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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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in moscow 9:30 and beyond, briefly about the main thing. vladimir putin, indian prime minister narendro moze held talks in novogorud. the meeting was informal, but, as noted in the kremlin, extremely meaningful. the leaders discussed key international issues, including ukrainian ones. today negotiations will continue with the participation of delegations. this morning , ukrainian armed forces drones attacked the belgorod region, and two settlements in the shibekinsky district came under attack. no people were injured, but eight houses were damaged. over the past 24 hours, residents of the region were repeatedly attacked by the ukrainian side. four people were killed and 20 more were injured. in the avdiivka direction of the special operation, fighters from the group in the center disrupted the rotation of personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. the drone operators located the area where they were hiding.
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and now to the situation in the special operation zone. in the donetsk people's republic, the russian military is pressing the ukrainian armed forces with their position. the world's most powerful mortar, the tulip, allows you to destroy even the most complex fortifications with one shot. and if more accurate shooting is needed, then the combat crew loads the gun special projectiles. next is the report by sergei samokha. the sound of a mortar shot can be heard for many kilometers around. hears on the other
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side, the enemy rushes to dig in as deep as possible. the main goals for this 240 mm gun are to strengthen enemy areas; with one shot it literally demolishes strong points and long-term firing points. the tulip mortar crew of the vostok group from primorye is now actively working in the vremevsky direction. several settlements in the staromaisky region are still under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. they dug in very seriously, but not against our mortar. our mortar will level everything. tulip is the largest mortar in the world, ammunition, goes deep into the ground and after detonation is guaranteed to destroy any fortification. there are also adjustable projectiles in the arsenal - daredevils, which are aimed at the target using drones; high-precision weapons are delivered on time in the right quantity. the ammunition will begin to read laser target designations, and it will adjust. there are certain rudders there, which shift the ammunition to the side. targets,
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in order to hit a target, self-propelled guns have to enter the zone of destruction of enemy artillery and drones, but despite their large size, the tracked base allows you to quickly slip into positions undetected by reconnaissance. the dimensions are much larger, the time it takes to occupy a firing position is different, well , we are probably a higher priority for the enemy, because the caliber still does not allow them to sit quietly in their basements, daily work mortars... the vostok group noticeably thins out the enemy’s defenses, this gives scope to motorized rifles, which are constantly improving their position in the vremev direction. sergey samov, oleg sokolshchuk, lead. and now let's talk about the weather: the ministry of emergency situations warned about the risk of wildfires in the krasnodar territory. the reason is the forty-degree heat that has settled in the region. forests are burning in the baikal region. smoke spreads hundreds of kilometers. we’ll find out all the details from... the effect that
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the rains could have, alas, is leveled out by the strong the wind that only fans the flames. but we will start with the extreme heat in the south of the european part of the country. in the krasnodar territory the air is now warming up to almost +40°. it is impossible to stay on buses without air conditioning systems. passengers complain that there is a real sauna in the cabin. perhaps the only way to escape from the heat is to climb into a bathtub with cool water and not get out of there. in the shade, in the gazebo, let's see now. 41 stunned, let's go into the very sun, i pulled out a thermometer, it stood for literally 2 minutes, us, oh, i don’t see us that far, just fifty dollars, because of the heat in kuban
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, an extreme fire danger class has now been introduced, in such conditions any fire very quickly turns into a large fire, the fight against fire continues in... this region is now in the lead according to the number of natural fires on its territory, smoke from burning forests spreads over vast distances. the amur region is all in darkness, in general, everything is on fire, everything is in darkness. temperatures in most parts of our country are still above normal. in the eastern in siberia, the deviation is very significant and in some places 10° above normal. at baikal and transbaikalia are engulfed in heat, the maximum temperature is 32-33°. heat in yakutia, atmospheric processes contribute to this. well, let's open the synoptic map and assess the situation as a whole. so, central russia, the urals and northern siberia are still under the influence of anticyclones. the weather is partly cloudy and
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dry, that is, these are the conditions under which the air heats up during the daytime. in southern siberia, the weather is determined by a vast low pressure zone. alas, the presence of atmospheric fronts don't always mean rain. first of all , unstable weather, a temperature difference at the atmospheric front is one of the reasons for strong winds and another, the pressure difference at the junctions of the cyclone and anticyclone, here the wind also intensifies, which complicates the fight against wildfires. the satellite image clearly shows how the southeast wind carries smoke from fires, smoke plumes stretch for hundreds of kilometers, baikal and amur are hidden behind the clouds of atmospheric fronts, but where the weather is clear, the ground is almost impossible to see and... behind the dense smoke screen. but let's return to the situation in the atmosphere. there will be no significant changes in eastern siberia in the coming days. the north will remain behind the south anticyclone under the influence of atmospheric fronts. in the european territory of the country, the heat will also intensify. the atlantic cyclone will continue to move north, towards the urals, taking with it
