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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in the pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a deep fake change.
3:31 am
well, yes, this is a blow to the very system of argumentation, of course, because this is the main thing that orban says, your idea that putin is some kind of infernal evil does not have no relation, he's absolutely rational, and he's not going to, well, no, just one moment.
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with them, yes, but when we start doing something with them, no, they have already said this many times, it will not activate either the fifth or there won’t be a fourth, a fifth, and they will be immediately thrown out of nato, no, they cannot declare war on us, that is, it simply doesn’t hit the mark, so i have a feeling that they want to repeat the trick of forty-five, that is, they will cheat us a piece of this eastern europe, all these freaks, so that we feed them and so that we don’t interfere with western europe, because our history is 150 million.
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we have everything ready, everything, here, but we can just destroy it, that’s right, well so everything is great, that’s all, i think we’re having the most fun summer of my entire life, well maybe only the ninety-first year can be equalized, ahead, so no, firstly, i am deeply convinced that there is money for war, because we are now faced with a new type of warriors, and then i am deeply convinced that europe will now begin in some kind of... that moment in time.
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to face religious and ethnic conflicts, moreover, it will be extremely difficult to extinguish them, it is no coincidence that in france the left won, but what is written on the flags? chocolate is the liquidation of one individual horseman, but if we talk about this systemically, then what he could do superbly soviet union to do? in fact, one of the main historical advantages of the west is this: at the current historical stage, the west works with everyone, no one works with the west,
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no one works against america, against europe, they have no external enemies at all, absolutely true, and this gives them incredible freedom of action, they do what they want, there is no one to fear, if we want you to say, they themselves will fall there and so on. now the war is quick, clear, effective, we must transfer the war to their territory, there it will begin now, for this purpose it is not necessary, there is a lot of unnecessary stuff, you need intelligence, an understanding of the realities, quiet, calm work, including through the long-standing ties that exist, we need to help bring justice to the territory of europe, britain and temporarily connected ones. states of america, and a wonderful name: petty britain, disunited states of america, i don’t understand this, this is germany, who is this, this is germany, this is alemannia, this is deutschland, i’m somehow used to it, bavaria, selesia, free state, free
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a state with its centuries-old traditions, in shorts, this, this, if you remember about prussia, then there will be nothing left of poland, you are talking about prussia in vain now and things in quality, yes, well, of course, not in full, this is not kaliningrad, this does not concern aka kaliningrad, what relation can it have to prushinet grandfather kalinin okay grandfather little we want the grave of our russian philosopher to the faculty of philosophy i will cling to yes he was a russian subject all the road is in one direction yes. well, i don’t know, i read all kinds of western analytics, just all kinds, yes, if you read, in all their parties, movements, among journalists, every second person pays a debt, and if you read some ukrainian journalists, zelensky’s entire team, led by sermak, are
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agents recruited by the fsb, who deliberately, and sirsky, there there is no place to put a stamp, it’s not enough that i studied in moscow, ours, ours, therefore, now there are a lot of all kinds of such theories, who? who controls whom, but in fact we see these changes in institutions and when you started talking, remind me, the tsakhal officially gives 621 dead, televised on may 15 army defense of israel, as of may 15, i’ll now remind you of other numbers, that is, on may 15 they gave 621, now you don’t believe me either, no, no, i’m not talking about that, it’s just that we cited it correctly, that is, kharetz gives the same numbers, officially . in general, orbann is handsome, well done, look what he’s doing, he didn’t go in vain, when hungary assumed the presidency, the state of the presidency
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of the council of the european union, and no matter what barel, ursula vonderlean said, they are interfering with another institute, he is very competent uses legislation that is generally right.
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traditions and some bagpipes, that’s ours, our meaning for six months, we’ll be
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doing this, and orban is carrying out a mission that, in general, reminds europeans of their great past. europe, you must, in principle, decide world affairs. he says: we will not make hungary great again, but if you read carefully the program of his chairmanship, it seems like all the right words are there from the point of view of the european bureaucracy, but it is clearly visible there. and the gain here is complete, there are no, in fact three thirds there, she has
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a close-knit group, it’s called a national association, so a close-knit group, what macron’s ensemble is, what you called it beautifully in german with some other word, in french it’s an ensemble, here’s macron’s ensemble all together, and there in i think there are eight of them, they were called somehow differently, it doesn’t matter if they are no longer gokuyu.
