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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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tourists are being evacuated in the krasnodar territory; a powerful forest fire in the tupsa region has already covered 6.00 km. the fire cannot be stopped ; the cause of the fire is said to be a flare falling into dry grass. in the parliamentary elections in france, contrary to forecasts, the left won. the new popular front alliance received more than 1080 mandates. the presidential coalition is the second. national association marine lepen only for three. place,
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russian anti-aircraft gunners in the avdiivka direction spotted and shot down a ukrainian armed forces drone. the task was carried out by the calculation of the strela-10 complex. military, who are at their combat post today to greet the day of the anti-aircraft missile forces, one launch was enough to destroy the drone. the baikal-amur mainline celebrates its half-century anniversary. even 50 years ago , the construction of a grandiose railway began, and today its large-scale construction is in full swing. design, this will significantly increase the throughput of bama. tourists are being evacuated to kuban from a vacation in the tuabse region, a forest is burning in inal bay, the flames are spreading quickly, in a few hours the area fire has doubled in size. the fire has now covered 6,000 km. local media write that the fire broke out due to flares allegedly fired by vacationers. a total of three missiles were launched, two of them. fell into
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the sea, one into the forest. the dry grass instantly caught fire, and a strong wind immediately carried the flames away. fire signals were received the day before at about 9 pm, rescuers and equipment immediately moved to the area, but the flames have not yet been localized. forest fires are being extinguished in buryat; over the weekend, the fire area was slightly reduced. now about 15 hectares are burning. it's all due to dry thunderstorms. they are the ones who cause new outbreaks. from buryakia to... our correspondent margarita vasilyeva is in touch, margarita, greetings, where the situation is especially difficult, is there a threat to populated areas? hello, roman, indeed, the severe abnormal heat in buryatia has aggravated the situation with forest fires, the fight continues. the most difficult situation in the north of the republic is the muisky, severo-baikalsky, and bauntovsky districts. over the past 24 hours , 10 fires were detected in five regions of buryatia. all fires are now recorded in a complex, inaccessible area.
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area and they arose, as the foresters say, because of a thunderstorm. now, as of the morning of july 8, work continues to extinguish 42 outbreaks in nine districts of the republic: barguzinsky, bauntovsky, yaravninsky, kizhinginsky, kurumkansky, muysky, pribaikalsky, severobaikalsky, khorinsky districts. according to official information, there is no threat to populated areas, this is what a representative of the forestry agency commented to us. let's listen. thanks to coordinated work groups in the republic. 21 forest fires were extinguished, 551 people from the forest guard, air forest protection staff and others were working to extinguish them. 70 units of forest fire equipment were involved, the total area covered by fire was over 14,000 hectares. colleagues, i will also add that a regional emergency has now been introduced in buryatia; due to the hot and dry weather , the fourth high fire class has been declared in the republic. i would
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also like to note that in buryat the work of patrol groups has been intensified, on foot in cars, forest inspectors travel hundreds of kilometers a day, working even at night. according to them, compared to previous years , there are fewer violators of the fire safety regime currently in force in the republic. let me remind you that you can only be in the forest in specially designated areas. that's all i have for this hour. roman, i give you the floor. thank you, our correspondent margarita vasilna spoke about the fight against forest fires in buryat. forests are burning in twenty-three regions of the country, more than 350,000 hectares are blazing in transbaikalia, there they are building up a team to fight the fire, rescuers are coming from neighboring regions, and aviation is actively involved in the fire. the situation is difficult in yakutia, 323,000 hectares are burning there, 10 fires were extinguished in 24 hours. mi-8 helicopters and b-200 aircraft operate in areas where the fire is approaching. to houses,
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there are seven such dangerous points, tons of water are being dropped from the air to stop the flames, the area of ​​fires is growing in the khabarovsk territory, five new fires have appeared over the past 24 hours, thousands... of hectares of forest are also burning in the amur region region, krasnoyarsk territory, tyva and irkutsk region. now there is footage from france: after the announcement of the results of the parliamentary elections in paris, mass demonstrations began, now i will show footage taken by eyewitnesses, protesters came to the republic square. at first the demonstration was peaceful, left-wing activists unfurled banners with anti-fascist slogans, but then clashes began, look, not only... skirmishes, but pogroms, shops were smashed, windows were smashed, protesters in black masks tried to throw at security forces, bottles with burning mixtures, look, just a fragment of a skirmish is happening, that’s what else is on the streets of france. in
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response, police fired tear gas and violently dispersed the protest, with no casualties reported. well, the new popular front won the elections. in france, the alliance of the left received 182 seats in the national assembly, these are the official results cited by the country's ministry of internal affairs. second place went to the presidential coalition together for the republic, the national association of marine lepen, despite according to forecasts, only the third received third place. anton dadykin has details. supporters of the new popular front are celebrating a success that defies all pre-election polls.
