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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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powerful explosions in ukraine, in kiev, impacts were recorded in at least three regions, what is known about the consequences and from what other regions are similar reports coming? plans were revealed and they struck back. russian special services stopped an attempt to hijack a tu-22n3 strategic bomber and allowed them to strike a military airfield of the ukrainian armed forces. how did events develop? the main topic is ukraine, how the negotiations between viktor orban and sidzinpin are going. how they are reacting to what is happening in europe and where the hungarian prime minister will go next. the result is political instability. how did the parliamentary elections in france end, what could the new composition of the government be like, and how could the policy of the fifth republic change? today in russia
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they celebrate the day of family, love and fidelity. believers remember peter and fevronia of murom, patrons of a happy family life in orthodoxy. what traditions are associated with this date? powerful explosions occurred this morning in ukraine. information came from several regions of the country, including kiev and the kiev region. in the capital of the country, strikes were recorded in at least three areas: in shevchenkovsky. according to eyewitnesses , the artyom military plant, where missiles are produced, caught fire, and passengers were evacuated from the metro station. also, a certain enterprise is burning in the svyatoshinsky district; in solomensky, a detonation was heard near the zhulyany airport. several series of explosions were heard in the dnepropetrovsk region. messages came from the capital of the region, as well as from krivoy rog and kamensky. the strikes were announced in the city of krapivnitsk and the kirovograd region. it also became known about the consequences of night explosions in the sumy region. there object is damaged. critical infrastructure.
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russian special services stopped an attempt to hijack a tu-22 m3 strategic bomber. and the information obtained during the so-called operational game made it possible to strike an enemy military airfield. anton botkovenko will tell you what else the fsb managed to find out and how in ukraine they manage to divide even the money to bribe the russian military. they were going to hijack the strategist's tu-22 m3, a strategic bomber, by recruiting our military pilot. ukrainian special services found him in messenger. my interlocutor did not even hide the fact that from the ukrainian special services, pavlo introduced himself, and offered to hijack a combat aircraft on the territory of ukraine, but not just an aircraft, a long-range bomber, a missile carrier, a carrier of nuclear weapons. the pilot immediately told the command about everything and the so-called operational game began. pavlo did not suspect that our special services were leading him by the nose, and began to threaten the pilot’s family. good morning. where do you
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go, or do you refuse the offer? come on, time is running out, otherwise it will be as i promised. i'll start saying hello through girls, do you think it will be better? this is despite the fact that the pilot’s wife and children are in russia and are not in danger. when pavlo realized that blackmail was not working, he tried to bribe our pilot in order to lure his family out of the country. first i issued fake ukrainian passports, then a pole card. he told me about opening an account in a polish bank, he even sent me a pole’s card issued to my wife, why do we need it? and then it turns out that the service contract was drawn up in ukraine, it looks just funny, my family their plan was to go to turkey, where these guys were supposed to meet them, and then for some reason to moldova, then to ukraine, although we were talking about europe, everything looked implausible, but what difference does it make? they
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were simply going to steal them and keep them. a separate question, of course, to the diplomatic departments of these countries, how is it that the ukrainian special services so easily produce fake documents, now in one name, now in another, with all the holograms and watermarks? moldova was chosen for a reason. ukrainian special services are there they feel at ease and carry out their intelligence activities without putting the leadership of local law enforcement agencies under responsibility. it is obvious that ukrainian intelligence acted with the participation of nato intelligence services, without which it would have been impossible to formalize it. polish italian document. pavlo actually made italian passports for the pilot and his family and sent this video - a million dollars in cash. the ukraine young newspaper is a symbol that it was he who shot this video. the operative game continued with money strange things began. the pilot's wife received papers from the bank not exactly worth 1 million dollars, as indicated in the final line of the statement, but 36.00 more. this can be seen if you add up the component amounts. pavlo began to confusingly explain what. this is supposedly 1.2% for those who
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organize everything, but 1.2 of a million is 12,000 dollars, not 36. in general, it seems that the pilot pavlo has not yet been recruited. the company began to divide the money intended for bribery. in pursuit of media victories and material benefits from the division of money allocated for development activities, representatives of the ukrainian special services neglect the requirements of secrecy and use blackmail and deception. pavlo promised the pilot $3 million, including from some associates or donors, like 2 years ago, when the ukrainian special services tried to carry out a similar operation to hijack russian military aircraft and also wanted to bribe the pilot, and even sent an advance. its delivery was supervised by foreign agent hristo grozev, from the belling cat portal recognized as a foreign agent, the british mi-6 project. the ukrainian special services were then so they believed the russian pilot, they gave him altitude maps, air defense layout diagrams, our rocket scientists hit the
