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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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the next all-russian family of the year competition has started, one of the new things this year will be online voting, where absolutely anyone can cast their vote for the family’s video card. in moscow 10 we continue our morning broadcast , this is what we have learned by this hour: ukrainian intelligence promised our pilot $3 million for the hijacking of a strategic missile carrier. such details were revealed by the fsb. according to the intelligence service , they tried to make the soldier howl through messages in messenger, which he reported to the command. the russian should have imprisoned supersonic bomber. tu-22 m3 in
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ukraine, for this, in addition to a monetary reward, he was promised italian citizenship. in the special operation zone, russian aviation hit strongholds and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews of the k-52 helicopters received a combat mission, moved to the area of ​​the specified target and struck. after successful combat work, the pilots performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to the airfield. departure. almost 90 natural fires were extinguished in 24 hours in twenty-six regions. the most difficult situation in transbaikalia and hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest are on fire in yakutia. most outbreaks can only be dealt with from the air, using helicopters and b200 aircraft. the tense situation is also in the khabarovsk territory. in buryat, the area of ​​fires was slightly reduced. anniversary. marks
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the baikal-amur mainline. exactly 50 years ago, full-scale construction of a grandiose railway began. nowadays , its modernization is in full swing. this will significantly increase bam's throughput. the work plan is planned until the thirties. so, in krasnodar the region managed to localize a powerful forest fire in inal bay; it took about half a century to stop the migration of the fire. days. according to information, by this time the fire had covered approximately 12,000 km. according to reports, the fire finally broke out in the evening, after one of the vacationers launched signal flares and one of them fell into dry grass. aviation was brought in to extinguish the fire and about 100 tourists were evacuated from nearby recreation centers. on another topic: russian special services attempted to hijack a strategic bomber tu-22. 3, information obtained during the so
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-called operational game made it possible to strike a military airfield of the kiev regime. anton potkovenko will tell you what else the fsb managed to find out and how in ukraine they manage to divide even the money to bribe the russian military. they were going to hijack a tu-22 m3, a strategist, a strategic bomber, recruiting our military pilot. ukrainian special services contacted him via messenger. my interlocutor did not even hide that he was from the ukrainian special services. pavlo introduced himself and offered to hijack a combat aircraft territory of ukraine, but not just an airplane, a long-range bomber, a missile carrier, a carrier of nuclear weapons. the pilot immediately told the command about everything, and the so-called operational game began. pavlo, not suspecting that our special services were leading him on our behalf, began to threaten the pilot’s family. good morning, where have you been? or are you refusing the offer? come on, time is running out, otherwise
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it will be as i promised. i’ll start sending greetings through the girls, you think it will be better that way. this is despite the fact that the pilot’s wife and children are in russia and are not in danger. when pavlo realized that blackmail doesn't work, he tried to bribe our pilot in order to lure his family out of the country. first i issued ukrainian fake passports, then a pole card. she told me about opening an account in a polish bank. he even sent me a map of the field, registered to my wife.