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he has a wife, eko sguladze, if she doesn’t tell anyone about anything, she’s
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saakashvili’s closest associate, well, yes, who later was a deputy minister in ukraine, she’s just his companion, he met her when worked in saakashvili’s team, that’s all there, it’s such an association, it’s called the dance of the public, it’s a public place, why is it called that, this association is included, the association of the left, that is, the left is there... france has never been so weak, never european institutions that
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were initially so chaotically formed that not a single state in europe would even think about any kind of sovereign choice. suddenly orban appears, and this institution is used in the interests of the sovereignty of hungary and the sovereignty of european union. this has never happened before, it happened this summer, this year it happened, i don’t know, covid had such an impact, but it seems to me that it did. russia and the changes that are taking place in the world, we see that the west is changing, and these transformations are irreversible, that’s all that is happening,
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not with the president, supported by president trump, just trump. they will have to discuss it, they will not be able to ignore what orban will agree on with putin, sidinpin, and will receive some kind of approval from trump. it's already it won’t be possible to simply push it into a distant drawer somewhere. europe will be offered some kind of deal, a peace deal, because further blows with mallets await them. are they having elections? now they will endure the summer, they will have it after the european football championship. the olympics in france, that’s really all, well, the french press, along with the elections , writes, how are we going to hold the olympics in general? firstly, macron did not swim in the seine, he said that he would swim in july, well, he will now swim, let me remind you that the seine so dirty that it was criticized, he promised to swim there in june, in my opinion, in june he didn’t swim, now he decided to swim in
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july, he will swim there in july, he won’t swim there, it’s hard to say, maybe he will dissolve there for now, maybe. happy, but this is such a short-sighted statement, because the trend that marina lepen has outlined is long-term, she has a united political force, she is preparing for the elections of 27, for the presidential elections, when no other political force most likely has leader, golanchon is 72 years old, macron has been written off,
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there’s really no one in his ensemble, by the way, he specifically drowned edouard edouard there. prime minister, if now bardela became philip, everyone who held the post of prime minister, they would be drowned in a year, they would, yes, there would be even fewer of them, they would be made, how many months before the election of macron, 3 months, in 3 months, perhaps they will be done, but the fact is that the situation in france then was different, there was no such political mess as is happening now, everything the institutions of the fifth republic are gradually being destroyed, and this concerns not only france, in fact, this concerns. the european union as a whole, therefore, if we talk about our situation, in fact, the bet that washington made during the biden period on the europeanization of the conflict in ukraine had something to do with it, so let’s while we have elections, let’s shift all the responsibility to them, let them get involved in this ukraine and deal with it, we’ll take care of the elections, and then we’ll think about it, but
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this bet, apparently, doesn’t work completely, first, without the finances of the americans they can’t do anything, without military-industrial... help they can’t do anything, without the support of nato, they are incapable in the context of military confrontation, and the same baltic republics, why are they behaving so brazenly, only because two reasons, because for the last 30 years they have not had a worthy answer, they have never infringed on the russian, the russians there on their territory, there have never been speeches about the bronze soldier, they have never received a worthy answer, so now you are talking about poplar m, because before this it was possible for others...
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the countries of the european union were just considering the possibility of canceling hungary's six-month chairmanship of the council after a visit to the hungarian school. this is already very interesting, because if they agree to this, it will show that not only is there no democracy, in general, a complete leveling of all european principles can lead
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to such a split in the european union that there will be a de facto beginning of its disintegration, hungary will go into union of turkic-speaking states, before i proposed pay attention to the possibility of hungary, well , in turkey it will not leave; in turkey it will not leave, although they have excellent relations there. by the way, what happens with the erdogans, well, hungary is an ally, of course, they are not part of the azerbaijani peoples, or what? now it’s important for us not to lose them all, yes, it’s important not to lose all these countries now, now there’s advertising, after that we’ll continue with a new composition, it’s clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions. bring to new heights, perspectives there is, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in
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your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product? today, in response to all attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on our civilian targets, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a retaliatory group strike on military industrial facilities. all the speculation on the part of the kiev regime, attempts to accuse our army of striking civilian targets , looks like another circus on the eve of nato summit. in an attempt to earn points for themselves , they promote themselves on the mountain, as they have done many times already, only.
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and will lead to losses among the civilian population of ukraine. zelensky demanded an urgent meeting of the un security council. but i don’t really understand
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who he is to demand anything. who is he? or can any citizen of the world demand something from us? he has no official status to try to convene anything. and i think that it would make sense for our diplomats to point this out, which chairmanship of the council is what we’re talking about? and for some reason we still decided to hold it at 10 a.m., but i think that this should only be done if we, if we still
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wait for the official appeal of the legitimate... on ukrainian sources, that their accusations has absolutely no basis, but this is what the ukrainian clique always does when they feel something is going wrong, then the malaysian boeing, then buche, now the akhmat hospital. the peer-to-peer machine has been launched, so with one hand the overdue person writes an angry post on social networks, and with the other he signs a security agreement on this time in poland. who are you?
3:57 am
i, traveler, balloonist, jean. ivan. ah, so we go out of trouble. what a fairy tale without ivan. uh, uh, what started? no cheating. and without flint.
3:58 am
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3:59 am
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4:00 am
we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. and the meeting with tusk took place today in warsaw, a lot of things were discussed and cooperation between different people.


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