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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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putin met with the prime minister of india in a rare fashion, and the negotiations were declared as informal; according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, there were no doubts, in the meantime , there should be no contention of this meeting. this means that key international issues are on the agenda, including ukrainian. vladimir putin called mode a dear friend and admitted that he was very glad to see him. the prime minister of india, in turn, highly appreciated the president's invitation to visit his residence near moscow.
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elizaveta khramtsova will tell you more about the meeting. dear friend, this is how vladimir putin greets rendra mode, with the same words the indian prime minister himself addresses the president of russia. on the first day of the indian leader’s visit, the russian president receives the guest at his country residence and emphasizes: we are meeting in an informal setting, but we will talk about the same topics that will be on the agenda tomorrow, when detailed negotiations will take place.
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but first i would like to congratulate you on your re-election to the position of prime minister, i think it is no coincidence that the result of your work over many years, you have your own ideas, you are a very energetic person, you know how to achieve results in the interests of india, indian, you have devoted your whole life to serving the indian people or people. on randramod, the first politician in india in 60 years who managed to head the country's government for the third time in a row, the fact that people feel confident in the future is also evidenced by the record birth rate; 23 million babies are born in india every year, and although today mode spoke about his work only as prime minister, vladimir putin emphasized that norendrode dedicated his whole life to serving his people, the people felt it, hence the confidence in the elections.
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it is a great joy to visit a friend at home, thank you for organizing such an interesting program for my stay with you, and i am grateful for your kind words. you are right, the elections in india were very important and very huge in scale. india is the largest democracy in the world, about 650 million voted in the last elections human. the people of india gave me this chance to serve my motherland. i worked for 10 years in government.
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in addition, during their walk, the president of russia and the prime minister of india passed by buildings where hunting dogs of the phunsan breed live, which vladimir putin received as a gift from kimchin during his recent visit to the dprk. exclusive footage of lime greeting the owner was published by the author and presenter of the moscow cream program. putin, pavel
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zarubin. strengthening ties between our countries will bring great benefits to our peoples. about this on your social networks soon after arriving in moscow, he wrote to narendramoda, and wrote twice in... english in russian, and in the evening, also on social networks, the guest thanked vladimir putin for the warm welcome. india is looking forward to deepening its special and privileged strategic partnership with russia, the indian leader said on monday. what specific steps need to be taken will be discussed in more detail on tuesday. the visit program includes negotiations in a narrow and expanded format, which we will talk about in detail throughout the day. and we can confidently say that these steps will be in one direction. vladimir putin congratulated iranian leader masoud pezishkian on his victory in the presidential elections and wished him success. the kremlin press service reported about the telephone conversation. the focus was on the development of bilateral cooperation; the presidents agreed to organize personal contacts this year.
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the leaders of the two countries also expressed satisfaction with the high level of good neighborly relations and confirmed their readiness to work to further develop mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields. one a person died as a result of a night attack by the ukrainian armed forces in belgorod. there are wounded, governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this. he clarified that several more air targets were shot down on approach to the city. a city alley was destroyed by a ukrainian missile strike. residential buildings were damaged by shrapnel. emergency services are currently at the arrival site. well, the highmarses that ukrainian militants used to hit sevastopol on june 23. destroyed, the ministry of defense reported. operators revealed the location of camouflaged missile launchers drones, then they worked on it with iskander. as a result , three american highmars were turned into ashes at once, along with the service personnel of up to ten foreign
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specialists. the russian armed forces launched a group strike on military targets and air bases of the ukrainian armed forces. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the goals have been achieved, all of the objects have been hit, the department commented. the artyom plant in kiev was also hit. they make rockets there. an explosion occurred near the enterprise, and then a strong fire broke out. but kyiv, no belying himself, he almost immediately began to spread fake news about allegedly intentional attacks on civilian targets. however, the russian ministry of defense immediately denied them. numerous photographs and video footage from kiev confirm that the destruction was caused by the fall of an air defense missile that was launched within the city. with details.
