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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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news from the middle of the hour, briefly: tourists are being evacuated in the krasnodar territory; a powerful forest fire has already engulfed the topsa region. it has not yet been possible to stop the fire; the cause of the fire is said to be a flare falling into dry grass. in the parliamentary elections in france, contrary to forecasts, the left won. the new popular front alliance received more than 180 mandates. the presidential coalition is the second. the national association marine lepin is only in third place. russian anti-aircraft gunners in the avdiivka direction spotted and shot down a ukrainian armed forces drone. task performed the calculation of the complex. for the military, who are
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at their combat post today to celebrate the day of the anti-aircraft missile forces, one launch was enough to destroy the drone. the baikal-amur mainline celebrates its half-century anniversary. exactly 50 years ago the construction of a grandiose railway began. today, its large-scale reconstruction is in full swing. this will significantly increase bam's throughput. a ceremony was held on sakhalin. elvira masyagina will tell you what they were treated to, how they entertained them and what traditions they showed to the guests. on the shore of the bay of patience, at the sacred hearth, final preparations are being made for the ritual of feeding the spirit of the sea. the women of the niva community collect a sacrificial dish, and the elders of the clan give instructions to the breadwinner before starting fishing. we feed the sea. so
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that we have this very luck, so that fishing is as if favorable, maxim yamakawa enters the gates of the sea spirit, men ask the deity for good luck, appease them with tea, wild berries and blasphemous, make an offering with the spirit of fire and earth so that the hearth never goes out , and the harvest was rich, not everyone can become a breadwinner nif, onultra, there must be. for guests on the tables there is dried salmon, yukola, moz, a dessert of boiled fish skin, northern berries and milk, and that’s not all the delicacies. the niva community from aleksandrovsko-sakhalinsky prepared bear with wild garlic, how do you like it? it's very unusually tasty. here, a little bit with a twist. the holiday of feeding the spirit of the owner of the sea was accompanied by national songs and dances, as well as competitions. representatives of indigenous peoples of the north. competed in archery and
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boat racing. gathered at the holiday hundreds of residents and guests of the island and everyone was imbued with the culture of indigenous peoples. every nation should have its own traditions, excuse me for being emotional, any people, any nationality, without traditions we are nothing.
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the sber-thanks loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes,
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on credit cards, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, we collect all debts on credit cards in one go, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget, history is better than you think, compare, on your side. the breath of the sahara can already be felt in the center of the country. a new cyclone brought
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air from africa to the russian plain. in which city will the heat records be updated throughout the working week? how intense the heat awaits moscow? current weather analytics. on the russia-24 channel, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at tsentrafobos, hello, thirty-degree heat will return to the central region this week. stormy fronts continued to wreak havoc on the russian plain over the weekend. so on sunday evening , a squall appeared again in the sky over st. petersburg. the cloud was advancing from the sea and moving rapidly. this time the cyclone was unable to disperse the wind.
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electricity cut a high-voltage line. in one episode, a discharge from heaven in another landed directly on a car standing at an intersection. at the same time, southern russia. suffers from the heat. in rostov nadan the air warmed up to +37 for the first time this summer. and here is the result. the asphalt melts under the blazing sun. and the paving slabs get so hot that you can cook fried eggs on them. the following video is from kuban
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publics. in krasnodar, soda can’t stand the heat if it’s left in the car. in short, she exploded, she just blew it up. poor guy can't stand it. the sun in moscow on sunday began to get hot again; in the middle of the day the thermometers managed to reach +27, which is 3 degrees higher. norms reason for the new heat waves - a collision at the western borders of russia, an atlantic cyclone and the crest of the azores anticyclone. along the dividing line of these vortices , air masses from the mediterranean and north africa rushed onto the russian plain. at the same time , partly cloudy weather settled over most of european russia, which only aggravated the heat. and only in the foothills of the urals are remains preserved. call front that freshened the air in the region at the end of last week. today these massifs in frontal
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clouds will stretch from the banks of the yenisei to the spurs of the southern urals and in places, especially in altai, there will be heavy thunderstorm rains. another cloud cloud associated with the atlantic cyclone will make its way to the north and northwest of the russian plain. here, the most intense showers and thunderstorms are expected in leningradskaya and novgorodskaya. and the pskov regions, for example, in veliky novgorod it has already begun to rain, at the beginning the precipitation will not be very heavy, 3-4 mm in 6 hours, the storm will reach its maximum extent after the evening rush hour, the showers will intensify at least three times and only by thursday the weather will improve. during this time, almost a third of the july volume of moisture will fall in the city; such heavy precipitation occurs in... in the middle of summer on average once every 3-4 years. due to fields of dense clouds, the air
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in the northwest will not warm up well, so during the day the thermometers will not rise above +20-25. in the middle zone of the russian plain, in partly cloudy weather, the sun will warm the air to +26-3. but residents of the southern regions will fully feel the breath of sugar. here in the midday hours up to +37-42 and such heat will linger for region at least until the end of the working week, say, in krasnodar there will be mostly no precipitation, and the daytime temperature will significantly exceed the level of climate norm, in the afternoon +39.41, this is higher than the historical highs recorded in previous years, so every day there is a chance for an update. meteorological statistics on the way to central russia in the air and subtropics will be able to cool down a little, so the heat will not be
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so extreme, in moscow significant precipitation is also unlikely, and during the day the thermometers will fluctuate within + 27-29, this is on average 4° hotter than usual. that's all for me, goodbye!
