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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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lived the basis for future successful projects. this invaluable experience shows that even in the most difficult conditions , outstanding results can be achieved through unity and teamwork. dear friends, recalling our common history, when the industry of kyrgyzstan was one of the leading in the field of machine tool and mechanical engineering, it should be noted that the consequences of the collapse of the soviet union had a heavy impact on our industry. from an industrial agrarian republic. we have turned into an agrarian service country, we have lost technological connectivity and many production capacities were lost, at the same time i want to emphasize that the hasty privatization of production facilities on the ground of independence did not bring the expected results; the main wealth accumulated over the years in the form of qualified personnel and technology was almost lost. according to experts, at one time kyrgyzstan was unprepared for crimes. into the world
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trade organization in 1998 led to controversial consequences; perhaps the wto crimes needed more thorough it was premature to calculate the negative consequences and risks, in the conditions of the lack of readiness of the national economy, including the industrial sector, for new rules and conditions of trade , by well-wishers of market people, experts and to open up entire sectors of the economy to external players, among the pro... an unkind word recalls one the western program launched in the nineties, popularly called pisak, the privatization project, a loan for adjusting the enterprise sector, veyforia from a market economy, all common privatization, we almost lost all our industrial enterprises, at the same time our country, as well as the then emerging economy, was hooked on credit resources and imports. by the way, in soviet times , loans for the development of industrial facilities...
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since we are already talking about them, were issued on the most favorable terms, almost interest-free. in this regard, i would like to urge financial institutions to consider the possibility of preferential lending and the use of various financial instruments to revive industrial cooperation between our countries. if we we want to stimulate the economy, we cannot allow interest rates to be in double digits. it is an axiom that preferential lending should help develop production and open. jobs, increases the receipt of tax payments in order to improve people's well-being. dear participants, over the past few years, thanks to the political will and persistence of the president of the kyrgyz republic, respected sadyr nurgajavich japarov, our country has confidently taken the path of rapid industrial development, restoring the industrial sector and rehabilitating industrial enterprises. an example is the malisian lamp factory, revived with the help of the budget.
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subsidies and borrowed funds. we have created a state-owned company, kryg-industry, which is launching idle enterprises. the largest gold mining enterprise in the region, humter , not only did not stop after coming under state control, but on the contrary acquired new dynamics and growth rates. new production facilities are being commissioned and infrastructure for a wide range of products. the new system has been created successfully. legislation that reduces tax time for businesses, entrepreneurs, projects with national investment significance receives fiscal levies and government support. thanks to these measures, the influx of foreign direct investment into kyrgyzstan is increasing from year to year. every investor can take advantage of all the opportunities existing in the kyrgyz republic and actively invest. i want to emphasize our commitment to active interaction internationally. platforms to develop
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closer economic ties, including the joint implementation of large investment projects. today , our joint development fund makes a great contribution to the development of industrial cooperation between kyrgyzstan and russia. to date , more than 3,400 projects have been financed with the support of the fund, amounting to more than 700 million us dollars. of these, 2,600 are projects in the production sector and... the amount is about 500 million us dollars. we believe that now it is necessary to intensify the implementation of joint programs and projects that provide for the localization of production facilities, including the introduction of information, innovative and green technologies in them in order to reduce the impact on the environment and increase competitiveness. the main directions in the work of the cabinet of ministers on the industrial track today include the localization of production. creation of reliable
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chains, supplies and logistics, construction of alternative settlement institutions in the interstate financial system, development of digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence, as well as sustainability. environmental issues, for example, the introduction of automated control systems at our factories has increased productivity by 20% and reduced the time required to perform routine operations. of course, industrial development is impossible without corresponding reforms in the economic and public administration of the country. in recent years, the economic growth of kyrgyzstan has demonstrated sustainable development. the average gdp growth rate was about seven. and by the results of the first quarter of this year reached 8.8%. economic growth is ensured by all sectors, with high investment activity observed in the construction industry. in the first quarter, the growth of investment in fixed assets amounted to more than 66%. for the first time in recent years
