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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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opportunities where every child can make his or her dream. you know, when we came up with the mechanics of making dreams, we were worried that they would either be very childish or material, but now, summing up, i can say that the future of russia is definitely in good hands, young children will definitely grow up in good hands. our children dream of becoming the best morchas in the world, they want to build comfortable cities and even solve the problem of global warming, they dream of traveling and discovering their country. many of them want to defend our homeland and become heroes of russia, they all want to realize themselves here. and the exhibition showed them that in our country there are all the opportunities for this, i really want that after the end of the exhibition , children and youth continue to learn about the programs and projects that our national center russia will implement, and of course come to visit us in our center and got acquainted with our amazing country, thank you, we have a breakthrough, this is the first one that has realized a dream, but we have several children, hello, i frosyu, i realized my dream, i was able to work with my mother, at this exhibition i am
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a student at the school of young guides, i have already completed training and conducted quite a lot of excursions, by the way, our first excursions took place along the light route, these are not just flowers in some flower beds, there, in each flowerbed, the history of a certain region is told, you travel everywhere so much, communicate with different people, from abroad in russia, invite everyone to us, we will tell everyone what a great, huge, interesting country we have, i imagine stavropol region. “good afternoon, thank you, thank you, vich, look, the exhibition has actually turned into pride, many of my fellow countrymen came right to the stage, they came specifically to moscow, we suggested many times that the exhibition should be extended, it would be good, the creation of a national center russia is without a doubt , this is a further step in development, but it is very important, on today, the day of family love , fidelity, so that the exhibition family grows, vladimirich, i propose to create branches."
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national center of russia in all regions russian federation, we are ready to become a pilot , vladimirovich, if you instruct us, there is one more proposal, you know, so that it doesn’t work out for us, who gets in, then who gets in for the wood, this is always the situation, of course, we need to centralize all this under the federal center, if it happens the instruction is appropriate, to standardize further performance and further development of the exhibition, i would be very grateful, i ask for your support, i think i’m not the only one so smart, i don’t know. regarding branches, few people know that in the fifties last century, in addition to the main dnh, there were 11 more exhibitions built in other regions, unfortunately, they were all later lost, including in ryazan, the exhibition was destroyed in the nineties, but literally only islands of the building and the territory remained abandoned, now we restored this exhibition, here some of the footage we now have is completely in this form,
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now we already have plans for its further expansion, we will go beyond the borders that were under the soviet union, now this is one of the centers ryazaniya's life, there there are always some forums, events, concerts, exhibitions, museums, cafes, but life is really in full swing there, that is, we are already fully ready to adopt the legacy of the russia exhibition from within our region, promote it, we will act in this direction, i also want to say that the exhibition, of course, has become, among... everything else, a unique space for communication, here we communicate with other regions, with federal authorities, with social activists, with business, etc., of course, this is the communicative component we also need to preserve and further develop in some way, good afternoon, mikhailov, representative of the faiov, who spoke pavel viktorovich, and the exhibition space, it was a unique space of dialogue, we , the regions and the government and ministries, could do it without any barriers, without bureaucracy to solve any issues, dozens of times...
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national projects were formed faster, and federal programs, regional programs, barrier-freeness and openness in general - this is the main thing of our exhibition; nowhere in the world can a visitor come and see how the cabinet of ministers is working, and here he could do this in the coordination center, hear all these emotions, disputes, well, no one has ever done this, and in general, all the employees of the ministry had the opportunity to conduct excursions with these emotions, that is, we ourselves told people what we have reached, where we are going, what we are going to do, their emotions, their... support, their faith in us, it seemed to charge me, my leader is varovich, he led excursions for children of donbass, lugansk, imagine, children 9, 10, 11 years old, here he is says, we will build this there in the future, they say, we also want to be builders, well, this is unique, when at the age of 11 a guy already understands what he wants to do in life, and there is a little about construction, no one has ever seen such exhibitions in the world planned for the exhibition to be built in the fall, it worked all winter until mid-summer, without a single technological violation for more than 18 million people. it's unique. also,
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if i contact you, if possible, with a request, with support, i would very much like this platform for dialogue between regions and federal executive authorities were retained within the national center of russia. this is very good practice. well , colleagues tell us how they worked here, and we, as the media, channel one, we showed how the exhibition worked, and of course there was genuine interest from the audience in the stories from the exhibition, on the first day of the exhibition, we worked with a large team of the first here, and i asked for numbers, i don’t know whether you like them or not, but we were interested, 6 million people watched the broadcast of the program about the opening of the exhibition, of course, when then we worked and made stories, even my friends... wrote to me, asked if everything is true there as it is shown in your stories, is everything really free, i say, guys, everything is true, everything is free, come and look, of course, people came and then came again, because you yourself have been here for the fourth time, four times, now the fifth, you yourself know that you can’t see everything at once, and of course, everyone was delighted
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and interested in the stories , and to come from the regions and watch it, really, for me it seems like we succeeded in the media, my colleagues will support me and tell me what they noticed. yes, of course, alexey petrov, vktrk columnist, i will support my colleagues, indeed, colossal attention, we also worked here, we have a whole studio here, where a fragment of the evening news broadcast came from, but what is important is that colossal interest, it is largely on in my opinion, it is also explained by how brightly and talentedly both the regions and the organizers of the exhibition approached the matter, because here you could walk on foot from chukotka to kaliningrad, to find out the industrial potential of the urals, donbass, but it was possible from a completely different angle...
