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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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the agenda will be rich, if not overloaded, so the kremlin commented on the content of the official visit to moscow at rendramode, the plane of the prime minister of india landed just a few hours ago at vnukov airport, the whole world is watching this visit, today, as expected, vladimir modi will already talk in such an out of shape. india nadi landed at the moscow government airport vnukovo-2 in half past three moscow time. prime minister mode's official visit to russia began with a welcoming ceremony at the airport. going down the fashion ladder. folded
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his hands in a welcoming gesture, the distinguished guest was met on the ground by deputy prime minister denis manturov, they exchanged a fairly strong, friendly handshake, also among those greeting were deputy minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation andrei rudenko, ambassador of the russian federation to india denis alipov, as well as vinay kumar , ambassador of india to russia, and of course, a company of honorary guard, part of the 154. anthem of india, and then the russian federation. an interesting detail, the russian foreign ministry is required to do so independently. depending on
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when the head of a particular state arrives, he sends the notes of the national anthem to the orchestra in advance. at the end of the welcoming ceremony , a guard of honor passed through the airport. the orchestra played the song "ballad about a soldier by composer vasily solovyov sidogo." as stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the first meeting of vladimir putin and the indian prime minister will take place this evening. there is no task here to prepare surprises, the main thing here is to create an atmosphere. for meaningful communication, today there will be part of meaningful informal communication, and tomorrow there will be part of the official visit, directly official negotiations, russian-indian. negotiations in a narrow and expanded format are scheduled for tomorrow. the conversation focuses on current issues on the international and regional agenda. dmitry peskov also announced the expectation of an important and full-scale visit. at the same time, the leaders the two countries will be able to communicate informally.
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situation, the kremlin also reported the day before that the agenda promises to be extremely rich, not to say overloaded, given the strategic partnership of the two countries, the volume of trade and economic cooperation, as well as india’s role in regional and international affairs, as the indian media reported before prime minister modi’s departure stated that he looked forward to the opportunity to consider all aspects of bilateral cooperation with vladimir putin, calling the russian leader his friend. let me remind you, this is the first foreign mode's trip after he became the prime minister of india for the third time after the recent parliamentary elections, before that the head of the indian government came to russia in 2019 in vladivostok, the last visit to moscow took place in 2015, and the last a personal meeting between putin and modi took place in september 22 in samarkand on the sidelines of the shanghai cooperation organization summit. varvara nevskaya, konstantin piunov and sergei kuznetsov. news. manufacturing in manufacturing industries.
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there were opportunities for circumvention or some kind of manipulation, so we are very glad that colleagues from the chamber of commerce and industry and the russian industrial union decided to support us, we have a partner country this year, exhibitions at the prom are the united arab emirates, we also held negotiations with them, we will and today and tomorrow we will still communicate with them, they have a big exhibition here, i am sure that those joint cooperative projects that we are now discussing with them will also take off in the near future, well, for example, an interesting project - the company found abuda in our company to my global ports, yes, that means they will produce electric ships with electric propulsion, which we already have on moskvarika, will travel on various
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water facilities in the emirates, and not only there, i think that this includes export potential they have a certain in themselves in the oil and gas industry, we have made great progress with them in terms of the certificate. what is considered russian, the parameters will somehow change, here - it is important to understand that, by the way, we are now discussing this with the ministry of economic development, we while there is no one hundred percent agreement on what is generally considered technological sovereignty for different types of products, this is a rather complex methodological task
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that is difficult to solve with the same approach for chemistry, for example, and for complex engineering products, and what is considered a critical technology. ... we produce there, i don’t know, hundreds of product line items for oil and gas equipment, each of these items within a specific product has dozens, and sometimes hundreds of different components, well, for example, we localized everything, but in another position we localized only half, we somehow use a weighted average, like we will measure the average temperature in a hospital using oil and gas engineering, that is , while the discussion is still ongoing, with chemistry it’s even more difficult, it seems, for example , remedies. chemical plant protection products, it seems that we produce 80% ourselves, but if you look at the active substance, we produce practically nothing ourselves, that is, now this is precisely the task in chemistry, the transfer of the most large-scale goods to production active substance in the country, this will allow us to produce at least half of the volume of
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imported active substance that we are currently producing in the country, here is how to calculate technological sovereignty , the level of localization is sufficient. it’s difficult, but we’ll probably come to an agreement with the ministry of economics, we live with them practically in the same building, on the same floor, so we definitely won’t have problems with interaction, recently the president. connections with china, but this would make it possible to create such new transport corridors there in in this sense, it is very interestingly located geographically and...