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kanatov airfield with calibers. a criminal case was opened in ukraine. hristo grozev is no longer allowed to attend social events, for example, in the uk; he is called a security threat. the foreign agent left for the states and has no plans to return to europe. claiming that russia is hunting him. our ministry of internal affairs put him on the wanted list for fakes about the russian army, but in fact grozev seems to fear revenge from his former accomplices from the sbu and gur in the case of roman chervinsky, an employee of the ukrainian special services, who organized the same provocation with airplanes thwarted by the fsb in 1922. over there we have a comrade under investigation who is sitting closed because he seemed to want to meet the board from you, but the place of the board. calibers arrived, people died, equipment was destroyed. pavlo told our pilot that he was taking a lot of risks in the current story with the tu-22 m3 bomber and would not want to end up like chervinsky, everything was heading exactly towards this, the operation was a failure. anton potkovinko, the news is that the front line is gradually
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moving away from gorlovka, the head of the dpr denis pushillin stated this in an interview with our channel. according to him, the russian military is methodically liberating the territory of the republic, daily moving into the depths of the defense. on the enemy, we see a methodical advance of our armed forces in terms of liberating the territory of the donetsk people's republic, just like in the second settlement, and already in the gorlovsky direction, where we also see a fairly active systematic advancement and withdrawal of the front line from gorlovka, which is shelled daily, this is the dzerzhinsky direction, let’s say, and we see how much shelling and destruction unfortunately brings, deaths and injuries to civilians, in gorlovka itself, in the central city district and nikitovsky district of gorlovka, and of course, we perceive, follow and perceive extremely positively, that’s all the residents of the republic,
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in terms of what our armed forces are doing. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. still thinking about the ideal housing, it’s time to switch to domklik to find housing for any, most daring taste, with a mortgage for building a house, a new building or a resale, choose what everyone will like, on domklik everyone will find housing for themselves, hello, my name is cashboy, i help you can buy with maximum benefit at the megamarket, for example, professional shampoo for 399 rubles and 25% cashback. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try caesar rolls and other rolls only at a tasty point. from headaches there is askaffen p at an affordable price. and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition
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the dnepropetrovsk region. employees of the military registration and enlistment office on one of the roads staged a raid as if they were criminals. having stopped one of the cars, they began to push the driver into their car. eyewitnesses observed a similar picture on a busy street in one of the cities. at the height of the day, the military tried to subdue the victim, but it turned out to be desperate resistance. in the third video, the security forces completely laid the future mobilized face down on the ground. will highly appreciate china's peace initiative in ukraine, prime minister viktor orban announced this at a meeting with the president of the people's republic of china in china. according to him, beijing is a key force in creating conditions for peace in this conflict. in turn, shizen ping noted the importance of preventing escalation. according to the chairman of the people's republic of china, the international community must create conditions for dialogue between ukraine and russia. and a ceasefire and a search for a political solution meets the interests of all parties. let me remind you that orban’s trip to beijing is part of the so-called peace mission. earlier, the hungarian prime minister held a meeting with vladimir putin in moscow, and the first point of orban’s trip was kiev. now the head
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of the hungarian cabinet intends to go to washington. the coalition of the left won the parliamentary elections in france. macron's centrists came in second. the national association of marine lepin is third. the head of government announced her intention to resign. but it is unclear who will get power. none of the political forces received a majority. the election results did not seem to suit anyone in france. bottom gas enveloped the center of paris last night. report by anastasia popova. paris was preparing for the worst, but for now there was a celebration around the symbol of the french republic, as if the football team had won the world cup. however, the police still do not relax and are pulling forces to the republic square. police vans, law enforcement officers with batons, a water-med. on the other hand, the flags of many countries are mixed together. the left is for fixed prices for basic products, the abolition of pension reform, easing.
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we said it last time, let's repeat it president of the republic, we refuse to enter into negotiations with his party to
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make machinations and deals, especially after we have fought tirelessly for 7 years against his policy of social violence. to rule individually, you need an absolute majority, and not one of the blocs has one. the new popular front does not have a majority, which means that it is imperative, respecting the opinions of its voters, to put together a coalition that could potentially exist.
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the majority in their district suggests the presidential movement should look for allies in the camp of the right. today no one can say that they won these parliamentary elections, especially mr. milanchon, who is very confident in himself. i believe that the republican right remains very strong, and i believe that we need to turn towards the right. to the surprise of commentators and those who conducted polls, they took only third place and received about 140 seats, partly a political barrier worked, a temporary alliance of leftists and mokronists, which immediately collapsed, however, the leader of the national association , jordan bardela, believes that the party still
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has a long way to go. contrary to the campaign before the second round, which characterized. with unnatural political alliances designed to prevent the french from freely choosing a different policy in any way, the national unification has today made the most significant breakthrough in history. the french spoke out, and the turnout beat the first round figures. 2/3 of the residents went to the polling stations, but the result of the early elections did not bring clarity to the political future. there is still uncertainty ahead. find a compromise figure for the prime minister in a short time, given that in 3 weeks on...
