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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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in the sense that india buys a lot of oil from russia and the balance, so to speak, of trade is now towards russia, and this needs to be somehow more or less balanced, the second, of course, will be a discussion of military-technical cooperation, and in general the third will be a discussion about the international situation, about the situation. in ukraine, how russia will introduce this, and india, of course, is very concerned about the issue of russian-chinese relations, as you yourself know, we do not have very good relations with china. yes, mr. krishlin, almost all of your topics are such sensitive agendas named, if we dwell on them in more detail, this concerns trade and remittances, this is one of the topics that, well, at least your colleagues, political scientists, experts call one of the most important, how are things going at the moment?
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what exactly should be exported from india to russia, because at the moment we import a lot of oil, about 40-50 billion dollars of oil, but our exports are only somewhere, well, let’s say a maximum of 5 billion dollars, so we need to sharply increase indian exports to russia, so this will be one of the heavier ones. problems.
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tell me, are there any restrictions on india’s part in terms of supplying any goods to russia? does the west exert any pressure in this area? well, the west would generally like india to cut off relations with russia, but this will not happen, because russia is a very important partner for us. and there are no restrictions in this sense, trade, civil trade. india to supply military. there will be no equipment, but in the civilian sphere there are no restrictions. as far as we have talked about trade, including oil, how effective is trade in national currencies, in your opinion, there were reports that in any case difficulties arose, yes, as was reported with the investment of rupees that russia received as a result of this trade, is it really how do these difficulties exist in general, in your opinion, is trade in national ones?
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as for the military-technical cooperation that you mentioned, again there were reports, including in the western press, that supposedly india plans to purchase western equipment instead of russian, this information can be trusted, this is really so, well, this information can be trusted, but it is not in context, the fact is that india decided that it is necessary, in general, not to depend on some one thing... this is to produce
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these platforms in india itself, now precisely these issues are being discussed with russia, so far in this direction the most successful, so to speak, cooperation in india is with russia, with regard to political cooperation, what is the role of your opinion india can play in resolving the ukrainian crisis, well, india, of course, would like this war to end as quickly as possible and is ready to help in this, so to speak, by any means, but i don’t think that india is currently in a situation where it
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could, well, play this role, as it were, reduce ukraine, russia, or even russia and the west together into one.
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the rapprochement between russia and china, because newdeli really has quite tense relations with beijing there, how do you assess this area, will this topic be sound during negotiations with vladimir putin? well, i am sure that mr. modi will raise this issue in conversations. with president putin, whether what they discussed will be made public, i don’t know, but this issue is really for the indian public, especially for our strategic society, this is a very pressing issue, because historically russia
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has played, so to speak, the role of a balancer in our relations with china, if we take our relations in the sixties of the last century. the soviet union has always been very important partner in this regard, and india hopes that russia will continue the same policy. mr. uni krishnan, thank you for your comment, thank you for answering our questions live, we will closely monitor the visit to rendromode in moscow for the results that will be achieved in the negotiations. let's move on to the next topic that we announced - the results of early parliamentary elections in france. the results are as follows: the left new popular front has 182 seats, the macron coalition has 168 seats, the right, led by national association lepen 143 places. what all this means, we will now deal with our guest, this is a leading researcher at the department of social and political research
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at the institute of europe of the russian academy of sciences, sergei fedorov. sergey matveevich, hello, can you hear us? i’m evgeniya, you ’re mistaken, no, yes, i’m sorry, we had some slight confusion then, sir, i’ll address you a question then, please tell me how unexpected these election results in france were for you, given that after first round, many predicted the victory of the right, you know, this, this is a surprise for everyone, this proves it. that the questions are not entirely correct and the commentary is a little philosophical france always likes to surprise the world, do things differently, do some unpredictable events, this is my first remark, our chosen
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law is very special, we have two rounds, i have been since childhood, when my student times. he says that you choose the first round, you avoid the second, you eliminate them, this is what happened, this is a historic turnout.
