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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

3:00 pm
behind me you can see the peaceful citizens who constantly live here , looking blue, you can hear the sounds of active battle, there is an attack on ovdeevka, this thin line between war and peace is right here, now you can see with the naked eye, civilians continue to live, already got used to it. although, of course, i don’t know how one can get used to this, but life goes on, let’s hope that very soon the long-awaited peace will come to this long-suffering land, people need to live, many have nowhere to go, they understand this very well, which many are accustomed to, this is where we are.
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the settlement here is constantly under shelling, everyone is walking, peaceful life, i was also surprised by this, that there is practically no such line, it smoothly passes everything, the main thing is to finish it all quickly, so that the city will eventually heal, because the city is beautiful, the city is chic , yes, i’ve been to a lot of places, i really liked donetsk, i’m even considering that maybe someday i’ll move here, vladivostok, volunteer, on january 11 i came myself, so i decided to volunteer, i called, why, well, i , probably not why, as he was considered an armchair expert who lies there watching, and i probably wouldn’t forgive myself if it were for this, i wouldn’t have gone to this war, it’s already addictive, it’s like the sea, the sea pulls in, doesn’t let go, it’s hard to get out , it’s the same here, i even came home for 20 days, it’s like family,
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what’s there, what else do you need, but after 20 days i’m already sad, you can’t find a place for yourself anymore, yes, something like that... something is missing, some kind of drive, these emotions, adrenaline, even now i’m eating on a loaf, all these shelling, and the smile is already stretched, you 'll squeeze it out, there won't be any birds, the weather is on its side, yes, we're coming back here near avdiivka, almost six months later, we were here in february, now in november we're here again, every time, the closer to the front line, the more more exciting. we will hope that everything
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will work out for us, there will be cool shots that you will see, i’m worried, honestly, scary, scary is good, fear is good, of course, why, because then there comes a moment when you are no longer afraid, this is the most dangerous, this is the worst, i think when you already feel that you are... somehow under a spell, nothing bothers you, naturally you relax, you are already walking calmly on the volts, there he stands with this, with an anti-drone gun, let's quickly, now we are approaching the areas that we need to overcome it as quickly as possible, because enemy drones, fpv, drops, all this is not ancient, of course, for us today. goes with the weather,
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low fog, but nevertheless, precautions must be strictly observed, it’s not for nothing that they say that these rules are written in blood.
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occupy more advantageous positions, perhaps finally we will be able to take this avneevka, here you can already see the wounded guys who were dragged from there from the front line, in general there is active combat operations, wow, the adrenaline is just going through the roof, the question is, turn around where we can, set up our station, but it’s useless, what you say we don’t have doctors, how many walkie-talkies we have, one to one. we should at least have one here so that he can reach us, where are you already, you’re not a signalman, i’m not okay, where is the communication center, here’s the repeater, i understand everything, let’s go there, let’s go there, there’s a tv broadcast now, now we’ll wait and go, all.
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let's run, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, if you remember, there is a skeleton over there, yes, where the machine gunner always worked from, you see.
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to finally knock out the enemy from there, just a very active shooting battle, such fire was pouring into the array, so when we heard shooting from our side, everyone went, that is, they exchanged lessons, somewhere nearby, here in general everything is very close, here is the most difficult the gap is from here and run to the trenches, the trenches behind this bridge are another 50 meters, they lay here right in... very they’re good at laying between these bridges, why did they roll up these beams from the timber to hold back the fragments, because in these six months they’ve already been here, they’ve already taught themselves to lay right here in heaps between the bridges, when we came here, they’re not here there was
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nothing at all, for... everything there was no one there, i understood, that is, it was all built under constant plans, plus 150 began to be placed here, there was tin here , there was a lot of trash here during construction, the guys were careful, now they will continue to carry ours out, then treat him with vitamins hand too. upstairs, damn it, you need to get out of there, god forbid, let's go under the bridge, drive the car under the bridge, well, you see,
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they've rebuilt a whole town, come on, you go ahead, first, or let's go, you 'll be the last to go, come on, come on, yes, i 'll go first. we bend down, we bend down, now i’ll give the command, and the cat walks away completely relaxed, oh, war, we have them right in the trenches. before we lived, they picked them up from the dachas, dachas , apparently some lived right in our trenches, well , when will our answer come on, let's go
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now, come on, yeah? it’s better to fall into the mud than to get caught in a teenage fire, of course, i admire these guys every time, i understand that except i’m not a fighter at all, i wouldn’t be able to fight. and these guys do this work every day, difficult, hard, a real hero, all this
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war, all their actions, all their exploits, all for the sake of peace, which will inevitably soon come to this suffering land, russian, russian, these are the dogs war. they’ve been growing for a long time, what kind of call sign does he have, we’ll take it little by little and advance everything, yes, we’ll defeat everyone, we’ll defeat the nazis with this, and that’s all, yes, the art works, it comes in when we’re already starting there. machine guns, when they start working, they don’t raise their heads at all, we’re digging new positions, now we want to go in today,
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60 more people, we’ll go in, we’re veterans, yes veterans, because a shell will hit between the bridges, if anything happens, here, move aside , well, there is good news, the guys are moving forward, little by little, little by little, but these are cigarettes, get ready. we are waiting for your communication, now they will finish their part-time work, i understand everything come on guys, the bird has already thrown it in there, yes , yes, i saw it, don’t go.
