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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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well, let's start with the events in the belgorod region, where over the past 24 hours four civilians were killed and 20 more were wounded as a result of shelling in the ssu. kiev troops used artillery and also launched attack drones. in total, in the region, according to authorities, about 160 apartments and another 60 private houses, as well as almost one and a half hundred cars, were damaged. our correspondent alexey kornev is in direct contact with the studio. alexey, greetings, what is the current situation with the attacks at this hour and what do the doctors say about the condition of the wounded? yes, thank you, alexandra, the past 24 hours have really been difficult for the belgorod region, the region has been subjected to massive attacks several times, even now they are shouting that they need to run for cover, so i will tell you along the way about what is happening here now, we actually know about four dead, unfortunately, it was not possible to save their lives,
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they received injuries incompatible with life, also 17 people are now in the hospital, two are in serious condition, even several large trees were cut by shell fragments, now the area where the debris is lying is cordoned off, municipal services are working there, but again, during the current missile danger, everyone, of course, is hiding in shelter, the city and the municipality were shelled several times a day as from...
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used to destroy russian air defense systems, command centers, airfields and for shelling of the port of sevastopol. the state duma has already commented on this statement, calling it the height of cynicism. and now to other topics: the development of bilateral relations, current issues on the international and regional agenda. today is the main day of the official visit of indian prime minister narendrimozi to russia. in the kremlin, the leaders of the countries will hold talks on how...
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elizaveta khramtsova has all the details. dear friend, so, vladimir putin welcomes you to rendra fashion. the prime minister of india himself addresses the president of russia with the same words. on the first day of the indian leader's visit, the russian president receives. at a country residence and emphasizes: we are meeting in an informal setting, but we will talk about the same topics that will be on the agenda tomorrow, when detailed negotiations will take place. vladimir putin and narendromodi last met in person in the fall of '22, but since then they have called each other more than once and taken part in major events via video conference. for the head of the indian cabinet of ministers, this is the first trip to moscow after his party confidently won the parliamentary elections for the third time.
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we will have official conversations tomorrow, and today we can calmly talk in this home environment, probably on the same issues, but not officially, this is the official residence where i live, on this side complex, we work as colleagues, but at the beginning i would like to congratulate you on your re-election as a former minister, i think that this is no coincidence on the result of your work over many years. you have your own ideas, you are a very energetic person, you know how to achieve results in the interests of india and the indian people, you have devoted your whole life to serving the indian people and humanity. narendromodi, the first indian politician in 60 years to lead the country's government for the third time in a row, says people feel confident in future, says the record birth rate, a year in india there is light 23.
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and confidence in the elections. it is a great joy to visit a friend at home. thank you for organizing such an interesting program for my stay with you, and i appreciate your kind words. you are right, the elections in india were very important and very huge in scale. india is the largest democracy in the world; about 650 million people voted in the last elections. the people of india gave me this chance to serve my motherland. i worked for 10 years in government. and i got this principle: reform, execute and transform. the people of india voted for this very principle. this is my third term and i am ready to work three times harder. after the tea party, the head of state gave the indian prime minister a short tour of the territory of the residence. vladimir putin and narendra modi
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drove through nova ogorevo in an electric car. the russian leader was driving, which did not stop him from having a lively conversation with his guest. during the president's trip , the prime ministers. were accompanied by translators, but at some point they left the politicians, and vladimir putin and narendra mode continued their one-on-one communication, and then the russian president and the head of the indian government headed to the stable, which is also located on the territory of the residence. they saw an equestrian performance dedicated to the day of family, love and fidelity and fed the horses, which since ancient times in russia have been considered faithful helpers and good companions. in addition, during the walk, the president of russia and the prime minister of india passed buildings where
