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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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speaking of civic position, here it is, what it is now on social network x, the french understand everything and are ironic, saying that if a transvestite had met bernard, then everyone would have been given an award, the stories would have been removed, if only the users wrote that the athlete in a rainbow thong was still traveling , then they would have immediately awarded the victory. by the way, julien bernard himself reacted to the situation with humor and said that he wanted to pay 200 francs.
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yes, in the end this becomes a precedent, this is natural, in my opinion, an absolutely unacceptable violation of human rights in this case. in france, after this incident , no one went to the street to pester, they were apparently accustomed to the fact that power flows to perverts, but in greece, people came out against the extremist lgbt parade, holding orthodox icons, state flags, shouting, hands off our children those who legalized same-sex marriage in the country, or ...
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the usa is still unchanged, disney creative producer amid gurnani announces transvestite shows for children. they have only recently begun to implement such projects. last year was the first pride evening in disneyland, before this, every similar event was organized by a third country in partnership with disney, which only helped implement the project, but now disney is holding the event independently. this is a serious step. a serious step was taken by the cyclist, who once again exposed the pseudo with his penalty kiss. the values
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​​of the rainbow policy have united many french people who do not agree with it, but are still unlikely to hear them, at least for now. anastasia ivanova and the fine for a kiss. in nowa garów they are taking place this evening negotiations between vladimir putin and narendra modi, which are declared as informal, although according to dmitry peskov there should be no doubt about the content of this conversation, because at such a political level, even the dialogue over tea invariably concerns the most pressing topics on both the bilateral and international agenda. well, now we're getting new footage from the new gorilla, let's take a look. today, july 8, russia celebrates
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the day of family, love and fidelity. the symbol of this holiday was the daisy flower, the personification of tenderness and purity. from time immemorial, in rus' the family was a single whole, the basis of the spiritual values ​​of traditions. everyone helped each other, children were raised to respect their elders, taught to work, and ran the household together. and horses were considered a symbol of well-being and fertility, they were always revered as good helpers and faithful companions, i’ll go out into the field with a horse at night, on a dark night, let’s go quietly, we’ll go with the horse, we’ll go to the field together, we’ll go with the horse, in russia from ancient times to the present day
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days, the main values ​​remain faith and love. congratulate you on your re-election to office prime minister, i think that this is no coincidence the result of your work over many years, you have your own ideas, you are a very energetic
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person, you know how to achieve results in the interests of india and the indian, you have devoted your whole life to serving the indian people. it is a great joy to visit a friend at home, thank you for organizing such an interesting program for my stay with you, and i am grateful for your kind words. you are right, the elections in india were very important and very huge in scale. india is the largest democracy in the world, about 650 million people voted in the last elections. the people of india gave me this chance to serve my motherland. i worked in government for 10 years and developed this principle.
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in the competition, couples who have lived together for 60 years or families raising 30 children, some of whom were persuaded to participate by the younger ones, you are the initiator, yes i am the initiator, well that means you are the team leader, the captain, we have a dad, well my dad is very modest,
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the novozhilov family from buryatia , on the contrary, was entered into the competition by my grandmother, she was on the internet, she found this competition herself, my grandmother i found it on the internet, give it to grandma. i applaud, already during the competition the tree, there are now 24 generations in it, dandar - the family has further researched its genealogy , the youngest and future cook, the most favorite dish, buzy, you make this dish yourself, i rarely do, of course, well, when my mother needs help, i have there’s nothing else to do - then i help her do it, but you always have a lot to do, right? but they learned not only the names of their ancestors, but also their exploits 3/4 of a century after the great patriotic war, it was a great happiness for them, the discovery that their great-grandfather reached berlin. modern heroes also managed to qualify for the competition, combining them with combat work. i
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was out of touch for some time, thinking whether it would work out or not, combining combat work and participation in a competition, but i couldn’t refuse my family, have you been released on vacation now? yes, i'm on vacation now. we need to generally establish a vacation system for participants in the north military district, not everything is properly organized there yet, but i know this, we will work on it, parents are rightfully proud of their sons who are taking part in today’s combat work to protect russia, the whole country is proud of them, there is a family nearby, in which you can immediately see the team, the mother’s sports uniform...
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family is strength, russia is power. now they want to shoot advertisements for large families all together. and this is where else we would, for example, make friends with the families of sakhalin.
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the goal is that after all deductions the family does not pay more than 6%. and the difference between 13% and six, this difference should remain in the family. we have several tax deductions, these are property, social deductions - related to education, healthcare, and general, so-called tax deductions for families. this main one, which is now being discussed in the duma, it, of course, should
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be taken into account before all these deductions that i mentioned, so that it does not turn out that all the deductions are left out, and then there is nothing left to deduct, we will definitely talk about this let's think, i will ask both the government and the state duma deputies, they will have a discussion of this issue tomorrow to accept. to support families, but to show the country what kind of people it is rich in, but they united there are much more competitions and a team.