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here is our swallow, oh, what did you say, yes, the fort, on this side, that’s what we had, the eighty-second was slightly cut by fragments about two meters from the front wheel, we were at speed, how lucky we were and that side , here, this last one was more than two weeks ago, i was driving in one, i look out the windshield, she’s already coming at me, komikaze, you see him straight, well , that’s it, he’s already there. comes to attack me, i open the door, lunging out, well, i’m rolling, and the car itself
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i move to the side, well, i think, she probably went towards the car, i stand, and she is above me, i fired twice with the pistol, then i think, what am i doing, i’ll hit her right away, she will fall, detonate everything, rise sharply into air, her battery is already running low, she needs to do at least something, she sticks here and doesn’t detonate, that is, she just fell to the side everything, that is, it’s like, this was a year ago, two weeks ago back, i'm lucky to have birds, listen, well, you're saying the most difficult thing, but about the loss of loved ones, well, yes, because that i had already lost many people here, namely those, well, very close ones with whom we began the service, having lost my first loved one there, i just burst into tears. like a child, well, that’s it, apparently, it all accumulated and just exploded, i also took
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a young guy with me, showed him, he looks at me, says: why are you crying, cousin, i didn’t think you could cry , i say, well, somehow everything is like this, well, right to the explosion, everything, and how it reset to zero, and then, that’s it, i had two or three like this times in all this time, but this is mine, i’m on... now you’re already thinking that this will all end sooner or later, what to do next, there is an opinion that like signalmen are so, that is, not warriors, but in fact, you are the same person. constantly, but i believe that the signalman, these are the same intelligence officers, well , yes, maybe you can twist it, the position has been made, the people have been planted, what they need, communications, so the signalman goes there, the signalman walks when it’s light now, the signalman must go, the connection is broken, he's coming anyway, he can wait there for reconnaissance grayness, when it’s night, when the birds don’t
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fly, the signalman goes in any conditions, because there’s no connection, it’s not clear what exactly is there. everything is simple, of course, this is half the battle, as they say, half the battle, half the war, well, these are people’s lives, people’s lives, they worked so actively here, guys, look, the weather has cleared up, the weather has cleared up in general, i say, we left there on time, now we’re on our way to communication to pump it into an artillery piece, or rather, in severnoosiya we saw it, in severnoosiya it was here the other day, we saw it, it was actually a carida with us, we
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we are driving along solidar to the intersection on bakhmut and i see these northern lights, well, well, these are probably ukrainians, some kind of chemical weapon was used, but red, there was no red at all with such stripes, well, how does it happen psychologically, we are going, i i say, we don’t open the windows, we liked everything, my throat, in particular, is starting to feel sore, some tastes have appeared, well, it’s all just chemicals, yes, yes, that’s it, we’ve already grabbed it, as they say, what is this... such a new thing, look , wow, some rays, some red light, their dose, the boys also have something there, some symptoms, the next day we read in the news, northern lights,
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a large gun is a big target for well, this makes sense, because any enemy and all his reconnaissance detection means are aimed at then to detect the weapon. and destroy it, but it looks like we’ve already come to the right place, great, great, great, kuzya, head of communications , veteran, kama, look, those radio stations, yeah, this is for you, you ’ll have this radio station here, you’ll give this radio station, where from?
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you'll need to make adjustments, two spare batteries , yeah, and two charges. report accepted visit address 050 ladder 214 beetle yes visit report. call sign kama why by the way kama surname it all depends on the surname yes how old are you 18 you are 18 now yes that is you consider everything your entire life path so to speak
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more or less conscious in these conditions yes in the war i remember i was 9 and 2 years old did you perceive all this? at a young age, well, it was very scary when they killed children, people, civilians, for no reason, somehow, it was very it’s difficult, now i’ve grown up and decided to go to war, to take revenge for civilians, for children who are not to blame for anything, how the parents reacted, the parents reacted normally with understanding, as if... everyone is obliged to their homeland, well in this case so in general this is your land, it turns out, yes, this is my land, they came here, no one forgot them here, and how do you perceive it, that is, this fine line of war and peace, as... people have been accustomed since the age of fourteen got used to it all, that here it is a peaceful life, now it’s war, 10 km is already the front line, people are ready for this
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got used to it since the fourteenth year, partos, partos kamu, partos communications, ready to accept installations, sight 412, 412, sight 412 41. level 30 0 30 0 level 30 0 30 protractor on the main 4393 protractor protractor 4393 4393 yes 06 050 forest line 214 point to report get involved visit report well, emotions , that is, here it’s kind of necessary to push them further away from avdeevka, this is the most important thing so that they don’t beat the civilian population.
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that's it, a gift to the sky,
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quickly! everyone is ready to move forward and not take a step back. unfortunately, your friend died, did you come together? yes, he served for two weeks, died, too? yes, also an artilleryman. well, at first , yes. he also speaks with understanding, he says, after two or three losses there he already says, you stop being friends, that is, you didn’t get attached, you can’t get attached here,
3:24 pm
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3:28 pm
yeah, that’s how many wounds i received, in what direction, avgeevko, mine, yaga threw it, if it weren’t for the bag of canned food, i probably wouldn’t be here, i just want to get warm and sleep now, well now there’s not much left here, you can’t sleep on avdeevka, i understand, yes, it’s fun there, it’s fun there, in quotes, everything is clear, the legs are very very cold, that's all.
3:29 pm
only at the front, in the avgeevsky direction , ours have some successes, everything that is possible begins to fly around donetsk, they feel as if their, as if this is the outcome, the end, that soon they will have to leave this fortified area, they begin to to take revenge, everything in a row, everything in a row flies there, unfortunately, our employees are dying, in the near future the last one, our team was injured,
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the driver died, unfortunately, this is how we generally consider people not involved in the work of the ambulance, but in fact all carrying a medical team the driver, the cars are driven by the driver, the stretcher is taken out by the driver, and the driver brings us all the wounded. the brigade just stood there, they didn’t even participate.


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