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and how is it that the ukrainian special services so easily produce fake documents, now in one name, now in another, with all the holograms and watermarks. moldova was chosen for a reason. the ukrainian special services feel at ease there. implements its intelligence actions without imposing responsibility on the leadership of local law enforcement agencies. it is obvious that ukrainian intelligence acted with the participation of nato intelligence services, without which it would have been impossible to process the polish and italian documents. pavlo actually made italian passports for the pilot and his family and sent this video: a million dollars in cash. the ukraine young newspaper is a symbol that it was he who shot this video. the operational game continued with money , strange things began, they got married. the papers arrived from the bank not exactly 1 million dollars, as indicated in the final line of the statement, but 36 thousand more, this can be seen if you add up the component amounts. pavlo began to explain that this is supposedly 1.2% for those who organize everything, but 1.2 of a million is 12
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thousand dollars, not 36. in general, it seems that, having not yet recruited a pilot, pavlo and company began to divide the money intended for bribery. in pursuit of media victories and material gain. from the division of money allocated for development activities, representatives of the ukrainian special services they neglect the requirements of secrecy and use blackmail and deception. pavlo promised the pilot $3 million, including from some associates or donors, like 2 years ago, when the ukrainian special services tried to carry out a similar operation to hijack russian military aircraft and also wanted to bribe the pilot, and even sent an advance. its delivery was supervised by foreign agent hristo grozev, from the belling portal recognized as a foreign agent. british mi-6 project. the ukrainian special services then believed so much to the russian pilot, who gave him altitude maps and air defense layout diagrams, our missilemen hit the kanatov airfield with their calibers. a criminal case was opened in ukraine. hristo grozev is no longer allowed to attend social events, for example, in the uk, he is called
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a security threat. the foreign agent left for the states and has no intention of returning to europe, declaring that russia is hunting him. our ministry of internal affairs put him on the wanted list for fakes about the russian army, but on his own. revenge from former accomplices from the sbu and gur in the case of roman chervinsky, an employee of the ukrainian special services who organized that same provocation with airplanes thwarted by the fsb in 1922, we have one comrade under investigation who is sitting closed because he seemed to want to meet the plane from you, instead of the plane, calibers arrived, people died, equipment was destroyed. pavlo told our pilot that he... was taking a lot of risks in the current story with the tu-22 m3 bomber and would not want to end up like chervinsky, everything was going exactly to this: the operation was a failure. anton potkovenko, news.
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maria grigorieva has all the details. the visit to russia is the renremode's first foreign trip since he took charge of the indian government for the third time. bloomberg called this a diplomatic victory for vladimir putin. at the talks, the leaders will discuss the prospects for the development of traditionally friendly relations between the two countries. trade turnover last year almost doubled to a record 65 billion dollars, more than 60 billion from russian supplies, so we became the second indicator for the indian market after china, in turn imports from india increased almost one and a half times, but reached only 4 billion. russian oil and oil products became the basis of our trade, but gradual diversification is underway. for example, russian coal exports are growing. russia. are actively pushing out competitors from this market, the volume
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of supplies of agro-industrial products is also growing, an important process is taking place in the growth of exports of indian products to russia, these are now not only the traditional goods that india has always been famous for, such as rice, jute, coffee and so on, but this is also... for example, electronics products, smartphones. india's economy is one of the fastest growing in the world. gdp is growing by more than 7% per year, but such development requires large volumes of energy. the country imports more than 80%. so, last year it doubled purchases of russian oil and petroleum products to $45 and $4.5 billion, respectively. we provide it with more than a third of its oil imports and are the largest supplier. the possibility of energy supplies to india was not
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supported, and russia was not supported at the time of western sanctions, that is, this obviously gave impetus the russian economy, and of course, cheap oil, which india also receives at a discount, it stimulates the development of the indian market, makes it more competitive, about 60% of trade payments are made in national currencies. well , in addition, as the indian media report, at the negotiations they can discuss a mechanism for the rapid transfer of money between the two countries, as well as the use of the indian payment system and russian mir cards. technically, both russia and india are ready for the use of fast payments, direct transfers through national bank card system and through national cash settlement centers. in general, from the russian side, the system is peace and...
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india within the framework of vertical integration and to the russian market. bloomberg's sources in indian government circles note that at the negotiations the parties can also discuss issues of partnership in the field of nuclear energy, the supply of material and technical means to strengthen cooperation between the armed forces, as well as the joint
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development of a fifth-generation fighter. orban's trip to beijing is part of the so -called peace mission. earlier, the hungarian prime minister held a meeting with vladimir putin in moscow, and the first destination of the trip was kiev. now the head of the hungarian cabinet intends to go to washington. in france, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets after the results of the parliamentary elections were announced. from the beginning, the demonstrations
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were peaceful. left activists unfurled banners with anti-fascist slogans. quickly escalated into chaos, protesters in black masks began to paint monuments and throw burning fires and molotov cocktails at security forces. by midnight , security forces dispersed the protesters with gas, and dozens of people were detained. according to the latest election results, the new popular front won. the left alliance won 182 seats in the national assembly. second place goes to the presidential coalition together for the republic. the national association of marine le pen, contrary to forecasts, is only third. several american congressmen and democrats said at once that it was time for biden to resign, the us media wrote about this. members of the same party the current president doubts that their leader will be able to withstand the upcoming elections, much less win.
