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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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up to 90% for medical products up to 40%, which in turn will contribute to the formation of technological sovereignty in the field of pharmacy and medical industry. big sunday news is on air and further in our program. macron must bow down and admit defeat: a shock victory for the left in france, who will now rule the nuclear fifth republic, reporting by anastasia popova from. paris, details of a unique attack from a tunnel behind enemy lines, how a detachment of veterans took a large stronghold for which the fighters are presented to the ranks of heroes only with us. ulyanovsk region, how the legendary loaf is made, why simbirs is not only the birthplace of lenin, but also the letter y.
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and breaking news from france. prime minister attal announced that he would resign following the results of the second round of parliamentary elections. the president must bow down and admit defeat, this is jean luc milanchon's first statement after his sensational victory. the government will be formed by the left, a new popular front. macron lost despite a deal with the left against the right, the macronists in second place. forecast associated. the press coverage of the first
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right-wing government in france since the nazi occupation did not come true; the right-wing lepines only won bronze, with twice as many seats as in the previous composition of the national assembly. which party or coalition will govern a nuclear power? will macron be able to stay in the elysee palace? will paris' crazy approach to relations with russia change over the conflict in ukraine? here's what i wrote on this topic. winner of parliamentary elections. direct military confrontation between paris and moscow will lead to the total destruction of france. all government allies distanced themselves from macron's announcement of sending troops to ukraine. our own correspondent, anastasia popova, is observing the shocking election results and political earthquake in the fifth republic. nobody expected this. it seemed that even the left could not believe their eyes when they were there.
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excluded, demanded first of all the resignation of gabriel attal, promised to cancel most of the controversial reforms, which for seven years had led to the life of macron's movement. i salute the strength and mobilization of millions of french people who helped us achieve this result. i congratulate all of our candidates who went door to door and interacted with every voter. to convince, it is possible to achieve a result, we have achieved our goal, the national unification is far from the absolute majority, which all the media have been talking about throughout the week. i appeal to the president of the republic, we refuse to negotiate with his party, which has introduced anti-social policies. we won't give it to him
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trust of our voters. the new popular front is ready to rule the country, the unification of leftist forces is a historical moment for our country, for our europe. prepares less frequently for the announcement of the results of the second round of parliamentary elections. the champs elysees is already blocked, there are a lot of police officers, there are even military men, the owners of expensive boutiques are covering their facades, buildings and shop windows with special plywood, waiting for the arrival of the rioters. but in the end, instead of them , cars hum on the champs elysees, the left celebrates that they have defeated not only the right, but also president. for manuel macron, the dissolution of parliament resulted in the loss of a relative majority. the president lost the bet, so he doesn't celebrate. he voted immediately. went here to the elysee palace, where he gathered the core of his movement, including prime minister gabriel ottal. not present, except perhaps the minister of the interior, gerald dermanan, who understood everything in advance and admitted that he was thinking about leaving his post after the elections to take up other projects. however, he still follows the meetings at the champs elysees via video conference.
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prime minister atali was entrusted with speaking to the french. journalists are wondering whether he will resign immediately or decide to stay for now, but in this case he risks immediately receiving a vote of mistrust. yes, there may be instability, there are a number of scenarios that could happen after the elections. we can only guess how the government will be formed, this is mainly what worries me, i don’t know if the national assembly will be able to work effectively. nothing will change in a year, there will be demonstrations everywhere. they will destroy everything. macron asked the french to speak out and called for the formation of a republican front, a barrier to prevent the far right from coming to power. and it worked. the turnout is a record since 1981, even higher than in the first round, over 67%. the presidential movement has about
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150 seats. the national association, unexpectedly for commentators, is the third. i want to thank everyone who voted for the national union and its allies, all patriots. who expressed their opinion. we stood up to the bullying and disinformation campaigns perpetrated by our opponents. however, we achieved the most important result in history. in any case , president macron must appoint a new prime minister, but on tuesday he is leaving the country for the united states for the nato summit. will be away for several days. 2/3 of the country's population demanded from him changes, a change in the current course. behind-the-scenes negotiations will begin in the coming days as party leaders try to form alliances to... lead paris, france. now unique footage
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from the donetsk front. our military correspondent sergei zenin visited a three-kilometer tunnel. secretly dug by a volunteer assault force of veterans. for their daring operation and courage , the veterans were presented with state awards; two presentations of the names of the heroes of russia were sent to moscow. we only have the details of the feat. military ingenuity works in absolutely any conditions on the front line directly in the trench and here in the rear during... preparation for departure, what is it called? this is called a selfie stick, made from an ordinary kitchen grip, this is such a wonderful thing, the recording is in progress, we are now going out on an atv with a spray can, so i even tied a stick to my hand, but
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you never know, we’ll fly off it, we’ll go straight to the front line, well, there are no other options, to show you what... a miracle the veteran brigade performed directly behind enemy lines, everyone hoped. and his skill, driving the atv, the distance to this black smoke is getting smaller and smaller, brother, what do you think, how long is it here, somewhere around 700-800 m, 700-800 m, our artillery shells are landing, assaults.