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army, missiles in the air suddenly change trajectory, bypassing air defense systems. at least 15 bases were damaged across the country, including the power grid. as noted in the russian ministry of defense, the strike action is retaliatory. this morning, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to cause damage to russian energy and economic facilities, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with long-range precision weapons on ukrainian military industry facilities and air bases. su. the objectives of the strike have been achieved. designated targets are hit. the statement by representatives of the kiev regime about an allegedly intentional missile strike by russia on civilian targets is absolutely untrue. military experts also prove this. children's the hospital of the protective mother of childhood suffered not from the x-101 winged aircraft, but from
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the american-designed aim-120. it is enough to compare in the photo the norwegian anti-aircraft missile system nasams small-medium air defense system. which is in service with the ukrainian armed forces. the complex uses the aim-120-emrom missile. an important detail: the missile has been converted for ground launch, is equipped with an active radar homing head and carries a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. stop in the frame - it’s her. experts assure that if x-101 had fallen on the hospital, the building would not have remained at all. this is not the first time that enemy anti-aircraft missiles, complexes that fire, are located. it is in residential areas that they fall, destroy buildings and houses, and other objects, it is obvious that they are shooting from kiev, from under houses, as they often do, in houses they hide their air defense systems,
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in particular. there are arrivals in several districts of the capital: solomensky, dneprovsky, galaseevsky, july 8 for zelensky is worth remembering, as is december 30 for residents of belgorod. like june 23 in sevastopol, when they attacked the beach themselves, a rainy day with the effect of surprise inherent in the enemy. it is clear that they did not expect that today it would fly there from artyom, for example, from zhuliany. although on the other hand, they must be ready for anything, after all that they are doing in russia, all that they are doing with the russian people, they must be ready for anything that our rocket will fly into at any time, through any window , located on the territory of ukraine for now, antokha, marvel, antokha, marvel, stupidly hard, under such a heavy with a ballistic fist, military bases, industrial zones, an airfield...
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where the corresponding aircraft arrive, yes, where they are located, as i understand it, it is no coincidence, today we are striking, yes, most likely there could be some kind of equipment or some foreign specialists there , or maybe specialists, pilots on f-16 fighters, which the kiev authorities are waiting for from denmark, from the netherlands, and isn’t now the moment when it’s better for zelensky not to wait, but to bow, hungarian prime minister viktor orban believes, for negotiations it's about time in an interview i emphasize to the build newspaper. russia is determined that if we want to move from a policy
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of war to a policy of peace, then now is the right time for negotiations. i had the opportunity to talk with both the ukrainian and russian presidents, believe me, the next 2-3 months will be much tougher than we think. more than 40 missiles of various types were fired across ukraine, zelensky reports, there were arrivals in kiev, dnepropetrovsk, krivoy rog, slavyansk, kramatorsk, odessa, this is the russian response. roughly in the forehead, trying to force the russian a military pilot to either destroy or hijack
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a strategic bomber, a tu22m3 missile carrier, a powerful machine that can carry nuclear weapons, the enemies began with threats to the pilot’s wife and children, an unknown person wrote to me in a telegram, no morals, no ethics, thunderstorms immediately began in address of my close relatives, demanded to set fire to aviation equipment, said: give me data on the aircraft, tail numbers, technical... condition, schedule of regulations, pavlo introduced himself, offered to hijack a combat aircraft on the territory of ukraine, i went to the command told everything. here is the correspondence between our pilot and this pavlo, an employee of the ukrainian special services, who did not know that the operational game had already begun, this is when the enemy does not suspect that his plans have been revealed, he is sure that he continues to recruit, and our special services are already conducting him, finding out the details of the operation. we are trying to work or not, you know, i’m not... fool, maybe you’re writing to me from a neighboring house, maybe from the authorities, i’m not an idiot, of course, from the authorities, just not yours. good morning, where
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do you disappear, or do you refuse offers? come on, time is running out, otherwise it will be, as i promised, i’ll start sending greetings through the girls, do you think it will be better? actually, i work when i have time, and i answer. your ambiguous behavior is not satisfactory, the pilot’s family is in russia, so these were empty threats. when the blackmail didn't work, pavlo promised money. the pilot did not agree to ukrainian passports and other papers for the pilot and his relatives, then pavlo offered a certain pole’s card, and he himself signed off on its uselessness. it will not give you any effect for your family, you are going there with others tasks if you go there and you are accepted there without any pole card. pavlo outlined the route as follows: russia, turkey, turkey - moldova, moldova - poland. despite the initial promise. after members of the pilots’ family got out to poland, ukrainian intelligence was unable to keep their word.
