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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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they created an entire rally team that had no equal until the mid-eighties; they drove tourists to the volcanoes of etna and visuvia exclusively in a uaz, although of a different model range. the legendary loaf, the first car to receive the name ua in 1958 with the famous nameplate in the form of a stylized letter u. for testing, it was driven through deserts and permafrost, mountains and swamps. on the basis of bukhanka they created a minibus, a van, a truck from...
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start to finish is also unique, it is assembled as the shortest conveyor belt in europe 200 m from a multi-storey building, where the units, as if on elevators , scurry vertically, now up, now down, already on the lines acquiring silhouettes familiar to everyone, replacing the goats that served the country with hunters and patriots, the plant managed to inherit to them what... lost to anyone and never, the incredible cross-country ability and unique reliability of the frames, the frame gives greater wear resistance, greater resistance to torsional bending, and accordingly the body is less deformed when used in off-road conditions. uaz is just one of the kaleidoscope of great names, whose autographs cover the pages of the history of this land, some other would have been enough for the ulyanovs or pugachevs, the chads...
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who changed the planet, the country and the city. a city of two names, two rivers, sviyaga and volga, flowing in opposite directions and two historical eras. even at the end of the 19th century , simbirsk, with a population of only 4,300 people, did not even have a railway connection with moscow, but less than a century later, ships lined up at its berths. the main street of russia, the volga, is crowded today. there is an endless stream of people walking. and when
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in the distribution of rooms in the house, vladimir ilyich chose this very inconvenient room, but on the other hand, it was next to the room of his older brother alexander, these rooms remember the times when the day was not enough to receive everyone, hours in line for a few minutes in the house, where he lived for 10 years, half a million tourists a year put such a heavy load on a wooden structure that in the eighties the idea was seriously discussed... to build a copy of the ulyanov family house, that is, to recreate the interiors of the house in a neighboring building ulyanov, to create a copy of things, including selecting furniture as a copy, and the originals would remain in the museum’s house. vladimir ulyanov came to this gymnasium, to this class. this is his desk. lenin's desk in the sembirsk gymnasium, a myth created in the seventies. there is an idea about the design of the tables, then.
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for the first time they were equipped with a hinged lid, his classroom is just a guess, where the granite of science, the future leader of the revolution, was gnawing, it is not known for certain what place in this class should be considered ulyanovsk, but most likely his desk was located in the first row, the fact is that in those days there were teaching tables of twelve sizes, and the smallest ones were placed right at the teacher’s pulpit, so the short volodya ulyanov had to sit right here, and the gold... the schoolboy knew that he did not receive only thanks to the undeniable diligence and talents, but also the courage of a man who did not fail his own brother, executed for the attempt on the life of the tsar, in the exams the director of the gymnasium named kerensky, together with his wife and children in those years, he lived in the educational institution itself. the smile of history, in while young vladimir ulyanov was taking an exam on the second floor, about which the pictures were written based on the first floor. thus, in one building of one
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non-capital city, the destinies of two future rulers intersected. in russia, kerensky will long outlive the world-famous simbirsk fellow countryman, in new york he will meet 1970, the year when his homeland will celebrate the centenary anniversary of the leader, then ulyanovsk will become a real komsomol construction site, raising the grandiose lenin memorial, a huge white building of 19 m2, above the volga . people came here, often even worked on their vacations for free. the international team that worked here came from the countries of eastern europe at that time, vietnam, cuba, so it was also a large international construction project. general secretary of the central committee
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brezhnev personally arrived in ulyanovsk to open the memorial in april 1970. in the courtyard, the birch tree, planted by him 54 years ago, has already risen above the first floors. the secretary general's visit was about to end. 4 years later, ulyanovsk is again on all screens in the country, or rather the reserve runway of its airfield. eldar rezanov somehow miraculously managed to persuade local authorities. to give her over to filming the most difficult episode of the incredible adventures of the italians in russia. the meeting with the director was agreed on the condition that the deputy head of the ulyanovsk flight school would be at the helm. one of the two cars that took part in the filming
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of that famous episode is now an exhibit at the civil aviation museum. the tu-134 was confined to a training strip, made up to look like a highway. they installed traffic lights, painted markings, even. they rolled a barrel of boasting, in the cars scurrying around the plane they had only active pilots had the right to be present, so pilots who had personal cars were gathered throughout ulyanovsk. the flight school was created here as the main training center for pilots of the entire eastern bloc. this is now one of the best flight universities in the country, definitely the best equipped. three-jets, be it a boeing or a superjet, or even a tiny light-engine one, which is the best on it.
