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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deep fake, we will expose all the fakes.
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sergeina's news in short: vladimir putin , indian prime minister narendra modi. held negotiations in novoogoryovo. the meeting was informal, but as noted in the kremlin, it was extremely meaningful. the leaders discussed key international issues, including ukrainian ones. during night shelling of the belgorod region by the ukrainian armed forces, one person was killed. at least four were injured. at nine the light supply has been disrupted in populated areas. roofs in many houses were damaged and windows were broken. authorities are urging residents to send their children to summer camps. the nato summit opens in washington. this meeting of the leaders of the alliance
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can be called an anniversary, the bloc is 75 years old, but there is no atmosphere of celebration. on the main issue of support for ukraine in nato, there are serious differences. natural fires have engulfed more than 850 thousand hectares in russia. the most difficult situation is in transbaikalia, yakutia and the amur region. in these regions , firefighting groups are being strengthened. the situation exacerbated by drought. one spark is enough for a new fire. unique footage of the spring liberation of ocheretin in the dpr has been released. they clearly demonstrated the superiority of russian troops in their ability to act unexpectedly for the enemy and noticeably outstrip him in the speed of decision-making. our stormtroopers entered the streets when the militants were just walking there. stanislav bernwalt will tell you how events developed. the battle for ocheretina was not easy, but very fast. thanks cancellation.
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by the action of our attack aircraft the enemy turned out to be simply not ready to confront our guys and began to move back, losing the expensive and strange equipment of the soldiers; hundreds of high-tech soldiers surrendered. at the end of april , the russian army managed to break through the first of several lines of defense near ocheretin and take control of the so-called lifeline of the ukrainian armed forces in this direction. on the right is the railway traction substation. this is another crazy thing, it slipped into a trench, well. this is how the commander of the assault company with the call sign evening tells the details of the breakthrough into the industrial zone in ocheretina, the enemy was simply taken aback at first when he saw our guys, and then simply panicked. the battalion commander and i decided not to wait, but to go in, which played an extremely important role, and we flew into the industrial zone first, that is , there were no troops there before us, we went in, gained a foothold, gave passage to others, and the enemy, in turn, they just... didn’t wait for us there, the attack of our attack aircraft
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really turned out to be lightning fast, the first prisoners, as our guys say in the evening , were taken without a fight, the first prisoners were taken by us, roughly speaking, my guys didn’t even take them with a fight, but caught up with them on the street, at that time they were just walking there, not expecting us to appear there at all, they had established themselves, in fact, they had already begun cleaning up, dragging in other units and working, so we entered the queue appeared, as the commander says, no? there was no need to carry out engineering training, trenches had already been made along the outskirts, for which the guys were very grateful to the enemy, which is why the attack aircraft no longer walked along forest regiments, but could break into a populated area from various on both sides, when the first shock passed, the enemy attempted to counterattack, but to no avail. from time to time, attempts were made for bradley to come work on us, but it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, her path was immediately blocked. by burning equipment, as
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the commander of the assault company noted, the enemy in the populated area was simply not ready to fight at all, chaos prevailed among the units, there was no coordination, command was generally elsewhere. the prisoners generally reported that they arrived in the morning, had no contact, and the captured officer also did not he even had a walkie-talkie with him, he, in principle, could not control the unit, these were small disorganized groups that were all gradually destroyed, here is the most interesting thing, as they were rapidly losing manpower and equipment , militants of the terrorist rdk advanced from the rear, but only aggravated the situation line, to our guys, our guys greeted them very warmly, we... the guys from one intercepted radio, we just heard it, we just met them, we just destroyed them, without any problems, too, with mine from a point of view, this is more of a show, because they showed themselves in absolutely no way at all, the cool terrorists from the so-called
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rdk, as the party claims , turned out to be completely untrained, these are such tiktok troops on minimal wages, when they realized that the situation was in trouble, they tried to escape and were safely destroyed, most of the prisoners... there was no need to provide medical assistance to him, they only gave him water, the person in general immediately seemed to be determined that they would now begin to torture him, kill him, and he they offer water, you need to drink, he stands there, looks, he doesn’t seem to understand. the second prisoner also had the first question, will you shoot, no one is going to shoot you, where does this kind of thinking come from, why is this necessary? well, let me remind you that the front line near ocheretin was defended by the then-elite ukrainian unit of the 47th mechanized brigade; it had been fighting for many months and suffered serious losses. the command decided to replace it with the 115th brigade, and it was at this point in the rotation