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currently, foreign patrons do not really believe in the success of the intelligence services of square and do not want to share responsibility for failures with them. therefore, the ukrainian side had to be content with the territory of moldova. as soon as they were in chisinau, they would immediately would become hostages. pavlo eventually offered italian passports with fictitious names. in the place of birth column in the documents , moldova was indicated again, some connections with the consulate. apparently, here’s the thing about the money: pavlo sent a video, they’re small, crispy green, they promise a military aircraft in ukraine for the ukrainian armed forces. a million dollars, lyam - this is a 100% minimum, and for such a side they will definitely add it, ukroboronprom is ready to give a second lyam, there will be a third one too, but not written down in the law. 1 million allegedly sent, here is a bank statement about the pilot’s wife, the numbers really don’t add up, the total is more than a million, if you add up the component amounts,
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an extra 36 thousand dollars appear. pavlo began to confusingly explain that this was supposedly money for those who organized everything. there is allegedly money in the account, so you can check its availability, think about it, you can only visit a bank in poland, then for nonsense, he sent me account statements, they are all crooked and the debit and credit do not add up, the amounts do not add up. it seems that even before recruiting the pilot, pavlo and the company began to divide money intended for bribery, but the ukrainian special services already tried to pull off a similar scheme to hijack a russian military aircraft 2 years ago. we also recruited a russian pilot through social networks, promising millions of dollars, but it all ended with the fact that during the operational game they revealed maps of descent altitudes, diagrams of the location of air defense systems, and we fired missiles at the kanatov airfield in the kirovograd region, where the pilot was supposedly supposed to lead hijacked bomber, destroyed airbase commander, five fighters, station management of bapla bayraktar tb-2,
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the runway buildings were destroyed, a criminal case was opened in ukraine, which is still ongoing... all the dogs have been pinned on him, roman chervinsky, an employee of the ukrainian special services. he really was involved in the failed recruitment of our pilot, but the operation was approved by the gur and the sbu, now officials of the ukrainian special services are nothing more than witnesses in the case. ivan bakanov, former head of the sbu, deputy director of the department of defense of ukraine, dmitry usov, grigory galagan, first deputy head of group a of the sbu special operations center and others. they blame everything on chervinsky, saying he acted almost on his own initiative. he was reminded of his old sins, how chervinsky in 1920 extorted $100,000 from businessman sariev rashad basharagly to solve problems with customs. and chervinsky has not yet been charged with high treason due to the failure of the operation with airplanes in 2020.
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ukrainian intelligence officer pavlo, trying to recruit a russian pilot strategic missile carrier, is very afraid of repeating his fate. from your predecessor, when you tell me that you risk more than me, i ’ll tell you now, i’ll remind you very much, look on the internet about chervinsky, remember there was such a thing, well, a representative of the special services, chervinsky, has been in a pre-trial detention center for 2 years, his sum, because he was doing similar things and something went wrong for him, so i see, i know what awaits me if i fail, so we should only have success. i take into account all his mistakes and avoid them, because i can’t sit i want, but i have to, oh, and pavlo will get it , by the way, his identity has already been established by our counterintelligence, so the story does not end there, the operation was a failure, the apu of our tu-22 m3 bomber was not seen at the ozernoye airfield, where ukrainian intelligence was waiting to arrive our plane,
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the russian armed forces launched a missile strike, for the second time, the ukrainian special services. they step on the same rake, let them now wonder what their strategic mistake is. the head of the french interior ministry, on behalf of macron’s supporters , rejected the possibility of a coalition of centrists with leftists who won the elections to the national assembly. moreover, without unification, none of the parties will have enough votes to form a new cabinet. anastasia popova has details. victory is victory, pogroms are on schedule. the traditional way to mark important events is on the far left. youth. in lyon, a fast food restaurant and a bus stop were destroyed. during the riots in rennes , a supermarket was destroyed and 25 people were detained. in nanti , a policeman was set on fire after a molotov cocktail was thrown at him. the officer survived after receiving serious burns. in paris, everything began
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peacefully. they celebrated in republic square. but by nightfall everything went according to a different scenario. the appearance of the police, who, by the way, mostly voted for the national unification, is perceived by extreme left-wing youth as a provocation; they go on the offensive. law enforcement officers began firing firecrackers and fireworks, and bottles were thrown at them amid cries of “down with the state.” the ring around the square slowly tightened. but all the businessmen of large cities still managed to escape, the left, unexpectedly for experts, they won a victory, albeit not a very impressive one. the final composition of the national assembly will be known in
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10 days, but for now it is approximate from figaro. new popular front 184 seats out of 577. macronists - 166 seats, national union - 143 seats. while we have no clarity, there are no clear winners or losers. there are three blocks that have approximately the same number of places. this is, in my opinion, the most important result. governing the country in the coming weeks will be incredibly difficult. on the one hand they worked political technologies, a temporary alliance of the far left and macron, who have already declared that they will never work together, but united in the second round simply to prevent the right from coming to power. on the other hand, it is interesting to look at the figures that in france, and, by the way, in great britain, those who voted for did not get power.
