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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the anniversary nato summit opens in washington. groups of firefighters are being built up in transbaikalia, yakutia, and the amur region, where forests are burning. it's hot in the south of russia, the thermometer is approaching 40°. ancient suzdal celebrates its millennium with the sounds of violins and cellos. a musical festival was held right outside the kremlin walls. at night , civilians in the belgorod region were again attacked in usa; kiev troops shelled belgorod and other populated areas several times; there were dead and wounded. the supply was disrupted in nine settlements electricity, many houses were damaged. correspondent alexey kornev will tell you what the situation is by this minute; he is live on the phone. alexey, hello, first of all, what is the condition of the wounded and how great is the extent of the damage? hello roman, yes, the past 24 hours.
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indeed, for belgorod, the belgorod region turned out to be not the easiest; the city itself and the region’s settlements were attacked several times by both cannon artillery and unmanned aerial vehicles. 23 hours, 10 minutes according to information the ministry of defense prevented an attack on belgorod itself, an unmanned aerial vehicle was shot down, but the consequences are of course sufficient.
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they are quickly trying to restore the tricity, in addition to the apartment buildings , vegetation was also damaged, i am now at the scene of a night incident in belgorod, here , in addition to the apartments themselves, trees were cut down, and now employees of municipal services are cleaning the territory, as i already said, they are now working on the ground operational services, all information.
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indian prime minister appreciated the invitation president to visit his residence near moscow, thanked for the reception and expressed hope for strengthening friendship between the countries. read more about the meeting elizaveta kharamtsova. dear friend, this is how vladimir putin greets norendra modi. the prime minister of india himself addresses the president of russia with the same words. on the first day of the indian leader’s visit, the russian president receives the guest at his country residence and emphasizes: we are meeting informally.
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where we can calmly talk in such a homely environment, probably about the same issues, but not officially, this is the official residence where i live, on this side of the complex where we work as colleagues, but at the beginning i would like to congratulate you on your re-election as prime minister, i think that this is no coincidence on the result of your work throughout many years, you have your own ideas, you are a very energetic person. the first politician in india in 60 years who managed to head the country's government for the third time in a row, the fact that people feel confident in the future is also evidenced by the record birth rate, light appears in india every year 23 million kids, and although today i only talked about my work... visiting
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a friend at home is a great joy. thank you for organizing such an interesting program for my stay with you. thank you for your kind words. you are right, the elections in india were very important and very huge in scale. india is the world's largest democracy, with about 650 million people voting in the last elections. the people of india gave me this chance to serve my motherland. i worked for 10 years in the government, i developed the following principle: reform, execute and...
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in addition, during the walk, the russian president and the indian prime minister passed by buildings where hunting dogs of the phunsan breed live, which vladimir putin received as a gift from kimchenung
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during his recent visit to the dprk. exclusive footage of lime greeting the owner was published by the author and presenter of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. strengthening communication. between our countries will bring great benefits to our peoples, narendra moda wrote about this on his social networks shortly after arriving in moscow, moreover, he wrote twice in english in russian, and in the evening, also on social networks, the guest thanked vladimir putin for the warm welcome. india looks forward to deepening its special and privileged strategic partnership with russia, the indian leader said on monday. what specific steps need to be taken will be discussed in more detail on tuesday. in a programme. negotiations in a narrow and expanded format, which we will talk about in detail throughout the day, and we can confidently say that these steps will have one direction. in the orekhovsk direction during special operations, crimean paratroopers destroyed the communications equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. air reconnaissance detected the crew of an
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enemy drone. russian fighters raised an aircopter with high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. the kamikaze drone's flight took place at an altitude of about a kilometer, which allowed it to remain invisible. this is exactly where the goal of the robotic technology was, for the first time here i personally came across a robotic system that was destroyed, there was a purpose they installed in the landing. by the mavic operator this goal was destroyed. in the donetsk people's republic , the russian military is knocking out the ukrainian armed forces from their position. the most powerful mortar in the world, the tulip, allows you to destroy even deep fortifications with one shot. and if
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the most accurate shooting is needed, then the combat crew loads the gun with special shells. our military correspondent sergei samokha will tell you what allows such ammunition to hit without a miss. fire, the sound of a mortar shot spreads for many kilometers around, when it is heard on the other side, the enemy rushes to dig in as deep as possible. the main targets for this 240mm gun are enemy fortifications. with one shot, it literally demolishes strongholds and long-term firing points. the tulip mortar crew of the vostok group from primorye is now actively working in the vremev direction. several settlements in the staromorskoe region are all. are still under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. they dug in very seriously, but not against our mortar. our mortar will level everything. tulip is the largest mortar in the world, ammunition, goes deep into the ground and after detonation, it is guaranteed to destroy any fortification. there are also adjustable projectiles in the arsenal. a daredevil who
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aims at a target using drones. precision weapons are delivered on time in the required quantities. the ammunition will begin to read laser target designations. and there are certain rudders there that shift the ammunition towards the target, in order to hit the target, a self-propelled gun, you have to enter the destruction zone of enemy artillery and...
