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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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the ukrainian armed forces injured 20 civilians the day before; the most powerful strike late in the evening was recorded in gorlovka, nine people were wounded, residential buildings and civilian objects were damaged. in total, the enemy opened fire more than 40 times. thousands of people took to the streets of tel aviv to protest against the israeli government; demonstrators demanded that prime minister benjamin netanyahu agree to a ceasefire with hamas in order to free the hostages. which militants still
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hold in the gaza strip. slogans to hold early elections were also heard at the rally. voting has begun in the second round of parliamentary elections in france. analysts predict a record high turnout of almost 70%. half a million citizens of the fifth republic abroad have already voted via the internet. the national association will predict victory for the right faction. however , it will not receive an absolute majority due to collusion. leftists and supporters of the president. the exit poll will be published at 9 pm moscow time. how many mandates will marine lepine's national association receive ? will power in france ultimately end up in the hands of the right? forecasts in the program france with anastasia popova, second round. watch it now. the first round of elections did not bring any clarity to the political situation.
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whether the national association will be able to gain a majority and win is difficult to say now, the last days of a hectic election campaign with rallies and appearances in the media, but a historical shift is already visible, the french are no longer embarrassed to vote for the far right. predicted by polls, first place - 33%, although they expected more - 36%, this is a lot, but still not enough for absolute majority. however, the trend is obvious. the national association scored in the first round. the last 10 years such power that while previously they enjoyed leadership in several southern constituencies and a little in the north, this year's map shows the scale, absolute dominance, even in corsica. obviously, we cannot agree to enter government if we cannot act. our voters ask us to change our policies; if we cannot change them, we will agree to join the government just to sit in the minister's chair, without having the opportunity.
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the euro is focused on the purchasing power of the french and the improvement of their well-being, tired of the constant need to tighten their belts, pay more for bills and save, people decided to believe it, especially since at the helm is the young, well-spoken jordan bardela, who feels comfortable in this place. my goal is an absolute majority, i call on the french people to remain mobilized and i intend on the basis of this absolute majority.
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votes, but the rest faced political triangle, where three candidates entered the second round at once: the right, the left and the macronists, in about 100 districts the situation will remain this way, for the national unification it is easier, in this case they will only need to win above 35% to get a seat, in in the remaining districts, where there are only... two candidates
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, more than 50% will be required, which means the chances of the rightists are reduced, so we decided to play their opponents, but more on that a little later. this is how the far left celebrated the results of the first round: traditional pogroms in the center of the french the capitals, which store owners and law enforcement officers were preparing for, were covered with display plywood. left-wing youth see the police as an enemy, it is taken for granted to fire fireworks at law enforcement officers and throw stones at them, especially since they are for the right, left-wing rioters set fire to trash cans, motorcycles, then ran away from the sting gas and... turned around from batons, processions in nantes, lyon, caen, few in number but loud. a large rally in paris on the place de la république brought together young people who remembered the policeman who died from a bullet a year ago in the suburbs of the capital, a teenager of algerian origin, who was stopped
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by the police for numerous violations of traffic rules and used weapons, for migrants, for all acceptance, for minorities, for open borders, acceptance of all, all universal social... assistance, the abolition of pension reform, such a left-wing program would cost the budget billions in additional expenses, experts say. let me remind you that we borrow 740 million euros on the market every day. indeed, the program of national unification assumes, i can’t now name the exact figure, a hundred billion additional expenses. national front - 200-250. these programs simply will not be implemented. unfortunately, i think voters are well aware of this . the french have someone to thank for this state of the economy, from which neither macron nor his minister of economy bruno liemer , who was unable to bring russia to its knees, was able to get out. everything could have been done much better, obviously we did a lot to increase wages, but
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disaster struck. i readily admit this. in in 2023, everything fell upon us, incomes fell, we are at the level of 5.5% of gdp. in twenty years we... made the necessary decisions to be at the 5.1% level. in 2027 we will be at the level of 3% within the limits provided by the european commission. this is generally economic nonsense. the minister of economy and finance did everything possible to solve the crisis during the pandemic. thank you, in quotation marks, they say to macron for the state of political chaos into which france plunged exactly before the olympics, after the european elections and after the sudden dissolution of parliament. we risk having an uncontrollable parliament, and i think that the president of the republic should at least take the maximum term of 40 days, because if we rush the elections, if we stir up people, we risk having an uncontrollable parliament, and we will not be able to dissolve him within a year,