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the united left has 7 million. the new popular front assures that it is ready to rule the country and promises to closely deal with macron’s legacy , if possible, to cancel the unpopular reforms that he adopted during the 7 years of his rule. and who moved with his parents to france in 62, jean-luc milanchon, in his youth stood on the barricades during the student riots of red may of sixty-eight,
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which led to the resignation of charles, opposed the ratification of the european constitution, called for a peaceful civil revolution and the adoption of a new constitution republic, france's exit from the eu and nato. colleagues call him a germanophobe in everything from football to politics, he even wrote a book in german. in addition, milanchon, like the lepin party, openly opposed the admission of ukraine to the eu, against sending french troops there for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. we do not want warlike rhetoric, we do not agree to talk about a war economy regime, because if you are rebuilding the economy on a war footing, you must determine who you want to fight with. however, in the prime minister’s place , commentators also see other personalities, for example, former french president francois hollande. who is remembered for breaking the record for unpopularity as head of state. now he's elected to the district kores, gaining more than 40%.
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current president macron personally congratulated his predecessor on the successful result. the media are already actively discussing that this was not done by chance. it is alland who can lead the new government of france, although he himself hastened to declare that he is not applying for the post of prime minister. when i was president, the situation was completely different. we had an absolute majority. he himself again refused to make public statements or contact the french, which he previously did almost every day during the election program. now he is going to washington for the nato summit and is waiting for him to be offered a candidate for prime minister, who in the current situation will find it difficult to do anything, and this plays into the hands of the right. in the camp of the national unification they are satisfied with the result. tomorrow we will have the opportunity to get an absolute majority, maybe this will happen in a year. yes,
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we will have to endure another year, leaving the problems of illegal migration and insecurity in our country unresolved, but if we need to go down this path, then so be it. for them, the trend is obvious, their popularity is growing steadily, while the responsibility for possible failures is not on them, they remain in the opposition, as... this is a very convenient position for the fight for the presidency, which will begin in 3 years. anastasia popova, lio bernatsky, ina koshkina and irina kudesova. vesti, paris, france. the crew of the russian team kamasters took first place in the fourth stage of the rally raid. holkovy way in the truck classification. report by stas ryadikultsev. from those southern forests the marathon rallies broke out into the steppe expanses in the foothills of the altai mountains. surrounded by rugged rocks,
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the race takes place at altitude. literally more than 2000 m is difficult for both people and equipment, more such special stages, longer such special stages would be really beautiful places, but besides the beauty, of course, as an athlete, they are difficult, small mountain ranges, rocky sections have already begun, there was one climb such a protracted, long, long, just well, the load on the engine today was very strong, sergei koryakin had another bad day, the day before the second crew of the team dropped out of the race, today only gas brought their bugs to the finish line.
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the silk road, cars suffer from rocks, many lost tires on this off-road. each athlete probably has some, well, favorite surfaces, say, on which he is better able to ride, and so on. now i love to ride stones, i love them, somehow i learned, but i learned to understand them. the rally-marathon is also a special race because everything is in the open air, people and the elements are one on one, the camp in the border koshagach almost blown away by a hurricane wind, people hold the tent with their hands. it is also because of this kind of romance that every year since the first race in 2009, entrepreneur from tynda sergei sholygin comes; for 15 years now he has been plowing the silk road in this suv. well, we take care of our car ourselves, and we leave the house in a gentle car, try to drive to the finish line and return in a gentle car. shalygin has no mechanics or escort vehicle; all spare parts and personal belongings are carried inside the jeep, which is how
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rally raids were once born. here with us. how the museum is not opening, here we have an ax signed by vich, paintings by children, just like a museum, a stage of the international rally marathon the silk road consists not only of a high-speed special off-road section, but also the so-called liaison, that is, the path to it here in altai , it is even longer than the special stage itself, more than 400 km along one of the most picturesque roads in the world, the chuya highway. on perfect asphalt. i just don’t want to drive fast along the uchuysky tract, alpine meadows give way to snow-capped peaks, this is not only the road, known since ancient times, is the necklace of altai, for every kilometer of which pearls are strung like a thread, natural fusions of chuya and kotun or breathtaking passes, and man-made ones, for example, pitroglyphs of the stone age, it is not surprising that only this route has russia has its own museum, it was visited
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by participants in the silk tourism category.
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