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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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for the fact that you do a lot for large families, and we took advantage of several such initiatives, this is the family mortgage program, it allowed us to purchase housing, and also this is a subsidy for repayment, its 450,000, to receive it, we thought that there would be a lot of failures, but everything turned out very quickly and easily with the help of government services, so thank you for this, tatyana alekseevna’s government constantly paid attention to this. attention, and at one time she pushed through these 450,000, it turned out that way and it works effectively, but as far as i understand, maybe my brother started on this topic, but in fact, yes , 450,000 came directly from government services, great, great, but can you talk a little about the problem, well, not even about the problem, about the fact that it’s not it really worked out, but there is such a concept, i’m sure you know, as a tax deduction, the problem is that there are a lot of tax deductions, well, for housing, for real estate in particular, yes, yes, a property tax
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deduction, yes, but here’s what regarding tax deductions, we deduct 13% of salaries, and as i understand it, this money can be returned back, but teachers do not always have enough to exhaust all their possibilities, that is, sometimes what we paid as taxes is an amount much less than the amount that could would rely if we deducted more taxes, but if for large families this would be a very big help, that it would be possible... it would be possible to return not only that part of the taxes that you paid, but in general the full amount that is due under the tax deduction, yes, this is what you just said, you only understood mathematics, and i - as far as i understand, this is what we are talking about, we now have in the state duma a draft law on - this kind of family or... family deduction - how is it a family
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payment, a family payment, in fact, this is a deduction too the most important thing, then, is that after all deductions the family does not pay more than 6%. here is the difference between 13% and six, this difference should remain in the family, this is the whole point, and we have several tax deductions, this is uh property in the case of purchasing an apartment there, that means social tax deductions, these are deductions - related to education, healthcare, and general so-called tax deductions for families, and... so,
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this one, this main one, which is now being discussed in the duma, it of course should be considered before all the main ones, here all these deductions that i mentioned, so that it doesn’t turn out that all the deductions are subtracted, and then there is nothing left to take into account, yes, yes, we will definitely think about it, i will ask. government and state duma deputies, they will have a discussion of this issue tomorrow, accept, make a decision in accordance with the interests of the russian family, thank you very much, and vladimir vladimirovich, can i also please, as a mother of many children, i will propose something else, in fact, in our family, large families are promoted for... parents
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with many children, we with a husband and many children, denis is also a father of many children, this is the idea, in fact, but for a large family to go out somewhere for a walk, to some amusement park, to go with the whole family to the circus, to a museum, or anywhere, it’s actually very financially it’s expensive, i have an idea for you, let’s give it one day a year, let it be today, right? today is july 8th, the day of family, love and fidelity, we will make a holiday for large families so that we can go for a walk somewhere for free, because it is really very difficult, and children mm for a large family to go somewhere, in fact, it’s quite difficult to manage all this financially, but we’ll have one day when we can do something like this... the children will
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wait for it for a very long time, i agree with you, it would seem like such a small thing, but... but it can will matter for large families, it will not only be the state and local authorities mobilizing, but the families themselves will be mobilizing, because you said it right, and the family will be waiting for it, the children will be waiting, well, because everyone is busy, everyone they work, yes, but if you know this in advance, yes, everyone can prepare, this is a good idea, it’s like new year, gifts and the day of family and fidelity, free swings, but it will be the children waiting for the holiday, i agree, we’ll definitely think about it, thank you thank you very much for the idea, something else, hello
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vladimir vladimirovich, we are the robachev family, on my left hand is my wife, daria, this is the eldest daughter nadezhda, and my father vladimir borisovich. a veteran of labor - he has been transporting people to novovoronskaya oyas by bus all his adult life. my name is sergey. we are, among other things, a musical family, we are singer-songwriters, parents of five children, our distinctive feature, perhaps even, is that these children were born in less than 10 years of our marriage. we have such high efficiency. i would like to say about the competition, the competition is really wonderful, as the guys said, a very cool competition, it allowed us to express our creativity, there were creative tasks, we immediately paid attention to them, we wrote a singing sliver, which literally became a hit of this competition, sergey vladilenovich won’t let all my friends gather, but
