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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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to hold an international council, that is, these are the guys who headed national preparatory committees in their countries, they helped us in preparing the world festival and formed delegations, now they are actually turning some of our divisions in countries into such, uniting communities, uniting children, after of this event, they travel to different regions of our country, they will visit kamchatka, sakhalin, crimea, at our youth forums, by the end of the year, for example, we will gather young citizen journalists along with them from all over the world.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch. or on the website, enjoy rolls at tasty point, caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese, try caesar rolls and other rolls only
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the prime minister of india arrived in russia on an official visit in a rendromode, and this afternoon his plane landed at vnukovo airport, but about how... surprises in moscow were prepared for the leader of india in an interview with the author and host of the program moscow kremlin putin told the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov i suggest listening here there is no task. is preparing surprises, the main thing here is to create an atmosphere for meaningful communication, today will be part of the meaningful informal communication, and tomorrow there will be part of the official visit, directly official negotiations, russian and indian. so, how long will the indian prime minister’s trip to moscow last, and what issues will vladimir putin and narendra mode discuss at the negotiations? they know varvara nevskaya. the snow-white plane of indian prime minister narendra landed at
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the vnukov-2 government airport near moscow at half past two moscow time. prime minister modi's official visit to russia began with a welcoming ceremony in airport. walking down the ramp, maude clasped his hands in a welcoming gesture. the distinguished guest on earth was met by deputy prime minister denis manturov. they exchanged a fairly firm, friendly handshake. also among those meeting were deputy minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation andrei rudenko, ambassador of the russian federation to india denis alipov, as well as venay kumar, ambassador of india to russia. and of course, the honor guard company, which is part of the 154th separate commandant’s preobrazhensky regiment, as well as a military exemplary orchestra. as part of the honorary the guards are traditionally three types of troops, the navy, the air force. and ground forces, in honor of the arrival of the indian prime minister , the national anthem of india
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and then the russian federation was played. an interesting detail: the russian foreign ministry , without fail, no matter how often the head of a particular state arrives, sends the notes of the national anthem to the orchestra in advance. at the end of the ceremony, a meeting at the airport took place. passage of the guard of honor, the orchestra played the song “ballad of the soldier” by composer vasily solovyov sidogo. as stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the first meeting between vladimir putin and the indian prime minister will take place this evening. negotiations in a narrow and expanded format scheduled for tomorrow. the conversation focuses on current issues on the international and regional agenda . dmitry peskov also announced his expectation of an important and full-scale visit. at the same time , the leaders of the two. countries will be able to communicate in an informal setting; the day before the kremlin also reported that the agenda promises to be
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extremely rich, not to say overloaded, given the strategic partnership of the two countries, the volume of trade and economic cooperation, as well as india’s role in regional and international affairs. as indian media reported before departure, prime minister modi said that he was looking forward to the opportunity to consider all aspects of bilateral cooperation with vladimir putin, calling the russian leader his friend. let me remind you that this is mode’s first foreign... trip after he became the prime minister of india for the third time in a row after recent parliamentary elections. before this, the head of the indian government came to russia in 2019 in vladivostok. the last visit to moscow took place in 2015, and the last personal meeting between putin and mode took place in september 22 in samarkand on the sidelines of the shanghai cooperation organization summit. varvara nevskaya, konstantin piunov and sergei kuznetsov. news. in the field of tourism. right now, a client of the news agency , vladimir putin, has signed a law on indexing pensions for working pensioners from 2025. and
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here are some more details given. according to the law, from january 1, 2025, working pensioners will receive an insurance pension payment in the amount established as of december 31, 2024, without taking into account lost funds. let me remind you that this bill was previously actively discussed in the state duma and passed unanimously, now it’s advertising, we’ll come back later. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. opening way into business. sbertbusiness. alexander nikolaevich, july 16. no, i have ice delux, which means a third, no, i have a big hit, a delicious
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my legs just go numb. these bells can become talking symptoms. so, we continue the broadcast. western countries, primarily the united states, are preparing charges against russia for the use of chemical weapons in ukraine. this was stated by the chief of troops coordination chemical and biological
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protection igor kirillov. and according to him , the americans have already allocated $400,000 for these purposes, and are also cooperating. with the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. the ministry of defense of the russian federation continues to record cases of violations by ukraine of fundamental international acts, such as the chemical weapons convention. it should be noted that the information announced during the latest briefing of the russian ministry of defense about violations of their obligations by the united states and ukraine area of ​​non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, was heard by the expert community. there were corresponding comments. posted in european and american media, as well as on information portals in the countries of the asia-pacific region. particular attention is paid to expanding military biological research in africa. thus, in the materials of the daily telegraph it is noted: quote: since russia managed to stop the implementation of biological warfare programs on the territory of ukraine, the pentagon
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is forced to transfer unfinished research within the framework of ukrainian projects in other regions. end of quote. in addition, a whole series. the publication expressed concern about ukraine's creation of a dirty bomb using radiochemicals. the import of spent nuclear fuel, by- products of hazardous chemical production , continues into the country through poland and romania, which leads to the transformation of ukraine into a dumping ground for highly hazardous waste. this process is supervised by the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy iermak. and the sponsor is the soros foundation. regime regularly violates the chemical weapons convention. during the special military operation , more than 400 cases of the use of toxic non-lethal chemicals by the ukrainian side were recorded. most of them are officially confirmed by an accredited laboratory of the russian ministry of defense. the ukrainian armed forces regularly use chemical riot control agents. gas
