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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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the baikal-amur mainline, the president called bam a key link in the development of siberia and the far east, prime minister mikhail neshustin noted its importance. today we have
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an anniversary, exactly half a century ago a resolution of the council of ministers of the ussr was signed on the start of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. as a result of this decision, 3.00 km of railway were laid in permafrost conditions, about 60 settlements were founded, and a new access to the world's oceans was created. development of the highway resumed as directed. president within the framework of the eastern railway test site project. this is one of the largest highways in the world. almost 4,300 kilometers of tracks are laid through six regions of siberia and the far east. the shortest railway route to the pacific ports passes through bam. ban and transip opened the markets of the asia-pacific region to the russian economy. for example, last year the volume of trade with china, contrary to forecasts of 10%, increased by 40 and amounted to 161. first of all
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, importers of goods transported to obama are are, of course, china and the countries of southeast asia, and also india and the countries of central asia will be added, if there is an expansion, then let’s say, through mongolia will be added, countries will be added that we traditionally supply through the sea, that is, through the ports of primorsky the edges. and which border china. in the regions where bam passes, coal, oil and gas, iron ore, and copper are actively mined. in addition to minerals, fertilizers are transited along the highway. if we take the eastern range as a whole, then it accounts for most of the cargo. about 60% of all transportation is precisely transip bank itself. 70% of all cargo is coal. the first consumer
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of coal is, of course, the people's republic of china, in connection with this, due to the fact that our trade with the people's republic of china, well, in general with asian countries , is increasing all the time, and that is why, of course , such quite significant investments are required in infrastructure development. in recent years, the throughput of the highway has been growing due to the implementation of the program. development of the eastern test site. in in the twenty-second year it was 158 million tons of cargo. by the end of the twenty-fourth there should be more than 180. the carrying capacity of bam itself will be almost 42 million tons. the numbers will only increase by the thirty-second year the landfill will be able to transport up to 270 tons of cargo. investments in the large-scale project will exceed rub 3,700 billion. construction will continue. on 24 sites, 10 of them belong to
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bam, where they plan to build more than 300 infrastructure facilities, at a minimum there will be new tunnels, stations and sidings. here very significant is required, for example, the second severomoisk tunnel requires about 500 billion rubles, the dusaalin tunnel, which should be completed next year, about 50 billion, respectively , the second baikal tunnel is also about 50 billion, that is, you see that the main funds are spent on construction of second tracks, are they either tunnels, or are they roads, are they railways, in general? since 2019, work amounting to almost 325 billion rubles has been completed at the eastern training ground; in 2024 they plan to spend 400 billion. as noted in russian railways, mainly over the past few years, has used the company’s own funds.
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russian engineers have also developed new locomotives especially for the eastern training ground, so russian railways predicts that with the increase in bama's throughput capacity, mining and processing enterprises will also develop. they will not only increase cargo flow, but will be able to increase the speed of delivery. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. let us tell you how this day in history is remembered right now. hello. on july 9, 1762 , russian emperor peter ii was overthrown. he reigned. less than six months and did not even have time to be crowned, but he turned the entire nobility, people and army against himself. the grandson of peter the great was brought up in germany, adored everything german and despised everything russian, introduced prussian orders in the troops, made peace with prussia, deprived russia of everything achieved in the seven-year war
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, and planned to attack denmark, a longtime russian ally. peter ii encroached on the rights of the church, deciding to take away land from monasteries prohibit the use of icons. as a result , a conspiracy matured. it was headed by guard officers, the orlov brothers, the wife of the emperor catherine, whom peter loved to publicly humiliate and insult, so he left for petergov, and the conspirators in the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment proclaimed empress catherine. the emperor thought to flee to kranstatt, but the fortress also swore allegiance to catherine, then he abdicated the throne, and a few days later he officially died from hemeroidal colic, although much indicated death from strangulation. catherine ii reigned for almost 35 years. confirming russia's status as a great world power. on this day in 1958 , an event occurred that is called the alaska apocalypse. on the southeastern coast in letuya bay, in the mountains near the fairweather fault, a powerful earthquake caused a megatsunami, a wave
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more than 520 m high. this has no analogues in history. as a result of tremors measuring up to 8.3 on the richter scale, a huge one collapsed into the bay. 30 million cubic meters of rocks and ice. according to one version, the effect of the collapse increased the powerful release of water from the icy lake through the subglacial tunnel. one of the eyewitnesses who observed this natural disaster recalled: the glacier shot up into the air and moved forward, and then suddenly the glacier disappeared from view and a large wall of water rose above this place. a giant wave swept across the entire bay, narrow as a fjord, at a speed of 160 km/h. its height was determined by measuring the level to which on the mountains. vegetation was destroyed, this natural disaster claimed the lives of five people, there could have been more victims, but this is a harsh region and very few people live here. july 9, 1967 at an air parade in
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domodedovo, the soviet air force showed for the first time a new product: aircraft with variable wing geometry. multirole fighter mig-23 and fighter-bomber su-17. this is the design. lift, stability in flight at subsonic speeds, but for supersonic you need sweep, the wing fits at a large angle to the fusilage, look, the wing takes on a swept shape, mibu-23 in full gear, 450 m was enough to take off from the ground, and then he could reach speeds of up to 2 s'.