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the song really turned out great, even to add vladimir vladimirovich, i wholeheartedly recommend you listen, or better yet , watch this clip, i think you... a lot of positive emotions, here are the guys with the competition will be confirmed, everyone says thank you to us, it’s so soulful, such a wonderful song and video, my husband is a very talented person, i’m lucky, and i’ve been going out and drinking for 3 days, yes, and people say that this really is some kind of hit- then this whole competition turned out right, the most important thing is that we didn’t pull this song out of our fingers, we didn’t make it up, we just wrote a song about ourselves: i’m lucky, because i have a big family, i’m lucky. that russia is my homeland, these are the lines in chorus, but all this might not have happened, because we had a serious question looming over whether to participate or not to participate in the competition, we wanted it, but since we have limited time, we are a large family, constantly these movements, i when i found
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out the volume of tasks that we would need to cope with, i really doubted whether we could pull it off or not, whether we should join or not, and meanwhile the competition was already becoming popular, so we are going in the direction, that’s it, if yes, if it comes up as no, then we’ll forget about competition, let's go back to our normal life, yes comes up, and we wrote this song, passed the final, today we are here next to the president of our country, it's just yes, but i want to add that in fact there were
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many tasks in this competition, completely different direction and there was an opportunity for other families to prove themselves in other areas in general, by the way, again... for ourselves, that we managed to receive such a valuable prize, we got the opportunity to record another song in the black star recording studio, and we already they did it, we were very welcome there accepted, for which we are very grateful, it was very interesting, and other families, by the way, also received many other valuable prizes, there, well, in their areas in which they completed tasks, thank you very much for that, yes, imagine, we introduced.
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to contribute to the appearance of more examples of healthy, large families on television in the media, we, in turn, are ready to contribute to this and apply our talents in... to apply in directing activities, i am sure that there is no need to look for examples or materials for this, all families , which went to the finale, and those that didn’t even make it through, please come and film any family, the only thing is that it’s not done in some formal way, cloyingly, sweetly, but to show this family path, how they got married, how they lived in one-room apartment, so that people could share their living experience, so we, for example, put into our creativity what we actually live.
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very convenient, yes, look, i come to the social fund, i fill out all this, everything is fine, but after a year the composition of my family has not changed, my place of work has not changed, everything is the same, but a year later i have to come again to renew, maybe somehow simplify this renewal procedure, it is quite simple, even through government services it can be done, but somehow make it so that it is simply automatic, if there is such a possibility, just in automatic mode once everything, if a person needs to be let down. some documents or something has changed with him, let him receive a notification about government services in three days, he
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will deliver it all, everything will be ready, and so in automatic mode, yes, i think this can be done, firstly, secondly, when i met with large families, on the occasion of presenting them with the corresponding state awards, by the way, now this family is here... is also - the same question arose there , but it was even more subtle, if for this year after the registration of the relevant documents in another child appears in the family, documents need to be drawn up for him again, we talked with colleagues, we don’t have to do this, we need to make changes to the current rules so that for the uh... baby who was born this year, all the necessary funds were accrued, payments
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were automatically, yeah, automatically in the same amount that older children receive, yeah, and then after a certain period of time, a year there, so that they would register for everything at once for all children at once, this can be done, we agreed, tatyana alekseevna, i ask you to record this and work it out, thank you. from the people to feel that we represent some kind of value for our state, this is actually very
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inspiring, and well, i want to continue to live and create for our country, for our people, i also have such a proposal, as from a mother of many children, well , my children are still so small, from a year old to 9 years old, and i would like - by the way, i had this name in my head: a country for children , so that our infrastructure is more focused on the children's population, you know, even starting from such everyday issues as children's washstands, diaper bags, rooms for mothers and children, some children's corners, for example, we are traveling from voronezh to moscow with children , you often have to stop and change there a diaper, well, some such things, yes, i think that many parents have...