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as a result, macron's coalition made a deal with the leftist alliance of jean luc mélenchon. before the second round, they decided not to take votes away from each other in districts where they had a chance of winning. 218 representatives of the two political forces withdrew their candidacies in favor of even their worst enemies, as long as they were not from the lepen party. but macron thus seems to have opened the way to power for the left. their leader has already stated that all pre-election agreements were temporary. from now on, backroom bargaining, agreements and combinations become unacceptable. the election results are indisputable. the defeat of the president and his political force is confirmed. the president must accept this defeat without trying to circumvent it in any way. the prime minister must
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leave, especially since he has never enjoyed trust. there is despondency in the elysee palace. emmanuel macron canceled his televised address to the nation, he had to take the rap the prime minister. the so-called technical government is waiting, it will be responsible for the uninterrupted execution of state functions, for example, for ensuring payments to public sector employees,
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but any decision related to politics, including with help to the kiev regime, will be very difficult to make; in the fifth republic, such a political conflict is called cobetación, coexistence. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, lead. powerful explosions occurred at night in ukraine. information came from several regions of the country. shortly before midnight, local publications reported detonation. in sumy, soon the roar of explosions was heard in nikolaev and kharkov. the air raid alert was announced in ukraine several times; at night it covered the entire territory of the country, as well as the dpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions controlled by the kiev regime. in the vdeevsky direction of the special operation, anti-aircraft gunners from the center group of forces covered artillery positions from ssu drones. russian military personnel from an observation post discovered an enemy copter, which... was heading towards our positions, the soldiers tried to shoot down the drone fire from a kalashnikov machine gun, but the high
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altitude did not allow this to be done. then the crew of the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system launched a missile and destroyed the enemy drone at a safe distance. it goes through the mud, well, the main thing, as they say, is not to stop, just keep it at certain speeds there, at certain speeds. not chosen, she seems to go through everything. in the zaporozhye region , supply units carried out important flights to the front line. the military delivered ammunition, food, and drinking water, taking into account the weather, it the reserve acquires strategic importance. the enemy is trying in every way to interfere with supplies, but our fighters are coping with their tasks. what they feed on the front line somehow helps to defeat the nationalists, our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, will tell you. russian soldiers are preparing to go to
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the front line; they must deliver drinking water to the unit. in forty-degree heat with heavy physical activity, its consumption is enormous. uninterrupted delivery of water, food and ammunition is carried out in compact groups. they are at work use modern bugs. there are practically no roads in the front zone, so the bagia is extremely necessary here, thanks to its powerful engine and short wheelbase, it can get through any, even the most difficult. at high speed, the car rushes across rough terrain, the road is dangerous, enemy drones regularly try to attack our equipment, so the driver tries to move under the cover of a forest belt, the sky is closely monitored by arrows on the body, they are equipped with drone detectors and anti-drone guns, but the main defenders from an enemy uav - this is vision and sensitive hearing, if you can’t get away from the drone, it is shot down with machine gun fire, this crew has dozens of dangerous important flights... at the front, due to the fact that it is maneuverable and fast, no matter how fast we try these are all
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areas, as if passing through, we deliver medicines, water, food, ammunition, everything necessary that the guys ask, fighters of the dnepr group of troops daily destroy the positions of ukrainian militants, artillery and military equipment, do not allow the enemy to approach a peaceful settlement zaporozhye region, russian intelligence officers, with the help of anti-tank guns, are suppressing attempts to rotate enemy forces. and the delivery of shells helps a lot, for example, working at night, since technology allows, when the enemy is rotating and does not mean that we are watching him, we hit a moving pickup truck, a bulldozer that was digging a tank ditch, we kind of stopped its work, lightning fast and a group of infantry up to 10 people, fighters show what the military eats on the front line, a modern army nutrition set is unusual dry drink, there are both first and second courses, everything is high in calories and nutritious, you can... warm it up in camping conditions, and each set always contains sweet pastries,
