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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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lead by the duty unit and an honest detective, that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. ukrainian special services wanted to hijack our strategic bomber. it was not possible to recruit the pilot either through threats or big money. where did the kiev blackmailers miscalculate? used the door to move from balcony to balcony at a height and attack the enemy. how heroism, ingenuity and training help paratroopers fight the national battalions that are trying to hold the cities of donbass. only ours are capable of such courage. fighters. russian heroes
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throw anti-tank mines at enemy positions. each such foray is extremely dangerous, but the result is impressive. a walk along the road of life with american bradleys lying in a ditch. how our brave guys cleared the lines and why the appearance of our soldiers came as a surprise to the enemy. offended the feelings of extremist lgbt people. white racer. franz kissed his wife and child, for which he was fined, how much are traditional values ​​worth in europe? neither morality nor ethics immediately began with threats, the words of a russian military pilot whom the ukrainian special services tried to recruit, the federal security service reported today about the failure of the next operation of the kiev regime on the territory of our country. so, as noted in the department, the task before ukrainian intelligence was quite ambitious...
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to hijack an airplane, and specifically a long-range strategic bomber tu-22. the agent spent a long time processing the missile carrier pilot, then promising mountains of gold and a comfortable life abroad, then switching to overt blackmail about the health of loved ones. the fsb emphasized that the operation was directed by consultants from nato countries. during the operational work , the involvement of western intelligence services was revealed, both in preparation and in implementation, but as we see, the hijacking attempt was unsuccessful. moreover, thanks to contra. intelligence, the russian army was still able to extract additional benefit from the enemy’s failure. anton podkovenko will tell you the details of this invisible work. it didn't even look like recruitment. ukrainian special services acted brutally head-on, trying to force the russian military pilot to either destroy or hijack a strategic bomber, the tu-22 m3 missile carrier. a powerful machine that can carry nuclear weapons to enemies.
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that the operational game has already begun, this is when the enemy does not suspect that his plans have been revealed, he is confident that he continues to recruit, and our special services are already conducting it, finding out the details of the operation. are we trying to work or not? you know, i'm not a fool, maybe you can help me you write from the neighboring house, maybe from the organs, i’m not an idiot, of course, from the organs, just not yours. good morning, where have you been? or are you refusing the offer? come on, time is running out, otherwise it will be as i promised. i'll start
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sending greetings through the girls, do you think it will be better? actually, i work when i have time, and i answer. i'm not happy with your ambiguous behavior. the pilot's family is in russia, so these were empty threats. when the blackmail did not work, pavlo promised money and ukrainian passports and other papers for pilot and his family. the pilot did not agree. then pavlo suggested a certain pole card, and he himself admitted that it was useless. for the family about new and... russia - turkey, turkey, moldova, moldova, poland. despite initial promises that family members of the pilots would travel to poland, ukrainian intelligence was unable to keep their word. currently, foreign patrons do not really believe in the success of the intelligence services of square and do not want to share responsibility for failures with them. therefore, the ukrainian side had to. v
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chisinau, they would immediately turn into hostages. pavlo eventually offered italian passports with fictitious surnames, in the field of origin in the documents. moldova was again indicated, some kind of connection with the consulate, apparently. but what about money? pavlo sent a video, here they are small, crispy, green, for the ukrainian armed forces. military aircraft in ukraine, they promise a million dollars. lam is a 100% minimum, but for such a side they will definitely add. ukroboronprom is ready to give the second lyam. and there will be a third one too, but not prescribed by law. 1 million allegedly. sent, here is a bank statement about the pilot’s wife, the numbers really don’t add up, the total is more than a million, if you add up the component amounts, an extra $36,000 appears. pavlo began to confusingly explain that this was supposedly money for those who organize everything. there is supposedly money in the account, so you can check its