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or an idea that, unfortunately, was not born with us, this is a barrier-free environment, everything, all the requirements that are necessary in this regard, we began to be incorporated into... various standards, including building standards, the same needs to be done for large families and for small children, this is absolutely perfect, this will need to be taken into account in the future and implemented directly at the regulatory level, exactly, yes, thank you, and you know, i want to share my impressions, and this was at the semi-finals,
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when we were sitting in the csk arena. and there was a gathering of all the families, and i just looked at our families a little from the outside, watched how they interacted, by the way, almost all families say about themselves: yes, we are simple, yes we are simple, listen here, only winners , other record holders, i walk like this, i think, wow, they are simple in general, these are some unreal people, and i, the most important thing is that i noticed that such mutual support reigns in these families. and such love, you know, is sacrificial love, that is, people do not live according to the principle everyone for themselves, but on a principle for each other, and this is, how to say, it is forged, not in a year, not in two, a happy family is actually a lot of work, it is, first of all , work on ourselves, when we learn and to forgive
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when we learn to accept, when we learn to share, when we learn to protect. ah and most importantly, when we learn to love truly, sacrificing ourselves for our neighbor, and i want to say a big thank you to all our families, i can cry now, because this is such power, guys, our families are strength, this salt of our state, as long as we stand, our state will stand, and nothing will be taken from us, hurray! thank you very much, that’s it, let’s finish, i, yes, please, please, commander-in-chief, i wish you good health, captain dementyev, with your permission, i will give the opening speech to introduce the family to my mother antoshkina oksana vitalievna.
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hello, vladimir vladimirovich, we are a family of three generations, antoshkina. khazhalovs, we are from the beautiful altai region, i, my name is oksana, i am a primary school teacher secondary school, and on my left hand are my parents, they are our solid support, our main educators in life, they are on well-deserved rest now, and my dad vitaly fedorovich, he served in the police, his experience is 36 years, he retired with the rank lieutenant colonel, mother tatyana ivanovna, she has little experience, because she... helped me with raising my children, then the youngest son dmitry sits behind dad, this year he graduated from nine classes, received a certificate with honors, an active participant in the first movement, and about sitting next to me is my eldest son roman, an officer in the russian armed forces, a participant in a special military operation, well, i want
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to say about roman. that he was always drawn to everything military, war games, pistols, well, probably because his grandfather often played all this with him, he brought him some kind of clubs, even though they were broken, but nevertheless, they were , and he even had a helmet, a bulletproof vest, once he even brought handcuffs, they played with him, he cut him machine guns, swords, all this is still kept, that's... probably it all went from there and he wanted to become a military man, he became very determined in the seventh grade to go in for sports, when he graduated from school, he entered the novosibirsk higher military school command, and there was rom , how much,
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there was a very difficult competition, about 10 people per place, but... the faculty of using military intelligence successfully passed everything, passed everything, and by hook or by crook i am now serving, i am a participant in a special military operation, i achieved my goal goals, i wanted and achieved, but what else would i like to say is that i was the initiator of the competition, since i work at a school, then on september 4, during conversations about the important things - to the children, i conveyed all the information about the projects of the first movement, and about the eaglet program russia, by the way, we are active participants, we are in this program mo... class arlyat of russia, hello, hello to my kids, and i came home and decided why my family couldn’t take part in the competition, i brought it to the children’s lessons. i spoke about this competition in great detail, at that time i i already read everything about the regulations, got into this competition, came home and suggested, my parents, who never
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give out their data anywhere, when they heard that this was a presidential platform, they immediately gave me my passports, fill out the forms, that’s it, the only difficulty was with me and roman, there was no connection with him, and we had to fill out and submit the application without him, but of course i would like the family to be in full force. then suddenly after some time he got in touch, appeared, and i asked him, can you at least a couple send us some photos, there will be something to participate in the competition, but he thought, well, let’s try, i wrote to support, explained the situation, we were allowed to include him in the team, well, that’s how he ended up on our team, then, he’ll probably tell you how it was, but indeed at that moment i was out of touch for some time, but...