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jam candies, officers say, good nutrition lifts your spirits and helps you win. each serviceman has enough in his, so to speak, mood that he wants to eat, then he will choose it, even though it is all in harsh circumstances on the line of combat contact, but all this is brought to the attention of the soldier, he has the right to choose, he knows what they think about him and the fact that he has a choice. spoiled at the front... clothes are promptly changed to new ones, special uniforms made of light and durable materials have been created for abnormal heat, shoes are also provided, they dry easily, if a person is sweating and even has the opportunity to stop somewhere, they erode and dry. shoes, of course, have become much more convenient, more comfortable, they protect your feet, they put less strain on you, this is very important. sufficient reserves have been created according to the summer plan, after heavy the fighters are restoring their sedations. in units, in order to protect soldiers from shelling, the locations are hidden underground, concrete floors can
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withstand a direct hit from a shell, there is a bathhouse, a laundry, and comfortable rest rooms. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region. hungarian prime minister viktor orban arrived in china to continue his peace mission, the politician announced this on social networks and published a photo from beijing airport. literally just orban. met with the president of the people's republic of china si-zen-ping. earlier, the prime minister of hungary discussed possible ways to resolve the ukrainian conflict with vladimir zelensky, and 3 days later with vladimir putin. after negotiations. with the russian leader , a video appeared on social networks orban with footage of his visit to moscow called peacekeeping mission. several american democratic congressmen immediately said that biden
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should cut the bet. the us media writes about this. members of the current president's party doubt that their leader will be able to. test. today the baikalur mainline celebrates the anniversary of 50 years since the beginning of construction , units of the railway troops of the russian armed forces have been celebrating this holiday at work since the twenty-first year they were involved in the reconstruction of the most difficult section of bama, with a total length of 339 km. last year alone, military railway workers managed to complete excavation
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work at 19 sites. the units will take part in the further reconstruction of the highway, which is scheduled for the period. in the commander-in-chief of the president of the russian federation in accordance with the decisions of the supreme federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin , on the instructions of the minister of defense, the railway troops were entrusted with the reconstruction of the ulak-feoralsk section, the length is 339 km, this is the most difficult section, all 19 objects in the embankment were made and transferred to the joint-stock company of the russian and railway for laying. grandiose exhibition forum russia today. completes work, the closing coincides with the holiday, the day of family, love and fidelity, so the key event of the program is the all-russian parade of families, and also a big evening concert, there are millions of us. let me remind you, the exhibition opened in november last year, in 8 months it was visited by a record number of guests, more than 18 million, including 120
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delegations from around the world; more than 200 cultural and 500 educational events took place in the vdnkh pavilions. the primary housing market in russia is on the eve of the end of preferential mortgages. on july 1 , the program for issuing loans for the purchase of apartments in new buildings at 8% per annum ended. as follows from the data of the domrf, in the first half of the twenty-fourth year the number of new construction projects housing increased by 14% compared to
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23, the figure exceeded 23.5 million. this was partly facilitated by the developers themselves, while they encouraged buyers to purchase an apartment before july. however, according to analysts, the growth of projects is unlikely to lead to a serious reduction in prices for new buildings. in a number of regions, the rise in price of building plots has forced developers to reduce the number of square meters. developers expect demand in the regions to cool over the next 2 years. let me remind you that now for buyers of apartments on the primary market available only. targeted programs: family mortgage at 6%, it mortgage at 5, far eastern and arctic at 2%. well-known foreign tv manufacturers have sharply increased their assembly in russia. for example, telefunkin has increased its output by about 30% since the beginning of the year. bq and erison grew by about the same amount. the bbc
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doubled the figure, from 110,00 devices per year to 220,000. as they explain. experts, the rights to use these brands belong to russian legal entities, the company plans to take a significant share of our market, having replaced departed western brands, they will have to compete with retailers' own brands and chinese suppliers. the international monetary fund has proposed creating a system of green fiscal rules. these are fiscal principles that will allow increased spending to combat climate change without leading to an increase in public debt. how. according to the imf report, current policies are often ineffective, they do little to reduce emissions, but put pressure on public finances. on average, about 2% of gdp, which may not be enough. another problem lies in the fact that states can freely vary spending, arguing for this with their own rules, which, for example, do not allow additional borrowing. in