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at the same time, they managed to recapture the men from the military, whom they planned to take with them. in in odessa, military registration and enlistment office employees moved to ambulances, so they hope secretly. to get close to their victims, in kharkov women stood up for a fellow countryman, they forced him into an old lada, the security forces should also have chosen this car because of its invisibility, allowing them to suddenly attack candidates for mobilization. the white house admitted that ukraine is attacking crimea with american missiles. this was stated by national security council coordinator john kirby. he called these strikes extremely effective and said that shells were used for destruction. russian air defense systems, command centers, airfields and for shelling the port of sevastopol. the state duma
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has already commented on this statement, calling it the height of cynicism. the nato summit opens in washington today, it will last 3 days, the meeting was timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the formation of the alliance, the main topics will be military supplies to kiev, the question of ukraine’s membership in the organization. victoria koroleva will tell you what statements were made on the eve of the summit. confrontation. the motive for a nato summit is flying with russia, however, the prospects american allies are unlikely to be pleased, it is expected that military tranches to kiev for european countries will become voluntarily forced, and nato will monitor this, the meeting is overshadowed by the recent visit to russia of hungarian prime minister viktor orban in the alliance, the trip was considered to undermine the overall efforts to military support ukraine . another difficulty is joe biden’s unsuccessful performance at the televised debate, as politics writes, the failure forced the allies.
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rather, on the contrary, judging by the conversations we have with them in advance, they are delighted with upcoming summit, they are excited about the very possibility of what we are going to do together to help ukraine. some members of the european union are more zealous than others, so new agreements between kiev and warsaw give the polish army the right to shoot down russian drones in the skies of ukraine, however, such an agreement not only disappointed, but alarmed european allies. it is called. with the entry into the war, we recall that poland’s membership in the eu and nato would force
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us to show solidarity, and if poland entered into a war with russia, let's stop this madness immediately. all those in europe who sent weapons to ukraine without any approval from their peoples should be sent to a special court, because we are being drawn into a war in which we have no interest in participating, we are having legitimate problems with russia. on the agenda themselves. this is the eternal question of ukraine's accession to nato. the allies always insist that kiev’s membership will definitely strengthen the alliance. however, ukraine will not receive an invitation in the next few years. in the summit declaration rightfully pays great attention to what the allies will say about ukraine's path to membership in the alliance. at the moment there is no consensus among the 32 member countries about inviting ukraine, but when that moment comes, we want that... they were like sweden, finland and some other allies who have been carrying out
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the necessary reforms for years to get the opportunity as quickly as possible join. despite loud statements, the result of the upcoming summit is not obvious. on the one hand, hungary and slovakia. they advocate a peaceful resolution of the ukrainian conflict. on the other hand, representatives of countries committed to the idea of ​​strategic defeat of russia. but, as western experts note, the leaders of such countries. either came to power recently, or are weak and unloved by their own people. victoria koroleva, news. us president joe biden does not have a nervous system disorder or signs of sclerosis. or parkinson's disease. this statement was made by the white house press secretary. according to her, biden undergoes monthly medical an examination, including from a neurologist and a doctor, allegedly did not confirm parkinson's disease. let me remind you that the white house also previously stated that biden does not suffer from degenerative diseases, dementia, alzheimer's disease or anything similar. conversations about
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the american leader’s illness intensified after biden’s disastrous debate with trump. many party members even called on the president to withdraw. candidate for the upcoming elections. at least five people died as a result of a powerful hurricane that hit the us states of texas and louisiana. streams of wind destroy houses, take down trees and lanterns. floods in some areas. massive problems with energy supply are known. about 3 million houstonians were left without cell phone service. local authorities have already reported that recovery will take several days, as the american weather service said, the hurricane will continue to move in the coming days. ross is strengthening the group of firefighters in three regions at once in the trans-baikal territory, yakutia and the amur region, where the danger class has been increased due to the heat and lack of precipitation, the situation may be complicated by strong winds and thunderstorms. in yakutia, seven forest fires were extinguished in 24 hours, but hundreds of thousands of hectares of taiga are still burning.