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book all inclusive among millions of hotels and apartments. mixer tsarsberg - 1490 rub. for all instruments. go to the moss exhibition, or maybe to me? better wa delicious point. check out the clips. a real reason to meet a superbox with hello kitty clips and her friends, hurry up to buy and win a trip. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sbertbusiness. you don't eat mayonnaise, do you? now i eat it because the brand i love to cook has created a new pure mayonnaise, no sugar, no vinegar, no starch, it’s like this same tasty, mayonnaise is pure, bright taste,
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more useful, regional public headquarters today reported on the preparation of observers for a single voting day, the meeting was held in the public chamber of russia, on september 8, elections at several levels will be held in the country,
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family, love and loyalty day is celebrated today in russia, believers remember peter and fevronia of murom, patrons of a happy family life in orthodoxy. loyalty, which the osipov spouses celebrate together, the head of the family, sergei, is a career military man, all this time he was in the special operation zone, during during the assault on another ukrainian armed forces stronghold, he was seriously wounded and lost his leg, unable to cope with the spirits. my wife oksana helped, in sorrow, in joy, they have been for 17 years, here’s an example for you: we met on the internet, and sergei , at first i lived in krasnoyarsk, i’m from siberia,
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so he came to visit me, well, here we are now three children are a happy and contented family. the daughters of margarita seraphim are proud of their dad, but they don’t admire his order of courage, for them he is a hero, and they are a reliable support for him. no matter how difficult it is, thoughts about home and family. they always warm our soldiers, it’s bad for anyone to be there alone, no one is rooting for you, no one worries, there ’s no one to call, it’s very bad there for lonely people, there’s nothing to fight for, here you’re fighting for your family, it’s not for nothing, family day of love and fidelity established 16 years ago, july 8 - the date is not accidental, on this day orthodox believers commemorate saints peter and fevronia of murym, the union... of a prince and a simple peasant woman full of love and self-sacrifice inspires people even today, they have been tried repeatedly to separate during life, this did not work out even after death, life tells us that they
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accepted monasticism, and according to the monastic rules , they could not in any case be buried, be together, they are actually buried separately in the morning, they are determined, they see that they indeed, they are together in a completely miraculous way; the relics of the saints are still together and are kept in the muram in troitskaya. in a nunnery. thousands of believers come here every year, but there are especially many of them on this holiday. firstly, they are the patrons of the family of love and fidelity. secondly, plays an important role in my life. i came to pray for the gift of a spouse. i asked for family well-being, because family is generally the most important thing in life, no matter how successful a person is in anything, if he is unhappy in the family, then he is unhappy in the rest. over the 16 years of its existence , the holiday has acquired many traditions, for example, on the day of family love and fidelity , weddings are held en masse throughout the country, even if it is
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monday. the symbol of the holiday is a daisy, but not... an unusual one, but a murom one, she always has an odd number of petals, so that the forecast during fortune telling is favorable, he either loves it or presses it to his heart. in murom, the capital of the holiday, folk festival concerts began on the weekend and have been going on non-stop for the third day. this is how the amerkhanovs from kinishma have been waltzing through life hand in hand for 17 years. the wedding took place on the day of three sevens, july 7, 2007, but family happiness is not the magic of numbers, sergei is sure. love, patience and common interests on the next anniversary, we took it and went on a new honeymoon, we decided to see our country, one might say, from moscow to vladivostok, so muron is like a landmark for us, a landmark place, a landmark date, we are here just before the holiday, as yes, we planned, on a tourist trip or at home, it is important to celebrate july 8th together with family, this is the most important tradition of this holiday.
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leonid muravyov, anton kolmykov, igor. there is a wedding boom in russia today, many couples wished to cement their relationship with uzume marriage on this day, and its popularity along with the red slide with beautiful dates every year only growing. the first ceremony has already taken place in vladikavkaz on the day of family love and fidelity, for example, zarina kargieva and kazbek tsarikaev got married. the newlyweds admitted that they are not making long-term plans yet; they say the main thing is that family life is filled with love, as pure as that of the patron.
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one person received the highest possible result in the eg in russia. a graduate of moscow school 1580 scored 400 points . rosobnadzor reported this today. several more guys received at least 300 points. during the main period of the exam we took approximately 700,000 graduates. the average score in specialized mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and geography has increased significantly. this year we have 8,691. maybe it will be stable. more after retaking 648,200 points, 42 - 300 points and one graduate of ours earned 400 points, i visually see that it seems to me that the number of 300 points per year is increasing, i’m also pleased with the kind of guidance young people have for absolutely absolute results, now there is a short pause and we
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will continue.
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