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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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i have earned my life in more than 30 years, what i have is my only asset, these are shares in the plant that i once started in in the eighty-fifth year, from a bankrupt enterprise or a collapsed enterprise, he raised it to its feet, made it profitable, tried to do the same in the city, beautifully, well, just like in a factory.
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according to many townspeople, the ex-mayor did not hesitate to use his official resource. not a single city holiday was complete without the brewery's products; barrels of kvass and foamy drink, as well as mineral water , stood on every corner. in general, everyone was happy, the company made a profit from the sale of goods, and paid for it. all this pleasure administration. ivan klyan himself believes that in his post he did a lot of good for his native and beloved tomsk, which he wrote about in his book. and at the same time, well, i have a controlling stake in the plant, yes, my
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family has more shares there. every year, what was invested in the city, in development. city, well within so modest limits, probably about 50 million rubles. own funds, why do i need these 3 kopecks, that is, you invested 50 million a year in the development of the city, well, what did you spend it on? well, for different things, creating parks, squares, well, for charity, yes, this year you also spent your own money, you bought masks for people, for example, masks, well, from your spouse. as far as i know, she helped hospitals, clinics from gmos, they also spent their own money on the fight against covid, well , as it turns out, yes, as it seemed to us, ivan klein regretted that he had once agreed to become
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the mayor of tomsk. it turns out that you are the third mayor, yes, that’s what they told me when i was elected to this position. the first time they told me then the third will be the third will be yes i said yes, okay no, leave me alone , i won’t take the money, the former mayor of tomsk, alexander makarov, said so, he promised that he would serve the people selflessly, but he ended badly, was convicted, and under klein and under makarov, the main issues in the city were never resolved problems, housing and communal services. transport, there are still many commercial companies and carriers on the streets. what
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amazes me is the transport history, under makarov i would have seen these buses, why couldn’t normal transport be done in the city, why such problems? not we we now i think that we... over the last, probably 2-3 years, we have significantly updated transport, when i arrived, it really was like everything was dead, the equipment was twenty years old, and several times i gathered this entrepreneurial community of carriers, their there were a lot of them, they were all scattered, everyone had their own route there, everything was planned out, all of this, transport, i think we... in the end we will achieve and organize it to the end, and what is the state of your housing and communal services, in which you accepted now, i think, you know, no better than in others cities, a significant part of the urban housing
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stock are old pre-revolutionary buildings, without major repairs, not quite familiar, but for the residents of shpalnaya and stroevaya streets this is a real event, for many years they waited for the opening of a water supply system here, for 5 years they collected water with buckets and carried them home, this won’t happen again, in less than 2 months , 29 water wells were installed here, and
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now water supply can appear in each of the 78 houses, so that everyone can be sure of the quality of the supplied water, ivan klein i tested it personally, and the iron still gives off pipes. however, the residents of the streets are not bothered by the sleeper and construction smell of iron; for them , the most important thing is that there is simply water. hello. the water seems clean, you see, the water seems clean, yes, but when i then go from the sediment, you
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saw what remains in the bucket, and i and i often wash the buckets, because it’s all white, all this, all black, but this is a city, this is not a village, this is a city, in life i realized long ago that there is death, where no one drowns in beer, they always drown in water, such seas are straits, how much harm they cause, it is not beer that destroys people, it is water that destroys people , close relatives of ivan klein have no idea about how tomsk really lives, for example, his daughter svetlana, she owns a large plot on which there is a luxurious mansion, here he is in german style, ivan grigorievich
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agreed on the separation of the plot of his daughter svetlana. this plot is located within the city on a street that has been developed with luxury cottages, here is the plot according to our information. allocated in violation of legal procedures, that is, in tomsk it was the place is called such rublyovka, local rublyovka, well, one of the common places, which can be called local rublyovka, it’s called something, the words of the operative are confirmed by the former chairman of the city audit chamber, because the expensive land was registered by the mayor without going through the official bidding procedure, because the law, and this is a federal law, today it defines and prescribes ... the rule that all land, so to speak, plots, they are all allocated and put up for auction,
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that is, by his decision he could not allocate, this is my point of view, so to speak, i believe that he could not do it and did not have the right, so to speak, for one simple reason, because well, this is a violation of the federal, so to speak, law, according to the former auditor of the tomsk accounts chamber, to ivan klein had other claims related to his work. the investigation will have other episodes in the ivan klein case. when ivan grigorievich
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headed the administration, with one stroke of a feast , construction permits began to be revoked there within six months, just almost en masse all builders in the city of tomsk. a person under the previous mayor receives a permit, klein comes, and the person has already invested 30-50 million there, the permit is taken away from him. and people are still in court. i am sure that now it is very... lining up with statements, with appeals to law enforcement agencies, i think this is not the last episode that we will have to find out there in the near future buvan grigorievich, everyone has stove heating, all these houses have stove heating.