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a portion of coolness. in the south, the influence of anticyclones will increase again. the heat continues. today in the lower volga and don the thermometers will again exceed the temperature. the forty-degree mark in the black earth region in the afternoon 30-35° in in central russia the temperature is up to 30 degrees and only in the north-west behind the cold front today the temperature is cooler than normal, but this will not last long. in moscow , significant precipitation today is unlikely, the prevailing daytime temperature in the capital is +29 +30, but on wednesday-thursday a portion of fresher air will enter the megapolis, there will be more clouds, during the day it will be +27-28, but of course this cannot be called a significant cooling, but after all. at least something, thank you, katya, it was ekaterina grigorova with a story about the weather in our country. and to other topics. came to anadr the first tanker of this navigation, the ship chukotka. plus it delivered about 8,500 tons of cargo. these are
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gasoline and diesel fuel. some will be left in the capital of the region, the rest will be sent along the rivers from to the village. this year chukotka will need more fuel, vladimir nikitchenko found out why. the first tanker entered the waters of the anadra estuary, opening the season for fuel delivery to the most remote region of russia. by order of the main supplier of the enterprise, it is planned to deliver 170,000 tons of cargo to chukotka during this navigation. fuel navigation started in the capital chukotka the tanker chukotka plus opened the season in anadar. it has diesel fuel and two grades of gasoline on board, intended for residents of onadr and villages in the onadr region, where the cargo will be delivered by the ships animen and chuko. chukotka plus delivered 4,700 tons of diesel fuel, gasoline (2,700 or 92) and 115,095 to the capital of chukotka. part of the fuel will remain in anadra coal mines, and the rest will soon be delivered along the rivers vselo markova, ustbelaya, snezhnaya, vaeige, krasnino
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and kanchelan. tanker chukotka plus the first in the waters of the anadra estuary, but already the second on chukotka this year. the gwikinot ship with a cargo of almost 4,500 tons approached the shores of the village of khatyrka. back on june 4, but due to difficult ice conditions it was not possible to unload, so the carrying out went to the villages of serenniki, nunlegran, enmelen. this year we plan to introduce about 2023. diesel fuel, in total our navigation volume is about 170,000 tons of fuel, of which 130 tons is diesel fuel, the rest is various ai92 gasoline and 95 aircraft fuel for jets engines. increase in the import plan by 30.00 tons of diesel fuel. this is due to the fact that according to the project, a new energy center is supposed to be operational this year in belibino and additional volumes of diesel fuel will be required there.
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in the navigation of 2024 , there will be about 25 ship calls in the territory of the district, most of them are in the port of pivek, we have our main oil depot there, but there will be three ship calls in port nadyr, two ship calls each in the port of gvekinot, the port of operation, well and correspondingly. traditionally, the entire unequipped shore is the village of onadorsky, provensky district of iultinsky and chukotka. most of the oil products this year will be delivered to chukotka via the northern sea route, 158. ton out of 170. the first tanker from murmonsk will be unloading at the pivek by july 10. there are 1,800 tons of diesel fuel on board the bay of the cross. in total , important cargo will be sent in four directions from the ports of murmansk, arkhangelsk, and omsk. finds. at the moment, 9,750 tons of diesel fuel and 4,350 tons of gasoline have been delivered to the district.
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it is planned that fuel navigation in the district will end in the first ten days of november. vladimir nikichenko, arseny gusev, leading chukotka. start your business journey with sber support. they will open an account at sber business and help with accounting. cleanses, restores , protects the liver, lift 52 - expert in cleansing and restoring the liver, can have a co-seson, appetite anywhere, only dad has... will stop, strip, strip, have a door appetite, a snack won’t hurt, have
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this year's main theme is innovation in industry and digital manufacturing. today is the prime minister. mikhail meshustin will take part in the strategic session. my colleague, dmitry moroka, works on the site, he joins us. dima, good morning, tell us what the key topic will be devoted to exhibition event? yes, sash, welcome, the strategic session will be devoted to the development of industry in cooperation with foreign friendly countries, and its topic is strategic partnership in the focus of international business. prime minister mikhail mishustin will also take part in the session. heads of government of belarus, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, we will talk about the development of global trade and production chains, the exchange of technological experience, and the head of the ministry of industry and trade anton alikhanov is also taking part in enoprom events, according to his forecast for industrial production growth in the country this year could reach 4%. among the key areas, he highlighted the manufacturing
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industry, the production of medical equipment, as well as the production of new domestic aircraft. we have a clear order, and almost a thousand aircraft before the thirtieth year, it is extremely complex, it will require from us, most likely, absolutely investments in the development of existing production, that is, we essentially for some types of aircraft will need to move away from such a you know individual that whether the assembly is from individual production in continuous industrial projects, this is also difficult, not because it is technologically difficult.