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aviation is operating in dangerous areas; rescuers are trying to keep the fire from reaching houses. 46 settlements were filled with smoke. there all the time. monitors air condition. the northern regions of transbaikalia are under special control, as reported by the aviation forest guard; even the springs and springs in the forests have dried up. the slightest spark can lead to a large fire. more than 600 paratroopers are fighting the fire, including a detachment from twelve neighboring regions. in the amur region, the situation is difficult in the zeya district, there are 18 large outbreaks there. in total, fires are being extinguished in nineteen regions across the country. forests are burning in buryatia, khabarovsk and krasnoyarsk. regions in tyva and the irkutsk region, more than 850 thousand hectares are engulfed in fire. now economic news, maria filippova joins me. masha, russia has increased supplies of fertilizers to brazil. roman, 18% more than last year. about this and more right now. financing the development of the eastern test site this year will amount to 360 billion rubles. this
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was stated by deputy head of russian railways andrei makarov. 336 billion will be spent on completion. the second stage, and 24 for the design of the third. as the company noted, next year investments will be comparable to this year’s volume. at the same time, investments in the third stage from the national welfare fund are not expected. previously, the government approved the third stage of modernization of bam and transib until the thirty-fifth year. the volume of financing is more than 3.5 trillion rubles. russia resumed coal supplies to china via north korean port of rajin. in april-may, exporters shipped in this way. the figures are contained in the argus report. the port is not under un sanctions. this route allows you to bypass congested routes to the ports of the far east. according to analysts, in the future this will increase supplies to china by 2-3 million tons of coal per year. the last public data on coal supplies through the dprk was in the twenty- first year. then in the first quarter, russia
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supplied 15 thousand tons of coal by rail for more than $800,000. this statistics data yas. in june, russia increased the supply of fertilizers to brazil to the maximum since march 23, they reached almost $340 million, according to rionovosti , according to the brazilian state service, this is 18% more than last year. rut fertilizers became the basis of russian exports, followed by mixed fertilizers and finally nitrogen fertilizers. let me remind you that at the beginning of summer russia remained the main supplier of fertilizers to brazil, canada was second, and rose to third place. morocco. in turkey and kazakhstan, the demand for the services of russian hosting providers. over the past six months it has doubled. we are talking about virtual hosting such as vps and virtual private server and others. thus , the hosting provider ruvds estimated the growth in demand in turkey at 57% year-on-year. in kazakhstan - 40%. meanwhile, the russian market
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is being restructured to accommodate new regulations, including the appearance of a register of trusted hosting providers. market participants expect that this will lead to a more active entry of domestic providers into the market of friendly countries. volumes of industrial production in the german economy fell by 2.5% month-on-month in may. this was reported by the federal statistical office of germany. the actual figure differed significantly from expectations. for example, analysts surveyed by the wall street journal expected a reduction of only 2. the main factor was the decline in the auto industry. also, in summary. the final exchange rate for the dollar today is 88 rubles 16 kopecks, the euro is 95 rubles, 66 kopecks. that's all i have. novel. thank you, we continue.
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more than 10 thousand people visited chelyabinsk an exhibition of captured nato equipment, which was captured in the avdeevka direction by special operations, soldiers of a group of forces, the center. the exposition opened the day before, with a total of 14 trophies on display, including an abrams tank, a bradley infantry fighting vehicle and other western equipment. looking at this wrecked evil, well, my soul rejoices at how the brothers work, that’s why it’s sacred to us, well, we’ll continue to work
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, now there’s sports news, the episode will be presented by ilya kostin, ilya, good morning, today the first euro semi-final will take place, yes, roman, good morning, spain will play with france, this match is also called a hidden final, the fact is that both the spaniards and the french were among the main favorites. before the start of the euro. russian tennis player anna kalinskaya , due to injury, was unable to complete the match of the 18th final of wimbledon against the representative of kazakhstan elena rybbakina. in the first set , with the score 3:4, the russian took a medical timeout and indicated a wrist injury. after this, the meeting continued, but already in the second game, with the score 6:30 in favor of rybina, kalinskaya withdrew. match duration was less than an hour. kalinskaya was the last tennis player who...
