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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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engine, a 1.6 engine with a capacity of 122 horsepower, the race for us is a litmos test, based on the results of which we will check to what extent our engineers, designers, and technologists have created a new powertrain for the niva legend car and niva travel cars. the fourth stage of the international rally marathon will be the last on russian territory; after a breathtaking special stage not only from the beauty, but also from the high mountains, the silk road will go to mongolia. ivan lavrikov and karen melikyan, news from gornoaltaisk. a lot of things can be confused, but with elections. in
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thermal insulation, you can't go wrong. pinoplex boards provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, this is not a business at all. but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong. continue. alfabank has the best program. loyalty for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank and receive up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. for the first time on screens, welcome. on avita, on avita. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba so much. from cabinets to auto products on avito. magnet. sausage sausages will help
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1299 magnet - the price is what you need, this is not the opening of the swimming season, this is a promotional code for one hundred percent cashback from the island, book a hotel and apartment, take part in the draw, your business needs acceleration, use instant transfers for business from vtb and the money will immediately go to ... open a current account at and your business will gain momentum. vtb helps with action. all saws, mixes, shovels. everything for home, cottage, construction and repair. for all instruments. in mvidio eldorado. amazing benefits when purchasing equipment as a set. built-in dishwasher mide for only 23.999.
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he’s the only one that we bring from travel with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel, everything will go as booked, with cashback, bonuses, 7 days fly by unnoticed... for the liver, because
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hyptral is active from the first week of use, the liver is tired, it’s time for hyptral, order from pharmacies plus, in life’s whirlwind of successes, failures, hope fills you with wiggle, in the rhythm of a worker there are many tasks, your break is filled with piclunch, meat sauce, satisfying hot, fills you with meat and noodles, warm sunset over the roofs of the dachas, life is filled with joy with viklunch, wtb. how do you like the class, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. vtb, together, everything will work out. mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies on avito work. you will find not just a job, but your place.
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in russia there will be a single sample of a certificate confirming the status of with many children. the procedure for issuing a document will be determined at the regional level; it will be issued in paper form, and in the future also in electronic form. families will be able to use it to receive regional support measures in their region and federal benefits throughout russia, for example, when visiting cultural or leisure institutions. current certificates will be reissued, including without application.
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such a task is a priority for the government, the president paid special attention to this, and the government will also send more 2.4 billion rubles to support the kherson region, the funds will be used to ensure the region’s priority and socially significant spending obligations in the second half of 2024, including salaries for public sector employees. and social payments to citizens. a series of strategic sessions dedicated to national projects were held at the government coordination center. thus
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, it is planned to include 10 federal projects in the national project for new nuclear and energy technologies. their implementation will contribute to russia’s entry into the top ten leading countries in the world in terms of scientific output. research and development work, will also continue to support solar and wind generation, technologies and production of energy storage systems, and the government will also support projects in the field of lng, oil and gas and power generation. the objectives of the national project for new materials and chemistry will include supporting the development of the chemical industry. in the first 5 months of 2024, production grew by more than 6%. another federal project is aimed at searching for rare and rare earth metals, as well as other raw materials for the new economy. within its framework, it is planned to launch investment projects for full-cycle production from raw materials to high-tech goods. over sixty new products will be created,
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and more than fifteen new production facilities will begin operating. also, thanks to the development of the production of composite materials, it is planned to develop and introduce about twenty promising products. the main objective of the national project is new health saving technologies - the introduction of new medical technologies, assistance in conducting clinical research trials, with subsequent registration and launch of promising diagnostic and treatment methods, drugs, and meta-products on the market. the new national project will include five federal projects, their implementation will increase the share of domestic production in the field of vital essential medicines to... for medical devices to 40%.
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your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. this is not ogan straus. this is a promotional code for 100% cashback from ostrovok. book a hotel apartment take part in the draw. sensoy (sensoy) sensoy, this is how asian taste sounds, both on set and in life, my wardrobe is my calling card, i tried an innovative llama washing gel, it not only removes dirt, but keeps the structure of the fabric soft and delicate, i have a lot i wash my favorite things with gel - lam, lam - gentle cleanliness. attacking credit card debt? i ’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all
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credit card debts on one bank, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. for the first time on screens, welcome. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7 khvatamba for so many things, from cabinets to cars. cashback on air tickets up to 30%. buy profitably in the bank app or on the alfa
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travel website. not just profitable, alpha profitable. department of general physics and condensed matter physics , faculty of physics, moscow state university, laboratory of tunnel research. here we were helped to see liquid helium, which is impossible to see in nature; it has a low index refraction. and here we have a unique opportunity to see this liquid helium in double glass. this means that our inner dewar is filled with liquid helium and is surrounded on the outside. pillow, just below the solenoid level; if you look closely, you can see the level of liquid helium in the distance. liquid helium,
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liquid oxygen, low temperature physics, the sphere of scientific interests of the great soviet scientist, nobel laureate pyotr kopitsa. gels in their natural state are a light inert gas. here at the department , liquid helium is obtained from this gas at low temperatures. temperatures. the equipment that kopitsa used no longer remains. gaseous gels are too expensive to... release into the atmosphere, it goes around in circles, here it is collected, purified, cooled for reuse in low-temperature equipment, these are purification blocks of the mid-20th century, the difference is visible with modern ones. at the beginning of the 20th century, scientists obtained liquid hydrogen. in 1908 , kamerling ones was awarded the nobel prize for the liquefaction of helium. the experiments lasted for decades, physicists lowered the pressure and temperature.