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fuel efficiency of flights, in the near future, hybrid power plants will begin to be used in propeller-driven aircraft, propeller-driven aircraft, regional aircraft, helicopters, today work on creating a hybrid power plant is in its final stages, tests are being carried out, this project is in the process of completion, today we have submitted an application for certification, aviation, we hope that in the very near future time we will receive the certificate. the key topic today is, of course, the struggle for technological sovereignty, especially in such current areas as, for example, machine tool building, robotics, the it industry; the t-1 holding, one of the three
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largest it companies in russia, and its ceo alexey are represented here at the exhibition fitisov said. what are the conditions under which the transition to russian developments takes place? it’s very cool that the state policy is now structured in terms of supporting this company, these are various benefits and encouraging customers to switch to a domestic solution through various legislative initiatives. i would like this policy to continue, since in many ways it gives impetus to the development of the industry; the second story is cooperation, it is unlikely that anyone alone will be able to do so. deadlines are the level of complexity of the problems that we are faced with, so leading market players need to find ways to cooperate. the exhibition is of great interest, 50,000 participants were announced this year, the flagships of russian industry are presenting their
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advanced developments, now before the start of the strategic session we will carefully examine everything, but for now i pass the floor. you. thank you. during the day, of course, we will wait for details about the statements that will be made in yekaterinburg. let me remind you that the connection was dmitry morocco. the main industrial exhibition in russia takes place in the urals. and now sports news: there are no russian tennis players left at wimble donna, the first euro-24 semi-final and a record transfer of a handball player from russia to a french club. ilya kostin joins me. kind morning. tell us which of our gantball players received treatment. they also call her the handball messi, she will now play for the french club brest, they paid 170,000 euros for her, more than one handball player in the world has ever been paid that much. details later, but i'll start. after all, from tennis. russian tennis player anna kalinskaya was unable to complete the wimbledon 1/8 final match against kazakhstan's elena rybbakina due to injury. in the first set, with the score 3:4
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, the russian took a medical timeout and indicated a wrist injury. after this meeting continued, but already in the second game, with the score 6:30 in favor of rybina, kalinskaya withdrew. the match lasted less than an hour. kalinskaya remained the last tennis player to represent russia at... the only russian in the men's category remains daniil medvedev, and today he will play against the world's first racket, italian janik siner, to whom he lost in his last five matches. at the european championships the first semi-final will take place today, the spanish team will meet with france. the spaniards have not yet lost at this tournament, in the group, they were the only team to score maximum points. in the quarter-finals, dela fuenta's team knocked out the tournament hosts. nemtsev. the french national team at the euro reached the semi-finals without scoring a single field goal on their own. own goals helped the french twice, and kylian mbappe scored once from the penalty spot.
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the match between spain and france will take place at the arena in munich, starting at 22:00 moscow time. the winner of this match will play in the final against the best team from the netherlands-england pair. zenit lost to cervenstar belgrade in the pre-season friendly summer cup in petersburg. the meeting ended with... a score of 2:1 in favor of the serbs. in the fifth minute, the first goal was scored by brazilian midfielder zenito claudinho. in the forty-ninth, the serbs equalized, it was done by alexander katai. the final score was set by red star defender stefan lekovic in the eighty-sixth minute. zenit suffered its first defeat in the tournament and lost its chances of winning it ahead of schedule. in another match of the summer cup, sochi defeated argentina 5:0. the most famous russian handball player. vyakhereva signed contract with the french club brest. the agreement is valid for 2 years. brest bought the contract for the athlete and will hand over 170,000
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euros. previously, vyakhireva played for the norwegian club vipers. it is with great pleasure that we will welcome anna, a true handball genius, to the team,” said brest head coach rafael tervel. on june 27, the european handball federation recognized vyakherev as the best right welterweight in the 23-24 season. also. last season, vyakhereva became the best sniper in the champions league, she scored 113 goals. silk road rally participants today they will cross the border into mongolia. the crews will have to get to the city of khovty, to do this, cover more than 500 km; well, the day before, the racers stormed the off-road terrain of the altai republic. stas ridikultsev will tell you how the fourth stage went. from the tayuga forests the rally marathon runners broke out onto the steppes.