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almost 600,000 people from all regions of russia and eighty other countries submitted applications. the conversation was being watched at this time in senesh’s workshop, where the winners of the competition were being chosen right at that very moment, and during the day they were still finalists. meanwhile, the musicians proposed to the president to simplify the registration of a single family allowance. if for a year for this after registration. relevant documents, another child appears in the family, documents need to be drawn up for him again, we talked with colleagues, this can’t be done to do, we need to make changes to the current rules so that the baby who was born this year will receive all the necessary funds and payments automatically, we agreed, tatyana alekseevna, i ask the president to record this and work it out. stated that for large families it is necessary to create a comfortable environment, the principle of living for each other, success
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is guaranteed for everyone, for each of you and for the whole party as a whole, also a kind of family without borders for the youth of the whole world, our country has begun to recreate , collecting international festival of students, participants from 117 countries came to the closing of the russia exhibition, some of them are familiar to the president?
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47 permanent and 12 temporary pavilions, 130 exhibitions, hundreds of millions of people, all this was seen thanks to the studio and the vgtrk team, here you could walk from chukotka.
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loyalty to her so that the exhibition family grows. vladimirovich, i propose to create branches of the national center of russia in all regions of the russian federation. of course, it is necessary to create conditions so that this nerve itself what the country does, how the country lives, what it strives for, so that this is shown, so we agreed that we will
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create a national center at the expo site, it has been decided, we will. to do this in the regions of the russian federation, well, in its current format, the exhibition will remain in the world rankings, in the top ten most visited places in the world, perhaps, in the history of the country. alexey konopoy, yana streblyanskaya, anton kasimovich, leonid aronchikov and natalya gubina, lead. in poland they will form a legion of ukrainian volunteers for the armed forces of ukraine, this is one of points of the defense agreement, which zelensky and polish prime minister donald tusk signed today. as stated, the new unit will be staffed by ukrainian citizens who are currently in the european union. to join the ukrainian army, they will have to allegedly of their own free will, and it is not very clear how exactly kiev and warsaw are going to convince men to go to the front from abroad, but however, ukrainian military commissars can share with the poles their experience in catching conscripts directly streets. andrey grigoriev will also give several similar master classes. in the ivanofrankivsk region , local residents destroyed a checkpoint
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set up by the military registration and enlistment office. and such cases of disobedience are increasingly occurring throughout ukraine, cars.
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one of the most famous international units fighting on the side of ukraine. roto even posted footage like this, where it is clearly visible that the russian soldier is unarmed, but the moment where he raises his hands is cut out. the new york times has the full video. or a czech mercenary in prague has now appeared in court for looting. he recruited residents of bucha after russian troops left the city. according to the indictment, simon repeatedly embezzled property from both dead soldiers and civilians.
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what you do is for all of us. also in poland, where zelensky arrived today, they are signing a standard security agreement with ukraine, which, in fact, does not oblige them to anything. kiev has asked warsaw to begin shooting down russian missiles over western ukraine, but the document only mentions consultations on this issue, they say. that they can give up their fighters to the ukrainian armed forces in an instant, but only if their reserves are replenished by the polish army with nato when ukraine itself joins the alliance in the foreseeable future.
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the united states and germany, which have long been wary of dragging nato into a war with russia. as a consolation , nato publishes this video, in which alliance soldiers are running around with ukrainian flags and shouting bandera slogans. why should ukraine join the bloc if nato, judging by the video, doesn’t think only about it. andrey grigoriev, nikolay zakharov, alexander ivankov, news. positions of china and hungary on
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resolution of the ukrainian crisis completely coincide, the president of the people's republic of china announced this today after viktor orban's official visit to beijing. the hungarian prime minister himself called his trip a “mission of peace.” china became the third point in this program. earlier, let me remind you, orban traveled to kiev and moscow, further plans are higher. in these photographs with the caption peace mission 3.0, orban mixed already tattered cards for eu officials and footage from beijing shoudou airport, where orban was met at the steps of a hungarian air force plane by the deputy head of the chinese foreign ministry, they finally revealed the intrigue, what exactly the surprise was, the hungarian prime minister and...
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china, the usa and the eu promised everyone the day before. they also influence when this war will end. it was after my meeting with the opposing party.
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there is no signs of any activity at the hungarian embassy in beijing; now it’s exactly 6 a.m. and there seems to be no movement or fuss in the area that usually occurs during such visits. in front of the fence, the morning guard guard guarding the embassy quarter of soldiers, a lone courier on moped to the square, where during foreign visits... flags of the host countries are always hung, there are no hungarian ones, only at the residence of xidzenping, jun nanhai there is a little more security than usual, at this time the leaders of china and hungary were already sitting opposite each other in the residence. president xi stressed that an early ceasefire and a political settlement are in the interests of all parties; only when all the major powers show positive energy and not negative energy can it be started as soon as possible.
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orban directly wrote: the meaning of nato is to maintain peace strengthening of defense, but now the alliance is busy with wars and conflicts, and this is the path to suicide, bilt repeated this in an interview with the german. the war cannot be lost by russia, this is very logical. when you look at the soldiers, the equipment, the technologies that are used in the war, to defeat russia.
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themselves in the country, those who are engaged in war propaganda will be obliged to disclose sources of funding, return money, agitate for war, this also adds fuel to the fire of the conflict, which is what budapest is against and beijing. alexander bolisk, evgeny samsonov, news from beijing, china. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. let's look, look.
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to get money out of you, hang up without talking.
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