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hunting dogs of the phunsan breed live, which vladimir putin received as a gift from kimchinin during a recent visit to the dprk, exclusive footage of them greeting the owner was published by the auto host of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. strengthening ties between our countries will bring great benefits to our peoples. i wrote about this on my social networks, shortly after arriving in moscow on rendremode, and wrote it twice in english and russian. and in the evening, also on social networks, the guest thanked vladimir putin for the warm welcome. india is looking forward to deepening its special and privileged strategic partnership with russia, - the indian leader said on monday. what specific steps are ahead? to do more substantively will be discussed on tuesday, the visit program includes negotiations in a narrow and expanded format, which we will talk about in detail during the day, and we can confidently say that these steps will have one direction. and now to the special operation zone. in the kharkov region, our
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military destroyed another crossing over the oskol river. the militants used the strategically important road to supply their group on the kupinsky front. on one of special operation sites, vks pilots for example. laundry, they can also eat almost like stormtroopers have a real shower and at home. alexander korobov has all the details. a whole mobile complex is hidden under the camouflage net, not a missile complex, but also a very important one, a washing one, everything is there. necessary - hot water, scented soap and an army towel. the bottomless tanks of this vehicle can hold more than a thousand liters of water, enough to wash a platoon and even more, because the soldiers are accustomed to spartan conditions and waste water
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quite economical. the complex does not require any additional power sources to operate; it is completely autonomous and can be deployed anywhere, at any time. we are currently running on generator power. here we have a light on, we are heating the water, as they say, the water temperature can be set to different, if someone needs it, let’s say, hotter, it can be heated to 70°, well, in boiling water you understand, no matter how much , well, we set it there to 50-60° and the guys wash , all satisfied and happy, after a hot shower, having changed into clean clothes, the fighters can wash things, for this home front service. north factions organize laundries along the front, the rhythmic hum of a working washing machine creates a complete feeling that you are not at the front line, but at home. lunch time can be spent with gastronomic benefits at food points, all of them are dugout type, the front line is nearby, so
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the safety of personnel comes first. the senior cook with the call sign chef in civilian life was working as a chef and headed the field canteen here. the main thing is that it tastes good. at home, because we are all here now we are here, this is our home, so we prepare everything with love at home, there is no shortage of food, every day. fresh vegetables and meat are delivered, stocks of cereals, pasta, and canned goods are constantly replenished; if for some reason the soldiers remained on the front line and could not get to the kitchen, it is sent to them itself. there are quite a variety of delivery means available. delivery is carried out, for example, either on a buggy, or on atvs, on motorcycles, that is, even now there is a trend that food delivery can be sensed by drones. that is, this is one of the most dangerous areas, the eating area itself is spacious, there is
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just enough room for a whole platoon of soldiers to dine. the main feature of field life is mobility, it can be felt even in the dining room, here all the furniture is foldable, that is, when moving to a new place, all this can be easily disassembled and then assembled in the new dining room. along with statutory posters about nutrition standards, one of the corners. will become drawings and postcards with congratulations, they came from different parts of the country, people believe in our fighters and are waiting for them to go home with victory. alexander korbov, vyacheslav podzolkov, lead the kharkov direction. in just one day , the exhibition of captured nato equipment in chelyabinsk was visited by more than 10 thousand people. on display is an abrams tank (bradley infantry fighting vehicle) and other western-made equipment captured in the special operation zone. a total of 14 trophies are presented. in addition, guests have the opportunity to test themselves as an operator of an attack drone on a simulator and
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try to knock out an enemy weapon, i my son is there, right here he is in the central military district, i wanted to see what they had to face there, so he came with his granddaughter, his daughter, and his comrade in arms to look at the dishonesty. this lined one, well, my soul rejoices at how the brothers work, that’s why it’s sacred to us, well, we’ll continue to work . now let’s move on to advertising, then we’ll talk about the situation in the ukrainian energy sector. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, this is not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong.