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so the rush in the absence of an election campaign is the responsibility of emmanuel macron. his father tried to protect his son from attacks. saying that macron had long complained that the national assembly had become uncontrollable. the decision to dissolve was not a result of the european elections. he already talked to me about this 2 months ago, in fact he believed that the national assembly had become uncontrollable. but macron’s calculation that the presidential movement would receive a majority did not come true. third place - a disastrous 22% loss of a relative majority obliges us to look for compromises. macron ordered a study of each electoral district. see who you can form an alliance with in the presidential camp, where they so vehemently called for voting against the right, and against the left, where over and over again in all interviews they tried to discredit and challenge the program, where they labeled the extreme right, where they threatened so much with civil war, they suddenly changed their shoes. tactical alliance -
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macron announced, promised to withdraw the candidacies of his people where they are third in favor of the left, and the left, in turn, responded in kind, together, drawing votes away from the national unification, named not a single additional vote, not a single additional seat for the national unification . what always worked suddenly, for users of this political technology tool, it malfunctioned. polls showed that voters of the mokronists and leftists did not approve of such a situational alliance.
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3/4, in response to such a demarche from politicians, said that they would no longer listen to their advice on who to vote for. the media, controlled by the president's friends, rushed to save the situation. macron's statement was leaked to the press that he would not work with the left, he would simply use it. we will not lead with an unconquered france. their decision to withdraw their candidacies does not mean that we need to form an alliance with them. they hastened to disavow it. from working with macron, the left, who always called him an arrogant, irresponsible dictator and monarch, agreed for the sake of the seats and will emboss a book-side for the elections. we cannot fight the extreme right, uniting with the macronists, participation in a government of national unity is out of the question. all these chaotic throwings ended with the fact that after long mathematical calculations, 220 representatives of the left and macronists withdrew their candidacies in favor of each other, so that put up a barrier of rights. this is a referendum, do you want the far right to be in power in france, do we want
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our country, the country of hugo, sahl, walter, to be ruled by the lepin family, this is the question that should occupy us today. the stakes today are so high that some people can’t stand their nerves; for example, a supporter of the left, bernard henri lévy, who is called the architect of color revolutions, seems to have become openly delusional due to strong emotions. putin is a russian imperialist, and bardela is putin. i'm willing to bet you that in a few months, just like during brexit, we will learn that russian hackers were extremely active during the election period. such people are usually isolated from society, but so far president macron has been isolated from the french. charlie and bdo publishes a cartoon of a drowning president calling for people to vote. he got so played that he lost all his supporters, writes liberation. speaking of the loneliness of presidents, but over the past 7
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years this elysee tradition has taken on tenfold thanks to the head of state himself. macron's innate personal audacity has become the cast-iron core that pulls him down, because, despite the fact that politics is, of course, a matter of personal ambition and charisma, it is also teamwork, which implies the ability to create an environment. emmanuel macron never considered himself capable of this, as a result he found himself in the center of a storm that he himself provoked, and now, when he turns around, he sees that he is left completely alone. don't vote for the left, urged the head of the ministry of internal affairs, gerald dermanan, who endlessly fights islamists, supports the police in bad neighborhoods, and constantly works to expel illegal migrants. in the movement , macron dryly snapped that it was... his european colleagues for making such
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a vivid advertisement to the far right. i hope that for the sake of france, and also for the sake of europe, yesterday's agreement between the political parties, and above all the mobilization of progressive and republican france , will slow down the far right, as happened in spain a year ago. everything from macron to the eu they distanced themselves, except that the german chancellor scholz sends him rays of support every day, and says that he is keeping a kula for him. we are discussing a situation that is truly depressing. i am keeping my fingers crossed that the french, whom i love and appreciate so much, manage to prevent the emergence of a government led by a right-wing populist party. macron does not leave the elysee palace and racks his brains over strategy; he has not yet come up with anything better than throwing himself into the arms of the left. prime minister otal curtsied to them and said that suspends until the fall the reform to reduce unemployment benefits, for which he was subjected to. we know why he went to