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now news about the mash economy from the first of august in russia. rum, the system will become more transparent,
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participants will be able to increase the efficiency of their activities. i’ll tell you more about this a little later, but for now let’s talk about other innovations. sheremetyev is switching to domestic software; the russian program will now be responsible for sorting luggage in terminal d. the terminal is equipped with dutch equipment from vanderda industies, but it left the russian market in march twenty second year. our new system. capable of managing foreign hardware, she is responsible for registration, sorting, inspection and delivery of luggage on board the aircraft, as well as for issuing it to passengers. well, in addition, the solution includes tools for security monitoring. russian software is already used at 99 check-in counters. sheremetev is the third russian airport to be replaced by foreign software. the first such transition was carried out by the capital's domodedovo, the second was st. petersburg's pulkovo. let me remind you that according to the presidential decree, from january 1 next year the use of foreign software and equipment at critical information infrastructure facilities,
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which include airports, will be prohibited. the government will launch an experiment to digitize all cargo transportation based on the national digital transport and logistics platform. it starts on august 1 this year. as a result , information on all multimodal transport must be fully available in electronic form. the main goal is to increase the transparency of processes. traffic flows have reoriented themselves to the east, and there is still no electronic exchange of documents and permits with some new trading partners. market participants see opportunity in the system. the initial intake was scheduled to close on july 5th. the fact is that foreign investors need more time for various approvals, since the process is new for everyone. the trades are now
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scheduled to settle on august 12. non-resident investors can submit an application to purchase lots at... not lower than the starting bid, then the investment chamber will determine final sale price. if approved , prices and securities will be transferred to a special account of a non-resident in a russian depositary, from which it will be possible to withdraw assets abroad without additional permissions. the international monetary fund has proposed creating a system of green fiscal rules. these are fiscal principles for combating climate change without increasing public debt. as stated in the mvv report. the current policy has little effect on reducing emissions, but at the same time puts pressure on government finances. on average, these purposes require about 2% of gdp may not be enough. another problem lies in the fact that states can freely vary spending, arguing for this with their own rules, for example, a ban on attracting additional borrowing. in the meantime, as the imf notes, green rules will be able to protect
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investments from the economic cycles of external conditions. and finally. issue, i will remind you that the exchange rate for today is the dollar 88 rubles 13 kopecks, the euro 95 rubles 57 kopecks. and that's all i have for now. novel. mash, thank you. let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. regions are fighting wildfires. more than 350,000 live in transbaikalia. they are building up a group of rescuers there. the situation is difficult in yakutia, more than 320 hectares are engulfed in fire. the area of ​​fires in the khabarovsk territory is growing. the left alliance, a new popular front, won the parliamentary elections in france. the coalition of the current president is in second place, the national association marine lepen, contrary to forecasts, only third. after the announcement of the results , demonstrations began in paris, which quickly escalated into clash riots. us democratic parties doubt that joe biden will be able to
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survive the presidential race. the attending physician of the head of state was invited to congress to give. exception about biden's health, vice president kamala hires is named as a replacement candidate. today the grandiose exhibition forum russia at vdnkh concludes its work. the key event of the last day’s program will be the all-russian parade of semey. when the exhibition first opened, more than 18 million guests were able to see it. right after advertising day in history, a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years. and eras. go to the moss exhibition, or maybe to me? better to a tasty point. check out the clips. a real reason to meet. superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends. hurry up
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to buy and win a trip. thank you sber loyalty has been updated, pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank for free from other banks and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, more profitable with a subscription with berprime. under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, perfect damask, airy, natural, a happy mic in the heat of july, not... a unique radiator grille, electromagnetic suspension,
