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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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not only is it one of the most challenging , exciting races in the world, but it is also a testing ground for factory teams. what has proven itself under these conditions will be reliable in mass production. the head of avtovaz, maxim sokolov, visited the rally camp in gornoaltaisk and announced the release of a new niva this year. if the race is successful, and for now the team is moving in accordance with the given plan, otherwise at the end of this year production will begin in a small series - okay. sport niva with a new engine, 1.6 engine, volume and with a power of 122 horsepower, the race for us is a litmos test, based on the results of which we will check to what extent our engineers, designers, and technologists have created a new powertrain for the niva legenda car and niva travel cars. the fourth stage of the international rally marathon will be the last on russian territory, after the breathtaking special stage, silk, not only from the beauty, but also from the high mountains. the path
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will go to mongolia. stas ridikultsev, ivan lavrikov and karen melikyan, news from gornoaltaisk. for the first time on screens, meet. on avita, on avito. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba has so much to offer. from cabinets to auto products on avito. business needs acceleration. exactly! open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly! vtb we help with action! 7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, because heptral is active from the first week of use. the liver is tired, it’s time for hyptral. order from pharmacies plus. in the whirlwind of life: successes, failures, hope fills you with viblanch, in the rhythm of the worker there are many tasks, your break fills the viclanch. remember what
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they told you when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank you get up to 10% cashback on a business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies on avito work. you will find not just a job, but your place. this is not mating season for parrots. this is a promotional code for 100% cashback from island. book a hotel apartment, participate. both on filming and in life, my
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wardrobe is my calling card, i tried an innovative gel for washing llamas, it not only removes dirt, but keeps the structure of the fabric soft and delicate, i have a lot of things, i wash my favorite with gel - llamas, llamas - careful cleanliness, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can at 20, open a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can open a deposit in different banks at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, all drills, paints, mops, everything for the home, dacha, construction and repairs for all, tadam, you don’t eat mayonnaise, now i do, because i love to cook, i created a new brand. pure mayonnaise
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without sugar, without vinegar without starch, it is just as tasty, pure mayonnaise, bright taste, more benefits, lift 52 cleanses, restores, protects the liver, lift 52 is an expert in cleansing and restoring the liver, just like you, great, but save up for a subscription vtb savings account, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%, vtb, together everything will work out. sign up for a sberp subscription, more cashback categories to choose from, access to vokka films and tv series and music in sound, and cashback up to 70% in the sber megamarket is more profitable with prime. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7.
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in russia there will be a single sample of a certificate confirming the status of many. the procedure for issuing the document will be determined at the regional level, it will be issued in paper form, and later in electronic form, families will be able to use it to receive regional support measures in their region and federal benefits throughout russia, for example, when visiting cultural or leisure institutions. valid certificates will be reissued, including without application . 3.7 billion rubles. for the construction of infrastructure facilities. the bulk of the funds will go to the construction of medical institutions, a multidisciplinary medical center, hospitals, including children's. we continue to help the regions so that
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living conditions in each of them become more comfortable, so that people receive quality medical care, modern education, had the opportunity to play sports, visit cultural... enterprises, this task is among the priorities for the government, the president paid special attention to this. the government will also allocate more than 2.4 billion rubles. to support the kherson region. the funds will be used to ensure priority and socially significant expenditure obligations in the region in the second half of 2024. we are also talking about salaries for public sector employees. and social payments to citizens. a series of strategic meetings took place at the government coordination center. sessions dedicated to national projects. thus
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, it is planned to include 10 federal projects in the national project for new nuclear and energy technologies. their implementation will contribute to russia’s entry into the top ten leading countries in the world in terms of the volume of science. research and development work, and support for solar and wind generation, technology and production of energy storage systems will also continue. the government will also support projects in the field of lng, oil and gas and electricity. the objectives of the national project will include new materials and chemistry include support for the development of the chemical industry. in the first five months of 2024, production grew by more than 6%. another federal project is aimed at finding rare and rare earth metals, as well as other raw materials for the new economy. within its framework, it is planned to launch investment projects for full-cycle production from raw materials to high-tech goods. over sixty new products will be created,
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and more than fifteen new production facilities will begin operating. also, thanks to the development of production of composite materials, it is planned develop and implement about twenty promising products. the main task of the national project new health saving technologies is the introduction of new medical technologies, assistance in conducting clinical research trials with subsequent registration and launch on the market of promising methods for diagnosing and treating drugs and medical products. the new national project will include five federal projects, their implementation will increase the share of domestic production in the field of vitally important essential medicines. 90%, according to medical products up to 40%.
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moisturizes, nourishes hair from the inside, without gray hair, palette is your best choice of color, on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7, our new name is tebank, when opening a business you need to think through everything, i have such a fitness club open here, you’ll get pumped up, implement everything you’ve planned! and tebank business will provide reliable and convenient tools for starting your business. register your business with tebank and receive 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. when you live at x2 speed, not sparing your stomach, duspatalen duo from pain and bloating. you are not alone, we are a duo. duspatalin duo. order from pharmacies plus. sensoy sensoy sensoy this is what asian
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9:43 pm
on june 28, 199, the treaty of versailles was signed, ending the first world war. in the parisian press it was very aptly dubbed the exchange on which entente shares were traded.