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that our guys successfully took advantage. eventually tens of thousands of ukrainian soldiers were forced to retreat to the next line of defense, further to the west. in chelyabinsk, more than 10 thousand people visited the exhibition of captured nato equipment, which was captured in the avdeevsky direction of a special operation by soldiers of the center group of forces. the exposition opened the day before, with 14 trophies on display, including the abrams tank, the bradley infantry fighting vehicle and other western-made equipment. in addition, guests of the exhibition can test themselves as an operator of an attack drone on a simulator and try to knock out an enemy gun. to teach how to manage, i have a son there, he’s just in the central military district, i wanted to see what they have to face there, well, i came with my granddaughter, with my daughter, with a comrade in arms,
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to look at these evil spirits, well the soul rejoices at how the brothers work, that’s why for us it’s... sacred, well, we’ll continue to work . in the south of russia there is a record heat, the thermometers reach the forty-degree mark every day, due to the unusually high air temperature, there are problems with tatyana belova will tell you about power supply when the weather changes. july, stop in the southern regions due to the heat , birds are already falling to the ground, problems with power supply have begun, when will the temperature stop rising? this is the weather, a joint project. russia-24, i'm tatyana belova. hello, the heat in the south will continue to break records. extreme heat has persisted in the region since the end of last week. one of the main problems in such weather is overloading of substations. even the day before , the authorities of the rostov region decided to partially limit the supply of electricity to
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enterprises. this happened after major accidents on networks in taganrog and niklinovsky district. in several villages the voltage is so unstable that air conditioners fail. work, the rest of the equipment is on the verge of breakdown. both people and animals suffer from the heat, so in rostov-on-don , swifts began to fall to the ground. according to ornithologists, temperatures above +30 are uncomfortable for birds. they overheat and quickly lose moisture, so they cannot take off. experts advise feeding depopulated swifts with water; sometimes the birds should be given rest in a small box. it was also scorching hot in kuban; locals were fantasizing about how great it would be if they were in a taxi. equipped with swimming pools. on monday, by mid-day the thermometers in southern russia had risen to +35-40°. as a result, maximum temperature records were updated in many cities. for example, meteorological statistics were rewritten in krasnodar, lugansk, yalti and budenovsk. unprecedented
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overheating was observed over a vast territory from the lower volga to the black sea coast of crimea and the caucasus. triggered record heat extensive anticyclone. you see, this eye is already on monday. covered most of european russia and only at the western borders of the country there was room for fields of frontal clouds. over the rest of the areas the sky was almost clear and there was nothing restricting it. solar energy to the earth's surface. today the situation in the atmosphere will not change much, so it will be very hot again. even in the northeast of the russian plain , the thermometers will reach +25-30. in the middle zone, the prevailing daytime temperature is +27:32, at the epicenter of znoya southern russia will remain, here the midnight hours are up to +37.42. it must be said that extreme heat is fraught with more than just electrical problems. over the past days of july , a severe moisture deficit has formed in the south of the country; in most areas not
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a drop fell from the sky at all, and only in some places, mainly in the mountains , about 10-20% of the required amount of precipitation fell. in such a situation , vegetation turns into an ideal fuel; in many regions , an emergency fire danger class has now been declared. and in the coming days, count on a turning point there is no weather trend, so in rostov -nadon until... the end of the week, no rain today or tomorrow, the thermometers will again show about a record +38-39, but then, fortunately, the midday heat will gradually weaken, on saturday in the city up to +34, this is only 5° hotter than usual, in moscow significant precipitation is also unlikely, but the heat will not be so unbearable, the prevailing daytime temperature in the capital is + 29:30, on wednesday-thursday a portion of fresher air and... thermometer instructions will enter the metropolis will drop to +27-28. i have on that's all, goodbye. now advertising, then
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we will talk about preparations for the construction of a high-speed railway between moscow and st. petersburg. about this and more in economic news. the sber-thanks loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as much. bonuses than before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sberbank from other banks and receive cashback up to 70% with partners. more profitable with a subscription with berprime. let's open the treasures.