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in first place, you said it, this is a new popular foundation, which received 174 deputies, in second place is the government together with 156, which means 20, the national association received 100, this is a former republican, 143, which means there are. large blocs, yes evgeny, evgeny anatolyevich, i apologize, yes, i’m interrupting, we announced the results,
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look, you said that questions arise regarding the election procedures, including, yesterday we closely followed the second round, and many expressed bewilderment and even someone you said indignation, including in france , at the fact that the candidates who took third place in the first round began to withdraw their candidacies en masse, they saw this as manipulation, but they withdrew in favor of either. or macron, as observers saw it, how do you assess these processes, is it possible to say that this is manipulation and some kind of not very fair political game? no, not at all, you know, people, when manipulated, they are not familiar with our political customs and laws, i say, we have one in england tu, propassional, in america there is only tu. in germany too, you too, you, and we have always had two times, this french
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custom is already far away, this, of course, gives time to the political classes, uh, to prepare their dishes, politicians, you prescribe manipulation, and others this is political game, which means what i said, in the first round i choose for whom i want, i love, in the second , i eliminate... others , this phenomenon happened, which few people expected, there was resistance against the united alliance, because we still have who knows france, this is still a flock of leftist traditions, this is leon blom, this is modes france, this is miteran, this is a leftist tradition, it didn’t know how, we have a communist party, where it is everywhere... that small one has disappeared, we have new ones like former trotskyists , like meloncho and so
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on, that means the left tradition, the left position, it is strong, and the golists, who is a great general before the goal, who respects many russians and not only the russian and the french, it has completely disappeared, 9%. this is a new political landscape, a nationally united assembly, he got it, he comes first and votes, and well... he has not yet matured, he is not yet strong enough to achieve power, that is, it turns out that the first round is such an emotional vote, voting with the heart, the second round is such a choice from the remaining candidates with the mind , well, as for the results, who will form the cabinet and how, in your opinion, what will it be like, this name is the biggest question, this is the biggest, i looked, i’m still doing my calculations, that means...
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on the big questions , not only domestic policy, economic policy, social politics, well, of course, foreign policy, how to deal with israel, how to deal with ukraine... to help or not, these are big questions, values, and for this it will be very difficult, to create a new government that will be stable and long-term, that’s why macron thinks he’s lost, i thought it myself, and now he can, as a leader, he can, he won’t manipulate, but he will exist, and of course, this
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is a decline for the prestige of france, because macron is still ... still saved my skura, because i i i am convinced that the greatest danger for him would be to have a majority of the national unification and have a bardol, as no less than now he is more familiar with his former friends, he was after all a minister, hollande, a socialist, these were his former, of course,
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former friends, it’s just that he will, he must, he is obliged to expand the government, will it turn out that they will form cabinets and will have to call new elections? this is possible, our constitution does not give this opportunity, it gives in a year, and even people are discussing that macon wants to create names such porridge, excuse me, or uzsky salad, i adore uzsky salad, to show them,
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you see, this is olivev you mean, yes, what we call, yes, yes, and that means we have to wait a year, and of course, this year will be difficult. we have the olympic games, we have big decisions, and so on, which means europe, it is she who is moving, there is a war, and so on and difficulties, which means we are not belgium, we cannot be without a government for a year, because france is still... still plays a role, even if it is not the same role at the time, it still keep in mind that germany also has difficulties.
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i said, this is like the fourth republic, few people, everyone who knows, this has been happening for a long time, the government has changed, that’s why he put in a different constitution, well, now this is a different political era, these are different times and yes we must live, and of course political - this is their job and they love to do it, in general it is clear that france is entering a period of instability. at least what all this will lead to, only time will tell evaniyavich, and thank you for your comments as well since i apologize that there was a little confusion at the beginning, let me remind you that there was a diplomat, writer, center for diplomatic research and strategy in direct contact with france, evgeniy antolyevich berk. let's move on to the third topic, which we also mentioned at the beginning, these are the results of the presidential elections in iran. we have connections with farhad
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ilshanovich ibragimov, political scientist, specialist on iran and turkey, expert at the valdai international discussion club. farhad alshenovich, hello. good afternoon. tell me what kind of figure this is, it is called reformer. what does this mean in practice and what are your expectations of his policies as president? well, it must be said that indeed petershkiyan has been in politics for a long time, 24 years ago he headed the ministry of health, higher medical education, is a practicing heart surgeon, counts himself among the camp of reformers, and is considered to be quite an interesting political figure for a long period time. in fact, he was a deputy, representing, therefore, the province of the east, eastern azerbaijan, where the city of tabris itself is from, and even literally 5-10 years ago,
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it means he was in the position of vice-speaker, that means parliament, and it must be said that he was repeatedly nominated as a candidate for the presidency of iran, but every time it means he failed , which means the movement was a failure , finally they gave him the opportunity. after all, it means trying to be the president from the point of view of seeing whether he can, whether they can vote for him or not, so in the end we saw these the most interesting results, because it must be said that at the beginning, when the presidential campaign began in iran, not everyone was confident that he could win, because firstly, the reformers were not very popular in the country, this was shown by a poll relevant ratings and recent ones. parliamentary elections in the country itself in march of this year, well, strictly speaking, he was not the most notable figure, they believed that, by the way, he could firmly take third place, but clearly not second, and so
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no longer the first, well, the unpredictability of the iranian elections is quite interesting, this persian riddle, which we talk about a lot, it has manifested itself, as they say, so petreshkiyan is here, of course, he surprised many , including reformers and conservatives, of course, and accordingly. this is a politician who really has a more, let 's say, modern outlook, unlike his opponents from the conservative wing, and accordingly, he will focus on social and economic issues that are clearly extremely important for iran; in principle , the office of the president in iran is obliged to deal with precisely these issues. as for foreign policy, should we expect any changes in which areas, or is the president more likely to determine domestic policy?
