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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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news from the middle of the hour briefly: vladimir putin and indian prime minister narendra modi held talks in novoogoryovo. the meeting was informal, but, as noted in the kremlin, extremely meaningful. the leaders discussed key international issues, including ukrainian. during the night shelling of the belgorod
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region by the ukrainian armed forces, one person was killed, at least four were injured, the light supply was disrupted in nine settlements, roofs were damaged in many houses, windows were broken, the authorities are calling on residents to send their children to summer camps. opens in washington nato summit, this meeting of the leaders of the alliance can be called an anniversary. the block turned 75 years old, but there was no festive atmosphere. there are serious disagreements in nato on the main issue of supporting ukraine. natural fires have engulfed more than 850 thousand hectares in russia. the most difficult situation is in transbaikalia, yakutia, and the amur region. in these regions , firefighting groups are being strengthened, the situation is aggravated by drought, and a single spark is enough for a new fire. the first tanker of the current navigation was met in anador. the vessel chukotka plus delivered 8,500 tons of cargo to the port. this petrol. diesel fuel, some will be left in
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the regional capital, the rest will be loaded onto other ships and sent along the rivers to the village. vladimir nikitchenko found out why this year more fuel will be needed. the first tanker entered the waters of the onadrsky estuary, opening the season for fuel delivery to the most remote region of russia. by order of the main supplier of the enterprise , it is planned to deliver 170 tons of cargo to chukotka during this navigation. fuel navigation started in the capital. and chukotka season in anadar the tanker chukotka plus opened, on its on board there is diesel fuel and gasoline of two grades, intended for residents of anadar and the village of the anadra region, where the cargo will be delivered by the ships animen and chukotka. chukotka plus delivered 4,700 tons of diesel fuel , gasoline, 2,700 tons of ninety2 and 1,150/95 to the capital of chukotka. part of the fuel will remain in the anadri coal mines, and the rest will soon be delivered along the rivers to the village of markovo ustbeloe snezhnaya.
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ege, krasnino and kanchelan. tanker chukotka plus the first in the waters of the anador estuary, but already the second in chukotka this year. to the ship gvikinot with a cargo of almost 4,500 tons approached the shores of the village of khatyrka on june 4. but due to difficult ice conditions, it was not possible to unload. therefore, the conduct went to the villages of serenniki, nunlegran, enmelen. this year we plan to produce 30,000 tons more diesel fuel compared to 2023. all in all. our navigation volume is about 170,000 tons of fuel, of which 10,030 tons is diesel fuel, the rest is various gasoline grades i92 and 95 aircraft fuel for jet engines. increase in import plan by 30,000 tons of diesel fuel is due to the fact that, according to the project , a new energy center is supposed to start operating this year in belibino and
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is located there, but there will be three ship calls at port nadr, two ship calls each at the port of the port, and, accordingly , traditionally the whole the unequipped shore is the village of anadorsky, provensky district of iultinsky and chukotsky. most of the oil products this year will be delivered to chukotka via the northern sea route, 158. ton out of 170. the first tank. will rise from murmansk for unloading in the brewery by july 10, there are 18.00 tons of diesel fuel on board the gulf of the cross; in total , the important cargo will be sent in four directions from the ports of murmansk, arkhangelsk, omsk and nakhodka. at the moment , 9,750 tons of diesel fuel and 4,350 tons of gasoline have been delivered to the district. it is planned
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that fuel navigation in the district will be completed in the first ten days of november. vladimir nikichenko, arseny gusev, leading chukotka. record heat, thermometers reach the forty-degree mark every day, due to the unusual high air temperatures cause problems with power supply. when the weather changes, we'll tell you after the commercial. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this without. paid! opening the way to business! sberbusiness! gac m8 - mini veen of the executive class. unique radiator grille, electromagnetic suspension. lux class salon for your maximum comfort. gac m8 is