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gel through narrow slits and gave an explanation, he conducted experiments on the flow of this very thing , said that friction disappeared, liquid, any liquid flows with friction,
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he is sent to rutherford in cambridge for an internship. the letter to rutherford was written by the father of soviet physicist abram ofe. the great rutherfort dealt with radioactivity, alpha particles, alpha decay. at first, he was not going to take a young soviet scientist into his laboratory. again , a story, i don’t know whether it’s true or not, that... in response to this i asked him: please tell me what is the accuracy of your experiments? well, he answers: 10%. tell me, how many employees do you have in your laboratory? well, 30 people, well, 30 or 31 - this is a difference of less than 10%, you won’t even notice this difference. the difference was very noticeable because copizza proved that he is an extremely effective creative
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scientist. well, the research that he did was... of course, and rutherford understood this, they became very great friends, on a personal level, in fact, kopitsa gave rutherford the nickname "cracker". from research of alpha particles peter kopitsa in the cambridge laboratory moved on to studying changes in the properties of materials in various magnetic fields. he was an engineering genius and came up with a variety of experimental setups. so he made machines to produce super-strong magnetic fields. this was already quantum mechanics, studying... patterns at the atomic level in isolated atoms of solids. in order for the experiments to be error-free, it was necessary to decrease the temperature as the magnetic field increased. so kopitsa came to low temperature physics. meanwhile, the soviet union began to
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implement the second five-year plan. in germany, hitler comes to power, and there is a sense of the inevitability of war in the air. in the country of the soviets , there is literally a need for a breakthrough in industry, science, talented scientists are needed, amateur footage shows cambridge, the young sons of pyotr kopitsa, he married a second time, but the scientist’s fate was already decided, no one was interested in his own opinion, he arrived at thirty fourth year, it was a personal visit, besides he participated in the work of the mendeleev congress, if i’m not mistaken, well, at the end somewhere in september.
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according to legend, rutherford said that these installations would not work without a lance, and he could not accumulate without these machines, but it is also known that the ussr paid 30,000 pounds sterling for this equipment. it was a time when... when physics began to acquire industrial proportions, laboratories turned into factories, a graduate of the kopitsa polytechnic institute came to science from engineering, he felt the demands modern time before others, and became a pioneer in the introduction of powerful machines in laboratories. an institute of physical problems was built for him on vorobyovy gory. this is his brainchild. he
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needed co-authors, colleagues. and in the spring of 1939 he appeals to the head of state with a request to release lev landau. he offers to take him on bail, vouches for him. in the same way , he asks for the release of the outstanding theoretical physicist vladimir fok from prison. those who knew koptitsa personally say, after.
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piston expander for obtaining liquid gel. in 1942, in kazan, the institute of physical problems was evacuated there, and a turbo-oxygen installation was made. all work was classified. the installation was called object number one. it produced up to 200 kg of liquid oxygen per hour, and the front really needed it for explosives, for high-strength tank steel, and for medicine. object number two was already producing liquid oxygen . times more, he became the most powerful installation of this kind in the world, and koptitsa was awarded the stalin prize, but then thunder struck, the scientist was not afraid of open clashes with
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lavrentiy beria, as they would now say, the country's chief manager. beria entrusted the management of the atomic project to kurchatova kopitsa, but soon removed kopitsa. then the academician and the order bearer were removed from the post of director of the heads of oxygen, and then the institute of physical problems. others would have been trampled by this disgrace, but... it doesn’t accumulate, he is actually locked in his dacha, but continues to do science in makeshift conditions. the second most important task of his life is the training of scientific personnel, and he begins to do this as fundamentally and talentedly as science. the moscow institute of physics and technology has three founding fathers, all academicians and a nobel laureate - landao, semenov and kopitsa. but it was pyotr leonidovich kopitsa who came up with the idea, the concept of creating this university. he outlined it in a letter to stalin.
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in fact, all the teaching of physics in the form in which it was in those years, in the form in which it exists now, is the result of his
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efforts; in the 21st century, mipt students are well prepared and motivated, a course of project activities has been introduced, where instead of standard laboratory work requires solving non-standard problems; a well-known phenomenon on baikal at the end of summer is the following phenomenon: a canoe lies on the ice. after discovering what happiness is, it is very difficult to say, but it is very pleasant when your steps are appreciated and recognized as significant.
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also left their mark on science, andrei was an outstanding geographer, the whole country knew sergei, he was a physicist and a talented popularizer of science, the permanent presenter of the obvious, incredible program. for the anniversary of pyotr kapitsa, mipt published a course of his lectures and they proposed to name one of the streets after the long-lasting name of the great physicist, teacher, nobel laureate, pyotr leonidovich kopitsa.
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hello, on the air of the russia tv channel, big sunday news, in the studio evgeniy popov, today on the program. just like that, imagine, meter by meter, attack from the tunnel, only we have the details of the unique operation of the veteran assault brigade, in
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the report by sergei zenin. evgeniy poddubny about reconnaissance work in the kharkov direction, how they managed to destroy 11 ukrainian combat aircraft in a week. with what orban flew to putin in the kremlin? the positions of the two sides are very far from each other. new details of the peace mission of the hungarian prime minister. moscow proposed. not any pause. russia stands for a complete and final end to the conflict. rat marathon. democrats against biden. how i kicked this old worthless pile of junk. who stayed with joe besides the wife of the drug addict's son? why the largest sponsors.


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