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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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all cosmonauts are members of the scientific and technical councils of all organizations that produce space technology; experiments are being carried out on board the international space station that are very necessary for future flights, for example, on the use of new materials that protect against radiation, for example, self-healing materials that they will definitely come in handy when exploring the moon and flying into deep space, anyone?
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there is an order from the president, we will certainly carry it out, we will submit the national project to a strategic session on july 15, discuss it with the government. of course, i would like to have your support as well. i will appeal to the government for the allocation of additional quotas to support young defense industry workers, this is not very much money, but if it is used correctly, it means a serious increase in personnel retention. today the international program continues.
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following the discussion, the chairman of the state duma instructed the relevant committee to take control of the implementation of the voiced proposals, including in matters of amendments to the budget for space industry. yana dobrovolskaya, nikita kharaskin, vladislav alekseev, duma tv, parliamentary hour. this week the state duma
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made an important decision for the country. russia suspends the participation of the delegation in the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe. deputies supported the statement of the chambers of the federal assembly unanimously. senators made similar decisions. biased discriminatory approaches, double standards, total russophobia and unpreparedness for a substantive discussion, including current security issues indicates extreme degradation. the osce parliamentary assembly, as a mechanism of interstate interaction, is emphasized in the document. the latest point was romania's demonstrative refusal to issue visas to a member of the russian delegation to participate in the annual session of the assembly in bucharest this year. the authors of the initiative recalled. the osce parliamentary assembly today is not concerned with its statutory goals and objectives, but with intrigues, which are also directed against our country. in these
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conditions, it is absolutely correct, timely and justified to make a decision to suspend russian participation in the osce parliamentary assembly at this stage. let us note that russia will stop paying membership fees to the budget of the osce parliamentary assembly. at the same time, the deputies declared their readiness to return to work in the organization. the main condition is a review of it by the leadership and a number of member states. russophobic and discriminatory approaches to solving pressing problems of european security. see the second part of our programs. we remember and are proud that russia and belarus will always unite. in which subjects the unified state exam may no longer be mandatory, as well as our main asset, the secrets of exemplary families and measures to support them.
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a bright program with vivid comments, they are jealous, which means they are closely monitoring, which has time everywhere to notice everything, therefore it will always show about the main events what no one else has seen, putin, when he does not know that he is being filmed, when there is no time, even to have a snack , and even such surprises happen.
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moscow, kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries . we look, we look, in the application or on the website. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in pursuit of views, entire locations are changed.
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beyond its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. you are watching parliamentary hour, we continue. an event that brings together two countries. this week belarus celebrated its eightieth anniversary. liberation from german occupation. on behalf of president vladimir putin, state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin represented russia in minsk. the flight
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from moscow is met at minsk airport by the head of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus, igor sergeenko. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin flew to the capital of the republic on behalf of the president of russia. belarus celebrates the republic's independence day and the eightieth anniversary of liberation from german occupation. words of congratulations from russian leader, vecheslav volodin handed over to the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. aleksanovich, allow me to convey my kindest, warmest congratulations on the main national holiday on behalf of our president, vladimir vladimirovich putin instructed to do this, but of course, the day that unites us all, both citizens of belarus and russia, is the day of the liberation of minsk from the germans -fascist invaders. it is very important for us to remember those who died for our freedom. 80 years ago, the entire multinational soviet people stood up to defend the belarusian land. people, this will always be remembered in the republic, alexander lukashenko emphasized. we in
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belarus have always been committed to what our ancestors did. you will not find a single monument in belarus, even in the smallest village, so that it...