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we continue broadcasting. power outages continue in ukraine. more than 500 settlements remain completely without electricity. industrial facilities are idle and resource shortages are growing. we’ll find out all the details from my colleague maria filippova. mash, good morning. poland offers assistance to ukraine in the form of electricity supplies. tell me the details. sash, good morning, the experts don’t really think so, that this will somehow change the situation in a positive way, in general, only poland will remain. ukrainian energy continues to lose capacity. against this background, poland started talking about help. wants to send electricity to ukraine from burning surplus coal, but will not pay for co2 emissions in warsaw during the charity mission. this was stated by the prime minister of the republic donald tusk. they intend to transfer the resource for european money through the existing energy bridge to ukraine. there is also a caveat that such a step will not completely solve ukraine’s energy problems, but will help you survive the winter. will it help? russian
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experts doubt that burning coal, of which there is a lot in poland, provokes large, and therefore expensive, fires. carbon dioxide emissions, but expensive for their own people, so if this is a charity, you don’t have to pay for the emissions? the poles are very cunning, and they can now, by declaring that they will, therefore, burn coal to generate electrical energy, supposedly for ukraine, only, and not pay anything for the co2 that is emitted, and here in the first place the poles will try to provide more quantity... of electrical energy , its own market, its own industry, because with the death of ukrainian industry due to energy shortages , a moment of additional opportunities comes for polish industry. among such opportunities, experts see polish production processing ukrainian orders, which, for example, local enterprises will not be able to cope with in conditions of energy shortages. the likelihood that
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it will be cold in ukrainian homes in winter is increasingly higher due to the destruction of infrastructure. this is the result response steps of the russian ministry of defense to attacks from... the country of ukraine, so after the shelling the day before in kiev, three transformer substations went out of order. due to the shortage, the country has introduced increasingly strict shutdown schedules. according to ukrenergo, as of july 8, 504 settlements remain without electricity . planned early days without outages were cancelled. the reasons cited are a significant power shortage and increased consumption due to the heat. people turn on their air conditioners. so, today the shutdown is planned from 5 a.m. to 2 p.m., in each region. at the same time , electricity tariffs are rising, as european supplies are at european prices. according to analysts, ukrainians pay three times more for energy than russians. in fact, they have already almost doubled and
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now another increase in the cost of electricity is expected, and the most so. the main thing is not even its cost, but the fact that it is simply absent; today all ukrainians are concerned with only one question: where to buy or somehow receive generators through humanitarian aid in order to provide for themselves electricity yourself? according to zelensky , 9 gw of power and energy generation, or 80% of all thermal power generation, was destroyed in ukraine. due to shutdowns, industrial facilities are forced to stand idle. business. is closing, and in quite massive volumes, experts are talking about hundreds of thousands of enterprises that are simply closing, because it is impossible to work or not to work, such an intermittent schedule, and ... it simply leads to the killing of business, and people sell their enterprises, the remainder, go abroad, if they can leave.
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also, earlier, in attempts to stabilize the energy situation, ukraine announced its intention to increase the import of resources from europe. at the end of june the numbers were at 27.5 mw. plans call for a new high of over 33,500. the suppliers are poland, hungary, slovakia and romania in transit through moldova. experts. they say that an increase in supplies to ukraine could damage domestic markets and provoke a rise in prices, so europe’s consent to increase the supply of the resource is in big question. with a shortage of personnel in the energy industry due to forced mobilization, experts do not rule out that ukraine’s energy sector risks reverting to the state of the early 20th century. sash, well, such forecasts are also being made today. thank you, masha, it was maria filippova with a story about the energy crisis in ukraine.
