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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the former president sleeps and sees how to regain his office at the bank, he would definitely find a way to influence his proteges. in reality , everything is much simpler: in ukraine , the decision of the constitutional court of may 15, 2014 is already in force . here it is. the court ruled on the provisions of article 103 of the constitution of ukraine and other articles. do not contain norms establishing a term other than five years for which citizens can elect the head of state, period, in simple words, the president of ukraine exercises his powers for exactly 5 years, the decision was made immediately by the new ukrainian government after the armed coup of 2014, in order to prevent... poroshenko, and he
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insured himself as best he could, tried to kill the ousted head of state yanukovych after the motorcade was shelled, rescued and taken to russia by our special forces, intimidated supporters, yanukovych still had a lot of them in eastern ukraine in crimea, givnyuk, finally severely limited it.
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with change for criticism of zelensky and ermak. there is no need to look for complex answers to a simple question: why did zelensky suddenly talk about a possible peace? it's quite simple. the first is negative successes at the front, the second is growing dissatisfaction with the authorities due to a whole range of factors. war, corruption, tariffs, unemployment, energy supply and more. third , there is a crisis of the legitimacy of power. the powers of the president are over, the powers of the rada are coming to an end. fourth, trump's likely victory in the united states. fifth - weakening support in the eu. that is, the authorities are no longer on the crest of the wave that samaya dispersed, but underneath it and are forced to quickly rush to the shore in order to try to end the war on their own terms, and not on instructions from the outside, or, even worse, in result of defeat. however, i do not believe that the crown will allow zelensky to take real steps to achieve peace. rather, with the help of tame media, crowbars and barbershop warriors, an artificial gap will be created between those who are for peace and who are for it.
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the best forces at the disposal of the kiev regime, in recent weeks, have significantly strengthened the group with reserves,
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the fighters of the russian army continue to dominate the battlefield, maintain the stability of the defense, the enemy succeeds at the cost of significant losses, here is an example of how successfully they work here... reconnaissance and strike complexes, specialists managed to intercept a picture from a reconnaissance drone formed by the kiev regime. as a result , detailed visual information was obtained about the enemy uav command post. here you can clearly see the landing point of the drone, and this is a shelter. additional reconnaissance determined that on the outskirts of the forest belt in the leptsov area there are not only militants of the kiev regime conducting reconnaissance, but also crews. artillery was brought in, and as a result of a quick strike, the enemy’s cover was hit, and this this means that the command in this area has gone blind, and the level of impact on our infantry
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from fpv drones has decreased, at least for some time. such targeted strikes cause serious damage to enemy forces and problems with aerial reconnaissance. even for a short time, even on a narrow sector of the front, they influence the position of the enemy infantry and significantly increase the capabilities of our soldiers. reconnaissance is now one of the main factors for successful operations in combat, visual information, it is supplemented by a radio-electronic layer, intelligence data, supplemented by observations of fighters on the line of combat contact, all this...
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a working electronic warfare station, crews of the irbis radar station are working here in the kharkov direction, the new complex allows you to determine the coordinates of enemy fire weapons to a depth of 150 km, and this is when interacting with artillery units, aviation, and loitering ammunition operators, allows for the introduction of effective counter-battery warfare. a useful thing because we determine the nature of the goals and our implementation.
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for several days now, here the hunt is going on, even for single militants of the kiev regime, the fire is adjusted, of course, in the old fashioned way, from the ground, the fighters are in close proximity to enemy units, and after a fire defeat they immediately enter the territory that was just a minute ago the enemy was controlling, he went, i see, i see him, i’m watching too, beautiful, the nature of combat operations changes at night: there are fewer fpv drones in the sky, more drones with thermal imaging cameras, at night
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there are more movements, attempts to rotate units, evacuation of the wounded. now the enemy mainly uses rocket systems to strike the territory of the belgorod region. to shoot down in the sky over the region, while in order not to fall under return fire, the formation of the kiev... regime is hidden by the rocket launchers and crews themselves in residential areas of kharkov, they use social facilities, parking lots of shopping centers, residential buildings, garages of enterprises, in fact , now western military experts and the kiev regime are provoking the russian army to attack kharkov, and so the kiev regime has been doing special military operations since the first day. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news, kharkov direction. on us independence day, july 4, zelensky
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gave biden a song. everything, as in a joke, of all types of flattery, i love the rude one. the ukrainian armed forces perform the american anthem. in the frame , a capsar in a military uniform is creaking the melody of john stafford smith on a bandura. it looks pitiful when the vssushniki sing without a spark. zelensky is simultaneously seeking a meeting with trump to discuss his unenviable fate. bye on the day of the main national holiday, the current president of the united states does not receive many postcards from the colony. elections are close. the ground is burning underfoot. biden admits he screwed up.
