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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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big sunday news is on the air and we continue: on wednesday a grandiose military parade took place in minsk on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. on july 3, the republic celebrates independence day. russia was represented at the belarusian celebrations by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin and defense minister andrei belousov. minsk, hero city.
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they are often compared to the american rszzo haiers and not in favor of the latter. shown are advanced russian combat vehicles, iskander m missile systems, with a poisonous emphasis yellow radiation hazard sign, an obvious signal. s-400 triumph attack drones giran-2. russian aerobatic teams, russian knights, took to the skies. and swifts from belarus, our correspondent, anastasia sokhovskaya. korot under the state flag of the republic of belarus. smyrna, to meet on the right nakra. beauty in clarity, harmony in symbolism under the song “my native land” brings the flag of the republic of belarus, in the palette of which there is green peace, ornaments, national traditions, red, the struggle for independence, victory. for belarusians this is inseparable, and banner the group stands at the head of the log in front of
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the standards of the fronts, three belarusian and the first baltic. breeds, be equal! the only post-soviet republic that celebrates independence day on the most important historical date, this year ’s anniversary is everywhere, the number of 80 formations is formed by a company of honor guard, the youngest participants in the suvorov parade are also 80, they open the procession, this is a tradition, they walk past the stands, where the most honored guests , veterans. fyodor feshchenko received the order of the patriotic war for operation bogration, memory generations. and i saw the sea, the sea of ​​my successors, the younger generation. we rejoice, rejoice with everyone else and are confident that what we have won is in good hands. the drumbeat sets the pace of the columns stretching for several kilometers, the stands are full, specially built along the central streets, all the surrounding sidewalks are from... minsk, of course, really
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missed the parades, the last time the procession was held in 2020. the parades in minsk mark the anniversary of the great victory or military dates are important, this march is perhaps the largest, more than 300 units of equipment and 500 military personnel, a distinctive feature, front-line parade crews and historical authentic banners of the troops that were part of the fronts that liberated belarus. the column of equipment is led by the t-34 in the formation of this calculation historically. true, in the most difficult days of the war , a company of medium tanks, namely seven combat vehicles, were the first to break into the outskirts of minsk, which lay in ruins. next comes the modern military force, the pride of the belarusian military industry, elegant in its power, the polones multiple launch rocket systems. the batteries contain two launchers of eight surface-to-surface missiles capable of hitting 300 km. one of the divisions is now ready to complete this task in 20 minutes with a full bake.
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that the level of defense capability of our alliance is higher than ever, and this is a guarantee that our voice, the voice of allies and partners, which sounds in defense of a multipolar, just world, will be heard. president commander-in-chief alexander lukashenko in military uniform receives the parade standing, paying honor and tribute to the soldiers, the powerful foreign premiere of iskander m, who russia recently handed over to belarus, with unsurpassed combat characteristics and
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a maximum destruction range of up to 500 km. the complexes are capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear missiles. on board vehicles, a radiation hazard sign is an unambiguous signal to those who. point-blank does not see the determination of the union state to defend its borders to defend common interests and the common sky in the ranks of the s-300 favorite and s-400 triumph anti-aircraft missile systems, also delivered to belarus from russia, air fighters in modern conflicts, attack drones, a new development of the belarusian geranium, on the tail of the drone you can see the inscription “nomad”. uavs are capable of carrying a warhead weighing up to 52 kg. powerful armored vehicles, tigers. caymans, which don’t even need a road, and light maneuverable dragons, bogatyr, belgrade multiple launch rocket systems, tornadoes, hurricanes, artillery, mortars and howitzers, all types of modern weapons, of course, all types and types of troops. foreign troops from
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russia, china, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan are in service, parade a sign of the power of strategic partnership then and now. belarus was liberated by representatives of all soviet republics, of which the prc was an ally. western countries are in every possible way condoning the provisional government of ukraine in the widespread imposition of nazism, in its most acute manifestations, and are making every effort to distort the historical truth. together we will continue to defend the truth. about our common past, the common past is the foundation of the sovereign present, about this vyacheslav volodin, he heads the most a representative russian delegation watches the parade along with the top leadership of the republic. the world was liberated from fascism, so this holiday should be for every european country.