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the same tunnel that veteran soldiers and commanders of the assault brigade dug for several months after dismounting from an atv we are moving quickly, the sky is full of enemy copters, we are hiding from them under an old water pipe, he is all too sure, it’s hot... dashing literally heats up the body, you really want to rip off your armored helmet, but
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you can’t, the water poured under the body armor saves you from heatstroke, yes, these are the exits, this is our art, somewhere running, somewhere in polish, we finally get to the point where the assault began, these shots were taken by guys from the night wolves unit, they not only helped correct the actions of the assault... the coffin, but delivered precise strikes to positions the enemy with our combat drones. this is how it happened. suddenly, in one second, unexpectedly for the enemy, several hundred veterans of the assault brigade emerged from the ground, dispersed, and began capturing the fortified area. it’s important to always see for yourself, feel for yourself and touch for yourself. until recently, more precisely, right before this report, everyone called it a pipe,
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the assault brigade, veterans, walked along the pipe behind enemy lines and unexpectedly attacked the enemy, guys, it’s not a pipe, you see how mosquitoes fly in the dampness, that’s all handles, with a pickaxe, a shovel, for several kilometers. the old-fashioned tactics work with a bang, you know
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what’s surprising, because among the stormtroopers, among the commanders of the veteran brigade there is not a single miner, although the donbass land, the shakhterskaya land, and as they learned, are former tax police officers, teachers, businessmen, quite rich people , like... the courage shown, he was also nominated by cambrig for the title of hero of russia, he accomplished
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the impossible, he hasn’t left the front yet, he’s still in a fighting mood, well, after all, at least he has some kind of dream now, except in order to move forward and crush the enemy, well , yes, you have to get into the shower, just wash your face, at least wash your face, not wipe it, but wash it. with soap and water, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, that's what people go through, what, what, what do they endure on their character? yes, war is not only a waste of time, it’s a battle of character, it’s not difficult to shoot, but what, by the way, is the most difficult thing, but it’s difficult to survive all this mentally, not to break down, everyone thinks the same thing, they took a machine gun at night, pulled the trigger that’s it, well, there’s no
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pickaxe, to start shooting, you still have to get there, to go out, to work, that... nothing had happened yet, when they were digging, when there were already meters left before them, these were the sensations, remember, this was the thought, it was constantly scary, and it was scary not only against, the fact that it will all collapse, and we will have to dig again, the whale invited us to visit, these are several more passages through tunnels and open areas, again copters, again we are hiding, one tracked us even in shelter, but missed, there is, and there is smoke, hit into an open field, a cumulative charge, the temperature is enormous, 20 meters from us instantly the grass and earth flared up to disappear from
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the enemy’s field of view, we again move through the tunnel, there is a life of our own here, that’s what the soul is. the strongest, brave, because you are now where it is very touching, our dear soldier, you are very, where it is very scary, you know that we believe in you, touching to the point of tears, honestly , at... that home is in his location, you feel calm, although this is the closest thing to the front, but we are underground, now inaccessible either by a kamikaza drone or an enemy shell. in violation of all our rules, i after all, i was temporarily freed from the helmet and body armor, because guys, i’ll tell you
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honestly, this watch doesn’t lie, it means 12.5 km, but that’s a lot when you’re wearing a body armor, a helmet, you’re working, you’re somewhere you run, sometimes crawl, sometimes goose-step, why am i saying all this, not to brag at all, but to the fact that well, just imagine for a second, the guys are in full combat gear, and the machine gunner is carrying plus 30 kilos , so they purred by these...