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the second crew of the team dropped out, today their bugs were already brought to the finish line by sergei kupriyanov’s gas-diesel kamaz, and yuri naiman in the urals was the last to arrive at the camp, the truck lost a wheel at full speed, it seemed that it could not be fixed, but the urals resisted more than two hours, were repaired in an open field, with difficulty, but we got to the camp, we could have left it, but we quickly scattered everything, and there it was interesting that the wheel was lying on the side, the bearing was nearby, everything was lying like that in a pile , we collected everything, dropped it off, filled it with oil, and off we went. if the fords were barely feasible for motorcyclists, then at the fourth stage of the silk road marathon rally, cars suffered from stones, many lost tires on this off-road. every
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athlete has some, probably, well , favorite surfaces, let’s say, on which he i can drive better and so on. now i love to ride stones, i love them, somehow i learned - i learned to understand them. the rally-marathon is also a special race because everything is in the open air, people and the elements are one on one, the camp is in the border area. the walker is almost blown away by a hurricane wind, people hold the tents with their hands, including because of this kind of romance, every year since the first race in 2009, entrepreneur from tynda sergei sholygin comes, for 15 years now he has been plowing the silk road in this suv, we are on our own we are working on the car and leaving at home on the lower level, we try to drive to the finish line and return to the lower level. shalygin has no mechanics or escort vehicle; he carries all the spare parts and personal belongings. inside a jeep, this is how rally raids were once born, here we don’t have a museum like this, here we have an ax signed by vich, paintings from children. just like
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a museum. the stage of the international silk road rally marathon consists not only of a high-speed special off-road stage, but also of the so-called liazon, that is, the path to it. and here in altai, it is even longer than itself special stage, more than 400 km. along one of the most picturesque roads in the world - the chuysky tract. you simply don’t want to drive fast on the perfect asphalt of the chuya highway. alpine meadows give way to snow-capped peaks. this is not only a road known since ancient times. times, this is a necklace of altai, on every kilometer of which pearls are strung, like on a thread, natural fusions of chuya and katun or breathtaking passes, and man-made ones, for example, pitroglyphs of the stone age. it is not surprising that only this route in russia has its own museum. he was visited participants in the silk road tourism category. adventure lovers have been on the move with the rally caravan for three years now, and this is perhaps one of the best ways to see
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the beauty. russia. stas ridikultsev, ivan lavrikov and alexander stalmashevsky, news from koshagach, altai republic. the suzel kremlin temporarily turned into a concert venue. artists of the marinsky theater took to the open-air stage. they presented fragments from famous operas by russian composers. this gift was given to the city for its millennium. all details in the report leonid muravyov. i have never been to the marinsky theater. i really dream of going there. and he came to us himself, it’s just wow, we were still in the front row. the best seats were occupied 2 hours before the start. the suzzdal kremlin has never been so crowded. this is understandable; one of the best symphony orchestras in russia came here for the first time. the auditorium is designed quite simply; there are no chairs here, except for those that people brought with them, so the residents of suzdal and guests of the city sat right on the lawn. it's on the ground. the balcony replaces the defensive rampart; it may be further from the stage, but no one
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blocks the view. and they created it.
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the ancient shopping arcades have been preparing for the anniversary for a long time and the program of events is replete with a variety of events. now a young active audience, families with children, are coming, and the interest in historical exhibitions, cultural events, and theatrical events is no less than in the gastronomic and culinary attractions of suzdal. the marinsky theater artists arrived the day before their performance. many of them are for the first time we walked along the streets of suzdal and felt it. the charm of the russian hinterland, you want to be saturated with this atmosphere, this air, it smells of currants, the residents give you cucumbers, it’s some kind of inexplicable atmosphere of such kindness, openness and some kind of bright russian soul of ours, it’s very, very good. the artists apparently managed to convey this same energy from the stage; thousands of spectators were immersed in a whirlpool
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of passions and betrayal for several hours. and, of course, love, we raised this legend, now we read it, yes the legend about the city of kitezh, as a summary, that such a gorgeous beautiful legend and not so far from cheboksary in the nizhny novgorod region, this is lake svetlaer, we will at least go there, see, we will have another pleasant weekend. the performance of the mariinsky theater is the apogee, but not at all the end of the festive events; suzdal will celebrate its millennium until the end of this year, so it can become the guest of honor of the anniversary. negotiations with the prime minister of india, the parties intend to discuss the development of relations between our countries, as well as current issues on the international and regional agenda.


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