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the president, at a pre-election meeting with democratic governors, said that he was canceling all meetings after 20:00 in order to get more sleep, the democratic governors were disappointed. biden is asked to leave. abigail disney of the famous disney dynasty stops funding the democratic party as long as joe is a candidate. i intend to stop all donations party until they replace biden. this is realism, not disrespect. biden is a good man and has served his
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country admirably, but the stakes are too high. the owner of netflix, the largest online movie theater in the world, reed hastings, is looking for an energetic candidate. hastings is the most important link in the company, netflix has an audience of 200 million subscribers, but most importantly, it is the largest sponsor. according to the new york times, the entrepreneur has already transferred $20 million to the democratic party. need to step aside to allow an energetic democratic leader defeat trump and keep us safe and prosperous. agencies uncover a conspiracy; at least 25 congressmen and democrats are preparing a letter to the president asking him to withdraw from the race. along with the presidential elections , elections to the house of representatives will also be held on november 5. with a locomotive like biden, the democratic candidates are doomed. nobel laureate in economics.
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despite his failure in the debate, only if the same small group of loyal people who ensured his participation in the election suddenly and shockingly decides that it's time for him to drop out of the race, why it matters, dr. jill biden, his younger sister valerie biden and the eighty-five-year-old, longtime friend , the president's permanent adviser, as well as a small group of white house advisers,
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praise a child for learning a nursery rhyme. joe, you did such a great job, you answered everything.
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50% of respondents would support the candidacy of michelle obama; in this case , 39% are ready to vote for trump. at the same time, the former first lady said back in april that she had no plans to run for president. like ex first lady michelle obama has already said several times in recent years that she will not run for president. mrs. obama is supporting the campaign of president joe biden and vice president kamala harris. by friday, biden himself seemed to have come to life, shook off the burden of shame and said three times: he is not going anywhere, he intends to defeat trump, he is absolutely ready for the second round of debates, and in general he rules the world. the first round was called an episode. it was an unpleasant episode, no signs of a serious
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condition, i was exhausted, i did not listen to your instincts in terms of preparation. democrats rushed to refute the version about family influence; jel biden’s former press secretary, michael lorosa, in an interview with fox, said that joe biden has been in politics for 47 years, and always decides everything himself. they don't live in each other's shadow, if biden decided he didn't want to be president again and run again, she would be the first to get into her car and race towards the beach, never to return.
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i would expect nothing less, neither from her, nor from him, nor from the whole family, than to support his decision. trump understands that he has put the democrats on the ropes. on thursday, all these videos seemed to have been secretly filmed on a phone. a republican in all white, wearing a golf cart, casually hands someone a tip, simultaneously mocking biden. i wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an episode of what’s called a controlled leak of the republican headquarters. america will not bury the hatchet. russia for the united states is a strategic adversary,
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a geopolitical enemy. this term was carved into granite by a republican and a candidate. abc channel, which was supposed to save joe biden after his failure at the debate, lasted a little over 20 minutes. the orange president is generously covered with self-tanning to hide the pallor of his face, although it is no longer possible to hide biden’s condition, no matter how hard the make-up artists try, however, and there is apparently no force that can force him to give up his presidential ambitions. i convinced myself of two things:
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i was the most qualified person to defeat trump. i know how to achieve this result. if you are convinced that you cannot beat donald trump, you will drop out of the race. it depends if the lord the almighty will come down and tell me this. i might do that. the creator, as best he could, gave biden signs, for example, when on july 4 he took the president to the balcony of the white house to watch the fireworks in a jacket stained with food. biden tried to cleanse himself by hiding behind his grandchildren. but this did not help to launder the reputation of a man incapable of ruling the country. almost 80% of americans are confident that their president is not ready for a second term and expected that on the day of independence and freedom... biden will free america from itself america celebrated its 248th independence day on mixed feelings, on the one hand, the president assures that only he can now save
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democracy, on the other, the whole country secretly expected that on july 4 biden would stop clinging to power and announce his withdrawal from the election race, and looking at the chaos in which it turned out that the white house, and the current administration, the entire political system of america, the current celebrations in washington this... evening were more reminiscent not of a festive fireworks display, but of a fire in an ammunition depot. for almost a week after the failure at the debate, biden’s entourage frantically decided what to do next. delegations at various levels came to the white house to see biden in person and then tell the press that he was ready to go all the way. but the president himself remained silent, only in the middle of the week, when the degree of uncertainty reached its peak. the biden team, with their eyes closed, takes a step into the abyss and the president.
