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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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it has already been confirmed, including by numerous witnesses, that one of the missiles from the western neisons air defense system hit a building on the territory of the ahmaddet children's hospital in kiev. the zelensky regime’s attempts to use the tragedy of the children’s hospital in kiev for propaganda purposes once again confirm its inhuman nazi essence. in order to maintain power, the kiev regime is ready for any crimes. he is indifferent to the fates and lives of his fellow citizens, including children. well, with facts that will refute kiev’s version. russia everyone will present it to the un security council today. as dmitry polyansky, deputy permanent representative of russia to the world organization, said, the westerners requested an urgent meeting. however, russia will provide facts that absolutely do not confirm, and even refute, the ukrainian western version of what happened. well, the west and the local media, in particular, without understanding it, began to blame, began to blame russia for the attack on the hospital in kiev. well, the russian ambassador in washington, anatoly antonov, expressed his opinion. that kiev's western backers
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apparently want to use the statement about the strike attributed to russia as justification for further escalation of the conflict in ukraine. yes, the hysteria being spread here about the damaged hospital in kiev is such an example of rabid anti-russian propaganda - this is a quote. american officialdom and local observers, without understanding the facts, are cynically using this tragedy against our country. quote: let me remind you.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deep fake, change your voice. we will expose all fakes. the messages keep coming. about
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the details of the negotiations between vladimir putin and the leader of india narendra modi, here is a message and here is just a message from maxim oreshkin, deputy head of the presidential administration, that putin and modi discussed in detail trade and economic cooperation between russia and india, as well as interesting news that that russia and india will actively cooperate in the pharmaceutical field. there is also a message from mr. reshkin. the topic of using national payment systems was discussed at the meeting, at the meeting between putin and modi, and i think they will continue to discuss this topic, just at the brix summit in kazan, where, as the press secretary of the russian president, peskov in fashion, will definitely come, and there is also a message marked lightning , russia and india will interact in the aircraft industry, also with reference to oreshkin, we will now update the news feed, well , we will return to this topic, now we will continue, just
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on the same topic, the second day of the indian leader’s visit to moscow began with a visit russia exhibition at vdnkh vladimir putin and narendra mode visited the atom pavilion, which has seven floors dedicated to history. the development of nuclear energy from the first steps in the era of the soviet union to the present day, the entire development, the russian leader told his indian colleague about the unique projects of our specialists. anastasia efimova knows the details. over to her. vladimir putin was the first to arrive at the rosatom pavilion at vdnkh this morning and personally greeted the guest, the prime minister of india, at the entrance. the tour starts right here. on rendromodi he is very attentive, after all, cooperation between russia and india in the use of peaceful nuclear energy is strategic in nature and time-tested, exchanges of delegations began back in the seventies of the last century, interactions did not stop even in the difficult nineties for our country, the west offered for
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$700 million to close the nuclear industry of our country and withdraw by 2024, zero nuclear power generation a how exactly it happened, vladimir putin decided to tell himself, the story is not so much about times of crisis, but about the level of russian trust in the west, betrayed trust, next to enterprises that produced weapons-grade nuclear fuel. a building was built where representatives of the us government lived on a permanent basis, they went to work in these workshops where nuclear weapons fuel was produced, every day to work, they had a work desk there, on the table there was a flag of the united states, such was the level of trust from
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russia to our partners. the translators try not to miss a single word, but the level of mutual understanding seems to be clear without a dictionary. flagship project russian-indian cooperation in the industry, of course, kudan kulam, six power units of the nuclear power plant are a reliable foundation for india’s independence, its economic growth and sustainable development. however, cooperation is not limited to this project, with all its scale. the flagship project of this kind is the kudam kulam station, two blocks in industrial operation, two blocks in the final stage of construction, at the turn of the construction site, now the most inspired one is the stage at the fifth-sixth block in kudam kulam, and this, of course, this is far from the limit of our capabilities and desires, we are working to expand this cooperation, well, firstly, we are already providing fuel for the first two units,
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we have contracted for the third and fourth, and we are supplying the most innovative, best fuel in the world for vvr with eight with an eighteen-month fuel cycle, with an eighteen-month company. leaders place emphasis personally. here is a stand dedicated to the technology of radiation irradiation of products. in hot climates, moderate exposure to ionizing radiation helps preserve any supplies, from fish to grain, while remaining completely harmless to humans. and now you have your own specialists.