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what other point on the map could the soviet union choose to build its last city near ulyanovsk in the eighties? the walls of a huge aircraft factory in an open field were raised simultaneously with the floors of residential buildings. perhaps for the first time in history. the priority then was not only economic breakthroughs, but also the people who were to create the world's largest transport aircraft. the first an-124 was built here in an atmosphere of such secrecy that even the workers on the stocks did not know what kind of aircraft
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they were assembling, only in october 1985, when it took off into the skies over ulyanovsk, did they understand what kind of machine they had created? ruslans now fly here only for maintenance, on production. other celestial lines trucks, the modern generation of the legendary seventy-sixth ilov family, with new avionics, but the same power that has conquered the world, the aircraft is capable of transporting fifty tons over 5,500 km, the assembly itself is already based on laser marks, so the docking of compartments is now days, and not as before a week , measured, loaded, the station recalculated, we give the command to dock, everything is automatic... veterans over 60 on the stocks are a rarity, the plant has become much younger, fewer and fewer people are leaving ulyanovsk for capital universities, another thing is guests, a city that in soviet times was considered the third tourist capital after moscow and leningrad, it is no longer so easy
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to compete with its neighbors on the volga, but here, too , by the thirty-first they expect to reach the figure: a million tourists a year. if we take our brother's airport.
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it was discovered by chance in 1765 during the expedition of retired lieutenant colonel svechin, who... was sent by the second to look for ship scaffolding here. in the rapport, the lieutenant colonel described the discovery as follows: black stones with yellow veins, which are so transparent and clean that when polished they have little difference from amber, but due to the ignorance of local residents they disappear without being used. they stopped disappearing after more than two centuries, when they finally found a way to make the stones speak the language of art, since then the unique radiance of their colors. the state of not only the river,
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the stone into a masterpiece, the hands of the master sometimes transform it over months, millimeter by millimeter, revealing the treasures of the simbirsk land hidden under the layers, filled with the sounds of the russian musical instrument itself. a triangle shapes sound differently, as music masters say - in in irregular angular cases, somewhere there is beating inside the case. and forms the timbre that we now want to hear. balalaika - no other nation has an instrument of this shape, and there is no such factory anywhere except ulyanovsk. we prepared for its launch for several years, collecting grains of craft from the villages of russian provinces, and thus the technology was born, each element of which, step by step, forms a voice that is recognizable and familiar from the first chord. these sounds, flying over the streets and the river, seem eternal, like
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the volga itself remembers sinbirs; this is how its name was written through the letter n almost until the end of the 16th century. for 4 hundred years it has been hovering over the volga, supported by bridges and history, a city of great people and...
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everything happens. good evening. it was one of
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the most politically important weeks of the year. the president took part in the historic shows summit in astana, at which belarus became a new full member of the organization. on the sidelines of the summit, vladimir putin also held a series of bilateral negotiations, finally answering questions from journalists and about ukraine about strategic stability about biden and trump. the next day, in the kremlin , vladimir putin met with... they advocate a complete and final end to the conflict, putin once again reminded, but only on our well-known conditions. hello, it seems that this week you were shown everything about these events, but it only seems so, our viewers know for sure that now they are about to see these events for the first time in a truly interesting way. sco summit and negotiations with orban, new exciting
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footage. yes, good evening, a few months ago i i managed to ask you a question: for us, who is better, biden or trump? biden, he is a more experienced person, he is predictable, he is a politician of the old formation, but now it turns out that this bet is in question. because after the recent debates in the united states everyone is simply horrified by biden and his participation in the election race is generally in question, you may have been able to see some fragments of these debates, what are your impressions, and let’s say, have you changed? you political preferences, you said this bet turned out to be in question, nothing turned out
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to be in question, well, as i said then, what has changed, but nothing has changed, that we ... don’t know, or what, what could be happening is known, in this sense, nothing has changed, but regarding to watch, not to watch, well, i saw some fragments, but i have enough things to do, so i don’t particularly follow what’s going on there, in general, of course, i saw it, it’s impossible to turn away from it, especially that the united states remains a great power with renowned opportunities in the sphere of economics, security, of course, the situation in ukraine has such an influence, of course it is not indifferent that... they proceed, well, this is their own internal matter, they stated that biden is preferable to us, but we see what we see, how it would be, well, this was a remark from the president, in response to the question of who we are rooting for, but seriously speaking, of course, it’s a sad sight, and if the system of so -called american democracy produces
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such results or such a course of the election campaign, well, probably every can draw conclusions for himself about how all this is orchestrated, how it is arranged, take another democracy, france passed the first parliamentary elections, and they have two rounds, and the second round, apparently, was conceived precisely for this purpose in order to manipulate the will of voters during the first round, when some candidates may withdraw their candidacies, they are persuaded to clear them out.
