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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 8, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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he liked it, and the organizers are happy. how is sergei vazilenovich’s mood? the exhibition will now become permanent, just in a new format. in the national center of russia that is now being created, according to the president , the country’s achievements in all spheres will be demonstrated, and young people will be helped to learn new professions. it is very important, on today, the day of love, family and fidelity, that the exhibition family grows. vladimirovich, i propose to create branches of the national center of russia in all regions of the russian federation. of course, it is necessary to create conditions for so that this very nerve of what the country does, how the country lives, what it strives for, so that this is shown, so we agreed, we will create a national center, at the expo site, it has been decided, we will do this in the regions of the russian federation, well in its current format, the exhibition will remain in world rankings, in the top ten most visited places in the world, perhaps in history. countries alexey kanopoy, yana
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streblyanskaya, anton kasimovich, leonid aronchikov and natalya gubina, lead. bam is 50 years old and is one of the most important routes for trade with the countries of the asia-pacific region, which continues to develop. vera moroz will tell you how the capacity of the highway will increase and with whom russia will trade. baikal-amur mainline. the president called bam a key link in the development of siberia and the far east. prime minister mikhail noted the importance. today we have an anniversary, exactly half a century ago a resolution of the council of ministers of the ussr was signed on the start of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. as a result of this decision, in conditions of eternal permafrost laid 3,000 km of railway, founded about 60 settlements, and created a new access to the world's oceans. development of the highway has resumed. on behalf
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of the president as part of the eastern railway test site project. this is one of the largest highways in the world. almost 4,300 km of tracks are laid across six regions of siberia and the far east. the shortest railway route to the ports of the pacific ocean passes through bam. ban and transip opened the markets of the asia-pacific region to the russian economy. for example, last year the volume trade with china, contrary to forecasts of 10%, increased by 40 and amounted to 160. first of all , the importers of goods transported along the bam are, of course, china and the countries of southeast asia, and also india and the countries of central asia. if there is an expansion, then, let’s say, through mongolia will be added, countries will be added that we traditionally supply through the sea, that is, through the ports of the primorsky territory. and which
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border china. in the regions where bam passes, coal, oil and gas production is actively underway, iron ore, copper. in addition to minerals, fertilizers are transited along the highway. if we take the eastern range as a whole, then it accounts for most of the cargo. about 60% of all transportation is precisely transip and the bank itself. 70% of all cargo is. coal, the first consumer of coal is, of course, the people's republic of china, in connection with this, due to the fact that our trade with the people's republic of china, well, in general with asian countries, is increasing all the time, which is why, of course, such sufficient significant investments in infrastructure development. in recent years , the throughput of the highway has been growing due to sales. and development programs for the eastern
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test site. in the twenty-second year it was 158 million tons of cargo. by the end of the 24th it should be more than 180. the carrying capacity of bam itself will be almost 42 million tons. the numbers will only increase by the thirty-second year the landfill will be able to transport up to 270 tons of cargo. investments in the large-scale project will exceed rub 3,700 billion. construction. will be carried out at 24 sites, 10 of them relate to bama, where they plan to build more than 300 infrastructure facilities, will at least have new tunnels, stations and sidings. the investments required here are very significant, for example, the second severomoisk tunnel requires about 500 billion rubles, the dusaalin tunnel, which should be completed next year , about 50 billion. accordingly, the second baikal tunnel is also about 50 billion. that is, you
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see that fixed assets are spent on the construction of second tracks, either tunnels, or roads, or railways. overall, from 2019 to almost 325 billion rubles worth of work has been completed at the eastern test site, and they plan to spend 400 billion in 2024. as noted by russian railways, mainly over the past few years, this has been the company’s own funds. russian engineers have also developed new locomotives especially for the eastern test site, so the wrd predicts that with the increase in bama's throughput capacity, mining and processing enterprises will also develop. they will not only increase cargo flow, but will be able to increase the speed of delivery. in susdal, which celebrates its millennium this year, this evening he performed symphony orchestra of the mariinsky theater. the concert became one of the most spectacular events in honor of the grand historical anniversary
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of the city, which, by the way, will be celebrated until the end of the year. artists, the maestro himself, valery gergiev performed in the kremlin in the open air. details in the report by leonid muravyov. to the peaceful silence and birdsong over the kamenka river , the sounds of violins, cellos and even lyres are unexpectedly added. today the suzzdal kremlin is hosting a central event dedicated to the city’s millennium. artists of the marinsky theater under the direction of conductor valery gergiev , they will present scenes from the opera the tale of the invisible city of kitizh and the virgin fevronya. along with the sunset, the walls of the bishop's chambers of the kremlin and the nativity cathedral are part of the scenery. thanks to the light show. there is a concert outside the kremlin, and the russian phoenix exhibition inside. these are priceless relics from the collections of not only the vladimir-suzdal museum-reserve, but also the moscow kremlin, many of which are leaving the capital for the first time. the opportunity to bring some of these treasures