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it is always a platform where new developments are shown, so this year what should we focus on, including through government support, where is the priority direction now, where are the funds allocated? well, our foreign industry traditionally takes place in the urals, this is an engineering capital, too, one might say, therefore there are a lot of engineering products, but it will be presented today , colleagues dmetrich pampiansky invited us to look at the model of what sinara prepared. for the future vsm project, there are a lot of different products here, including the radio-electronics industry, i hope that
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it will become more and more, i recently visited zelenograd, watched how our microelectronics cluster is developing, in this area of ​​moscow, of course there is still a lot of work , but i am sure that the plan that is now being implemented will allow us to truly reach a high level of import independence. on the one hand, on the other hand it will introduce us to the club of countries that can talk about technological leadership, well, i’m sure i’ll have to come to uzgu, because the aircraft industry, even if they have a small project on baikal aircraft, there are also certain difficulties, this work is not easy, the creation of new aircraft, their certification, a large number of enterprises are involved in terms of cooperation, so too... i’ll visit this plant the other day when i’m here in yekaterinburg, and my colleagues and i will also
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hold a number of meetings on aviation topics. what results can there be from this visit? well, a more complete picture of the problems that we face is there there are forks that we need to go through from the point of view of both the appearance of the aircraft and the requirements that our airline customers make. in general, now, in principle, quite a lot of work is going on in aviation, of course it is very important for us... to ensure financial balancing of these projects, in fact, we are now developing several very complex projects at once, this also applies to the superjet, that is, this is essentially a new aircraft that will be completely localized, this also applies to the ms-21, the difficulty is that we are simultaneously developing experimental and design work on a number of complex components, and at the same time we put into production the same models that have not yet been completed.
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some numbers will appear, for example, how many planes will appear, undoubtedly, yes, we have a clear order, yes, almost a thousand planes before the thirtieth year, it is extremely difficult, it will require a lot of time from us. in total, and definitely absolutely investments in the development of existing production facilities, that is, for some types of aircraft we will essentially need to move away from such , you know, individual assembly from individual production into continuous industrial projects, this is also difficult, not because it is technologically difficult, technologically we will solve the problem here, it is difficult from the point of view of order volumes, that is
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, this kind of investment will need to be understood as a horizon beyond the thirtieth year. those production capacities that we plan to create will obviously be surplus in relation to our market, that is, we, again, with our products must immediately aim at other markets, and this will require additional efforts from us costs, we saw this, for example, a superjet to create a warehouse of zips and a service moved outside our country, all this is also a separate task, but which absolutely must be dealt with, otherwise it will again become a one-time thing. project, we cannot afford it, we are not working on the production of aircraft, but on restructuring with the creation of the aviation industry as a whole. anton andreevich, how many foreign industry participants from new regions are currently at the exhibition, namely enterprises, how much money have they already received through support measures and what effect does this give or will give in the near future for the economy? well, if we talk about last year, for example,
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in industrial production, there we were just imagining the potential of our regions of new russia. this year already six companies from the regions of novo russia are participating directly at the exhibition, and very different ones, there are fittings and some equipment for gas measurement, the actual production of gases, very very different companies from different sectors, we are actively helping them, last year, based on the results of last year, if we take four new regions, they provided almost 3 billion rubles of support through the industrial development fund, this year we will additionally capitalize them for... a little more than a billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes to new regions, but in general, in principle, in the coming years we plan to additionally capitalize the regional industrial development fund by 12 billion rubles, we really hope that the government will support us in this idf, large federal and regional development funds industry