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there were so many questions, now, now, now, it’s possible, it’s possible, i ask you, what the press secretary of the sands announced first final, then final, then, come on, now, we are finishing, thanked, laughed, the questions still did not end, what...
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when putin’s plane landed, there was journalistic excitement at the airport, but our cameramen again saw unusual footage, the play of shadows on board the room one or two maximally busy days, different time zones, many hours of meetings, physical exercise helps, but for some it is still difficult to help, judging by these frames, the ushakovs saw putin. these are lavrov, ushakov and shugaev, obviously about the upcoming negotiations with the head of china, preparations for the meeting were already completed at that moment, what immediately catches your eye is the size of the hall
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prepared for negotiations between vladimir putin and sidinzimpin, as always, very large-scale negotiations, we looked up, now we decided to check the fortress of the crowns one, two, three, there was something about this that seemed to confuse me. they paid attention to him and again one, two, three, only a month and a half has passed since the recent meeting of the leaders of russia and china, here are new negotiations, meetings, so often, they talk, of course, about very in many ways, here is a new handshake between the leaders of russia and china. j:
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how did the negotiations with the head of china go in general? wonderful, wonderful, complete, complete understanding. our cooperation is not directed against anyone, we do not create any blocs or alliances, we simply act in the interests of our peoples. the negotiations are over, look, but vladimir putin and sidimpin continue the conversation, as they say, on their feet, in general, every minute, every second here is used to resolve the most important issues concerning. strangers relations, of course, the situation in general in the world. these moments were not included in public broadcasts; only our program was able to capture such footage. it is unlikely that at that moment
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the leader had time to report that video filming had resumed, the more valuable it is to see non-protocol communication, smiles, agreement with each other, exactly what the leaders announced a little earlier, publicly in the presence of video cameras. remain committed to friendship forever, make tireless efforts to protect our legitimate rights and interests, as well as the basic norms of international relations. after meeting, this very communication on their feet had been going on for several minutes already, the assistants, not understanding how long this unscheduled part would last, decided to close the doors from prying eyes, but the concern had already turned out to be unnecessary, because... after that the leaders almost immediately finished the conversation, the doors began to open again. the leaders of russia and china say goodbye until the next day. sidimpin
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enters the elevator and leaves. well, our program rushes to find out how the negotiations went and what was discussed? substantively, bilateral relations, all areas, and exchanged views on regional problems, in the context of... on all the screens, there are a lot of questions, and even on the plane the photographers took such positions to take pictures, and the journalists almost risked their health, you won’t fall, it is clear that first of all everyone was interested in the details of the negotiations with other leaders. about ukraine, and putin was directly asked why not turn to the legitimate verkhovna rada? of course, you can appeal to the rada, but in
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conditions of usurpation of power, the ruling elite in ukraine is pointless, because they is illegally in power and does not even apply to the constitutional court for confirmation of his powers, all powers should go to the rada, but it does not take these powers for itself, such a change is obvious.
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in order for certain things to be done on the ukrainian side, and we did it. the ukrainian side did not stop hostilities, and then we were told that the ukrainian official authorities cannot control all of their armed forces, that’s what we were told, here i didn’t add or subtract anything, and that’s how it was repeatedly, so just now declare a ceasefire, in the hope that the other side will take some
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positive steps. we simply cannot, this is the first, second, we cannot allow that after the ceasefire the enemy takes advantage of this ceasefire in order to improve his position, rearm, replenish his army with the help of forced mobilization and be ready to continue the armed conflict. we need to get the other side to agree to take such steps that would be irreversible and would be acceptable...
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i am a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out, what a fairy tale without ivan, what began, without deception and without
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flint. clarified here, a self-written pen , magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i don’t carry wherever you foolishly want, wherever you need to go, i can’t live without traveling, flint. stopped working, we install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries .


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