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i will try to take part in joint doctors and will work in our country on projects in india and russia. by the way, speaking about joint projects, vladimir putin stops at the rent-a-mode at the map of the northern sea route. developing its transit potential is another topic for dialogue between moscow and new delhi. fuel savings due to shorter distances are an obvious advantage of this route, but they are far from the only one. but besides shortening the path. here we have three more traffic jams, these are gibraltar, the suet canal and the war in the red sea, very great, very great interest in this northern sea route, this will be without any obstacles, no obstacles,
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interaction between the two countries is strengthening, and regardless on sanctions, financial restrictions and restructuring of logic, not a single one is joint. capacity, in april, a partner from india presented information on rosatom’s solutions in the field of floating nuclear power plants. anastasia efimova, lead. so, continuing the theme of russian the private equity fund has announced major projects with indian enterprises. rdif and partners will invest up to 100 billion rubles in companies that are developing the markets of the south asian republic. the parties agreed on a partnership in the field of information technology. support for educational and entrepreneurial initiatives, there is an agreement on cooperation in
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the medical field, the strengthening of bilateral ties was announced during the visit of the prime minister of india on rendra modi to russia. what kind of projects are we will tell you in more detail now. yes, so, the russian direct fund investments, the national investment promotion agency of india agreed to support the entry of domestic companies into the republican market and to attract indian business to russia. in particular, the rdif share. personnel from russia and india. according to rdif general director kirill dmitriev, digitalization and the use of advanced information technologies are one of the key requirements for training qualified personnel. economy as a whole. that's not all. the total investment in
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russian-indian shipbuilding infrastructure projects will amount to more than 20 billion rubles. to this end, the russian private equity fund and the indian ens group entered into an agreement, which kirill dmitriev called an important example of industrial cooperation. cooperation in this area is due to the rapid growth of bilateral trade, joint investments in the construction of shipyards and the expansion of existing ones. shipbuilding capacities are aimed at digitalizing production and expanding the shipbuilding base. well, in the prospects of working together, producing our own equipment and components. all these steps, according to rdif ceos , will significantly strengthen the positions of russia and india in the global shipbuilding market, and dependence on foreign carriers for transporting goods by water will be significantly reduced. russia and india also agreed to cooperate. tivs in the medical field, as already mentioned, and rdif, a leading manufacturer of medical
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products, polymet company, agreed to localize the production of hemodialysis products in russia. it is noted that the project is aimed at reducing imports consumables for the development of the russian production base. the total investment in the project from rdif and partners will be about 3 billion rubles. also this year, within the framework of the st. petersburg international economic.
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russia and india have already proven the success of joint pharmaceutical projects in the medical field. during the coronavirus pandemic, indy became its largest production partner. the production of the vi satellite light was established there. moreover, these drugs have been registered in the country and have been used in vaccination program. the russian military provided another rotation of magate observers at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant.
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our ministry of defense reported this. in order to ensure the safe passage of the mission , a ceasefire was declared along the entire route. and before the arrival of the observers, sappers examined the area. the mission consists of four inspectors. their task is to monitor and assess the safety status of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. let me remind you that magathe experts have been present at the station since september 1, 2022 . after. to the moss exhibition, or maybe come to me, the best tasty point, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip. start your business journey with sber support.
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, has added almost 9% over the last 5 months. investments in this industry increased by 20. at the end of last year, the manufacturing sector added 7.5%, and in the first 5 months of this year about 9%, with a positive trend observed in almost all areas, there, for example, in radio electronics in january-may the production index increased by almost 40%, the automotive industry by about a third, and the production of medicines. medical materials by 8%. the leading role in the development of industry is undoubtedly played by state support over the next 6 years... 300 billion rubles will be allocated for additional capitalization of the industrial development fund, which almost doubles its limit. the most popular measures mikhail mishustin
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named a single subsidy for neo-development, for 4 years, 60 billion rubles were allocated here. one of the most popular tools is a single subsidy for research and development work. over 4 years, more than 60 billion rubles were allocated, another 40 billion were private investments, this made it possible to finance over 400 innovative projects, including in the chemical industry, the automotive industry, oil and gas, heavy engineering and many other sectors, this year at we will allocate about 30 billion rubles more for such purposes, the strategic session: was dedicated to development of industry in conditions of cooperation between friendly countries, the head of government of belarus, kyrgyzstan, and tajikistan took part in it.