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now every public event of biden is examined under a microscope, for some he is late by an hour, like this meeting with supporters in wisconsin, for others he habitually gets lost. and even in a staged radio interview.
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it makes me sad that he can't even understand the fact that people have questions for him. he was asked about his willingness to take
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a cognitive test, and he replies that he takes it every day. yes, that may be true, but 75% of americans think he fails this test. after the debate, even those who knew everything but remained silent began to speak. here is the guru of american journalism, carl bernstein, one of those. who once dug up materials for the watergate scandal, claims that the speech at the debate is far from an isolated episode, as biden justifies, everything has been very bad with the us president for the last year and a half. people very close to biden claim that what we saw at the debate is not an isolated incident. over the past year and a half, there have been 15-20 more episodes when the president behaved much the same way as on this terrible show. that is, all this time america has been deceiving itself, as if a week ago no one suspected that anything was wrong with biden. they tried to avoid obvious problems in the president’s behavior
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notice, but now it turns out... that this biden team was deceiving the public into thinking that the president was healthy and full of strength. most americans have concluded that biden is old, that he has been suffering from some kind of neurodegenerative disease for a long time, and the white house and the media are hiding this. i think political president biden is as dead as fried chicken. what is biden himself thinking about as he runs for a second term, which, if he holds out, will end when he is 86 years old. the question that worries many people now is sounds like this: can you work effectively for the next four years, george, i am the one who brought nato together, no one thought that i could expand it, i am the one who stopped putin, no one thought that this could happen, biden will have to prove his competence to the us military allies next week, when the anniversary
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nato summit begins in washington. it should be hosted by the leader of the free world, and not a lame duck, but biden’s failure at the debate has already scared europe. the washington post, citing sources overseas report that even the day before in italy, biden’s behavior came as a real shock to european leaders. during the group of seven summit in italy last month, a number of european leaders were taken aback by biden's apparent behavior, according to four people who had direct contact with several of the leaders. the leaders noticed that. some said that it was difficult to hear him, because of this he was periodically asked to speak louder. three eyewitnesses also noted that the president sometimes lost his mind during conversation, although he quickly remembered what was discussed. a black mark for biden could be the meeting with zelensky planned on the sidelines of the nato summit, during which washington is expected to announce new measures to strengthen ukrainian air defense. the day before , defense minister umerov flew to the united states from kiev;
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zelensky will once again be pointed out to corruption as the main obstacle to joining the alliance. ukraine will be told that it is too corrupt to join nato, which will be a serious blow to zelensky. will require additional steps from kyiv, before membership talks begin, a senior us state department official said. the position will be set out in writing in a nato communication, which will be signed at the alliance's annual summit on july 9. washington’s european policy, including the injection of billions into ukraine, with the current president may not survive the american elections at all, as the political publication reports, if donald trump wins the elections, he is preparing for a nato revolution, except
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for the refusal of guarantees. dangers for countries who spend less than 2% of gdp on defense, his plan calls for an agreement with russia not to expand nato eastward, especially into ukraine and georgia. as part of a previously unreported plan for ukraine, the presumptive gop nominee is considering a deal under which nato would commit not to expand eastward, particularly into ukraine and georgia, and is negotiating with russian president vladimir putin about how much moscow can preserve ukrainian territory. from his post, the head of state is not subject to prosecution for actions committed by him in an official capacity, but still has immunity, that is, even after leaving his capacity, but can be tried as a private person, where the border will be decided in each individual case, but trump’s lawyers have already taken advantage of the moment and launched a
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review procedure a guilty verdict in... stubborn biden is dragging the entire party down and now the congressional elections, which will also take place in november of this year, are under threat. why not make way for someone younger, mr. president, there is a succession plan any ceo.


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