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an expedition to the arctic. on the 28th i have nuggets. what about the twenty-fourth? twenty-fourth chicken burger. delicious calendar at a delicious point. every day. new favorite product super price. only in the app it’s delicious, period. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 8 , 1709, near poltava, russians and swedes fought in a fierce battle. the swedish army was commanded by king charles x, russian peter ii. charles besieged poltava, but the residents resisted with all their might, and then the russian army came. swede. considered the best army in europe. and karl promised his soldiers easy prey. peter, addressing the army, said that they need to fight not for him, but a quote. for russia and russian
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piety. in the morning the enemy attacked the russian camp, but the russians fiercely counterattacked. at the decisive moment, the preobrazhensky battalion led the battle itself. peter almost died. one bullet pierced the hat, the other the saddle. the guns mowed down the enemies. the swedes had four of them, and the russians had more than 100. the swedes trembled and ran. charles miraculously escaped, but his invincible army was defeated. the russian triumph thundered throughout europe. unheard of victoria, as peter called this victory, became a turning point in the northern war and a harbinger of complete celebrations of russia. on july 8, 1916, emperor nicholas ii signed a decree on the mobilization of the empire’s population for rear work, men from 19 to 43 years old. first world war, there were not enough men, but the decree led to a large uprising in central asia. here , settlers from european russia had long been dissatisfied with the requisition of livestock,
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and the mood of protest was fueled by mules, ottoman and german agents. and a decree was issued: the heralded month of ramadan, and even in the midst of agricultural work. the riots began in hajent, this is in modern tajikistan and covered the entire region. semirechye is the south of kazakhstan and the north of kyrgyzstan, today the rebels were smashing. in 1981 , the play “juno and ovoz” was first shown on the stage of the lenkom theater in moscow; now it is a legendary classic. music by alexey rybnikov, poetry by andrei
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voznesensky, direction by mark zakharov created a beautiful love story that happened 200 years ago, between the russian traveler count nikolai rizanov and conchita, the daughter of the spanish commandant of san francisco. it was a rock opera, but the word rock was forbidden and the performance was called modern opera. censorship still haunted him. they weren’t allowed to go abroad for a long time, the release of the album with the soundtrack was slowed down, but the resistance of officials was broken and the young eight triumphantly marched through europe and the usa. nikolai karachentsev and elena shanina were the first to play the main roles; since then this performance has been performed in lenkom about 2,000 times. i got you from where i got knocked up. i will never see you, i will never forget you.
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today we celebrate the 130th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century, pyotr kapitsa. he was born on july 8, 1894 in kranstat, in the family of a military engineer. he became famous for his achievements in the field of physics, low temperatures, and super-strong magnetic fields. the first foreigner to become a full member of the royal london. society, in the early twenties he worked in england in the famous cavendish laboratory of ernest rutherford, and then headed his own laboratory in cambridge. in 1934, kopitsa came to the ussr to visit his relatives, and he was not allowed back. but the institute of physical problems was created especially for the scientist, awarded. peter kopitsa developed methods for air liquefaction, installations for separating air into nitrogen, oxygen and inert gases and producing liquid oxygen. during the time
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of repression, he saved scientists from... camps, did not sign statements condemning enemies of the people, and already under brezhnev opposed the expulsion of andrei sakharov from the academy of sciences. in 1978, kopitsa received the nobel prize for his discovery of the superfluidity of liquid heil. the scientist worked until his last days, studied the theory of plasma, carried out the most important research for thermonuclear synthesis and passed away at the age of 90. this is what this day in history was like.
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tourists are being evacuated in the tupsa region, the forest is burning, the flames are spreading quickly, in what other regions is the situation difficult, unrest and clashes in france, citizens are celebrating the results of the parliamentary elections this way, what are the surprises from the results? peacekeeping mission, hungarian prime minister viktor orban in china met with xizen ping. an enemy drone was destroyed with one shot, our anti-aircraft gunners on the front line are celebrating the day of anti-aircraft missile forces. how the reconstruction of the legendary bam is underway, what forces are involved? today the baikal-amur mainline celebrates its anniversary. all-russian parade of families and gala concert of us, millions of us. grand exhibition of russia.


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