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grenade with the substance sys (american made), ukrainian hand grenades with chemical irritants, labeled tren-6 and homemade chemical munitions. in accordance with the testimony of ukrainian prisoners of war, the struma groups of the armed forces of ukraine are equipped with such means. there have been numerous cases of the ukrainian country using the irritant substances chloropicrin, often mixed with chlorocetophenone. similar incidents took place in the area of ​​the city of donetsk and the settlements of bogdanovka, gorlovka, kremennaya, and artyomovsk. ukraine, with the complicity of western countries, does not limit itself to the use of non-lethal chemicals, actively using match chemicals such as bizet, senic acid, cyanogen chloride. we have already drawn your attention to the statement of representatives of the wso about the presence at their disposal of similar compounds, including analogues of the combat substance tabun, ga, which is included in the number
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one list of the convention and was used by the fascist invaders during the second world war. units of the ukrainian armed forces use the toxic compound not only during military operations, but also to carry out terrorist attacks in liberated territories against a number of russian political figures. besides, ukrainian nationalists have repeatedly attempted to destroy chemically hazardous facilities on the territory of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, thereby creating a threat of chemical damage to the civilian population of the region. i would like to note that the investigation of chemical incidents in the conflict zone was carried out in accordance with the requirements of osho, using field and stationary laboratories, which made it possible to reliably establish the type of chemical compounds and the country of origin. cases have been officially confirmed by an accredited organization for prohibition of chemical weapons of the chemical analytical laboratory of the russian ministry of defense. the evidence base about
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violations of ukraine’s obligations under the convention was transferred to the technical secretariat of osho, but to date there has been no reaction. moreover, the russian ministry of defense has information about the active cooperation of ukraine with the technical secretariat of asco, which entered into an agreement on privileges and immunities during technical visits. assistance, this agreement will allow ukraine to use osho, in its own interests, bypasses existing procedures under the convention by imposing on the organization its deliberate conclusions about investigations of chemical incidents. now about the main thing: during engineering reconnaissance in one of the settlements in the ovdeevka region, in an industrial zone , a laboratory with chemical equipment was discovered on the first floor of a destroyed building. a mobile diagnostic group of troops was sent to the site to inspect the premises and conduct a rapid analysis. semi-industrial substances were found in the laboratory
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rotary evaporator, filtration and exhaust system, chemical reactors, cylinders with carbon dioxide, as well as shelves with laboratory glassware and reagents. in addition, personal respiratory protection equipment and gas masks, including those made in america, were found. from skin protection, protective. which suggested the use of what was found in circulation for the production of toxic substances. then there was the collection of swabs from laboratory equipment and the exhaust system, in accordance with the requirements, their delivery to the chemical analytical laboratory of the russian ministry of defense for in-depth analysis. during analytical studies in laboratory conditions. the presence of sodium cyanide, sulfuric acid, and trace amounts of cyanite anions in the samples was established ; the presence of these chemicals clearly indicates that in the found
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laboratory the production of general toxicants was concentrated; the productivity of such a laboratory installation is at least 3 kg per day, it is maintained staff of two or three person. please note that the lethal inhalation dose for this group of substances is very small and amounts to. for humans only 70-80 mg. let me remind you that, in accordance with the chemical weapons convention, a substance of this group, silinic acid, is included in the third list of the chemical weapons convention, and its use is prohibited by article of the first convention. this compound is a colorless volatile liquid with the odor of bitter almonds. if inhaled, this toxic chemical causes dizziness, increased breathing, vomiting, convulsions, respiratory paralysis. death during a special military operation , facts of the use of homemade ammunition by the ukrainian armed forces , dropped from unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with the specified substance
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, and the use of taxis by the kiev regime, were repeatedly recorded. according to eyewitnesses, the affected villagers experienced symptoms characteristic of blue acid, difficulty breathing, vomiting and... narrow almonds. another case of use of vsuu acid was recorded in early june 2024. after uav attacks on positions of the armed forces of the russian federation in the graevororonsky district of the belgorod region, fragments of ammunition were discovered, based on the results of laboratory studies, which confirmed the use of the specified toxic chemical. the presence in ukraine, similar to that discovered in avdievka by the chemical laboratory, is confirmed by
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the testimony. to the work of american specialists in them, as well as the participation of these laboratories in the mass production of kamikaze drones. let me remind you that the united states completely controls sosko’s activities. to settle scores with undesirable states, washington organizations created an attribution mechanism, which was used to investigate cases of the use of chemical weapons in syria. according to available information, the united states and germany , together with ukraine and masco’s technical secretariat , are preparing to launch a special mission to investigate the so-called facts of the use of chemical weapons in ukraine in order to bring charges against russia. one of the so-called independent states, it is supposed to initiate an investigation, fabricate evidence that russia used toxic chemicals during the war. the americans have already allocated about $400,000 for these purposes.
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at the same time, asko received instructions from its western supervisors not to react in any way to the russian federation’s statement about ukraine’s violations of the provisions of the convention. it should be noted that the usa and great britain use a similar approach within the framework of the scientific and technical assessment mechanism promoted at the btwc site and the international assistance cooperation mechanism, which will allow them to form an expert opinion on biosecurity threats to their advantage. for this purpose, it is planned to create channels of influence on international political research structures involved in the work of the btwc through the allocation of grant funding. the ministry of defense of the russian federation will continue to work to identify ukraine’s violation of its obligations under the contract of defense and will inform you. loyalty program
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5:00 pm
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