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some politicians simply have no conscience left. here, but we need to remind and say how it all ends. the calibrated step of the system is like a ruler - it’s just very beautiful. how gracefully women military personnel walk, there are more than 400 of them in the belusian army in all types of troops, including landing and reconnaissance, they definitely have a lot of stamina, they rehearsed in the rain such that almost nothing was visible, but it was still heard, on a holiday, the weather did not disappoint and the spectators were turned by the aces of the union state, they were also preparing, taking off over the minsk sea, rehearsing over the city at an altitude of only 150 m, combat helicopters and attack aircraft, the latest... minsk from the cockpit, a fantastic perspective and what distinguishes belarus is the peaceful part of the parade, which even makes you smile, but
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this is what the troops are for, so that belaz and equipment from the minsk tractor plant are marching in the capital to build the third metro line and belarus preparing the next cosmonaut for the flight , final parade parade, honorary company. july 3 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the soviet writer, participant in the great patriotic war vladimir bogomolov, the brightest representative of lieutenant prose, whose works formed the basis of soviet ones. the action of the novel takes place in belarus immediately after its liberation from the nazis 80 years ago. this was already the second
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attempt to film the novel. the first, practically filmed film was destroyed in 1975 by mosfi’s decision. bogomolov was never a member of the writers' union and never aspired to get there, did not pursue fame, prizes and state awards. descriptor and front-line soldier, whose view of the war was tough, but extremely honest, ilya filippov. he left his descendants with novels and stories, which many consider the best works about the war, but left almost nothing about himself. vladimir bogomolov, writer, recluse, just a few photographs and no creative ones. meetings with readers, and even more so television interviews, his first story ivan, published in the znamya magazine in fifty-seventh, filmed by andrei torkovsky, calling the picture ivanov’s childhood, i did not meet the author, but in our film group i felt some kind of anxiety about the communication
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of our authors, antarkovsky and konchalovsky, the authors of the script, with the author of the story, they whispered about this, about that , that there are some... problems there, this is my first film, or something like a youthful work, it is connected with my childhood, the heroes of this film, well, those... at my age they witnessed the war, they understood a lot about it, everything i'll run away from yours suvorovsky, ran away from his orphanage, i’ll run away from suvorovsky, think, in the movie in the book the little hero was obsessed with the fight against the invaders, but in the story ivan, a convinced soldier, a little intelligence officer, inscribed in the atmosphere of war, in the movie a boy with a heart scorched by the war, this footage from the venice film festival,
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torkovsky was very nervous, and somehow at the door we met with the author, with bogomololov, this was a meeting, he didn’t tell me anything, he stood up like that, looked at me and just put his hand on my head, like that spent. as a result, it was not indicated in the picture surname bogomolov. from the first days of the war, vladimir osipovich himself, then under the name vaitinsky, signed up as a volunteer and was shell-shocked near moscow in 1941. crossed the dnieper in forty-three, liberated ukraine, belarus, poland, military
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counterintelligence in smersh, was transferred by the fall of '44, hence one of the names of the famous novel, in august forty-four, initially, the moment of truth, a novel that was republished many times, his tried to film it in '75, again the author came into conflict with the director, the film closed, although bogomololov only asked not to be included in the credits again, another attempt in 2000. he reacted very harshly. to some of my amateurish proposals, for example, i suggested to him, i say, what if olekhin, he is the captain, he is the leader of this group, consisting of three people, why does he wear a cap, the whole film i wear a cap, we all, he commander, he must wear a cap, a blue cap, he says: you are a fool, this is death, they are like mice in the forest, you can’t see them, they go so that no one, and you with a blue cap, lukashenko gave us troops, troops, these are real and free for cinema, and... it is important that we are walking in a truck, there is an endless stream of helmets, helmets, helmets, mantis was angry, but
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what helmets in august in the heat on the march, every line, every comma in the novel was carefully verified and suffered personally, but bogomolov’s prose is appreciated, the text of the transcripts in the novel raised questions from the competent authorities, where did you get the secret documents, they were just reliably invented, and the reliability of the scarecrow, the youth magazine delayed publication bogomolov, the text was studied by generals from various departments. soviet literature should depict only positive phenomena.