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availability, think about it, you can only visit a bank in poland, who is crazy, sent me account statements, they are all crooked and debits with credits. do not add up, the sums do not add up. it seems that not yet having recruited the pilot, pavlo and the company began to divide the money intended for bribery. but the ukrainian special services already tried to pull off a similar scheme to hijack a russian military aircraft, 2 years ago. we also recruited a russian pilot through social networks, promising millions of dollars, but it all ended with the fact that during the operational game they revealed maps of descent altitudes, diagrams of the location of air defense systems, and we fired missiles at the kana airfield. tb2 destroyed runway buildings. a criminal case was opened in ukraine, which is still ongoing since then, all the dogs have been pinned on him, roman
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chervinsky, an employee of the ukrainian special services. he really was involved in the failed recruitment of our pilot, but the operation was approved by the gur and the sbu, now it should. and persons from the ukrainian special services are involved in the case as nothing more than witnesses. ivan bakanov, former head of the sbu, deputy and director of the ukrainian defense department dmitry usov, grigory galagan, first deputy head of group a of the sbu special operations center and others. they blame everything on chervinsky, saying he acted almost on his own initiative. he was reminded of his old sins, how chervinsky in 1920 extorted 100 thousand dollars from businessman sariev rashad basharagly to solve the problem. from customs, and it was chervinsky who had not yet been charged with the main charge of treason due to the failure of the operation in 1922 with airplanes. an employee of the ukrainian special services , pavlo, trying to recruit the pilot of a russian strategic missile carrier, is very afraid of repeating the fate of his predecessor. when you
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tell me that you take more risks than me, i i’ll tell you now, i’ll remind you very much, look on the internet about chervinsky, remember he was like that, well, a representative of the special services.
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to hymers, and the same ones that were used by the kiev regime to attack sevastopol with atak ms missiles on june 23. their camouflaged positions were revealed by uav operators, and then the vehicles simply burned to the ground, a consequence of the arrival of our iskanders. at the same time, by the way, the personnel of american jet systems, amounting to ten foreign specialists, were also liquidated. moreover, this morning the junta received a natural response to attempts to attack russian energy and economic facilities. powerful explosions thundered in kiev, crooked. mrog, dnepropetrovsk, and other cities. and the notorious ukrainian air defense turned out to be traditionally unprepared to repel such a large-scale missile wave, instead causing damage to civilian infrastructure. details in the material by margarita semenyuk. the rockets flew, but traces remained. shots reminiscent
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of cinematic special effects. the morning reality of kiev residents of most of ukraine, found themselves under massive fire, suddenly and as accurately as possible. sirens roar, shock waves knock out windows, daggers continue to crash into military installations of ukraine, decapitating the nationalist... army, missiles in the air suddenly change trajectory, bypass air defense systems, at least fifteen bases are damaged throughout the country, including the power grid, as noted in the russian ministry of defense, a retaliatory strike action. this morning, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage russian energy and economic facilities, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision long-range weapons on the military industry facilities of ukraine and the aviation bases of the armed forces of ukraine. the strike targets were achieved, the designated objects were hit. the statement by representatives of the kiev
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regime about an allegedly intentional missile strike by russia on civilian targets is absolutely untrue. this is also proven by military experts: the children’s hospital for the protection of mothers and children suffered not from the x-101 winged aircraft, but from the american-developed aim-120. it is enough to compare in the photo is a norwegian anti-aircraft missile system , the nasams small-medium-range air defense system, which. is in service with the ukrainian armed forces. the complex uses the aim-120-em missile. an important detail: the missile has been converted for ground launch, is equipped with an active radar homing head and carries a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. in the freeze frame, it’s her. experts assure that if x-101 had fallen on the hospital, the building would not have remained at all. this is not the first time that enemy anti-aircraft missiles, complexes, they shoot, they are located precisely. residential areas are falling, destroying buildings and houses, and other