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she is called among the common people among the fighters as baba yaga, baba yaga is capable of a lot, a lot of nasty things, here there are special clothespins for resetting, and it can drag up to six and 120 minutes, well , in fact, it’s easy to destroy a building, baba yaga
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got tangled up somewhere in the wires, so they brought her here, the most amazing thing is this here is the antenna. and this antenna has direct communication with satellites, with satellites, of course, american ones, and the coordinates of targets are entered here from satellites, but ukraine has no satellites, who is fighting with us, it’s clear, yes, the name is written on the ukrainian body armor: the owner is alive and well, fate brought us together in a few hours. here, now there are several dozen of them, those who were smart enough to surrender in time and do not resist the assault brigade are veterans. they allowed me to talk to two of them, so now we’ll talk and find out what they were counting on. reznik sergei vasilievich, who left his bulletproof vest on the front line. i got to the front straight
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from the street, went to the store to buy bread, and there the ukrainian military registration and enlistment office grabbed it. he shares his impressions of the work of our attack aircraft, pours out the defamations of our army and says hello home. that is, you you didn’t even have time to figure it out, or what? i didn’t have time to fight, i didn’t offer resistance during the assault, that’s why my opinion is still alive, that it’s kind of destroying the ukrainian nation, that’s my
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opinion, i hate it, these authorities, whatever power comes, damn it, they’re all against the people, not five stars, of course, it’s a bit cramped, but they have all the conditions, we have a kitchen, we have a gas stove, we have our own cook, he... refused an interview, he believes that he has done too little so far to brag about. the marine infantry and his subordinates at headquarters are in constant contact with assault troops and artillery. walkie-talkies are not fall silent, the attack aircraft do not stop. and yet a beginning has been made, it remains. only together with other units of the russian ministry of defense can we develop this success. one of the soldiers of the separate volunteer assault brigade
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of the ministry of defense, veterans. call sign spray, presented for the title of hero of russia. what dream? so that there is a peaceful sky, only this. are you sure about this? certainly. what is the civic dream? no civic dream. when this is all over, i will think about it later, now there is no civilian dreams, maybe i wanted to convey something there, i don’t know, hello home, for example, yes, i love my wife, old alexandra alexandrovna, children, sister, mother, brother, nephews, that’s it, i don’t have anyone else, i love you very much, sergey zenin, ruslan abubekerov, inna kazantseva and veronika magazeyshchikova, host donbass. in the year of the family, russia tv channel announces the launch of a large-scale project, family of families, which is dedicated to the unique family
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experience of multinational russia. tomorrow july 8th is the all-russian day of family, love and fidelity, the family of families project begins accepting applications for participation in the creation of a large documentary film in which the whole country will see what a family is. vgtrk branches for several years. they will spend months filming a story about the most diverse and interesting families in their regions; the most striking and inspiring stories will become the basis for creating a documentary film. the host and author of the family of families project will be maria sittel, tv presenter of the vesti and mother of many children program. the main idea of ​​our project is to invite everyone to participate, all those people who love their family and... who are ready to share their story in front of the whole country, so that they become participants in the creation of this multifaceted image of the russian family, who we are, what
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we are for, what we have, where we should go further?
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this year marks 100 years since. it was here that the famous loaf rolled off the assembly line almost 60 years ago; in the early eighties, the unique heavy transport aircraft an-124 ruslan took to the skies. what else is the ulyanovsk region famous for? report by maxim kiselev. dear
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passengers, our ship stayed in the city of ulyanovsk until 1924, which bore the name sibirsk. his two names divide history into eras, which in one city are linked like two banks by this bridge, once the longest in europe, it appeared during the years of great changes, exploring behind them the moment of the former nikolaev century of crossing freedom, now. vet with the name given at birth. the construction of the imperial bridge was personally supervised by stolypin, understanding how important it was to connect the two banks of the great river in this place, then there is essentially east and west of russia. this decision determined the fate of the city for all time. within a quarter of a century, the unique ulyanovsk transport hub will play its debut major role, when in 1941 it will receive a dozen and a half
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factories evacuated from the west of the country. among them, a real jewel is the moscow one named after stalin, the one already under the name uaz will create a legend that will live to this day. forest, swamps, mountains, sand, snow, the car goes everywhere, there are no obstacles. the uaz-469 car rolled off the assembly line of the plant. loading capacity and maneuverability, uaz-469 surpasses the world's best.
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469 created an entire rally team that had no equal until the mid-eighties; tourists were driven to the etna and visuvia volcanoes exclusively in a uaz, although of a different model range. the legendary loaf, the first car to receive the name ua in 1958 with the famous nameplate in the form of a stylized letter u. for testing, it was driven through deserts and permafrost, mountains and swamps. a minibus was created on the basis of bukhanka. theft, truck and sanitary soviet electric car. to series car, in 1959 they even developed an electric uaz, but neither did the ulyanovsk jaguar amphibian, the only copy that managed to sail along the volga all the way to astrakhan. but this classic was in demand no less than 65 years ago, when the factory designers came up with a car that did not need a hood. we did not lengthen the body, placing
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the engine inside, second.


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