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does the cache itself mean little? we need agents, alive, we need the moment of truth, a military operation most often produces corpses. well, that’s what he did all the time, that’s how he did it, when i asked him a question, he kept thinking and thinking and that means he didn’t answer.
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in moscow at vdnkh today, tomorrow is the last days of the grand exhibition of the russia forum. after 8 months of work with unprecedented interest visitors, the exhibition ends. during this time, it was visited by more than 18 million people. the forum russia exhibition is among the ten most visited places on the planet. olga armyakova
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will sum up the results. this is our land, this is our history, these are our achievements. russia, russia is us, in bright voices and faces, in smiles and thoughtful looks, bright, multifaceted, one such, seemingly well-known, at the same time unknown, russia, an exhibition that has become a reflection of a large country. everything is so beautiful, everything is so soulful. all that remains is be proud. and this is perhaps the main point of the exhibition. it was created to show the most important achievements over the past few years. each region here told about itself. about the glorious past, about the tangible present and about plans for the future. we are moving on, now the chelyabinsk region is the center of industrial robot technology, every tenth drone is now produced in ludmurt, in the moscow region money is made out of thin air and that means diamonds are mined. governors became tour guides at their stands; you can see the city itself,
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take a boat ride. many people go to dagestan to study that rich natural resource. where are we flying? we are flying over ulyanovsk. they expertly told us how the region lives and even showed us in national costumes when welcoming guests. there is nothing like this anywhere else on the planet, in terms of the scale of the plan, so that everything is in one place at once, the country in all its glory. from the polar latitudes to the caucasus mountains, from primorye to the baltic, 1/6 of the land, travel. which begins at this point, pavilion 75, is the heart of russia, a bright kaleidoscope of centuries-old traditions, original rituals of the ancient epic, all our property and now the legacy of the exhibition, the guests of which were over 18 million people, and this is every eighth resident of russia, i just looked at the world rankings of the most
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visited places in the world, the russian exhibition, from the first day, and the exhibition opened in november last year in national unity day until the official closing this saturday. a line of people is an endless stream and such a picture is at the russia exhibition almost every day. here it is, nationwide love and popularity, which seems to have exceeded all expectations. and this is already a new record: over 200 thousand
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visitors in one day. even foreigners come to see here. there were all sorts of delegations here. within a short period of time we will be able to restore the economic and political potential of donbass and lugansk region and return the good old name of the industrial heart of russia. the exhibition has been running for 8 months , 248 days, and it would seem that during this time everything can be seen, although the scope is such from atoms to space that you can’t get around the pavilions in a week, but it’s not even a matter of scale,
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the exhibition is constantly updated, anew painting an image of the country. 7% felt like part of a great country, which is why it was decided to extend the exhibition, interest did not fade, 500 excursions daily, plus master classes, film screenings, concerts and even... weddings: we first thought about a wedding when we walked in moscow last summer at vdnkh they jokingly dreamed that it would be nice to have a wedding in moscow. so the russia exhibition
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became part of the family history of a wedding in the traditions of the komi people. and sergey soli from sektavkar became husband and wife at vdnkh, like almost 300 other loving couples. perhaps the best the results of the year of the family, which was also launched here, lighting up a huge heart. about their work informally, here each ministry and department reported to the coordination center of the government, this is its branch at vdnkh, the cabinet of ministers held meetings discussing national development goals, state corporations, large companies presented their projects, from the icebreaker fleet to the long-term savings program, science, industry , education, all the experience of different industries and new knowledge in lectures, i came and i was so interested that i... didn’t even i want to leave here, but the exhibition is still finishing its work, part of the exposition will disperse to the regions, however, this is only the end of the first chapter, the second will begin very soon, in a new place,