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sudan, which separated from the republic of sudan, which became independent back in the mid -fifties. and even then a fierce civil war began between the north with a muslim population and the christian south. this was layered with tribal and ethnic strife. in seventy-two, the southerners achieved autonomy, but 10 years later , hostilities resumed due to forced islamization by the north and the division of oil wealth. the human cost was enormous, millions of dead and refugees. only in 2005 did they reach a peace agreement, in january eleventh they held a referendum on independence. and today the southern court. the youngest state recognized by the world community, but there is no sustainable peace yet.
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an internal armed conflict broke out in south sudan itself, which took years to resolve. this is what this day in history was like.
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but beat yourself over the head, the main thing is, van, hurry up, what kindles interest, uh, uh, what started, and makes life, i... why did you imprison me in flint, of course, flint, jean ivan, and so we are getting bored, soon, summer, vacation time, and we went alone to travel, and... others decided to stay in the city, and if someone thinks that children in moscow will have nothing to do at this time,
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because everyone is on vacation, then this is a misconception that we will dispel. moscow always relies on progress and learning, so that schoolchildren will always be able to find something new for themselves or even decide on a future profession. we don’t use green, just yellow and blue, mixed here. yeah, we get such beautiful green ones. if summer has illustrations, then they are born in this class, young artists gathered here. so, today we drew etudes on the street, we brought sketches, we brought sketches to class, now we are enlarging them on a large scale. they were able to get into the creative environment through the portal of the moscow mayor, which opens the doors. in a world full of events, there are more than 28 teachers in different
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directions, we have fine arts, decorative arts, music, chorigraphy, and we also have vocal, oratory, literature and the modava silis theater, these are children who create collections, sew themselves, learn fashion shows themselves and they themselves also demonstrate that there are summer groups so that children can also work out in the summer, come and participate in some kind of programs. in moscow , the format of summer camp shifts has taken root well, when children gather in the morning, their day is scheduled minute by minute, and in the evening they go home. and in the moscow palace of pioneers , about 48 thousand children study during the year, and this is one and a half thousand, even more, additional education programs. and, when we do our summer shifts and summer classes, we include elements of one direction or another in the circle so that during the shift, and this is 2 weeks, the child could... do a test drive of everything that is here, choose to come and study
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specifically what he liked in the new year. the classes are designed for both very young muscovites and older children, the main thing is that every day is spent with benefit. each shift is specialized, each shift is dedicated to a specific topic, we have now started with a shift called the event center, this is a shift about moscow. and the guys here study as part of the educational block: and the master classes are developed with such approach so that the child can develop diversified, in addition, children can choose a schedule for themselves, everything is as flexible as possible, and the palette of possibilities is impressive. the palace of pioneers is a unique place where children and teenagers from 7-8 years old to 18 can try themselves in something new, often unusual,
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such as, for example, patchwork, or ship modeling, or stage dance, and this. in addition to traditional areas such as painting, foreign languages ​​or sports, master classes are held here constantly. we have a large program called vacation with purpose, so in particular we have a specialized shift, where about 3,500 children over the summer will take various classes in some areas, for example, now about 700 children are engaged in urban studies during the shift, they study, get to know moscow, the city. but these are not only excursions, these are not only lectures, these are certainly outdoor games, sports, these are scientific experiments in our laboratories that continue to work, the next shift will be on animatics, everything related to their cartoons production, no, we don’t shake hands, we fill the entire stage, you can get acquainted with theatrical plasticity, how to feel the stage,
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not be afraid of it, learn how to try on different roles, at master classes, at summer classes - i have a class... on plastic acting expressiveness, we we do exercises in acting, exercises in plastic expressiveness, the base is the simplest and most basic - this is attention, this is the ability to work in a team, exercises on attentiveness, exercises on mastering space, exercises on mastering one’s body, exercises on emotions, but of course, without sports... nowhere, unfold, unfold the width, if you want, if you want, if you want, sports activities require adherence to a strict regime of visits. we have nine ages just playing, plus even younger ages who are just training. there is a commercial group, but this is 5 plus, but our school has existed for a long time, we