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shows itself to be extremely effective, they have proven themselves well, well, at the current rate, this is frankly a salvation for some. projects that do not show very high margins, the projects are very different, yes, it is clear that the rate, in principle, still allows us to implement these projects for highly profitable industries, but we need to simultaneously develop quite complex areas related to mechanical engineering, where the level of profitability, well, frankly speaking , they are far from what some show urban mining projects and... here we cannot wait either, we cannot get from one dependence to another, our industry must use the current moment, when we have essentially built such a strong protectionist wall, which means from the european and american markets, use this moment to in order to direct resources as much as possible to investments and
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reach a completely new level of industrial development, i am sure that our industry will take advantage of this opportunity. thank you very much anaton andrevich for finding time for our interview. thank you. well, right now to the messages from the land news agency, here is one of them: putin and the president of iran expressed satisfaction with the high level of good neighborly relations and confirmed their readiness to work. the kremlin reports this. and also, russian president vladimir putin and iranian president pezishkian confirmed their readiness for further developments over the phone. cooperation, yeah, and accordingly the russian president congratulated the elected president of iran, yes, he wished him success in a responsible government position, this is all the message from the kremlin, we are following developments of events, yes, as soon as details appear on this topic, we will return again, but now to other news, so, today in russia they celebrate one of the youngest holidays, perhaps, the day
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of family, love and fidelity, it is dedicated to the church day of remembrance muramskikh. events are happening all over the country, and what's the best part? greetings, family day of love and fidelity in russia has become an occasion for linda, we welcome, well, what kind of various family events, including those dedicated to supporting family well-being. this year, celebrations across the country began with a family parade. so, the holiday has been celebrated for 16 years. every year on july 8th. it is on this day that orthodox believers commemorate saints peter and fevronia of murom, who in the orthodox tradition are considered patrons of family and marriage. union of princes of a simple peasant woman. filled with love and sacrifice, continues to inspire people today. the relics of the saints are still together and are kept in the morama at the troitsky convent. thousands of russians
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come here every year, but especially many of them exactly on this holiday. life tells us that they accepted monasticism, and according to the monastic rules, they could not under any circumstances be buried or be together. and they are actually buried separately, in the morning - they determine, they see what they really are. are together in an absolutely miraculous way. recently, a tradition has emerged to reward married couples who have been married for more than 25 years on this day. they are awarded a public medal for love and fidelity. the reverse of the award features a daisy. the obverse is decorated with the faces of peter and fevronia and the motto for love and loyalty to family. chamomile is a symbol of the holiday; it always has an odd number of petals, so that the prognosis for fortune telling is favorable. here in ulyanovsk, eight families, long-livers, received medals for love and fidelity. the solemn ceremony took place in the trans-volga zaks. congratulations were given
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to families who have lived together for more than 25 years. the strongest couple turned out to be alexander and natalya semenov. they have been married for over 50 years. we met when i was teaching at the second technical school. and he came to us for the new year morozov. snow maiden fought him off, but then, however, we didn’t meet him for two years, and then, purely by chance, we met here forever, the main thing is to trust each other, believe, give in, there is a wedding boom in the russian parliament today, many couples wanted to get married marriage relationship on this day. the first ceremonies have already taken place, five couples got married today in the ulyanovsk park, there was... a large parade of families, more than 100 people took part in the procession, led by peter and fevronia. and in yaroslavl today an official wedding ceremony will take place in balloons. the organizers want
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to set a russian record for the largest number of marriages simultaneously concluded on board a hot air balloon. meanwhile, in vladikavkaz, on the day of family, love and fidelity , zarina korgieva and kazbek tsarikaev got married. the newlyweds admitted that they are not making long-term plans yet, they say. the main thing in family life is love, as pure as that of the patrons of the marriage, peter and fevronia of murom. in addition, more than 450 moscow couples also planned a wedding today. ceremonies will take place in two wedding palaces at nine sites for the on-site registration of the capital mayor's project, new addresses of happiness. well, now to the sports news. the crew of the russian team kamaster, led by dmitry sotnikov, took first place. place in the fourth stage of the silk road rali in the truck classification, congratulations, so, our correspondent stas ridekultsev watched the race, he gets in touch with us directly, stas,