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this is a very scary topic, the theme of nazism in history of europe, because it has not gone away, it is scary because it falls asleep and wakes up, falls asleep and wakes up, depending on a particular political situation. as soon as any economic crisis appears, the problem of lack of resource appears, as soon as the problem of lack of resource appears, then the next question appears, and then if there is not enough resource, to whom should it be given, so the first question is, who should distribute the resource that is to whom? , the second question is where to get additional resources, here are two key ones moment, if you need to take an additional resource, you need a very strong war, well, the germans experienced it.
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germany renounced its claim to austria and lost its colonial possessions in africa and the pacific ocean, recognized france's protectorate over morocco, but most importantly, germany lost approximately 1/8 of its territory, which went mainly to france.
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another consequence of the treaty of versailles was the formation of nation states. austria-hungary split into two parts, reflected in its name and czechoslovakia, and bosnia, croatia and slovenia, which left it, united with serbia and montenegro, and became yugoslavia. from the russian empire, under the terms of bres.
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european design, i would say that empires were called prisons of peoples, these traditional prisons of peoples, austria-hungary, the russian empire, germany, as they called them, they were destroyed, instead of them republics arose with punishment cells for peoples, with a very tough regime content, you cannot, you know, seriously build a national state in which you have a state national, therefore... there is, everyone should belong to this nation, but you have half or a third of the population there, or more than a third of the population does not belong to this nation, and what about assimilation or displacement with them, well, it’s sooner or later it must end badly, i’m not even talking about the german population of czechoslovakia, because if
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there were czechoslovakia, if they existed, they would of course be the majority, but because.
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which ranged from 96% in different regions to 80-85 - this is a fairly high percentage, he declared the implementation of the principle national justice, well, if you like, the nation’s right to self-determination, yes, but he didn’t set such a task for himself, for him it was simply an instrument for the destruction of czechoslovakia, and then its seizure, as... the event showed, he didn’t just want to to implement the principle of one people, one state, one leader, he wanted to completely destroy czechoslovakia, which he did already in
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1939. britain believed that this genie could be kept in the bottle through a restrained policy, through limited concessions that the british elites were willing to allow hitler to turn a blind eye to individual violations of the treaty of versailles for. so that germany would cease to feel humiliated, and through this would begin to act more calmly in the international arena, and if such aggression on the part of the german leadership were to manifest itself, it would not be directed in the western direction, in relation to the soviet union, taking into account the anti-communist , anti-soviet, pathos of nazi ideology, this was quite natural, since the end, especially the 19th century, we have perfectly...
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the situation was completely unsuitable for politicians who were intent on revenge, the seizure of territory, so the nationalists turned out to be more active, they turned out to be more
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rapid in their desires, in their potentials, but in addition, the communists at that time, if we are talking, for example, about confrontation with the kke party, the german communist party inzdab, the communists were not ready for the harsh destruction of their opponents, and after the destruction of the leaders of the communist party, the national. the us and european countries not only turned a blind eye on the formation and rise to power of the nazis in germany, but also supported the fascists financially. absolutely unequivocally, we can say not only that other european countries supported the rise, including adolf hitler, to power, because hitler began to receive financial assistance from the munich pusch, and we all remember very well that especially people who directly . deal with this topic, that the assault troops were very well funded in the aftermath, it was not for nothing that such a powerful, completely military fist, which hitler
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used very competently, but there is still a very important component here, the fact is that in europe, from the end of the 19th century , workers' parties began to work and develop most actively, this is the growth of workers' movements, which demanded attention, which demanded a very serious change in the position of the working class, a completely different... psychology, he frightened the capitalists very seriously, the second task, which was used by large capitalist countries, including certain industrialists, is settling the containment of the working class, which adolf hitler essentially did, because part of the working class who were anti-fascist, they were one of the first to be destroyed as part of the concentration camps, today in many ways history is repeating itself, they are becoming popular again in europe neo-nazi sentiments in the west are again turning a blind eye to this. if last time there was a big
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communist movement, which could. play in the balance of power, played in the balance of power, including including in europe, then today in europe neo-fascism is clearly emerging, that’s the second question, what will be the balance, what kind of organization could be the balance today, work out in balance logic, and we see that in europe today there is the second such powerful confrontation , powerful, which would could really say, definitely not. by the way, it is important to remember here that after the german democratic republic ceased to exist, in which there was precisely a center of anti-fascism, greater than this center of anti-fascism no, all anti-fascists, all supporters of the communist socialist idea, who grew up, lived and developed for a long time on the territory of the german
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democratic republic, after the gdr joined the federal republic of germany, they were very seriously persecuted as part of the federal republic of germany, therefore, when we talk about opposing fascism today, this neo-fascism, then we sadly think about who will do this, because anti-fascism in europe today is represented in very small numbers, this is today's history, it is seriously different from the history of the previous one era.
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who are you? i'm a traveler. but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in your pocket, soon, got used to watching videos on the network, stopped working, install, open,
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watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
10:00 pm
in st. petersburg and the leningrad region cyclone delia passed through. at least three people were injured. the rain flooded the streets and passages. in some areas, rainfall cannot cope and even spontaneous fountains create powerful flows. this is a feature of st. petersburg. according to weather forecasters.


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