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the national association, because he thought that he would have the position of minister, a car, a driver, flashing lights, this is the dream of his whole life, today we clearly see, he is on duty with marine lepen. eric sjoti did not remain in debt; he promised to initiate the expulsion of bertrand from the party. the french are already dizzy from all these squabbles , unfortunately, people are tired of politics, they no longer believe in it, they fall into extremes, for me it’s the same thing, in both cases it’s really plague and cholera and there’s nothing better here, we’re disappointed, we don’t understand where we’re going. however, the turnout in the first round was surprisingly extremely high, almost 67%, such figures have not been remembered since the year 1981; 35 million french people came to the polling stations. everything will be decided this weekend, the french will elect a new parliament of the country, which will have to coexist with
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the president of the republic, what will emmanuel macron do in this case? interesting question, the results will be announced in sunday evening. just an asterisk, my legs are just numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angionorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of the blood vessel.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. good morning, we are in charge again stories that happened nearby, my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city and this is how our correspondents saw it, we are given water for free, the boiling point
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is how muscovites endure the sizzling heat, i just can’t stand the heat as bad as possible. when it gets cooler in the capital, igor roslavtsev comes out of the woodwork: if you don’t train, you just start to freeze, in general they just shoved an empty frame, the wrong bees, like foreign insects, harm farmers near moscow, they mate with our locals wombs, and is it possible to find justice for the buzzing migrants, they say that their documents are all fine.
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and from where you can bring not only good memories, i saw red spots on my body. it's you? i say: it’s me, how can you prove it? reached out to the stars, just like phone scammers deceive celebrities. i never cease to be amazed at the invention of these people, and is it possible to protect yourself from scammers? irina baranova exposes criminal technologies? that's why the pike is in the river, so that the crucian carp doesn't doze off. and they were dressed in some red clothes. it’s scary, but it stings, who is scaring the residents of a village near moscow? a? that’s how it was, why they are reviving paganism in sergiev posad, the mystical investigation of anna balan, what it is, well, it’s a gate, like a portal, virtual
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space. so, all over moscow, new points of attraction. the most popular places in the area are not shopping; sports centers, as part of a special program in the city, are building or reconstructing sports facilities, sports and recreational complexes, swimming pools, stadiums and multi-disciplinary areas where whole families can come. such facilities are now incredibly in demand, but while shopping centers are sparsely populated, courts and football fields and exercise equipment never are. another sports construction project has been completed in novoperedelkino, we have assessed its scale and significance.
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here now you have everything, a swimming pool, hockey, football, and tennis, you do everything, yes, the new grounds are not empty for a minute, both amateurs and professionals train, after the expansion the sports complex has become even more popular, on these hot days, especially the ice arena is in demand, that's for sure now, it's the coolest and therefore the most comfortable place in all of novoperedelkino, training goes on from morning until late evening, so... now the next one begins. parents of young athletes are pleased not only with the new playgrounds, but also with the special approach to children. i’m delighted, yes, because,
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it seems to me, it’s one of the few complexes that accept young children. we live not far away, it was very convenient for us. we were very glad that the arctic had opened, that we had an ice arena nearby. big sports construction in novoperedelki continues. in novoperedelki we will also set up a budget foresail. money and we are building a sports park, it will also be very nice, so by the end of the year everything will also be ready, so the new renovation will be like a sports area. a family area with a skatepark, small towns, mini-football fields and playgrounds will open in august. large road construction continues in the capital, and perhaps the most significant number of workers with graders, loaders, excavators are now working in new moscow. this area is the youngest in the city . but the largest in area with the largest open spaces, their development, of course, is impossible without new roads. among others, a full-fledged backup
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of the kaluga highway is being built there, which will improve the transport situation for hundreds of thousands of citizens. at what stage of this construction , when will cars start driving on the new road, we assessed the logistics prospects. the outlines of the future twenty-three-kilometer route are clearly visible, some sections are narrower. open for traffic, asphalt was laid on others and lighting systems were installed. the road starts from the tyudchevskaya metro station, it will be completed immediately with a castle and will reach troetsk. hundreds of thousands of drivers are waiting for the opening. yes, it’s good, it’s wonderful that in general we are building wonderful roads in moscow. i hope this road will ease traffic very well. the route will allow residents of vatutinki, troitskaya and sosinovsky settlements to get to the metro much faster. new moscow is developing and being built. 390 km of new road have already been built networks, one of such objects is a backup of the kaluga highway, which is designed to relieve 15 percent of the load on the...