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vice president kamala haris is considered the only viable replacement. biden himself is confident. party members support him, despite the failed debates, but meanwhile, the president’s attending physician was invited to congress; in the house, representatives asked the doctor to explain why he never made serious complaints about biden’s health and did not recommend that he undergo cognitive tests. now let's go to advertising, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of the day. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. the sber-thanks loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get
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need acceleration? exactly! open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb - we help with action. today, anti-aircraft soldiers celebrate their professional holiday. missile forces of the russian aerospace forces. these units are the main firepower in the air defense system. they perform tasks to destroy aircraft, coral missiles, hypersonic and other enemy aircraft. in addition, they are fighting against enemy air reconnaissance and electronic warfare systems. during the special operation, russian anti-aircraft gunners confirmed the high combat capabilities of air defense systems to repel enemy attacks. the popular front has developed a chat bot that will help military personnel with the repair and operation of cars. the ministry of industry and trade sent
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vehicles to the special operation zone. the fighters received more than one and a half thousand uaz patriot cars. these machines have already shown their best performance on the front line. they help solve combat missions, and also act as ambulances and deliver humanitarian aid and medicine. vehicle repairs are carried out by repairmen. uaz centers that appeared in new regions. yes. canteen logistics are extremely important in a special military operation area. using this vehicle, i bring food, water, ammunition, and if necessary, i take our wounded soldiers out of the lbsa line. all this allows our guys to efficiently carry out all assigned combat missions. the grandiose exhibition forum russia ends its work today. the closure coincided with the holiday, the day of family, love and fidelity. therefore, the key
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event of the program is the all-russian parade of families, and also the big evening concert of millions of us. let me remind you that the exhibition opened in november last year, within 8 months, it was visited by a record number of guests, more than 18 million. among them were 120 delegations from around the world. in the pavilions of vdnkh. passed more 2.0 cultural and 5,000 educational events, visitors saw exhibitions from 89 regions of russia, leading federal departments, corporations and public organizations. the legacy of the exhibition will be preserved at the moscow expo, where the national russia center will appear. vladimir putin proposed its creation. a ritual of feeding the spirit of the sea was held on sakhalin, this is a holiday of the indigenous peoples of the north. what were they treated to, how were they entertained and what traditions were shown.
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at sea was accompanied by national songs and dances, as well as competitions, representatives of the indigenous peoples of the north competed in archery and boat racing. hundreds of residents and guests of the island gathered for the holidays and everyone was imbued with the culture of indigenous peoples. every nation should have its own traditions. sorry, i'm emotional.
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now we’ll break through for a while, then the program “fifth studio” will be broadcast on russia-24. i say goodbye to you with this, see you tomorrow, see you and good news.
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hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri bogdanov, today we have the focus is on three topics at once, the important visit of the indian prime minister at rendermode to moscow, the results of early parliamentary elections in france and the results of the presidential elections in iran. let's consider all these topics
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in the general global context, so let's talk. about the impact all this can have on our country. let's start, of course, with the main thing, with a visit to rendra modi in moscow, we have connections with an honorary researcher at the observer research foundation, nandan unii krishnan, mr. unii krishnan, hello, hello, tell me, what are your expectations from this visit, what topics will be the focus of attention first? well, expectations in india are very high, because mr. modi has not met with president putin already.
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this is a lot -


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