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a national center russia will appear at the moscow expo, it will show what opportunities for every resident of our country has development. olga armyakova, maria dementieva, yana streblyanskaya and arthur mailyan, vesti. about the most popular television broadcast of the past week. became the main holiday of russian graduates, scarlet sails, which took place in st. petersburg. by according to the mediascoup company, the total audience of the live broadcast of the grandiose show on tv channels russia, fifth, rn and first, amounted to 9 million people, this does not count the internet and hundreds of thousands of lucky people who saw everything with their own eyes. scarlet and sails, one of the most titled holidays in the world, winner of four awards at once, the global and ventex awards, a kind of festival
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oscars, the show captivates no matter where you look, from the embankments of the water surface of the neva or even st. petersburg roofs, such as here illuminations, laser effects. of the main ones that unite the young generation of the country, not only st. petersburg, but all russian graduates, used to enjoy
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the stunning beauty of the main water facade in the world, and there is nothing like it on the neva anywhere else, thousands of tourists from the scandinavian countries neighboring st. petersburg, finland, came together. a fascinating television picture was shown by the largest television channels. now there is an unspoken ban on broadcasting the holiday and showing any materials. also a non-commissioned officer's widow for me.
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sailboat built from oak and siberian larch, miraculously avoided bankruptcy, sale at a bargain price, and likely being sent for firewood. apparently, without us , the economic model would not have developed, both for brig tre kroner and for the entire scandinavian and european economy. this is symptomatic of the whole of scandinavia, since they were once proud of their economic model. now, like all europeans, they borrow from each other to maintain their pants. the swedish three crowns were eventually saved out of pity by a local benefactor.
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and we have our own. a handsome sailboat, the organizers of the bank russia holiday accepted the decision to purchase it in 2018, in the nineteenth year he first tried on the scarlet sails specially made for him. the whole of st. petersburg is a concert hall, trastral columns are burning, velenchilists and a guitarist are on the roof of the hermitage. drummers beat the pulse of the city, this is how the heart of every graduate beats in anticipation of a miracle. the troitsky bridge turns into a fiery waterfall, sending out falling sails for the celebration. a fantastic sight, brik russia seems to be accompanied by dolphins. love me
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love. spreads its wings and the palace bridge, and under the fireworks the brik enters a large field, the most romantic night gave new dreams and... and sails, warmth, lights, loved ones nearby and a show that is the envy of the whole world, a symbol that life will be full and bright when the music and fireworks fade away, the embankments continue to chant the name of their country. beautiful.
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russia will fully provide itself with medicines and medical products, responding to western sanctions against the most sensitive sectors of the economy. national project new technologies, health savings, which at the beginning of the week discussed at the strategic session of the government in the next 5 years, will significantly reduce dependence on foreign supplies. so far, only every third package of medicines
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is domestically produced, their share of the total. the number of medicines sold is 63%. separate article: drugs for the treatment of children with severe and rare diseases. created by decision of the president, the circle of good foundation will receive almost 25 billion rubles for the purchase of expensive rehabilitation medications. the program will develop. annually almost 118 million people receive medical care in the country. the mechanism will have to be formed within 5 years. promotion right up to implementation so that people can receive new solutions as quickly as possible, and , accordingly, medical care to ensure the development of 25 gene therapy drugs and pernicified cell products, as well as 11 products based on artificial intelligence. as for the production base, during the period of the national project it is expected to increase the share of domestic production in the sphere of vital required essential medicines up to 90%. for medical products
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up to 40%, which in turn will contribute to the formation of technological sovereignty in the field of pharmacy and medical industry. big sunday news is on the air and further in our program. macron must bow down and admit defeat. shock victory for the left in france. who will now govern the nuclear fifth republic? report by anastasia popova from paris. details of a unique attack from a tunnel behind enemy lines, how a detachment of veterans took a large stronghold for which fighters are nominated for the title of heroes, only here. ulyanovsk region, how the legendary loaf is made, why simbirs is not only the birthplace of lenin, but also the letter y.


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