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listen to the sound of the sea, the sound of the forest, smell it, that is, the russia exhibition was accessible to absolutely all russians, despite physical capabilities, i think this is important moment, it is important to emphasize this, and the russian exhibition was also available for documentarians, ekaterina yakovleva at arti is responsible for documentary films, and we actually here in this... probable hall, which can still transform, held the premiere of the film "thank you, dear, a film about love for the motherland." and here we held our festival, the international documentary film festival artidok, the time of our heroes, and the picture is still before our eyes: sunday 11 am, this hall is full, people are standing with tears in
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their eyes applauding at the final credits of the film about the liberation of mariupol, and of course, this all brings us together very much, such shows and such an exhibition, and let me also add ksenia soldatova. with the news, it was very comfortable for journalists to work here, because some kind of official events were constantly taking place events, governors and members of the cabinet of ministers came, you could approach anyone without agreeing on any agreements, ask them any questions, given the enormous distance of the exhibition and the fact that there were always a lot of guests here, it was very difficult for officials to avoid these questions, so i am a cosmetics manufacturer from pskov, our cosmetic... it is so young, we are not even a year old, but we were already here, represented in the department store, in our concept we moved away from the minimalist european design, we spent all our money creativity of peasants of the 18th-18th centuries, that is, these are paintings of spinning wheels from our region,
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lace, all the original russian ornaments, but you can imagine, not a single trading platform took us, not a single store, because this is not typical, this is not a format, and of course, thanks to... the exhibition and russia, which was in a national vein, it supported us, women took our funds from the department store to all regions, to all corners, it was just phenomenal, now, by the way, here we have an application has been submitted to our investment fund the city of pskov for modernization, for the development of our small production, in these 3 months we are working with the export center, ours, we were in kazakhstan, tajikistan, in belarus we are introducing other countries to our cosmetic production.
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we were friends with our neighbors, sevastopol, crimea, we did it together, and it’s great, the legionnaires, our roman cossacks got along together, and as soon as the cossacks entered the scene, it was like a magnet... how the region has developed over the years thanks to your support, well, just recently we ourselves needed care, now we have taken
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the territory of one of the new regions under the patronage, and by our example we show all new regions what development and what future awaits them, and you know, thanks to your support on the scale of the exhibition, together with the management, we held a celebration and large-scale celebration such a decade of the russian spring together with crimea and may 9, the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of sevastopol, and on behalf of our governor, only sevastopol residents worked at our stand, 164 people came specially, these are those who directly worked at the stand, hundreds more adult children and youth came to the event, well , because only city residents, of course, can talk about their city, convey a piece of love to our patriotic capital, and our stand, just like our city, was full of traditions, for example, every new week we began with raising the flag, solemnly raising it under the anthem of russia and sevastopol. for example, from the very beginning we started such an old-fashioned book of wishes and now there are 1600
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pages filled with good wishes from all citizens of our country who were at the stand, we we’ll bring sevastopol along with our stand, thank you very much for this unique experience, i haven’t painted with wine yet, 200 paintings, well, i painted the crimea with isaac’s mud , including elena yurchenko, republic of crimea, i love you, you know, every stand was special . each region showed its achievements, crimea brought people, just builders, our guys, defenders, teachers, doctors, we wanted to show that crimea is not only a tourist region, that we have production, excellent agriculture, and you know, every visitor from our stand i learned that there are three seas in crimea, the black sea, the azov sea and the largest in russia and europe, the lavender sea, but the most grandiose event, of course, the march would say on march 18, the day of our russian spring, decades,
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processions, an action of gratitude , songs, but the brightest thing, you know what happened, in the evening a guy came up to the walls, he’s the same age as the russian spring and said, now i know exactly what patriotic goosebumps are, thank you for the haven, for the goosebumps, the russian spirit. crimea is yours. not only russians experienced goosebumps at visiting our exhibition. foreigners too. we met a lot of foreign delegations, foreign groups. they were surprised, they were surprised, including the american journalist tucker carlson at the sevastopol stand, for example. the italian guests were surprised. they were so delighted, they even scolded natalya sergeevna a little, she said: why the whole world still doesn’t know. about such an exhibition all over the world, we need to tell more, and we
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really see that foreigners are sincerely interested in russia, they want to know what russia, in fact, vladimir vladimirovich, we believe that it is very important that the national center russia becomes a platform for official visits of foreign delegations, including because here at the exhibition there was an excellent platform for telling about russia to the whole world . thank you very much for this, vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon, i’m lyudmila nikolaeva, ore from makeevka, i fed the whole country at the exhibition, the employees of all our guests, well, there was such a situation, an amazing meeting, i’m in moscow i have lived here for more than 20 years, i met my neighbor here, who brought her children from makeevka. tatyana ivanovna medvedeva, but
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the meeting was amazing, we want there to be more such meetings, we hope we will meet in the national center, thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is zakhar fedosov, i represent the chelyabinsk region, i want to join lyudmila’s words, we have a stand very often unexpected meetings of people who have not seen each other for many years occur; there was a case when, after 50 years, elderly people met on ours. the most important thing that i felt at the exhibition is that we are a single indivisible state. taking this opportunity, i want to convey to you words of gratitude and greetings from my parents and my loved ones. natalya belgorod region, vladimir vladimirovich, during the exhibition we have become a large, friendly family, where everyone is ready to support each other. i am very grateful that there was such an action in