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you have the details, we are waiting, yes, olya, artyom, greetings, from the border koshagacha, this is the village is practically already on the border with mongolia, tomorrow the caravan rally, the show route of the international rally, in which athletes from thirteen countries take part , will cross the russian-mongolian border, and today there are absolutely crazy special stages of 164 km, it seems a little by the standards of a marathon rally, taking into account the fact that almost 3.00 km of off-road terrain must be overcome by the racers during this edition of the rally, but many encountered problems today with tires, some also had serious technical problems, and this was where almost everyone lost and the struggle was intense of course, in the cargo classification there are four factory teams at once, well, the debutants of last season, the ural team in particular their pilot yuri naiman, today was almost
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the last to go to this camp or, as they usually call it, a bivouac, since it is 30 km away before the finish of the special stage , a wheel fell off, it seemed impossible to fix it, but that’s what the ural character means, the three of us, in an open field, repaired it and somehow screwed it on. after all, today we got here to the finish line, and here at the bivouac , of course, work is in full swing, the mechanics will be almost until the very morning until dawn , cars are being repaired here, well , of course, we talked with yuri naiman, this is what he said, we could have left it, but we quickly scattered everything, and it was already interesting that the wheel was lying on the side next to it , everything was lying in a pile like that, we collected everything, threw it away, filled it with oil, drove off, further... is the car and crew capable of driving? no, well, he seemed to have reached the finish line, as if he had stopped at belok, now we will restore it all and tomorrow we will continue on, just like new, fourth. international
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shouted the marathon the silk road is more than 600 kilometers, more than 400 of them are the so-called liazon or the road to the starting point, and this is the most beautiful liazon in the world, believe me, this is the chuya highway, a brilliant road of absolutely incredible beauty - literally every a kilometer is, well, a pearl, either natural or man-made, be it pitroglyphs, from the stone age, and of course, this route has the only museum in russia that exists, well, with more such special sections, more authentic ones like these the special stages are really beautiful places, but besides the beauty, of course, as an athlete, they are difficult, small mountain ranges, rocky sections have already begun, one was such a long climb, long, long, straight out of the engine today the load was very strong, plus we overcame three fords, also
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fords. so when are we going to have a blast, anna? hello, the opening of the highway is scheduled for the twenty-eighth year. the national project for an efficient transport system will include nine federal projects, one of them is the development high-speed railways. our country ranks third in the world in terms of the length of railway tracks and first in terms of the intensity of its use. additional opportunities will be opened up
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by the construction of high-speed highways, said mikhail mishustin. so far, the project has one direction, but there are plans to develop high-speed rail. kazan-ekaterinburg, moscow-adler, as well as to ryazan and minsk. well, at the meeting, the prime minister announced the start of construction of the moscow-st. petersburg highway. additional opportunities for citizens and for business will also be opened by the construction of high-speed highways. they will help to significantly reduce travel time from moscow to st. petersburg. as the president set the task, it was about 2 hours. last friday, a constitutional agreement on the implementation of this project was signed, and thus work on the construction of a railway line with a length of almost 680 km began. particular attention is paid to the expansion of the eastern training ground, including the modernization of the infrastructure of bama and the trans-siberian railway. another important project is the northern sea path, an alternative route through the soedsky
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canal. it is also necessary to develop inland waterways, said mikhail mishustin. their length is more than 100.00 km, so we are in second place in the world. the prime minister highlighted several more areas that the cabinet of ministers will focus on. it is necessary to modernize border checkpoints and spread the practice of processing documents electronically . the time for inspecting cars at fifty border crossings, as we remember, should be reduced. up to 10 minutes, the president also set a goal by 1930 to increase the intensity of air traffic within the country by one and a half times, for which we will update the infrastructure of more than the third airport network in russia, the changes will affect at least 75 airfields, which will help carriers open new routes, non-stop flights in moscow. another federal project
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is the development of a backbone network of seaports; there are 62 in russia, of which 37 are part of the backbone network. the task facing the government is to increase the growth of their capacity from 850 million tons in 23 to more than a billion tons in 2030. an important topic: personnel, an issue among others, is included in the national project for an unmanned aircraft system. needs to be created.


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