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kari sauce in chicken premium and chicken hit curry, try it at a delicious point, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can get it at 20%, it turns out that you have your own marketplace for money, financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. now economic news , russian hosting providers are gaining popularity in turkey and kazakhstan. roman demand has doubled, more on this and more below. in preparation. 12 billion rubles will be invested in the construction of a high-speed railway between moscow and st. petersburg. this was announced by the deputy head of russian railways. in addition, the possibility of increasing the amount is being discussed. as noted, the holding is almost ready with design and estimate documentation. the company is now focusing on facilities artificial structures, that is, in the construction of complex sources and bridges. active work has also begun within the node.
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construction of a new depot is possible at the end of this year. let me remind you that in march vladimir putin launched work on high-speed railways. construction is planned until 2030. demand for the services of russian hosting providers is growing in turkey and kazakhstan. over the past six months it has doubled. we are talking about virtual hosting such as vps, virtual private server and others. thus, hosting providers estimated the increase in demand at turkey at 57%, year on year, in kazakhstan - 40%. meanwhile. the russian market is being restructured to accommodate new regulations, including the appearance of a register of trusted hosting providers. market participants expect that this will lead to a more active entry of domestic providers into the market of friendly countries. russia has resumed coal supplies to china through the north korean port of rajin. in april-may, exporters shipped 132 in this way. the figure is contained in the arguus report. the port
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is not under wan sanctions. this route allows you to bypass congested routes to distant port. according to analysts, in the future this will increase supplies to china by 2-3 million tons of coal per year. the last public data on coal supplies to the dprk was in 2021. then in the first quarter, russia supplied 15,000 tons of coal by rail for more than $800,000. this is ias statistics data. hot weather has caused an increase in sales of soft drinks and ice cream. for some positions, compared to last year they are... by 30%. the leader was kvass. in june, russians often prepared okrozhka. its sales in retail networks increased by 31%, sales of water by 28%, ice cream by 25, iced tea by 18, carbonated drinks by 85. analysts at nilson consumer read. catering chains also increased their sales. institutions and shopping centers manage to attract customers with
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the help of air-conditioned halls. at the end of the exchange rate for... india nadi in novoogoryovo, the communication was informal, but, as noted in the kremlin, meaningful. putin and modi discussed key international issues. today, communication will continue in an official format. ukraine attacks crimea with american atacoms missiles. this was stated by the coordinator of the us national security council john kirby. he emphasized that the strikes were effective; shells
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were used, among other things, to attack the port of sevastopol. the state duma called this statement the height of cynicism. a concert of the marinsky theater symphony orchestra took place in suzdal. musical shows were staged in the open air right next to the walls of the ancient kremlin. the concert was dedicated to the city's millennium. on the day of family, love and fidelity , an unusual record was set in the yaroslavl region. eight pairs simultaneously got married right in the air. the newlyweds, together with the registrars, rose into the sky in hot air balloons at an altitude of about 40 m, they told a friend. friend: yes. after the bright ceremony, the newlyweds were congratulated on the ground by their relatives and friends. the young couple danced their first dance on a special platform. the sounds of violins and cellos in the open air of ancient suzdal, in a city that is celebrating its millennium, a concert was held by the mariinsky theater symphony orchestra. a musical festival was held right next to
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kremlin walls. what pleased the audience with the artist and maestro valery gergiev and what other celebrations. they are marching in honor of the anniversary, leonid muravyov will tell you. to the peaceful silence and birdsong over the kamenka river , the sounds of violins, cellos and even lyres are unexpectedly added. today the suzzdal kremlin is hosting a central event dedicated to the city’s millennium. artists of the marinsky theater, under the direction of conductor valery gergiev , will present scenes from the opera legends of the invisible city of kitezh and the maiden fevronya along with the sunset walls of the bishop's chambers kremlin. and the nativity cathedral as part of the scenery, all thanks to the light show. there is a concert outside the kremlin, and the russian phoenix exhibition inside. this is a priceless relic. from the funds of not only the vladimir-suzdal museum-reserve, but also the moscow kremlin, many of which are leaving the capital for the first time. the opportunity to bring some of these treasures
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here, to once again show vladimir's riches to the suzdov land, kibyleia suzdal, in its entirety, is truly a rare and rare opportunity. suzdal itself is also a kind of open-air museum. in the middle ages it survived several fire attacks, but was always miraculously revived. over the thousand years of its history, it has managed. to preserve the ancient architecture of the charm of the russian hinterland, they created five monasteries, more than thirty churches, some of which are active and that’s all, this is in a city with a population of less than 10,000 people, but a colossal flow of tourists comes every year to see all this beauty, and it will be even higher after the anniversary and restoration work carried out. it’s very nice that we now have a young active audience, families with children and interest to historical exhibitions.