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support of the belgorod region. belgorod - our hearts are with you. as long as we are all together, we will not be defeated, yes, to our friendly big family, vladimir vladimirovich, i will continue, volunteer court denis, the closing ceremony of the exhibition took place on july 6, our volunteers told the whole world that we are proud to have taken part in organizing such a wonderful project for the volunteer community of our country, 8 months of continuous assistance for site - this is a colossal experience and truly a record, because 14,000 people joined the exhibition’s volunteer corps. our visitors were the first to be received by our volunteers, who provided comprehensive assistance, raised the atmosphere, friendliness and warmth, and they were given the opportunity to capture the most sincere emotions in their hearts of gratitude, our volunteers helped them with this, natalya sergeevna, over to you, slowly finishing, we decided that after all, our exhibition, our flow could be endless that our
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exhibition is about the atmosphere, first of all, and you know, we agreed with the guys that this will also be a territory of gratitude, we will stage... this is just the last performance. vladimir vladimirovich, good afternoon. we really began to dream of what the national center should become. here, you see on the screen, of course, light and bright, warm, familiar. we use vlogda lace motifs on the facade, but the most important thing is open, open to all citizens and open, like russia to the world. you know, just now i was listening to all my colleagues with you, all these pictures flash before my eyes,
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i remember how in the same hall natalya sergeevna and i held a series of film screenings of soviet science fiction. many young guys watched such films for the first time like moscow to assiapia, through thorns to the stars, the planet of storms, the latest films are generally recognized as innovative in the world, it is from 1961, and we would very much like, as the first project of the national center, to begin to invent the future again, we would like to invite you to the international science fiction symposium creating the future. thank you, thank you, vladimirovich, finishing, i want to say, we still have guys. a lot of guys come who are undergoing rehabilitation in hospitals, they come in with different moods, and come out and you know, here we are, listening all the time, crying, they say, we know what we are fighting for, for our great, best country in the world, thank you very much, dear natalya sergeevna, dear friends, you
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have told almost everything, there is nothing to add, but really 8 months. the exhibition worked, yes, 18.5 million people visited it, this in itself speaks of the enormous interest in the exhibition, but only during the period when we extended it for several months, in my opinion 7.5 million came, huge numbers , here are the participants in all this the events spoke of international interest, indeed, in my opinion, 120 delegations, more than 120. we have something to show and something to be proud of, but that’s not all, it’s also important, it’s important to present it beautifully and talentedly, you did it, thank you very much, of course,
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of course, we need to create conditions for... i would like it to be as bright as it turned out for you, in this regard, i really count on the fact that the team that you have formed is and will be used. in uh here in the continuation of this teamwork, and just now someone said, we have something to protect, and this
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is very important, very important, to feel it ourselves, to show it in our country to all our well-wishers, and this is the majority, this is the majority in the world, to show what we can achieve and what we are striving for, by the employees and representatives of the exposition of the russian forum exhibition and by journalists who covered the work of the exhibition. now the latest news is that the prime minister of india has arrived in russia on an official visit, his plane has landed. vnukov-2 personal airport, before this, the head of the indian government was in russia in 2019, when he came to vladivostok. during the visit , negotiations with vladimir putin are planned. as
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presidential press secretary dmitry peskov clarified, this evening there will be informal communication between the two leaders, they will have the opportunity to communicate one-on- one with a free agenda, and formal negotiations will take place tomorrow. well, now footage from the government coordination center. good afternoon. dear colleagues, today we have an anniversary, exactly half a century ago it was a decree of the council of ministers of the ussr was signed on the start of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. as a result of this decision , 3,000 km of railway were laid in permafrost conditions, about 60 settlements were founded , and a new access to the world's oceans was created. development. the main line was resumed on behalf of the president as part of the eastern railway range project, and as a result , the carrying capacity of this direction has already
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exceeded 170 million tons. in the next 9 years we plan to increase it to 270 million, while construction continues actively. this decision was made in april of this year. the total cost of the work will be more than 3.7 billion rubles. thanks to which additional tunnels, sidings, bridges will appear, including across the amur river, platforms and stations will be updated, which will allow mining and processing enterprises to increase cargo flow and, very importantly, the speed of delivery of goods and goods along bam via the trans-siberian railway. therefore, it is important to ensure unconditional fulfillment of the planned indicators, well, complete everything on time events. it is aimed at the implementation of these and other tasks. the national project being developed is an effective transport system, it will include nine federal projects, all of them are aimed at creating
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the necessary infrastructure, and to expand foreign trade, to increase the connectivity of our territories, so that people can quickly and comfortably get to work, to study, to travel around their country, chooses a convenient travel option for himself, including, which is very important, by electric trains and by train. by length of railways russia ranks third in the world and first in terms of intensity of their use. they transport a third of all passenger traffic and most of the cargo. the construction of high-speed highways will also open up additional opportunities for citizens and businesses. they will help to significantly reduce travel time so that the route from moscow to st. petersburg, as the president set the task, will be completed.
