long time. prime minister, he now has a rival, as already reported, the new head of government
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of the united kingdom, keir starmer, brought a cat named jo-jo to downing street. british animal psychologists are in panic. an experienced rat catcher, lari has been in the cabinet for almost 13 years, and has survived six ministers, but this may not be tolerated. quarrels may begin between him and his competitor, getting bogged down in which larry will simply get angry and forget about the mice, and the residence will be filled with rats. and the cats will constantly fight, given the warlike nature of the cat lari, who always emerged victorious in various fights with the formidable labrador rishisunoka and even drove a huge fox out of the residence, it is the cat of the new prime minister who should be afraid. and now to the events of the international rally of the silk road marathon: who became the best in the second stage, stas redikultsev will talk about it. rally raids are a special type of motorsport, the competitors here are not only they compete, but they help. turned
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over and caught fire, other riders came to the rescue, waited for the helicopter and handed the injured rider into the hands of doctors, the atv burned out completely, the main romantics of the great off-road, the silk road, motorcycle racers, they are also the most defenseless, falls are not uncommon, and the speed on special stages is up to 140 km/h, self-inflating vests help out,
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shifts are also a good guide, which is probably dangerous here. in the phrase, the main
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word is, after all, the marathon, the silk road has already begun testing the capabilities of technology and person, so many pilots, despite the excitement of the race, keep in mind the whole difficult path to the finish. we are waiting for further adventures, we are waiting for more interesting, more picturesque special stages, but here it was already wow. the car as a whole and people get tired while the race is going on, so i stick to the tactics. four factory teams are fighting for. victory in the truck classification, the battle of the titans of russian kamaz and belarusian maz today ended in a draw, a unique case, the time of eduard nikolaev and sergei vizovich coincided to a second, and this is in a marathon rally, where drivers rarely see each other on the track, and gaps are often measured in hours. we promised you that there would be an interesting fight in the cargo classification, and now it has already begun. yes, in fact, today we were also a little surprised by this, that the second section was right at zero, that is, drive 100 km of off-road and... ride, as the swimmers finish together, so do we. nikolaev has five victories over
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akari, but he won the silk road only once in 2010, but now he leads not only his truck, but the whole team to victory at the finish line the camas master had almost no time left for sleep, which is especially valuable in the race. the tasks have increased, now we need to be responsible for the entire team, for the entire trip of our team, but nevertheless, for me this is even more interesting. the rali caravan has covered the first 700 km of the journey and arrived in altai, the places in the standings are changing.
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the treaty of versailles helped give birth to nazism in germany, watch about it now. june 28.
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a month and 3 days after its signing, the light came to light the main result of the first world war, the second world war, it was the treaty of versailles that became one of the main reasons for coming to power nazis in germany. this is a very scary topic, the topic of nazism in the history of europe. because it has not gone away, it is scary because it falls asleep and wakes up, falls asleep and wakes up, depending on a particular political situation, as soon as any economic crisis appears, the problem of lack of resource appears, as soon as the problem of lack of resource appears , then
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the next question appears, then, if there is not enough resource, who to give it to, so the first question is, to whom...
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so that would be, yes, so versailles, well, principle, marshal forsch, ferdinand forsch, he was right when he said that this was not peace, but a truce in the nineteenth year for 20 years, he guessed completely why germany was humiliated, in accordance with the treaty of versailles, germany lost the right to have a regular army, its navy was cut as much as possible, to have submarines. and military aviation was prohibited, an indemnity of 132 billion gold marks was imposed. germany renounced its claims to austria and lost its colonial possessions in africa and the pacific ocean, recognizing the protectorate of france over morocco, but most importantly, germany lost approximately 1/8 of its territory, which
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went mainly to france, belgium, poland, and czechoslovakia. as a result, the population of germany decreased by approximately 7 million people. in addition, germany was losing subsoil and minerals, iron ore, coal and others. the most painful parting for germany was the separation from alsace-lataringia. german nationalists considered alsace and lataringia to be german national territories that had formerly belonged to the holy roman empire. the population, in their opinion, also belonged to the german nation, even if they themselves did not realize it. it is no coincidence that the beginning of the occupation of france by hitler was...