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his forces were stuffed into old zhuguli. the security forces apparently also chose this vehicle because of its invisibility, which allows them to quietly pick up mobilized candidates. the nato summit opens in washington today and will last 3 days. the meetings were timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the formation of the alliance. main the topics will be military supplies to kiev and the issue of ukraine's membership in the organization. victoria koroleva will tell you what statements were made in the run-up to the meeting. confrontation with russia is the motive for the nato summit, however, the prospects for the american allies are hardly encouraging, it is expected that military tranches to kiev for european countries will become voluntarily
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forced, and nato will monitor this, the meeting is also overshadowed by the recent visit to russia of hungarian prime minister victor orban in the alliance considered the trip to undermine the overall efforts to military support ukraine. another one the difficulty is joe biden's unsuccessful performance at the televised debate, as politics writes. made allies doubt the abilities of the american leader, it doesn't take a genius to understand that the president is old, we are not sure that even if he wins he will live another 4 years, we all want biden to stay for a second term so as not to have business with trump, but this is not very encouraging, but the white house is desperately trying to prove that there is no reason to worry. we do not observe any such signs. trust from our allies, rather the opposite, from the conversations we're having with them beforehand, they're excited about the upcoming summit, they're excited about the very possibility
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of what we're going to do together to help ukraine. some members of the european union are more zealous than others, so new agreements between kiev and warsaw give the polish army the right to shoot down russian drones in the skies of ukraine, however, such an agreement not only disappointed, but alarmed its european allies. this is called going to war. let us remember that poland's membership in the eu and nato would force us to show solidarity. if poland went to war with russia. let's stop this madness immediately. all those in europe who sent weapons to ukraine without any approval from their peoples should be sent to a special court. after all, we are being drawn into a war, to participate in which we have no interest, we have legitimate problems with russia. on the agenda of the summit is the eternal issue of ukraine's accession to nato. the allies always insist that kiev’s membership will definitely strengthen the alliance. however, in the coming
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ukraine will not receive an invitation for several years. the summit declaration rightfully places great emphasis on what the allies have to say about ukraine's path to alliance membership. at the moment, there is no consensus among the 32 member countries on inviting ukraine, but when will this happen. when the moment comes, we want them to be like sweden, finland and some other allies who have been carrying out the necessary reforms for years to be able to join as quickly as possible. despite loud statements, the result of the upcoming summit is not obvious. in discussion with on the one hand, hungary and slovakia will take part, they advocate a peaceful resolution of the ukrainian conflict, on the other, representatives of countries committed to the idea of ​​​​the strategic defeat of russia, but as westerners note... usa joe bayde
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has no dysfunction of the nervous system, signs of sclerosis or parkinson's disease. this statement was made by white house press secretary karine jeanpierre. according to her, biden undergoes monthly medical examinations, including visits to a neurologist, and the doctor allegedly did not confirm parkinson’s disease. let me remind you that the white house also previously stated that joe biden does not suffer from degenerative diseases, dementia, alzheimer's disease or anything like that. france risks finding itself in a complete deadlock after the elections, this opinion was expressed by the former minister of foreign affairs of austria, karin kneisel in a new article. in her opinion, very soon the country’s government debt will increase significantly, the purchasing power of the population will collapse, and the anger and despair of the french will only intensify. knaisil compared the current situation in the fifth republic with the crisis in germany before the arrival of hitler. the israeli air force attacked
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military targets in the mediterranean. sea ​​coast of syria. local media reported this. according to journalists, several strong explosions were heard at the time of the attack. experts suggest that the strikes were carried out on warehouses with military equipment that belongs to the shia hezbollah group. the israeli army also announced a strike against armed radicals in the gaza strip and emphasized that the criminals were on the grounds of a school in the nuseirat refugee camp. in turn, the group hezbollah claimed responsibility for. rocket and mortar attacks on israeli positions. this attack was called a response to strikes by the israeli air force. and now to the situation with fires in russian regions. thus, the situation in transbaikalia could deteriorate sharply. forecasters are predicting strong winds and thunderstorms. today, almost 450 hectares of forest are burning in the region. experts note the increasing intensity and speed of fires. hot and
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dry weather contributes to the rapid migration of fire. with chagas it was necessary to cause artificial precipitation. participates in extinguishing special aviation 660 paratroopers and paratroopers. in yakutia, the area of ​​fires reached almost 400,000 hectares, but only 2,500 were extinguished within 24 hours. the situation with fires in buryatia is worsening. more than 15,000 hectares of forest are on fire there. the tense situation in the amur region and khabarovsk territory. now let's take a break for a couple of minutes and then continue. talk about the main topics of this tuesday.
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