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objects, it is obvious that they are shooting from kiev, from under houses, as they often do, in the houses they will hide their air defense systems, in particular. in several districts of the capital, arrivals, solomensky, dneprovsky, galaseevsky, on july 8 for zelensky are worth remembering, as on december 30 for residents of belgorod. so june 23 in sevastopol, when the attack itself hit the beach, a rainy day with the effect of surprise inherent in the enemy. it is clear that they did not expect that today they will fly there in artyom, for example, in zhulyany, but although on the other hand, they must be ready for anything, after everything that they are doing in russia, everything that they are doing with russian people, they must be ready for everything that our rocket will fly at any time, into any window located, for now, on the territory of ukraine. devinto. and you marvel, then you marvel, stupidly, under such
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a heavy ballistic fist, military bases, industrial zones, airfields, every blow, a response to drone attacks in the krasnodar region, in voronizh, bryansk, kursk, belgorod regions, in addition to kiev, military-industrial complex facilities were hit in the kirov horn, in vinnetsk, chernigov and cherkassy regions, what is going on, bro, marvel, stupidly flew, marvel, stupidly , anton. we are hitting the artyom plant in lukianivka, which is engaged in the production of the corresponding military innovations for the ukrainian nazi army, we are hitting the zhulyany airport there, where the corresponding aircraft arrive, yes, where it is located, as i understand it, it is no coincidence, today we are hitting, yes , most likely there could is there some kind of equipment or some foreign specialists, or maybe specialists, pilots on f-16 fighters who are waiting for the kiev authorities? from denmark, from the netherlands, and isn’t this the moment when it’s better for zelensky not to wait and go to bow.
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the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban , believes that the time is right for negotiations; in an interview with the newspaper bilt emphasized that russia is determined. russia is determined . if we want to move from a policy of war to a policy of peace, now is the right time for negotiations. u i had the opportunity to talk with both the ukrainian and russian presidents, believe me, the next 2-3 months will be much tougher. than we think, more than 40 missiles of different types were fired at ukraine, zelensky reports, there were arrivals in kiev, dnepropetrovsk, krivoy rog, slavyansk, kramatorsk, odessa, this is the russian response, every ukrainian attack will be followed by an equally crushing blow, every enemy movement, strikes on russian territory, the russian army will mirror. margarita semenyuk, maya alenova, news. in novoogoryovo this evening vladimir putin is holding talks with narendra fashion, who. declared as informal, although, according to dmitry peskov , there should be no doubt about the content of this meeting, because at such
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a political level, even a dialogue over a cup of tea invariably concerns the most pressing topics, the bilateral and international agenda, what public statements have already been made, we find out from elizaveta khramtsova , elizaveta, hello, good evening, alexey, well, friendly relations between russia and india again confirmed as clearly as possible. yes, indeed, even the footage of the warm embrace of the two leaders speaks of how important it is for... “dear friend, this is how vladimir putin greets on rendra fashion, the indian prime minister himself addresses the president of russia with the same words. the first day of the visit indian leader, the president of russia receives a guest at his country residence and emphasizes that we are meeting in an informal setting, but we will talk about the same topics that will be on the agenda tomorrow, when detailed negotiation. vladimir putin at rendromode last met in person in the fall of '22, but since then we have called each other more than once and took part in major events via video conference. for
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the head of the indian cabinet, this is the first trip to moscow after his party confidently won the parliamentary elections for the third time. we will have official conversations tomorrow, but today we can calmly talk in this home environment, probably about the same issues, but not officially. this is the official residence where i live, with this side of the complex where we work. well, at the beginning i would like to congratulate you on your re-election as prime minister, i think that for... it is no coincidence that the result of your work over many years, you have your own ideas, in general, you are an energetic person, you know how to achieve results in the interests of india and indian people, and you have dedicated your entire life to serving the indian people and the people of existence. na renrabod, the first
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indian politician in 60 years to lead the country's government for the third time in a row, talks about how people feel. india is the largest democracy in the world, with about 650 million people voting in the last elections. the people of india gave me this chance to serve my motherland. i worked for 10 years in the government, i developed the following principle: reform, execute and transform.