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at the european championships today the spanish team will meet france in the first semi-final. the spaniards have not lost in this tournament so far; in the group they were the only team with maximum points. in the quarter-finals, del's team knocked out the tournament hosts. germans. the french national team at the euro reached the semi-finals without scoring a single field goal on their own. own goals helped the french twice, and kylian mbappe scored once from the penalty spot. the match between spain and france will take place at the arena in munich starts at 22:00 moscow time, the winner of this meeting will play in the final against the best team from the netherlands and england pair. zenit lost to cerveneszvezdie belgrade in a pre-season friendly summer cup meeting in st. petersburg. ended with a score of 2:1 in favor of the serbs. in the fifth minute , the first goal was scored by brazilian midfielder zenit claudinho. in the forty-ninth minute, the serbs equalized, this was done by alexander katai, and
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the final score was set by red star defender stefan lekovic in the eighty-sixth minute. zenit suffered first lost the tournament and lost his chance of winning it. in another match of the summer cup , sochi defeated argentina 5:0. the most famous russian one. handball player anna vyakhereva signed a contract with the french club brest. the agreement is valid for 2 years. brest bought the athlete's contract for a record 170,000 euros. vyakhereva previously played for the norwegian club vipers. “we will be very pleased to welcome anna , a true handball genius, to the team,” said brest head coach rafael tervel. on june 27 , the european handball federation recognized vyakhereva is the best right welterweight in the 23-24 season. also last season, vyakhereva became the best sniper in the champions league, she scored 113 goals. participants in
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the silk road roller raids will cross the border with mongolia today, the crews will have to get to the city of khovt and to do this, cover more than 500 km; well, the day before, the racers stormed the off-road terrain of the altai republic. staz of the rediculians will tell you how the fourth stage went. the marathon rally runners burst out of the tayuga forests. the second crew of the team did not drop out of the race. today i brought their bugs to the finish line gas-diesel kamaz by sergei kupriyanov. and yuri naiman was the last to arrive at the camp in the urals. the truck lost a wheel at full speed.
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it seemed like it was already. could not be repaired, but the urals were stubborn, for more than two hours, they repaired in an open field, with difficulty, but we got to the camp, we could have left it, but we quickly scattered everything, and there it was interesting that the wheel was lying on the side, the bearing was nearby, everything was lying in a heap, we collected everything, threw it off, filled it with oil, and off we went; if the fords were barely feasible for motorcyclists, then at the fourth stage of the rally marathon, the silk road, cars suffer from rocks, many have lost tires on this off-road, every athlete has some, probably
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for 15 years now he has been plowing the silk road in this suv, we take care of our car ourselves, we leave the house on the soft , we are trying to drive to the finish line and return to nezhe, shalygin has no mechanics or an escort vehicle, all the spare parts and personal belongings are carried inside the jeep, this is how rally raids were once born, here we don’t have a museum, here we have an ax signed by vich, paintings by children. just like a museum. the stage of the international silk road rally marathon consists not only of a high-speed special off-road stage, but also of the so-called liazon, that is, the path to it. and here in altai, it is even longer than the special stage itself, more than 400 km, along one of the most picturesque roads in the world, the chuya highway. you simply don’t want to drive fast on the perfect asphalt of the chuya highway. alpine meadows give way to snow-capped peaks. it's not
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just a famous road. ancient times, this is a necklace of altai, on every kilometer of which pearls are strung, like on a thread, natural fusions of chuya and kotun or breathtaking passes, and man-made ones, for example, pitroglyphs of the stone age. it is not surprising that only this route in russia has its own museum, it was visited by participants of the silk road tourist category, adventure lovers along with the rally caravan in motion for the third year, perhaps this is one of the best ways to see. beautiful russia. one hundred sredikultsev, ivan lavrikov and alexander stalmashevsky, news from koshagach, altai republic.
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tyksov? i am a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go away, what a fairy tale, without ivan, what began, without deception, without a flint, i was imprisoned in a flint , a self-written pen, magic ink, you can get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one. but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in your pocket, soon, got used to watching videos on the network, it stopped
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