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as a state and in order to demonstrate some kind of foreign policy activity, but at the same time limited, namely, humiliated on all sides, in order to play some significant role, without encountering the restrictions of versailles, versailles- washington world order. another consequence of the treaty of versailles was the formation of nation states. austria-hungary split into two parts, reflected. in its name also czechoslovakia, and bosnia, croatia and slovenia, which left its composition, united with serbia and montenegro, and became yugoslavia.
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poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and finland left the russian empire under the terms of the brest-litovsk treaty. david loyt jordan is an outstanding british statesman, i have already said more than once that before, it was mainly in europe.
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i’m not even talking about the german population of czechoslovakia, because if czechoslovakia, if they were, they would of course be the majority, but since such a people did not arise, then there were the czechs, the second largest people of czechoslovakia are the germans, the state was called czechoslovakia, because the czechs were the first people in number, the second, the second germans, but how... there is no name at all, then the state should have been called czech-germany or czech-german-slovakia, and from the position of the germans
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there it was very difficult, the situation of the germans, well, just hundreds of german schools were closed, dozens german theaters, hundreds of german uh newspapers and magazines, what is this, if this is not national oppression, well, sooner or later it all had to end up in nearby germany.
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she stopped feeling humiliated, and through this she began to act more calmly in the international arena, and if such aggression
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was shown by the german leadership. if it were, then it would not have been directed in the western direction, in relation to the soviet union , taking into account the anti-komist, anti-soviet pathos of nazi ideology, this was quite natural. since the end, especially the 19th century, we we remember very well the largest completely german wars, which allowed germany to increase its potential. also, as we remember, the absolutely wonderful chancellor bismann said that germany needs to expand its space, although he warned against expanding. space is needed anywhere, just not towards russia, because the territories there are too large, it can really be very dangerous, but as we understand, adolf hitler did not take advantage of this point of view of bismarck and violated it, but of course the problem of expanding space, it is always or quite often based precisely on the ideas of nazism, in the conditions of the most severe crisis in germany in the 1920s, of course this big wave
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of revanchism rises and... and after the destruction of the leaders of the communist party, nationalism began to openly develop in germany. the united states and european countries not only turned a blind eye to the formation and rise to power of the nazis in germany, but also supported the fascists financially. absolutely.
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we can definitely say not only that others european countries supported the rise of adolf hitler, including adolf hitler, to power, because hitler began to receive financial assistance from the munich pusch, and we all remember very well that especially the people who are directly involved in this topic, that the assault troops were very well financed consequences, it was not for nothing that such a powerful, completely military fist appeared, which hitler used very competently, but there is still a very important component here, the fact is that in europe from the end. 19th century they began to work most actively and to develop workers' parties, this growth of workers' movements, which demanded attention, which required a very serious change in the position of the working class, a completely different psychology, it frightened the capitalists very seriously, the second task was used by large capitalist countries, including certain industrialists, this settlement is a containment of the working class.
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what adolf hitler essentially did, because part of the working class who were anti-fascist, she was one of the first, which was destroyed as part of the concentration camps. today, in many ways , history is repeating itself: neo-nazi sentiments are becoming popular again in europe, and again the west is turning a blind eye to it. if last time there was a big communist movement, which could have played a role in the balance of power. and...
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by the way, it is important to remember here that after the german democratic republic ceased to exist, in which there was precisely a center of anti-fascism, there is no longer this center of anti-fascism, everyone is anti-fascist, everyone supporters of the communist, socialist idea, who for a long time grew, lived and developed on the territory of the german democratic republic, after the entry of the gdr.


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