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the people of india voted for this very principle. this is my third term and i'm ready to work. after the tea party, the head of state gave the indian prime minister a short tour of the territory of the residence. vladimir putin and narendra modi drove through nova ogorevo on electric car. the russian leader was driving, which did not stop him from having a lively conversation with his guest. during the president's trip , the prime minister was accompanied by translators, but at some point they left the politicians, and vladimir putin and narendro mode continued communicating one-on-one. and then the president of russia and the head of the indian government went to the stable, which is also located on the territory of the residence. they saw a horse show dedicated to the day of family, love and fidelity and fed the horses, which from time immemorial in russia have been considered faithful helpers and good companions.
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in addition, during the walk, the president of russia and the prime minister of india passed by buildings where hunting dogs of the phunsan breed live, which vladimir putin received as a gift from kimchenung during his recent visit to the dprk. exclusive footage of them greeting the owner was published by the author and presenter of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, strengthening the connection between ours. will bring great benefit to our peoples, i wrote about this on my social networks, soon after my arrival in moscow, to narendramoda, and wrote twice in english and russian, and in the evening, also on social networks, the guest thanked vladimir putin for the warm welcome. india looks forward to deepening its special and privileged strategic partnership with russia,
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the indian leader said on monday. what specific steps he stops taking will be discussed in more detail on tuesday. the visit program includes negotiations at the university. and expanded format, which we will talk about in detail throughout the day, and we can confidently say that these steps will have one direction. yes, thank you, ilzeta khramtsova told about vladimir putin's meeting at the mode narendora in novo ogorevo. well, now a short advertisement is what will happen next on our broadcast. a walk along the road of life with american ones lying around in a cube. how did they clear the queues at ours? the guys are right why the appearance of our soldiers came as a surprise to the enemy.
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cashback of up to 70% from partners, more profitable with a sber prime subscription. the technique fails hide even in a lush forest plantation, and the personnel are running in panic from the basements, where they unsuccessfully tried for... shelter, such footage is now appearing in telegram channels associated with units of russian paratroopers, which, as is not difficult to notice, are downright nightmares militants of the kiev regime in the donetsk direction of the special operation. using the widest possible range of reconnaissance strike drones, the guys smoke out entire detachments of the ukrainian armed forces from dense residential areas, or, for example, organize a spectacular hunt for enemy armored vehicles. in in this case, the crew of the bradley bmp was hit hard. it would seem that he quite competently escaped from under fire, performing rather complex maneuvers at full speed. however, he was still overtaken by a pair of fpv drones, that is , our fighters approach tasks not only professionally, but with a considerable amount of ingenuity, and often act in such a way
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that it is, in principle, impossible to predict their next steps, evgeniy nipot was convinced. heroism, training and ingenuity are those qualities that allow you to break into the enemy’s defenses, when even steel can help solve the problem door, but more on that a little later, these shots... the archangel of special forces arrives: the most difficult work of ivanovo fighters in the ninety-eighth airborne division in the chasovsky direction. for understanding, here is this settlement on the map relative to donetsk. it will appear now. yes, and the russian soldiers there are stubbornly opposed mainly by the national battalions, including the banned krakin. footage of the assault on one of the houses where the militants were holed up was published by military correspondent dmitry kulko. the enemy sat down on the top floors in order to move from balcony to balcony. paratroopers they used a metal door, otherwise it would have been impossible to get into the next room; they worked, without exaggeration, at a height to which they were certainly accustomed. the bridge, apparently,
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is shaking, but can withstand the weight of the steel nerves of the fighters, who are still moving forward; apparently, observers note, such a transition using an assault door at a height took the enemy by surprise. this episode shows us that heroism can come with cold calculation. what it is? understood that the task needed to be completed, found the most the optimal and, probably, correct way to complete the task, it is very difficult to concentrate and come up with something, but during the fighting he was able to come up with this solution, i am sure that the task was completed 100%. from the very first days of the special operation, soldiers of the 98th airborne division have been operating in the most difficult sectors of the front. we asked a fellow countryman of the ivanovo fighters, also a paratrooper, a participant in the hostilities . this episode confirmed it. that