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amazing raw materials, but let’s return to the arrested mayor of tomsk ivan klein, in time of our meeting. the chief complained that in all his years as head of the city, he had never visited the tomsk pre-trial detention center. once in the cell, he was surprised. conditions of detention, the window is broken, the pipes are leaking and humming, in general, the pre-trial detention center room is in urgent need of repairs, now he has experienced for himself what it is like to be arrested. klein will still prove his innocence in court, i
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sincerely really don’t understand, i read.
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our film crew was present during the investigative actions in the mayor's office, here to which we paid attention, ivan klein told us that he does not drink, there is vodka and cognac in his refrigerator, and behind this door there is a large safe in which there were 3 million rubles and unfinished alcohol. an unopened package was left in ivan klein's break room. with the circulation of his book “my destiny to be a tamech”. these copies remained unsigned.
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the ice figures of the international festival crystal tomsk melted last year, and there may not be a new holiday, because the main sponsors are beer baroness galina klein is under investigation in a hospital, and a beer baron, a high-profile criminal case against the head of the city of tomsk, ivan klein, and the mayor’s defense is preparing for trials. in life, i realized long ago that destruction lies, where? no one drowns in beer; they
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always drown in water. rivers and seas, straits, how much harm they cause, it is not beer that destroys people, it is water that destroys people, it is not beer that destroys people, it is water that destroys people, yes, goodbye, inconvenient.
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so we saw the criminal case of the mayor of tomsk ivan klein and found out that the family was hiding in his. favorite pillow, it was ours investigation from the tomsk region, the conclusions were drawn only to you, before the meeting on the rossiya 24 tv channel. on december 30, 2021, the sovetsky district court found the suspended mayor of tomsk ivan klein guilty of
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abuse of office and illegal entrepreneurship. finally , based on the totality of the crime , the punishment will be imprisonment for 2 years and a fine of 200,000 rubles. klein actually served most of this sentence while at the beginning. in a pre-trial detention center, and then under house arrest from oncology. his wife galina, who attacked security forces during a search was also sentenced to two years in prison, albeit suspended with a two-year probationary period. the prosecutor's office of the tomsk region considered the punishment for the former mayor of tomsk too lenient and wanted to tighten it. the state prosecutor brought the said verdict. appeal, in which he pointed out the excessive leniency of the imposed punishment and disagreement with certain conclusions of the court. however, it was not possible to send klein to jail. in turn,
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the defense of the beer baron filed a cassation complaint, in february 2023, the convict was able to give a prepared speech. i am here today to make sure that there is still something to be said for this. death, now another criminal case is being heard in the soviet court of tomsk, the former mayor is accused of abuse of power when accepting
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road repair work. it is worth noting that the head of the first department for the investigation of particularly important cases of the department of the russian claim of the descendant region, sergei arefyev, who spoke in this issue about the criminal case of klein, fell for bribes. a subordinate colonel was handling a criminal case of tax evasion. and reifev allegedly decided to get money from the businessman for closing it. a high-ranking investigator was detained while transferring 42 million rubles. arefiev and his bribe-giver were transported to moscow and arrested. and then, for the sake of objectivity , the process was moved to another region, the kemerovo region. hearings in the case began on august 7, 2023.
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who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out, what fairy tale, without ivan? uh, uh, what started? without deception and without... flint, don’t go to the flint, i was imprisoned, the self-written pen is magical ink, you’ll get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one,
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beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where i have to, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where i need to go, i can’t live without travel. ogniva, the one who doesn’t need a pen, who has ogniva in his pocket, soon, got used to watching videos on the network, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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the russian military destroyed two patriot launchers in the odessa region, as reported by the ministry of defense, and the strike was also carried out by the iskander operational-tactical complex. according to the department, our troops hit the giraffe radar station made in sweden. the equipment was placed in the area of ​​the yuzhnaya settlement. in in the voronezh region, residents of three settlements in the podgorinsky district are being evacuated after an attack by ukrainian drones. local authorities have declared a state of emergency. as the governor of the region, alexander gusev, previously reported, on sunday night air defense forces destroyed several drones.


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