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know all the people and the army. the grandson of peter the great was brought up in germany, adored everything german and despised everything russian. he introduced prussian rules to the troops, made peace with prussia, deprived
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russia of everything achieved in the seven-year war and planned to attack denmark, a long-time russian ally. peter ii. he encroached on the rights of the church, deciding to take away land from monasteries and ban the use of icons. as a result , a conspiracy matured. it was headed by guard officers, the orlov brothers and the emperor's wife. insult, so he left for petergov, and serina, which peter loved to publicly humiliate , the conspirators in the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment proclaimed to empress catherine. the emperor thought of fleeing to kranstatt, but the fortress also swore allegiance to catherine, then he abdicated the throne, and a few days later he officially died from hemorrhoidal colic, although much indicated death from strangulation. catherine ii reigned for almost 35 years, establishing russia's status as a great world power. on this day in 1958 , an event occurred that is called the alaska apocalypse. on the southeast coast in the bay letui, in the mountains near the fairweather fault, a powerful
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earthquake caused a megatsunami, a wave more than 520 m high. there is no analogue in history; as a result of tremors up to 8.3 on the richtor scale, a huge glacier, 30 million cubic meters of stones and ice, collapsed into the gulley. according to one version, the effect will disappear. strengthened the powerful injection of water from the ice lake through the under-ice tunnel. one of the eyewitnesses who observed this natural disaster recalled: “the glacier shot up into the air and moved forward, and then suddenly the glacier disappeared from sight, and a cloud rose above this place. big wall of water. a giant wave swept across the entire bay, narrow as a fjord, at a speed of 160 km/h. its height was determined by measuring the level to which the vegetation on the mountains was destroyed. this natural disaster claimed the lives of five people. there could be more, but this is a harsh region and very few people live here. on july 9
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, 1967, at an air parade in domodedovo , the soviet air force showed for the first time a new product: aircraft with variable wing geometry. multirole fighter mig-23 and fighter bomber su-17. this design solved a long-standing problem, to ensure maximum speed without compromising flight performance. for takeoff and landing. a straight wing provides a greater lift coefficient and stability for flight at subsonic speeds, but for supersonic flight you need sweep, the wing fitting at a large angle to the fuselage. look, the wing takes on a swept-back shape. a mig 23 in full gear needed 450 m to get off the ground, and then it could reach a speed of up to 2,500 km/h. the su-17 had a take-off run of up to one and a half kilometers. and the speed 2.100 is good for a bomber, but such machines had their drawbacks: design complexity, increased weight, so today
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more modern integrated ... dynamic circuits are used, but variable sweep is also still used, especially in bomber aircraft. on july 9, 2011 , a new state appeared in africa: south sudan, which separated from the republic of sudan, which became independent in the mid-fifties. and even then a fierce civil war began between the north and the muslim population and the christian south. this was layered with tribal and ethnic strife. in seventy-two, the southerners achieved it. but 10 years later, fighting resumed due to forced islamization by the north and the division of oil wealth. the losses were huge, millions of dead and refugees, only in 2005 a peace agreement was reached, and in january 11th an independence referendum was held. and today south sudan is the youngest state recognized by the world
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community, but there is no stable peace yet. no, an internal outbreak broke out in south sudan itself an armed conflict that took years to resolve. this is what this day in history was like. who are you? i, traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan. we're getting bored, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, uh, what started, without deception and without flint, don't go to the flint, he imprisoned me, the self-written pen is magic ink, you'll get it, you're the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse , mechanical, but
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beat yourself over the head. who do you have? where i need to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to go. i can't live without travel. flint, he who has a flint in his pocket does not need a feather. soon. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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during the night shelling of the belgorod region by the ukrainian armed forces, one person was killed, at least four were injured, the light supply was disrupted in nine settlements, roofs were damaged in many houses, and windows were broken. authorities encourage residents to send their children to summer camps. in washington they open on their own. on the other hand , this meeting of the alliance leaders can be called an anniversary meeting; the bloc is 75 years old, but there is no festive atmosphere. there are serious disagreements in nato on the main issue of supporting ukraine. natural fires have engulfed more than 850,000 hectares in russia. the most difficult situation is in transbaikalia, yakutia, and the amur region. in these regions they are strengthening.


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