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the first place. find out your credit score on the compare website or in the app. it's free! see if you have any arrears and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name? keep your credit history under control. your credit score may be better than you think. compare, on your side. mvidio eldorado offers amazing benefits when purchasing equipment as a kit. midee built-in oven for only 23.99. hello. my name is boy. i help you buy with the maximum. benefits at the megamarket, for example, condo subboard for 14,990 rubles and 30% cashback. attack credit card debt, i'll show you here are a couple of tricks for you: we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently repay them within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in
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installments. kholva - simple installment plans. sensoy. this is what the asian taste sounds like, one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge and now sits on the internet all the time, have time to connect megapower to unlimited before the end of summer so that the internet does not end, only in a megaphone, the sber loyalty program has been updated, thanks, pay with any card elect and get double... for more bonuses than before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sberbank from other banks and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners,
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more profitable with a subscription with berprime. july , stop in the southern regions due to the heat , birds are already falling to the ground, problems with power supply have begun, when the temperature stops rising. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and centro fobus. i'm tatyana belova. hello, it's hot in the south will continue to break records. extreme heat has persisted in the region since the end of last week. one of the main problems in such weather is substation overload. even the day before , the authorities of the rostov region decided to partially restrict. supply of electricity to enterprises. this happened after major accidents on networks in taganrog and niklinovsky district. in several villages the voltage is so unstable that air conditioners refuse to work. the remaining equipment is on the verge of breakdown. both people and animals suffer from the heat. so in rostov nadon to the ground
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swifts began to fall. according to ornithologists, temperatures above +30 are uncomfortable for birds. they overheat and quickly lose moisture, so they cannot take off. depressed. experts advise sealing the birds with water; sometimes the birds should be allowed to rest in a small box. it’s also scorching hot in kuban, local residents are fantasizing about how great it would be if they wore hair in a taxi. pools on monday, by mid-day the thermometers in southern russia had risen to +35-40°. as a result , records were updated in many cities maximum temperature. for example, meteorological statistics were rewritten in krasnodar, lugansk, yalta and budenovsk. unprecedented overheating was observed over a vast territory from the lower volga to the black sea coast of crimea and the caucasus. an extensive anticyclone provoked record heat. you see, this outbreak was already covered on monday. most of european russia and only at the western borders of the country there is room for fields of frontal
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clouds. over the remaining areas the sky was almost clear and nothing limited the flow of solar energy to earth's surface. today the situation in the atmosphere will not change much, so it will be very hot again. even in the northeast of the russian plain, the thermometers will reach +25-30. in the middle zone, the prevailing daytime temperature is +27-32. southern russia will remain at the epicenter of the heat, here the half-hour is up to +37.42. it must be said that extreme heat is fraught with more than just electrical problems. over the past days of july, a severe moisture deficit has formed in the south of the country. in most areas not a drop fell from the sky at all, and only in some places mostly in the mountains, about 10-20% of the required amount of precipitation fell. in such a situation, vegetation turns into an ideal fuel, in many regions an emergency class of fire
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danger has now been declared and in the coming days one cannot count on a change in the weather trend, so in rostov-nadon there is no rain until the end of the week, today and tomorrow the thermometers will rise again will show about a record +38-39, but then, fortunately, the midday heat will gradually weaken on saturday in the city until +34, which is only 5° hotter than usual. there is an ongoing siege in moscow. is also unlikely, but the heat will not be so unbearable, the prevailing daytime temperature in the capital is +29:30; on wednesday-thursday a portion of fresher air will enter the metropolis; thermometer readings will drop to +27-28. that's all for me, goodbye.