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play in the third group of the moscow championship. we participate, that is, in moscow competitions, plus we participate in cups, and so, we have training every day, the children have four training sessions, starting from early childhood, so that the children know what heights they can achieve if they work hard, famous athletes conduct master classes, ekaterina gamova, a superstar in the world of volleyball, shared her experience with schoolchildren, i i think that... this is a great motivation not only for sports, but also for life in general, when children can communicate with athletes or with other people who have achieved certain successes in life, ask them their questions or what they care. who knows, maybe in a few years one of these guys will become a professional athlete. i’m fond of
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volleyball, i’ve been playing amateur volleyball for a long time, i’ve been watching ekaterina gamova play, and this happened today. it was a long-awaited meeting, i was very happy. in total , over 2,500 events are planned for the summer, in which a total of 90,000 children, from preschoolers to high school students, will take part. i would like to remind you that these are not only those organizations that specialize in working with children, but also for example, museums that are not only aimed at children, but especially in the summer think through various plans in order to, in addition to basic excursions, come up with something interesting that will attract children and fill their lives. meaning and will give the necessary impetus to development, so excursions are organized in the capital, for example, to the victory museum, one of the main guardians of the memory of our great country, there is a joint project of the department of education and science of the city of moscow and the victory museum, the children's club letoped, it is intended for children from
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light categories of families, these are children from families with many children, low-income families, children... from families of participants in a special military operation , and the theme of our club is naturally primarily tied to the museum of victory with the history of the great patriotic war; they tell schoolchildren what it cost the red army to defeat nazi germany, what the soldiers of the republics of the soviet union went through while liberating their homeland and european countries. today we are visiting one of the permanent exhibitions of our museum, this is an exhibition of the feat of the people.
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5 6 7 8 children are learning the next dance, which they will soon show on stage, along with practicing movements, they are learning classical choreography, dances of different peoples of the world. this is my third shift in this camp, i really like dancing, we mainly do folk dance. here they will teach you how to play computer games. yes, esports is also a discipline that requires many skills. let's look at the main ones. a real e-sportsman, even the youngest one, knows the name of every corner on the maps of a popular shooter, so the length, short,
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tunnel, box and titanic - this is not a collection of random words, but an exact designation of possible enemy positions; the guys learn tactics, team play and competent communication. they study with us for 2-3 hours, one group per week, that is, there are about six or seven groups of them, they occupy. 2-3 hours a week, since they are still children, first of all, get to know this, understand what is necessary in life, then simply build on it, look at where they should develop further in the future, hone their techniques and reactions , schoolchildren are not only sitting at monitor. as part of the summer camp, our summer shift, we will give you a master class on makulele, this is a fight, well, we have sticks in our hands, in fact it’s a machete, but does everyone remember what a machete is and know? the lesson begins with machete-to-machete or stick-to-stick blows under the beat of the drum. it seems that
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this is capaeira with an african character and an arab passion for edged weapons, exoticism, available in the summer in moscow; they teach here not fighting, but art and world culture. one, three, four, one, three, four, one, the children are interested because someone is doing one thing, but... to expand your horizons , try different directions, it’s very interesting and educational for the guys, we have six teams - these are children who are just from everywhere, quite a lot, many of us come here to stay, there is a dance team, these are children who want to delve into the world of dance, different teachers teach them in different specifics and styles, choreography, there is a circus squad education, but... to be not only traditional and how they are used to sitting at a desk in schools, but in various forms, we don’t have a child who would stay exactly a week, but with us they constantly extend and extend their stay,
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asking to stay longer, but we can stay for another week, or we can for another week, the children show elements of acrobatic rock and roll , the most popular sports dance, which came to us back in the late seventies, along with the team.
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and the city has a lot to offer to make your holidays bright and rewarding.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views they change entire locations, it’s easy to make a fake, change your voice.
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if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they became tense within america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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today the prime minister of india arrived in moscow and was met by a delegation led by first deputy prime minister denis antor. for us, of course, this is very pleasant, this is a big honor, our relations with brotherly india are well known, this is a centuries-old friendship. our generation has grown up.


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