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integration in the union state of russia and belarus is one example of how ties can be developed in the industrial sphere; now there are a number of projects for modern production in the plans. our countries have agreed on 26 investment imports. seventh class of accuracy, as well as axial piston hydraulic pumps with adjustable performance. in 2026 production of the kit will be organized. for the agricultural machinery industry of the union state, for the development of joint technological projects within the eac, russia
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has already allocated 1 billion 800 million rubles. we are talking about mechanical engineering, metallurgy, and the chemical industry, and cooperation is developing with the united arab emirates, which was also present here at the exhibition; trade turnover with this country reached last year. 1 trillion rubles. and the main thing for this now is the development of transport corridors, including including north-south. it is extremely important for us to concentrate on new transport corridors that are being formed, this is the north-south, this is the northern sea route and a number of others, that is , we will need to subsidize the rolling out, essentially subsidizing the logistics product in these directions, the second part is the creation of foreign infrastructure, here we really hope for... interaction and partnership with our colleagues from the united arab emirates and african countries. we spoke at inoprom, in
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fact, about the development of all priority sectors, now this is the machine tool industry, for which 130 billion rubles will be allocated in the coming years. this is the creation of industrial robots that help improve labor productivity, unmanned aerial systems and urban transport. a comprehensive program for updating urban electric transport is currently being implemented in a number of large russian regions. in the ten largest cities of russia , a program has been launched to update urban electric transport, we are talking about the launch of new modern trams and electric buses, while by launching new modern trams in ten cities, we are changing not only the rails, but also changing the city’s infrastructure. in essence this is what we are talking about. in general, about the renewal of the city, in addition to the launch of trams, the public transport management system is also launching, as
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the exhibition participants emphasized, the absolute goal now for all countries and for russia is to achieve independence in technology, as mikhail mishustin emphasized, without this it is practically impossible to ensure economic growth and social sphere, colleagues. dmitry, thank you, at the industrial exhibition our colleague dmitry moroka works at innoprom. thank you, dim. in the south of russia , extreme heat will continue in the coming days, the air will warm up to +40°. in crimea, kuban, new temperature records were set in many cities. it seems to me that it will also be installed in moscow. our colleague vadim zavodchenkov is closely monitoring the overheating of the atmosphere. vadim, welcome. how long will this last? scorching heat or wait for a surprise in the weather, well, the first surprise in moscow will definitely not be a heat record, but in the south, you shouldn’t count on a weakening of the heat yet, in
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the epicenter of the heat. kuban, crimea, stavropol, lower, volga will remain. in the krasnodar territory the air is now warming up to almost +40. it is impossible to stay on buses without air conditioning systems. passengers complain that there is a real sauna in the cabin. perhaps the only way to escape the heat is to get into a bathtub with cool water and not get out. i pulled out the thermometer, it literally stood there. on monday , records for maximum temperatures were updated in many southern regions. meteorological statistics were rewritten in krasnodar, donetsk, lugansk and other cities. unprecedented overheating covered a vast territory from the lower volga to the black sea coast of crimea and the caucasus. and already today new temperature records have been
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set. in anapa, yalta and stavropol. due to the heat in kuban , an emergency fire danger class has now been introduced. in such conditions, any fire very quickly turns into a major fire. in addition, abnormally high temperatures caused massive disruptions in power supply in a number of regions of southern russia, in particular in the krasnodar territory, rostov and astrakhan regions. areas. energy. is currently carrying out emergency restoration work. the situation in the atmosphere of the nadrusskaya plain remains virtually unchanged and the temperature map for tomorrow causes a state of diarrhea. again, only the north of the region is in the zone of relative coolness. in the middle zone, the thermometers will fluctuate in the range of +25-30; the southern regions will remain at the epicenter of the heat. here the air will again warm up to a record +36. 41,
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despite the increased background atmospheric pressure, during the day massive clouds can form here, so do not local thunderstorms are excluded, but only in conditions of extreme heat, showers accompanying lightning discharges may not reach the surface of the earth, rainwater simply evaporates along the way, this is the mechanism for the formation of so-called dry thunderstorms, and in most cases they are the ones who set the fire. yakutia and transbaikalia, the fight against fire is still ongoing here and, for example, transbaikalia leads in the number of natural fires on its territory; smoke from burning forests spreads over a huge distance. the amur region in general, everything everything in the house is on fire. tomorrow the highest risk
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of thunderstorms is in the foothills of the north caucasus, for example, in stavropolin they will not bring significant precipitation, but will still reduce the midday heat a little, in the afternoon it will be about +33, this is almost 5° above normal, then sunny weather will return and the heat will gradually begin will intensify, by friday the thermometer will reach +35. in moscow , on the contrary, sunny weather will prevail, and local thunderstorms are expected only at the very end of the working week. on wednesday-thursday it will be a little fresher in megapolis, in the afternoon to +26-28, by the weekend the thermometers will again reach the thirty-degree mark.
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well, the main day of negotiations between vladimir putin and narendra modi, our countries have strong friendly relations, and this is a privileged strategic partnership. vladimir putin addressed the indian prime minister with these words at the very beginning of the meeting in the kremlin. this is already the second day of the indian leader's official visit to moscow.


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