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here, to show them again in their entirety wealth of vladimir suzdol land. suzdal is truly a rare, rare opportunity. suzdol itself is the same. a kind of open-air museum. in the middle ages , it survived several fires, but was always miraculously revived. over a thousand years of its history, it has managed to preserve the ancient architecture and charm of the russian hinterland. they created five monasteries and more than thirty churches, some of which operate in a city with a population of less than 10,000 people. but a colossal stream of people comes every year to see all this beauty. tourists, and it will be even higher after the anniversary and restoration work. it is very pleasant that we now have a young active audience, families with children, and the interest in historical exhibitions, cultural events, and theatrical events is no less than the gastronomic and culinary attractions of suzdal. the artists
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of the mariinsky theater arrived the day before the grand concert and many of them walked through the streets of suzdal for the first time. we only spent one day here yesterday, but it seems to me that i will have a lot of rest. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but it’s not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong,
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the all-russian family of the year competition started. the winners are determined in five categories: young family, large family, golden family, rural family and guardian family traditions. anyone can vote for the family's video visit using online voting, which will last from july 1 to july 31. the tv channel has prepared a series of reports about families connected by the same profession throughout the life of one or several generations, guys, i think what will happen, well, like we have a jasmonaut, they put this protective helmet on him with a pressure helmet, and he sat there happy like that. if we take it again, then everything i know in this life was taught to me by my father, that is
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, we waited for it to come, yes, yes, yes, and you flew in the next one there or in some helicopter, until you arrived, the hatch was not opened for us, it was just that we were already sitting there, there was a culprit, he basically started his life from scratch at the age of 50, i knew. that i was taking a risk, but i knew that i was taking a prudent risk, i think you’ll say, i’ll kill the second half, well, i’ll kill you , there was no such thing, yes, the topic of space and its exploration for most of us was and remains partly mysterious and romantic, this the monument to the conqueror of outer space at vdnkh reminds of the greatness of our... country, because the flight and example of yuri gagarin gave hundreds of cosmonauts the opportunity to see our planet from
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the outside, but only two of them exchanged this experience within the same family, these are alexander and sergei volkov, father and son - the world's first and only space dynasty. this is what i remember: i saw the sunrise for the first time and actually looked out the window on the fiftieth day, and accidentally flew in, right here is the module. stands, flew in, it was dark inside, it was also dark outside, here we fly in, just about now there will be sun rise, and for the first time i saw how beautiful it was, that is, it rises, this play of colors, and i called home, while dad was talking, and i said, listen, i tried to tell myself, and i could n’t describe the colors, dad said that he also
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tried at one time, you are for the voice recorder, i took the voice recorder, i saw this... the move really, when you look for the first time, it’s something unusual you won’t see on earth, i took it voice recorder, i said a couple of phrases, how beautiful, here it’s more red, red paint is playing, here is some other one , i turned off this recorder, because it is not impossible to describe this beauty, which i could not use my language, which i had a rich russian language, i could not describe it, but... you can write something else their paths, father and son, were extremely thorny, partly even similar, the elder alexander volkov, aka san sanych, hero of the soviet union. we have already flown in space for a year, we know what effect weightlessness has on a person, how they return, how the guys recover. annual flight gave us material in order to
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analyze it and say that we can work for a year. two and three in space. volkov sr., being a pilot instructor in kharkov for many years, was passionate about the idea of ​​flying into space, and as soon as he learned about the new recruitment, he passed all the examinations, medical examinations, and exams, becoming one of the nine lucky ones out of 2.0 applicants. lieutenant general, crew, completed training on manual rendezvous and mooring with the merplan orbital complex. congratulations. with the completion of another training session, let's now have a short review, long years of training, only after 9 years he went on his first flight to the space station salyut 7. when the rocket went, i fly away, even greater joy, but then after 10 minutes weightlessness, but this is some kind of
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extraordinary feeling, i him i don’t know that it’s probably euphoric. it’s called causeless laughter, so i started, i laughed with happiness, with joy that i was in weightlessness, these were my first impressions, i left when the portholes opened from the head fairing of the rocket, into this porthole, here i am i saw it, just for the first time, it was the sunrise that i saw from the ship, of course, when the onboard documentation floated up in front of you, here the pencil is flying, but you are still tied, but your soul is already singing, you yourself are singing, you are there. ..