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, the cabinet of ministers of the kyrgyz republic began to use instruments for direct financing of large and systemically important production projects. at the same time, industrial equipment and machines, raw materials, materials for industry, fertilizers, equipment, technologies imported for agriculture. the mining industry occupies the most important place in the industrial structure. this sector plays a key role in the economic growth and sustainable development of the country and offers ample opportunities for investment and development. i would like to especially emphasize that these projects are backed by significant commercial reserves. titanium, copper, tin, tungsten, antimony and other valuable minerals and rare earth metals that represent promising investment opportunities. our country is concentrated more than 100 raw materials, which allows you to open enterprises with a high level
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of localization of manufactured products. for example, the predicted reserves of titanomagnetite at one deposit alone are about 20 million tons of metal, and the reserves of rare earths... are about 60,000 tons for master deposit-2. the abundance of underground resources in kyrgyzstan is confirmed by geological surveys. we invite partners to joint geological exploration work and are waiting for investors in this promising sector of the economy in gornaya dabucha. on over the past few years, we have been striving to increase cooperation ties and create a large number of joint projects in such industries as micro. electronics, pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering and building materials. this year we are launching 100 large industrial projects. dear friends, in the context of rapid scientific and technological progress and global competition, technology parks are becoming key infrastructure elements
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that promote innovation and industrial growth. according to scientific institutes' estimates, the share new knowledge embodied in technology, equipment, education. the knowledge economy allows their volume to double every 20 years. these indicators indicate the importance of partnership between our countries, the acceleration of technological partnership based on our own competencies and raw material bases. in conclusion, i encourage everyone to actively work, search for common ground and new horizons for cooperation.
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region for the invitation to participate in such an important event, i would also like to note the high level of organization of the international industrial exhibition foreign industry, which in recent years has become one of the landmark events in the field of industry. today
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, tajikistan represents more than 40 enterprises engaged in the extraction and processing of gold, precious metals and stones at the exhibition. production of aluminum, building materials, coal industry, production of carpets and clothing . currently, as a competitor. drivers of economic growth in tajikistan these areas are intended to become key within the framework of the program being implemented today accelerated industrialization of the country. we are seriously focused on achieving this very important goal, which certainly stimulates
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us to create a sustainable base for innovative technological transformation of industry and its transformation into a major sector of the economy. tajikistan has significant economic growth opportunities, including a workforce where youth make up more than 70%. the industry of tajikistan today is represented by more than 90 areas producing
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over 140 products. so in view of the big demand in the world, today the production of electric vehicles is increasing, which, according to estimates, by 2030 could reach 140 million, which in turn implies an increase in the demand for basic critical minerals, which we are rich in, in the subsoil of tajikistan. in terms of confirmed reserves of antimony, which is more than 1.5 million tons, tajikistan ranks third in asia and first among the cis countries. the largest deposits in the world are silver deposits. they have recorded more than about 75,000 tons of silver, for every ton of which accounts for 450 kg of copper. the country also has significant resources of lead and zinc. quartz, silicon, germany, nickel, lithium and other rare earth metals that are
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part of important resources. it is obvious that the prospects for the development of this industry are visible. dear colleagues, as part of the program for accelerated industrialization of the country, the government has set the task of creating six cotton-textile clusters in the country in 22 districts of the republic from full processing of cotton. creation of technologically new enterprises for processing of ecologically clean
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agricultural products. as a result of close interaction with partners in tajikistan , transport logistics continues to actively develop today. the country is among the top 50 countries in the world with the best transport system with a total length of more than 1,500 km. all these transformations create the preconditions for open cooperation and promotion of mutual cooperation. profitable investment projects, the creation of new export-oriented industries, and the implementation of other industrial projects of mutual interest. expensive friends, i am convinced that the achieved results of inoprom-24 will be effective in terms of expanding the range of industrial cooperation and investment in industrial sectors, innovative development of industrial zones and technology parks, and promotion of priority projects. stimulating industrial production. i am confident that the effectiveness
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of the international exhibition of all events planned within its framework will be tangible , aimed at the long-term development and strengthening of long-term cooperation for the benefit of our countries. i would like to wish everyone participants of the exhibition of favorable results of mutually beneficial cooperation. thank you for attention. thank you, mr. prime minister, dear heads of government, thank you very much for your participation and, in general, thank you, we wish you productive work today, thank you. and for us, the long-awaited moment for many is coming. right now we will find out the winner of the national industrial award. but first , let's see which companies
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competed with each other this year. attention to the screen.