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once implemented, the ideas for creating the first high-speed highway in russia will be realized. there are many other projects. we will develop the great northern sea route, this is a significant national transport artery that connects the west and east of our country. it is the main route for delivering goods to remote arctic territories, so we need to actively expand our aircraft fleet, which is necessary for year-round operation. navigation, organization of northern delivery, trade with the countries of the asia-pacific region, the sender of goods should be able to conveniently use our seaports, and for this we will continue
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build. modern terminals, transshipment complexes, approaches to them, and of course, which is very important, it is necessary to modernize border checkpoints, and spread the practice of processing documents electronically; the time for inspecting cars at fifty border crossings, as we remember, should be reduced to 10 minutes. the president also set a goal to increase the intensity of air traffic within the country by one and a half times by the year 1930. for what. we will update the infrastructure of over the third airport network in russia, the changes will affect at least 75 airfields, which will help carriers open new routes and non-stop flights in moscow. we support the reconstruction of inland waterways, as well as providing the industry with qualified personnel, the issue of training young specialists is important to solve in other areas, this task is included in the national project of an unmanned aircraft system, it would, as you
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know, be launched in january of this year, its implementation will contribute to the creation conditions for the production of a wide variety of types of devices, expanding their use in all sectors of the economy, as a result of which an innovative industry should be formed, which will open up additional opportunities for business and for society as a whole. and this technology will make it possible to control the condition of industrial facilities, power lines, pipelines, and conduct monitoring. behind forests, behind reservoirs, behind landfills for timely prevention of emergency situations, use them in agriculture to treat fields from pests, to monitor crops and work efficiency harvesting machines, and, of course, for solving a wide variety of problems in hard-to-reach regions. by the end of the decade , the number of unmanned vehicles produced in russia should increase more than fivefold.
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it is important to actively implement your own advanced ones. technologies, energy and power plants, modern methods of communication, which is very important, it is necessary to localize the production of popular models in our country as much as possible. for this purpose, we will support developers of buyers of such equipment, we are talking about grants for design documentation, subsidies for research and production centers, as well as the implementation of government orders. it is necessary to continue the creation of infrastructure for... the operation of drones in order to ensure their flights in a single airspace, reduce the time for certification, simplify procedures, complex procedures, we know how to obtain them, and of course remove unnecessary administrative barriers, for this special the head of state repeatedly drew attention to the details of the national project being developed effective transport system about the progress and
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implementation of unmanned aerial systems. my deputy vitaly gennadvich saveli will report. this was footage of a strategic session on national projects, which was conducted by mikhail neshustyan. we continue the news review, russian troops launched a group strike with precision weapons on ukrainian air bases and military-industrial complex facilities,
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it was reported. ministry of defense the military department also denied the statement of the ukrainian authorities about a deliberate strike on civilian targets in kiev, saying that these the objects were destroyed due to the fall of a ukrainian air defense missile. this morning, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to cause damage to russian energy and economic facilities, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with long-range precision weapons on military industry facilities in ukraine and air bases of the ukrainian armed forces. the objectives of the strike have been achieved. the designated objects are hit. the statement by representatives of the kiev regime about russia’s allegedly intentional missile strike on civilian targets is absolutely not corresponds to reality. numerous published photos and video footage from kiev clearly confirm the fact of destruction due to the fall of a ukrainian air defense missile launched from an anti-aircraft missile system within the city. we especially note that similar hysterics of the kiev regime have been happening for several years every day.


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