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the airborne troops are the elite of the armed forces, and despite the tough and serious conduct of combat operations, active, with pride and honor they carry out assigned combat missions. professionalism and courage help to destroy targets, such as this tank of the armed forces of ukraine, to capture new positions by introducing the russian tricolor and the flag of the airborne forces, where until recently there was an enemy ensign. courage, of course, is combat. smykalka comes to the rescue of the fighters when it would seem that a stalemate is developing, but we must act, they did a very dangerous, but as the video showed, a winning combination with shooting the enemy in another part of the house, which they could not reach, in principle, a soldier’s ingenuity is capable of a lot, and a russian soldier, he is
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a thinking soldier, there was a case in life when we had wogs in our positions, but there was no ages, and even using wogs and other grenades, we set up tripwires, on which our enemies were then very successfully blown up, also, of course, iron courage, the paratroopers have it without attracting it to their hearts, and examples constantly appear, one of the last tula warriors from the crew of the rapier anti-tank gun, worked on enemy positions, despite really heavy enemy fire. they were working on the enemy, they started throwing cassettes at us and apparently a tank was working on us, the command was given to go to cover, but since we had a bull on our work table, we couldn’t move away; there was no time, we worked until the last shell. such decisions, bold and non-trivial, help break through the enemy’s defenses, appear where the enemy is certainly not waiting, even choosing the door that will help complete the combat mission.
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in turn, formation. adhere to tactics of frontal counterattacks, but they do not bring success; in one day on the territory of the dpr , a total of six such counterattacks were reflected, which cost the enemy over a thousand personnel, not to mention the loss of equipment, including another abrams tank, three american m198 pigeons, a british fh70 guns, about the situation on the contact line, report by pavel prokopenko, here he comes at us, come on, come on, come on, run, climb, roll out. they navigate by hearing. the anti-aircraft gunners of the group of troops in the center first heard only then saw the aircraft arriving. their position near avdiivka is an enemy drone. the crew has just noticed the target - this is the vehicle being sent to real combat work. the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system is in use. everything happens very quickly, you barely have time to find a place from where you can relatively safely observe the process. the arrow complements machine gun and
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machine gun fire at enemy birds ; they also work with small arms, the main thing is the density of fire, it’s not easy to catch a small moving target, the enemy’s machine gun fire, the detention does not stop, there is a bird hanging somewhere in the sky. the harassing fire of a machine gun interferes with the drone itself and covers our arrow, drones are now everywhere, they fly much further than we are standing, there is no way without cover. the last word, or rather the shot, is still behind the arrow, now it pierces the enemy drone, a characteristic porous cloud from the explosion remains in the sky, the fragments of the drone fell somewhere in the forest, jewelry work, the crew commander modestly notes, it is very difficult to hit such a target, because that she is very small, she is very difficult in the sky to see, as it were, well, this is much smaller than an airplane or a helicopter, how hard it is to see, only by sound and visually through binoculars,
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the soviet air defense system was created at a time when... they knew nothing about copters, but the experience of a special operation has already shown the arrow has such accuracy that it can literally hit a point in the sky. this homing head is essentially the main thing in the installation; it locks onto the target and steadily moves towards it. in many ways, the arrow was ahead of its time. mobile decompose, well, literally 20 seconds leaves to start work. you can shoot on the move while on the move. right on the front line they installed an anti-drone device on the vehicle. the mesh was also another front-line tuning, everything that is underfoot, or rather under the tracks, is suitable for camouflage, this is a mine conveyor belt, now it covers the side of the car like this. the anti-aircraft gunners of the center group of troops go to work several times a day, the enemy tries to attack from the air, but very rarely emerges victorious from these duels. pavel perkopenko, sergey truskov, andrey rudenko, oleg bandarenko, vesti, donetsk folk republic, avdeev.


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