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now economic news, russian hosting providers are gaining popularity in turkey and kazakhstan. roman demand has doubled, more on that later. in preparation for the construction of a high-speed railway line moscow and st. petersburg will invest 12 billion rubles, the deputy head of russian railways announced this. in addition, the possibility of increasing the amount is being discussed; as noted, the holding has almost ready design and estimate documentation. now the company is focused on artificial structures, that is, on the construction of complex structures and bridges. active work has also begun within the node. construction of a new depot is possible at the end of this year. let me remind you that in march vladimir putin started work on high... construction
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is planned until 2030. in turkey and kazakhstan demand for the services of russian hosting providers is growing; over the past six months it has doubled. we are talking about virtual hosting services such as visa, virtual private servers and others. thus , the hosting provider vds estimated the growth in demand in turkey at 57% year-on-year, in kazakhstan at 40. meanwhile, the russian market. is being rebuilt to comply with new regulations, including the appearance of a registry of trusted hosting providers. market participants expect that this will lead to more active entry of domestic providers into the markets of friendly countries. hot weather caused an increase in sales of soft drinks and ice cream, for some items they increased by 30% compared to last year. the leader was kvass. in june, russians often prepared okroshka. its retail sales increased by 31%. sales of water by 28, ice cream by 25, iced tea by 18, and carbonated drinks
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by 8.5. this was calculated by analysts from niilson consumer. increased your sales and... catering networks, establishments and shopping centers manage to attract customers with the help of air-conditioned halls. volumes of industrial production in the german economy decreased by 2.5% month-on-month in may, the german federal statistical office reported. the actual figure diverged significantly from expectations; for example, analysts surveyed by the wall street journal expected a reduction of only 2. the main factor was the decline in the auto industry. besides. according to the results of the first quarter of this year, germany's gdp decreased by 9.%. as experts note, the latest industrial data reveals long-term systemic problems in the german economy. at the end of the exchange rate: dollar today 88 rub. 16 kopecks euro 95 rub. 66 kopecks novel. mash, thank you. let me briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. as
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a result of night attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on the belgorod region, one person was killed and four were injured. after the shelling. windows have been broken in buildings, roofs and facades have been pierced, power engineers are installing electricity in nine settlements. vladimir putin met with the prime minister of india at rendra fashion in novoogoryovo; the communication was informal, but, as noted in the kremlin , meaningful. putin and modi discussed key international issues, and today communication will continue in an official format. ukraine attacks crimea with american atacoms missiles. the coordinator stated this. us national security council john kirby. he emphasized that the strikes were effective; shells were used, among other things, to attack the port of sevastopol. the state duma called this statement the height of cynicism. a concert of the mariisky theater symphony orchestra took place in suzdal. the musical show was staged in the open air right next to the walls of the ancient kremlin. the concert was dedicated to the city's millennium. now
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let's take a break for advertising, and then in the program we'll tell you what it is. how is it concluded with whom and what conditions have changed this year? fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken is for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken is for burgers at a delicious point. new kari sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit carry. try it at a tasty spot hello, my name is cashboy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, a smart sber tv for 32,990 rubles with 50% cashback. find out your credit score on the website compare or in the appendix. it's free. see if you have any arrears and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name? keep your
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credit history under control. your credit history may be better than you think. compare on your side. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in a crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try caesar rolls and other rolls only at a tasty point. connect your sber subscription. more cashback categories to choose from, access to vokko films and tv series and music in sound and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket. in sberbank it is more profitable with prime. cm-8 executive class minivan, unique radiator grille, electromagnetic suspension, luxury interior for your maximum comfort, gac m8, place first, go to the moss exhibition, or maybe come to me, the best tasty
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point, check out the clips. a real reason to meet a superbox with hello kitty clips and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, start your journey into business with the support of sber, they will open an account in sber business, help with accounting, legal questions and connect the online cash register, all this is free, we open the way to business, collect business, alexander nikolaevich, july 16 at buenos aires, no, at mine. that means there is no third, i have a big hit, a delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day, a new favorite product at a super price. we find ourselves in a difficult
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life situation, we don’t have enough money for the basic necessities, don’t rush to the bank, the state is ready to help, you can get funds under a social contract, who can sign it under what conditions, we’ll tell you in 5 minutes the instructions in the program, his family, income, social protection authorities themselves receive through channels of interdepartmental interaction. it takes time to load information about labor income into the information system, so the calculation of average per capita income is made for the last three months. valid in the month before the month of filing an application for a social contract, when calculating need, social protection authorities will take into account the income of only family members.