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kievskoe highway. the next twelve-kilometer section of the new route is planned to open in september. for almost the entire week, the moscow region sweltered under unprecedented heat in our area. the last time this happened here was at the end of the 19th century. that is , at least two, or even three generations did not sweat like this. the numerous city pools are crowded. the sellers' ice cream sells out in a matter of minutes. stores barely have time to replenish. soft drinks, on the beaches the rescue of sunbathers is the work of the sunbathers themselves, and weather forecasters promise that on tuesday it will be +30 again, among those tired of the sun was our igor roslavtsev. we came from egypt, and it’s so hot there now, too. words that succinctly describe the situation with the heat from the very beginning of the week on the thermometer for july 30th quickly got a taste and broke the 1917 maximum. this
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weather caused several. emergency, tuesday a gas cylinder exploded on the roof of a regular bus. gas is smoking, maybe again, wednesday, footage of a fire in a cuban restaurant near moscow, a catering outlet is on fire. by the way, the townspeople are warned to be more attentive in this heat to the fast food outlets and the products you buy, it’s +35 on the street, at the market it’s all 40, but there’s cheese and fish on the shelves, and there wasn’t even enough ice here. eggs should be stored in the refrigerator. directed upward, this way not only the road is cooled, but the air heated by the asphalt is cooled. at the request of pedestrians, they even provide showers. sometimes kids jump out onto the sidewalks, point, please. working conditions for thousands of city residents who work outside in the heat have changed. we have breaks, that is, we are given water for free. several pit stops have been opened for capital couriers. it saves, of course,
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thanks to the guys who are standing here, even me. there is a rush at ice cream factories; after all, on average, about a million servings are eaten per day in moscow. the number of shifts has increased, we are now working - including weekends, and working hours have also almost doubled. fortunately for the employees, almost the entire line is automated. this is not ice cream yet, it is a mixture of the main ingredients of milk, sugar syrup and cream. in this vat vanilla is added, then the liquid is sent to the freezers only after. at work, forestry employees also start the watering process this way, thanks to it the soil becomes moist, and this is how peat fires are prevented. there is an entire aeration system under the roots of the trees; more than 70 thousand hectares of forest have already been shed. this is a water outlet valve for supplying water to the pipeline into the channels. those who don't work go to the beach. in this heat of the sand not visible from the number of vacationers. trying
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to hide from the scorching sun. russia, they exist in the form of polyps; they reproduce only when favorable conditions are reached. the species, which is found on the european territory of the russian federation, does not grow large and is not dangerous to humans. friday's hurricane arkhan broke the roof of the elektrozavodsk like a child, a tired toy. and he moved on. here are the shots from the stankin tv tower. the clear sky is obscured by black clouds, the roads have turned into rivers. citizens near underground parking they build barricades from everything they can get their hands on. trees can't handle the wind. the moscow region in these shots shows a house that was carried away from its foundation in ramenskoye. the road near dmitrov was simply washed away. a huge
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failure. solar. went to alternate airfields, those who wanted to fly from this airport in the evening and at night found themselves in huge queues; judging by the online board, they had to wait from 30 minutes to several hours. arkhan was never able to prevent love, because on saturday afternoon in tsaritsino there is a real holiday, they celebrate the day of family, love and fidelity with wife, is this yours? dates, yes, or you could say, yes, a date at home, everyone came with their family, with their husband, with their daughter, very cool, i already wrote down a message for everyone that urgently everyone come here, the day of family, love and fidelity in tsaritsan is there are many small holidays combined into one, there is music, master classes and lectures in tents, a little further on there are sports games for the whole family, and the youngest muscovites can get to know alexander’s fairy tales better.


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