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the meantime, as the imf notes, green rules will be able to protect investments from the economic cycles of external conditions. and at the end of the issue, let me remind you of the exchange rate, today the dollar is 88 rubles. 13 kopecks euro 95 rub. 57 kopecks. and so far i have. that's all, roman, masha, thank you, we continue after the advertisement to the very the latest news and will tell you about a chatbot that will help military personnel with the repair and operation of cars. tufon eye drops are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. tufon - triple action for eye health. found out. credit rating has chosen the right loan, check your credit rating on the compare website or in the app, it's free, and we will select the most favorable loan taking
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the compare website or app. it's free. see if you have any arrears and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name? keep your credit history under control. your credit score may be better than you think. compare, on your side. to the moss exhibition. or maybe come to me, better at a tasty spot, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends, hurry up to buy and win a trip, a forest fire threatens tourist centers in the tuapsha region of kuban.
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as a guest. the popular front has developed a chatbot that will help military personnel with car repairs and operation. the russian ministry of industry and trade sent him to
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the special operations zone. vehicles, the fighters received more than one and a half thousand uaz-patriot vehicles. these machines have already shown their best performance on the front line. they help solve combat missions, act as ambulances and deliver humanitarian aid and medicine. repair transport is carried out by masters of uaz repair centers that have appeared in new regions. yes. solovaya logistics is extremely important in the area of ​​​​a special military operation. using this vehicle, i bring food, water, a bull, if necessary, i take our wounded soldiers out of the lbsa line, all this allows our guys to efficiently carry out all assigned combat missions. sports news, in the studio ilya kostin, ilya, good morning, russian wrestlers successfully performed at the european junior championships. yes, roman,
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good morning, we won. medvedev himself said that there is a chance against siner only if he shows his best tennis. medvedev, the fifth racket of the world, is the most successful player from russia according to the rating at the moment. a match between the legends of the russian and belarus national football teams took place in minsk. regular time ended with the score 1:1. dragoon and koryaka distinguished themselves. the russians were better in the penalty shootout. the meeting was
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timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary. liberation of the belarusian ussr from the nazis. in moscow, cska defeated serbian partizan 3:0 in the match brotherhood cup, a friendly tournament in which dinamo and belgrade also took part. on the eve of the army team , tamerlan musaev, kelven and former csk footballer zoran tosic, who played in the match as a guest star, scored goals. in the second half , cska goalkeeper vladislav torop appeared on the field for the first time after breaking his facial bones. he was seriously injured in the match. russian cup against zenit in may , the meeting between army men and partizan was attended by almost 25,000 fans, cska and dynamo each won two victories in the brotherhood cup and shared this trophy among themselves. one of the favorites of the america's cup, the brazilian team was eliminated from the tournament. in the quarterfinals, the brazilians lost to uruguay. the main time of the match ended in a goalless draw, despite the fact that the uruguayans played in the minority from the 74th minute due to the sending off of naitan
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nandez. in this match it went to a penalty shootout, where uruguay was more accurate 4:2. in the semi-finals, marcelo bielsa's team will play against colombia; the colombians defeated panama 5:0 in their quarter-final meeting. the most productive player in the winning team was james rodriguez, he had one goal scored and two assists. another semi-final pair of the america's cup was the teams of canada and argentina. the crew of dmitry sotnikov from the russian team. the silk road in the truck classification. the crew covered a distance of 132 kilometers along the route barnaul-gorny altaisk in 1 hour 28 minutes and 58 seconds. the second place was taken by bogdan karimov, also an iskamaster, the third place was taken by the belarusian crew of alexey vishnevsky from the maz team. the leaders of the cargo classification, belarusian sergei vizovich and russian eduard nikolaev, almost had a head-on collision at this stage
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