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so that they would make some concessions, and so that i could record some short video for the competition or take a photo , yes they supported, if there was such an opportunity, they let me go somewhere, uh, so that i could do all this, and now they let you go on vacation? yes, i’m on vacation now, we need to, we need to generally establish a system of vacations for svo participants, not everything should be... organized there yet, but i know that, we’ll work on it, but the fact that you came is great , we succeeded, but the condition was
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in the correspondence stage that all team members were in the video, well, for us roman was, so to speak, an adviser, a commander, what else can you call him, because he gave us advice, some recommendations on implementation tasks, and then we carried them out, implemented them, turned it all into reality, well, one of the tasks was to get into the new year’s mood, we had to decorate the apartment, he literally wrote down a few seconds for us, where he quickly, quickly said: “decorate the christmas tree like usually, tricolor, white, blue-red, decorate the windows there, don’t forget the symbol of the year, hang it up, that’s it, and we did everything as he said, we even have a photo of our christmas tree, which we decorated with balls of three colors, we did it , when we were filming a cartoon, a fragment was needed filming, again, it was difficult for roman, because he doesn’t have any costumes, there’s nothing there, so we literally gave him a second role there, where he was the leader of his mother’s amateur performance in the cartoon winter in
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yogurt and add, added, he shot us a video , where he literally seemed to be playing the piano, pretended, we all added him, it turned out that we had completed the task, all the participants were in the frame. well , this is probably the funniest thing, we’ll show you now, you had to repeat the photo later several years, well, it turns out there is a novel in the photograph - this is 1999, and well, it’s already twenty-four years old, he repeated, well , tell me how you did it, how , in fact, there were several options, and i chose the one that i would was able to repeat being. special operation, but what i have here in the horde in 2024 is not a pacifier, it’s an ordinary piece of paper, just tinted with a red or
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orange felt-tip pen, headphones, well, actually, i think it turned out very, very similar, we, of course, we are proud of our son roman, but we also know... that now among the families of the finalists there are also families who also have soldiers of a special military operation, in the gazizov family from tatarstan, son bulat, i talked with his mother, in shmitka from the tverdlovsk region, father yakov, in the krovtsov family from the smolensk region, father grigory, and of course, a huge thank you to you, vladimir vladimirovich, for such a large-scale, grandiose competition, i understand that it was very difficult for... this is actually some kind of unreal work done, we are all delighted, not just me , but still this one i think the competition is very important for
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families. defenders of the fatherland and in general, in general, for all families of our country, so i would really like it to become an annual event, so that as many families as possible get the same wonderful impressions and emotions as we received from everyone who took part, and so that everyone even more families have united into one big family, so you are rightfully proud of your son and pa's parents... are proud of their sons who are taking part in today's combat work to defend russia the whole country is proud of them, you are the whole country, thank you for taking part in this competition, the idea is good, we will try to organize this work in the future,
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please, that’s it, i’m finishing. i want to congratulate you all on the final, i want to thank you, thank you for your participation, here to my right, such an active participant in the event, said very good words: the principle of living for each other, success is guaranteed for everyone, for each of you and for the whole party as a whole, thank you very much and good luck, all the best! thank you, song please send, okay, seryozha, take the song, all the best, i wish you success at the final stage of the competition, all the best, thank you very much, this was a broadcast of vladimir putin’s meeting with the families, finalists of the all-russian competition, this is a family thing for us, but before that conversations the president met with
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participants of the international festival:
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