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at home, well, at home products, what kind of products were there, basically, in the village, bread, lard, hanging meats, on foot, we you walked us, there was one accompanying us, a senior one, and sulutsk, on foot, and then smolensk, mogilev, polish lublin, the mangushevsky bridgehead on the vistula, the liberation of europe. seriously injured in leg, hospital and long-awaited victory. this holiday is very big for us, very
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big, both for us and for others. the occupation of the republic lasted 1,100 days; belarus was liberated from the nazis during the offensive operation bakration. soviet troops then inflicted the largest defeat on the german army in the entire military history of germany. the retreating wehrmacht troops almost completely destroyed minsk. here. marshal zhukov described what he saw. the capital of belarus was unrecognizable. for 7 years i commanded a regiment and brigade in minsk. fine knew every street, all the most important buildings - bridges, parks, stadiums and theaters. now everything was in ruins; in place of the residential areas there were vacant lots, covered with piles of broken bricks and debris. the most difficult impressions were made by the people, the residents of minsk, who were extremely exhausted and emaciated.
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more than 6 thousand military personnel from belarus, russia and other cis countries. as part of 29
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ceremonial crews of the mechanized column , 300 units of wheeled and tracked vehicles passed through, including the legendary t-34 victory tanks. the air unit was presented military aviation. almost fifty combat vehicles flew over the heroic city. alexander laktionov, maxim koul, marina morozova, elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. the main parade is ahead: on may 9 we will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the great victory, preserving the memory of the heroes, as vyacheslav volodin said, is the task of our generation. and today, thanks to the law adopted by the state duma, a register of objects dedicated to the events, participants and victims of the great patriotic war is being formed in the country. and municipalities received more opportunities to put these monuments in order. in 1941, there were heavy battles with fascist punitive forces near moscow, when they began to end. cartridges, the commissar of the partisan detachment sergei sontsev gave the order to his fighters to retreat into the forest, he himself remained
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to cover them, he was seriously wounded, he was captured, the nazis brutally tortured him and killed him, without getting a word from him. today the ashes of the hero of the soviet union rest here on patriot square. over time, the marble slabs lost their appearance, cracks appeared, and the paint rubbed off. the monument needs cosmetic repairs. this memorial complex in ruza, near moscow, to the soldiers who fell during the great years. patriotic war, it was last repaired almost 20 years ago, says local administration representative viktor maisienko. large, colossal work was carried out, but i can say that a lot of time was spent to carry out these works, and it took a long time to attract a number of organizations to draw up design documentation, conduct an examination, and find contractors. work. many such military burials and memorials are recognized as objects of cultural heritage,
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so even ordinary painting or facing of paste required a historical and cultural examination, multiple approvals, as well as the search for specialists with the appropriate licenses, and this is time-consuming and most often expensive, especially for small municipalities. the problem is solved by a law adopted by the state duma. cosmetic repairs to a great patriotic war monument can now be done in a simplified manner. preliminary. by notifying the authorities responsible for the protection of the facility. the ministry of culture has established a special procedure for what kind of work can be carried out, cosmetic work can be carried out.
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the fences, without changing the color, were tinted, they took the same paint without changing the shape so that it looked neat, we are talking about all repair work that does not change the appearance of the monument, simple repair work to maintain the monument in normal decent condition, so that the new standards are as soon as possible earned in practice, head of the relevant committee. the duma appealed to the ministry of culture with with a request to promptly adopt by-laws and there the initiative was supported. minor cosmetic repairs will have to comply with all standards for the preservation of cultural heritage, the preservation of the history of the great patriotic war, the great feat of the people in the victory over fascism, our duty to the fatherland and the memory of our ancestors, and the purpose of this
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law is to improve the work of preserving history. the most important advantage. which were appreciated by the municipalities, both ordinary workers and volunteers can now be involved in such repairs, this is fair, absolutely, from the point of view of respect for the memory of those people who defended us during the great patriotic war, i think that, well , simply - each of us would even like to participate in some way, this is not due to any additional financial costs, people are ready to... co-finance such projects, so i think that the same approach needs to be extended to a wider range of monuments that need to be restored, this is due to our spiritual heritage. in russia today there are more than 80 thousand memorial places associated with
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the great patriotic war. next year the country will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the victory, preparing for the big one. the holiday has already begun, and the new law will help in this process. yana dobrovolskaya, maxim koul, elena bogdan, duma tv parliamentary hour. the chairman of the state duma this week worked in his constituency in the saratov region. vyacheslav volodin inspected the completion of the construction of a new cancer center in saratov, which is being prepared for opening. completion of construction, installation and...