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the younger volkov was partial to airplanes, and as it turned out later, he also dreamed of outer space, he was then still working as an instructor at the kharkov pilot school, he had flights with cadets, and he just took me with him to the airfield, so i i stayed there because there was no one with me leave, and since apparently they also needed to do something, well, more or less a place where i couldn’t go anywhere, they put me on this plane, and i was there for some time. it’s clear that i couldn’t fly anywhere there, in general, they put me on this plane, and pulled me out of there with the dream that i wanted to be a pilot, that’s it, from that moment i don’t remember that i answered any differently , when they asked me there, what seryozha wants to be there, seryozha always wanted to be a pilot, he sat with
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a pressure helmet, they put this protective helmet on him him, and he sat there so happy, he was so happy from there... i would have understood that he would have sat through the entire ice shift if it weren’t for his others having to train there, so he was happy, this is the first one like that, i didn’t even think that he had it in his mind somewhere that he wanted to become a pilot at that time, well , of course he told his mother how great it was, there were planes flying at the airfield, landing here, i was in this fighter myself, in general - i understood, that he liked it, it’s all like a toy and will pass, i wanted, of course, for him to become a pilot, especially if he has... but this desire, i was glad that he would follow in my footsteps, but not into space, only the iceman, he was talking about space then, i didn’t even think that he could, but... now we are in the small research module mim1, and he we have the newest module in the russian segment, so for now we are not conducting any
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experiments here, we are simply using it as a warehouse. a father's happiness knew no bounds when, after almost 20 years of waiting for difficulties, his son was still able to fly into space, after that...
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still so, well, i'm lucky that i'm not far from the rocket at that time i was standing, i was allowed in one place, where if something suddenly happened, you could dive into the air, if suddenly, i was probably standing 100 meters away, a rocket was taking off, my chest came out like this from these a stingy man's tear flowed from his eye. sergei volkov has repeatedly admitted that he was lucky; he always had a bright example of his father before his eyes. i know how to do this in this life,
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my father taught me everything, and it doesn’t take much from him if we take it again, that is, all i have time to explain to you how something needs to be done, so, well, starting from some kind of housework, ending with, well, i don’t know, we went windsurfing , or we went on a boat, it’s clear that it wasn’t on ours, but somehow he found the opportunity so that we could go out to sea there, ride on this boat, so that i could control it, and there are water skis, that is, he knows how to explain very clearly, so you listened to him, you immediately succeed, every morning - medical control, blood pressure, pulse, the doctor will look you in the eye, maybe not...
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which is the cosmonaut training center, this is our division of the air force, probably because until recently i myself was not sure that
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my documents would be examined, i remember the moment when i saw sergei’s personal file on my desk, then i was the commander of the cosmonaut detachment , i opened one there, looked at it, read its characteristics, so i put the second one there, the third one, it’s written there. on the folder sergey aleksandrovich volkov the cover is on top, i didn’t even add anything, i open it, there’s a photo of my son on the first page, here here i froze, i froze, in general i had a feeling, the first, the very first, why didn’t he tell me that i would only find out through his personal file, but here of course i was very proud that he... well,
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there was no such thing, i wished you good luck, forward, beautiful smiles, you are beautiful, just forward, so that everything was accomplished, what was planned, start, docking, descent, landing, good luck, but you see, according to the law, we could not serve , a difficult decision, because he could still serve, well, at least five years in the center training as an astronaut, it turns out that such a young man, in full bloom, is radically changing the type of his activity, of course for him it was stress, and for
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that... well, it was understandable, and it’s clear to me now, because of course, this is not an easy decision, again, that is, he basically started his life at the age of 50 from scratch, as a reward volkov received a long happy life, where his business was successfully continued by his own son.
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let's watch to find out. everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in application or on the website, ukrainian intelligence services tried to recruit a russian pilot to hijack a combat aircraft. they offered 3 million dollars, and the vks officer was immediately blackmailed, threatened, when it didn’t work, he reported everything to the management, then a subtle operational game began that fsb officers began to play with ukrainian recruiters. anton potkovenko has details. they were going to hijack a tu-22 m3, a strategist, a strategic bomber, recruiting ours.


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