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now the family includes the applicant, his spouse, their minor children and children, students under 23 years of age, if they study full-time. when calculating the average per capita income, the income of other relatives who live with the applicant is no longer taken into account. when calculating the average per capita family income. all income received by each family member in cash is taken into account, with the exception of payments such as state social assistance, tax deductions, maternity capital, one-time assistance for the treatment of a child and a number of other payments. property valuation does not apply to the social contract, savings will also not be taken into account, but it is important to note that the income received from managing these savings will be taken into account when calculating the average per capita income for assigning a social contract. the resulting amount will determine whether you can qualify for a social contract; the average per capita income of a family or single citizen should be
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below the subsistence level per capita in the region. when concluding a social contract , the social protection authority undertakes to provide state support. these could be social services, the purchase of necessary goods and, finally, cash payments. it all depends on the goals social contract. all of them are strictly defined. it could be. overcoming a difficult life situation, finding a job if necessary, training or retraining, running a subsidiary farm or starting your own business. the amount of the monetary payment is determined by the citizen independently and reflected in the business plan or cost estimate, but this amount cannot exceed 350,000 rubles. to open your own business and 200,000 rubles. to open a personal subsidiary farm. before you give money to... the state's business , you need to make sure that the person can do this to run a business, for this they introduced a test for entrepreneurial abilities, an hour of time is allotted for 45 questions, each
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question has three answers and only one of them is correct, if more than half of the correct answers are correct, the test is passed. testing to determine the level of entrepreneurial competencies is carried out by social protection authorities using the msp.rf platform. in the event that a citizen passes the test with unsatisfactory results. result, then the social protection authorities will send him to free training for the development of entrepreneurial competencies. based on the results of this training , the citizen will receive a confirmation document. we must remember that under the social contract there are obligations that must be fulfilled. for example, the business must exist for at least 2 years and be the main source of income. it is necessary to keep all documents and receipts confirming payment of rent, equipment and supplies. this is needed for confirmation. expenses and an income report is required monthly throughout the year. the social contract mechanism allows you to create a long-term source of income. therefore, the citizen is accompanied not only
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by employees of the social protection authority, but also by representatives of business support organizations, various business communities, at every stage of the development of their business, from forming an idea and drawing up a business plan, to entering sales markets. in addition, after the implementation of the social contract, citizens will also be able to... qualify for various business support measures. the social contract is concluded for a period of 3 to 12 months. for opening a business and running private household plots, it will be valid for a year, for searching work - 9 months, to overcome a difficult life situation - a maximum of 6 months. you can apply for a social contract through government services; this is now available in most regions of the country. you can come in person to the social security authority at your place of residence or to the mfc office. please note that only a russian citizen can receive this service only at the place of permanent or temporary registration. let's repeat the most important things. this
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year there is a social contract. introduced the principles of social treasury, the rule is uniform throughout the country, most of the information is provided by the authorities they receive social security themselves. only citizens or families with an income below the subsistence level in the region can enter into a social contract. when calculating need, only the income of family members will be taken into account. these are spouses and children, minors and full-time students. and in order to get money to start a business, you now need to pass an entrepreneurial ability test. if you have any questions, if you want to start your own small business, but don’t know where to start, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we ’ll talk to experts and definitely we'll tell you all about it in one of the next issues. instructions.
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it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the overall picture; in pursuit of views , entire locations are changed.
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are you hiding behind the trees somewhere , maybe you changed, walk around here, light the fire, jean ivan, i can’t live without traveling soon. "dear friend, how did vladimir putin and indian prime minister narendra modia meet, what was discussed at the informal meeting, and what is the agenda today. night shelling in the belgorod region, ukrainian militants are hitting civilians, there is dead and injured. why is the atmosphere not festive, against the backdrop of what contradictions
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does the anniversary nato summit in washington open?" groups of firefighters are building up in transbaikalia, yakutia, and the amur region, forests are burning there, there is heat in the south of russia, the thermometer is approaching 40°. ancient suzal is celebrating a millennium, the sounds of violins and vialons, a musical festival was held right outside the kremlin walls. at night, wow was attacked again.


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