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so, the winner of the award. industry 2024 becomes android technology and i invite the stage of evgeniy dudorov, executive director of the nbo android technology. the award is presented by the minister of industry and trade of russia, anton alikhanov. evgeniy, we
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congratulate you, please take your time. your well-deserved place on stage, our session is moving into an active phase of discussion. anton andreevich, last year at inoprom we talked about the sustainability of industry, our topic was sustainable production. how do you think our industry has become more sustainable this year? well, depending on what it is, good afternoon, you can hear me, good afternoon, depending on what you count as stability, yes, that is, mikhailavich, it seems to me, in his speech. described in sufficient detail the growth rates that our industry shows, 7.5% at the end of last year; the first 5 months of this year are already almost nine. so, these were shots from the main strategic session of inoprom, which is now taking place in yekaterinburg. well, we continue our review of the information picture. russia and india have a relationship of privileged strategic
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partnership, the countries are bound by friendship. vladimir putin addressed these words to prime minister narendra. at the beginning of negotiations in the kremlin. the head of government is in our country on an official visit. particular attention at the meeting is paid not only to the development of bilateral relations, but also to the international agenda. vladimir putin invited modi to the brix summit in kazan, which will take place this fall. the russian leader also thanked his indian colleague for his attention to the most pressing problems, including the ukrainian crisis. today our relations are especially privileged strategic partnership. we are constantly in contact with you . we pay main attention to the development of trade and economic relations, the development of which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples of the russian federation. we cooperate closely in the international arena, including.
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i have close ties with russia personally with you over the past 2 and a half decades, we have met 17 times and this is my sixth visit to russia. all this speaks of the depth of our relations, our cooperation. thank you for your attention, which you devote to pressing problems, including trying to find peaceful ways to resolve the ukrainian crisis. i have heard your position, your positive views and ideas and i can assure you that india has always been on the side of peace. as your friend, i have always told you that for the sake of a bright future, peace is a must, so we believe that... not a solution, a solution cannot be achieved through war, bombs, missiles and rifles cannot ensure peace, so we emphasize for dialogue, it is necessary. before
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the official negotiations, vladimir putin and narendromode visited vdnkh, the leaders of the two countries saw the atom pavilion, it is dedicated to the history of the development of atomic energy from the first steps in the ussr era to the present day. and here are the shots that pavel zarubin, author and presenter of the moscow kremlin putin program, published on his telegram channel. as it appears. computing, including the creation of quantum computers, and, of course, the parties are discussing the construction of nuclear power plants in india, high and low power. we are working to expand this
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cooperation, well, firstly, we are already providing fuel to the first two blocks, contracted the third and fourth, and we supply the most innovative, best fuel in the world for vwr with an eighteen-month fuel cycle, with an eighteen-month company, it is in terms of efficiency and... quality, of course, has no analogues in the world, we are very active we are now developing an agenda for further cooperation, to the extent that we have tested each other and built very effective relationships in the current modern generation, the so-called generation 3+ of nuclear energy, we want to go together to the fourth generation, these are fast reactors, fast neutron reactors, this is a further modification of the development of our vvr technologies, water-cooled reactors, this is the closure of the fuel cycle, but also... at the tomb of the unknown soldier in
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the alexander garden, the prime minister honored the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence. the ceremony was accompanied by a military band of honor guard. toufon eye drops are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. toufon, triple action for eye health. sber loyalty program thank you updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month choose up to... supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money
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we continue our review of news from russia india: relations of privileged strategic partnership, the country is bound by friendship. vladimir putin addressed these words to the president of india at the beginning of negotiations in the kremlin. narendro fashion is in moscow on an official visit. my colleague elizaveta khramtsova is following the negotiations between the two leaders; she joins the broadcast. elizaveta, hello, any questions? vladimir putin and narendar discussing fashion? yuri, good afternoon, from energy to joint social projects, a wide range of issues are on the agenda today. the main day of the indian prime minister's visit to moscow is filled with many events. after
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visiting the pavilion. atom vladimir putin on


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