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assistance. for the first time in the region there will be two smart operating rooms that allow video recording of the operation with broadcasts for teleconsultation in real time. patients will be able to stay in comfortable one, two or three local wards, with the commissioning of the long-awaited high-tech regional oncology hospital, residents of the region will no longer have to travel to other cities for medical care, as is happening now. the procedure for state final certification of schoolchildren may change. questions. discussed at an extended meeting state duma committee on education. after a number of high-profile cases related to the organization of exams, vyacheslav volodin instructed the relevant committee to monitor the situation. there really were violations during the unified state exam this year, the head of rosobronadzor anzor muzaev confirmed to the deputy. the department has processed more than fifty requests. we operate a hotline every year; any
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student can call there to complain and talk about situations. if. thinks that this is such a story just for show, well, i want you to disappoint, because every, every, every complaint is processed by us, we have weekly operatives based on the results of the exam, personal searches, which schoolchildren complained about in a number of regions, are unacceptable, stressed the head of the state duma committee on education olga kazakova. deputies have prepared a proposal to improve the exam procedure. strict searches of schoolchildren may be prohibited, but calculators and telephones not given on time will not be a reason to remove a student from class. another initiative concerns the unified state examination in the russian language and mathematics. from compulsory, they can become elective subjects. they will only be handed over.
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equal opportunities for all students, regardless of place of residence, social status of parents, that is, we as a state must provide equal conditions for all children, there are more places than the demand for them, the state duma also discussed issues of improving targeted enrollment in universities, applications have been submitted 30 thousand, and the available offers are almost five times more, this is the result of the department’s unsettled work. employers do not receive up-to-date information, state duma deputy irina yarovaya is sure. there is no exact information on how many teachers are currently being trained in specialized universities. difficulties exist in interaction with
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regions for target recruitment. it is important to establish this process as quickly as possible before july 25th. the vice speaker insisted on this at a meeting with relevant departments. we see a serious problem in the fact that there is no correct one at the level of various ministries. shared secrets with my colleague elena zhelnina, how is this possible, and what is your
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answer to this? let's cope, question from peers, to whom vlad will no longer be surprised, how is it possible that besides you there are 10 more children in the family, the child has already had the answer ready for a long time. in this composition we can do everything, each has its own tasks. what are your responsibilities at home in raising, so to speak, the youngest? - i ’m pumping our youngest now. but the labanovs love to have fun together, as much as their large group allows. the father of eleven children, their ages from 7 months to 23 years, admits that his family learned to negotiate long ago. for 24 years the labanovs understood their life together. family is the basis where they will listen, understand, and advise. the most important thing is how to withstand these relationships in the family. respect and love for each other between spouses, husband for wife and wife for
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husband. children were raised in an environment where they revere their parents. look, they honor their parents, because for us these are not empty words, that if you honor your father and mother, then it will be good for you. candidate of pedagogical sciences at one time. the best teacher of the moscow region ilya labanov, his experience, including family experience, is translated into social studies textbooks in a new course on family studies; he is one of the authors. the family must certainly be happy, that’s the whole secret. in the center of the capital, and not only, they are solemnly and kindly called one of the best, families who have something to teach.
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useful work, equal access to recreation for all, concerns disabled children. all these state duma measures have already been adopted, but an even larger list is planned. we have great obligations to
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our young family; only the state is not enough.
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parliamentary hour, see you in a week.
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and we start with news from the ministry of defense. another settlement was liberated in the donetsk people's republic. the center armed forces unit, as a result of active actions, liberated the village of chikari and improved the tactical situation, the ministry of defense reports. the russian military repelled six attacks, and the enemy lost up to 340 soldiers. south group...


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