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and khamini, if you pay attention to how different presidents behaved there, mahmoud ahmadijad, well-known to many, there hassan rouhani, the late ibrahim reisi, then iran’s policy still changed, foreign policy changed, internal, in principle remained at the same level, because after all, this is a question of the system, and its preservation, but foreign policy has changed somewhat, that is, it’s like a roller coaster, as it pumped, rode up and down, that is, from conservation nuclear program to its development. and so on, that is, it is possible that rudeness will still come from those, from the opinion that will be expressed by petashkian and his
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team; in foreign policy, he firmly adheres to the same positions, approximately as ibrahim reisi, in fact , if you look at what he says, in principle he states that iran needs to develop relations with russia and china , mainly because these are the most important partners for iran today, but at the same time, peshkiyan has stated repeatedly: that he would be ready to start negotiations with europe, but not because, strictly speaking, he really loves the europeans very much, is very interested in relations with the west, in general , no, but to show the whole world that iran is open to dialogue with the old continent, but in fact, europeans are amorphous and europeans are not able, accordingly, to put forward a normal human line of behavior in which they would perceive iran as an equal, here, of course, we will stumble upon this rather interesting one. because, in principle, now is the us presidential election, it is not clear what will happen after the november elections, it is not clear how the europeans will behave, because , strictly speaking, ibrahim raisi, when he
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became president 3 years ago, he... too at first, just together with the deceased too abdullahiyan, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, also made attempts to improve relations with the west, but nothing came of it, so there is reason to believe that pereshkin will end up with approximately the same thing, that, strictly speaking, nothing will work out, because they are not ready for normal and adequate negotiations, but in principle , nothing will change in foreign policy, in fact, by and large, because the externally appropriate political tone has already been set ; iran already has an understanding of where it should move, joining the sco, joining brix, how this can touch on relations with russia in those areas of cooperation that already exist, in particular on such megaprojects as, for example, the transport corridor north? well, at a minimum, iran proceeds from the fact that relations with russia are strategically significant for it, the russian direction is not just the most important, it is the most... priority, i
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would say, especially since a very serious, major agreement is being prepared, as you know, yes, this is, strictly speaking, open data, and this was repeatedly discussed in moscow in tehran, therefore, it is very important here to note that iran is not just not going to maintain relations with russia, on the contrary, it is going to strengthen relations, and at least economic ones, and in fact, pezheshkian means his team should first of all be focused on economy, this is their main task, according to the state of affairs, and of course, the constitution will oblige them to this . moscow here plays a very significant key role in matters of economics, security, yes, and here for iran it is very it is important that this track continues to gain momentum and develop, because a lot depends on iran in the russian direction, which was quite rightly emphasized regarding the north-south itc, which is one of the most important key links
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from the point of view. logistical component for iran, because here iran plays a very important significant role in the development of this route, and of course a number of other projects that also connect russia with iran, and how geopolitical in nature, as well as geo-economic, so here, of course , it is very important for iran to bring these relations with russia to a strategically new level, that is, we are already at the level of strategic partnership, but in iran they say very often, and i hear this directly from from almost every corner, what about what... it is important for iran to bring relations with russia to the level of strategic alliance, because today for iran russia is actually almost an ally, because we are absolutely and therefore taking it to a new level , a fundamentally new level of our relations in the military-political sense of the word, in the economic sense of the word, and our hands are free, and we are overcoming the barriers that the west has long put before us in the development of relations with iran, and we are thus
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strengthening our positions in the middle east. iran understands this very well, it also accepts it, and besides, yes, this concerns the syrian issue, which means the character and other significant regional aspects, of which there is a fairly wide range of topics that can be developed. franshanovich, i thank you you for your comment, thank you for taking part in the live broadcast and answering the questions. let me remind you that this was the fifth studio program, we continue to follow all the topics in our news broadcast. the fsb reported that they prevented an attempt to hijack the tut-22 m3 strategic bomber to ukraine. ukrainian intelligence tried to recruit the pilot, who was promised $3 million and italian citizenship. the fsb also stated that the intelligence services of nato countries were involved in the attempted hijacking. the russian pilot was contacted via
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messenger. moreover, they started with threats to the pilot’s relatives, they asked him for information about the aircraft, tail numbers, technical condition, schedule of regulations, in addition they asked to set fire to the aircraft, the pilot told the command about everything, after which representatives of the fsb got involved in the matter. during the operational game , a blow was struck at a ukrainian airfield, where they were asked to transport a russian bomber. hungary highly appreciates china's peace initiative in ukraine. prime minister viktor orban announced this at a meeting with chairman of the people's republic of china in beijing. according to him, china is a key force in creating conditions for peace in this conflict. in turn , sidzenping noted the importance of preventing escalation. according to the chairman of the people's republic of china , the international community must create conditions for a dialogue between ukraine and russia on a ceasefire, the search for a political solution meets the interests of all parties. let me remind you, trip.


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