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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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yes, they talked for more than 2.5 hours and, as stated in the kremlin, exhaustively discussed almost the entire agenda, the atmosphere of the russian-indian negotiations and their results elizaveta khramtsova. the main day of the indian prime minister's visit to moscow is filled with many events. after visiting the atom pavilion, vladimir putin and narendro mode went to the large kremlin palace in one car, a representative aurus, to the large kremlin palace, where detailed discussions took place. negotiations on all aspects of russian-indian relations. for the two leaders these negotiations this is already the seventeenth personal meeting, the next summit speaks of the commitment of moscow and newdeli to further strengthen relations based on mutual respect. today our relations have the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. we are constantly in contact and pay main attention to the development of trade and economic ties, the development of which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and
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the peoples of the russian federation. we cooperate closely in the international arena, including in international organizations, and have previously only at the un site in such associations as the shanghai cooperation organization and brix. we had the opportunity yesterday in an informal setting to talk practically on all issues. i am grateful to you for the attention you pay to the most pressing problems. including try to find some ways to a solution in ukrainian.
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having been at the head of the indian government for 10 years now, you have really contributed to ensuring that russian-indian relations acquire the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. it is difficult to overestimate your contribution to the formation a sustainable basis for russian-indian cooperation on the international stage, where both our countries defend the principles of multipolarity and strict adherence. international law, work together in the interests of ensuring stability, global and regional security, and work closely within the framework of brix and the shanghai cooperation organization. the warm embrace they exchanged during the ceremony speaks volumes about the level of trust that has developed between the two leaders. for outstanding achievements in the development of especially privileged strategic.
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partnership between the russian federation and the republic of india and friendly relations between the russian and indian peoples, the order of st. andrew the first-called apostle is awarded to narendra damadardas modi, prime minister of the republic of india. narendra modi said that it was a great honor for him to receive the order of st. andrew the first-called, and an award for the people of india.
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the people of india once again thank you , the government, the people of russia, for the honor bestowed upon you. the basis of friendship between india and russia lies the interpersonal connection, narendra modi emphasized. and the intention to develop these relations is obvious. the head of the indian government is expected in russia this fall. vladimir putin invited a guest to the october meeting.
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well, one of the areas where russia and india have agreed to increase cooperation is the nuclear sector. rosatom has already proposed several new projects to indian partners. this was discussed at the pavilion of the russian state corporation. for vladimir putin, innova mode, they held a tour there this morning to see what exhibits interested the aco guests.
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russia and india's use of peaceful nuclear energy is of a strategic nature and time-tested exchanges of delegations have begun.
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nuclear power plant, we’ll probably ask the students how they like it? how long have you been here? i've been here 6 years. yes, this is my final year of study. i will be a doctor and will work in our country and will try to take part in joint projects between india and russia. by the way, speaking about joint projects, vladimir putin stops at the rendemode at the map of the northern sea route. developing its transit potential is another topic for moscow’s dialogue and new delhi. saving fuel due to a shorter distance is an obvious advantage of this route, but it is far from the only one.
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in april, partners from india were presented with information about rosatom’s solutions in the field of floating nuclear power plants. anastasia efimova, lead. advertising, we’ll continue later, remember what
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also spoke about the defeat of american hymers complexes prepared for attacks on the crimea. let's continue the topic. denis alekseev. the high command in kiev is shaking at just one word from iskander, especially on the eve of the nato summit. and what can we say about the landing sites of our high-precision missiles, there is no living space from the intended targets? remains. here is an example from the latest of how our military made adjustments to the plans of the armed forces of ukraine. they were preparing an attack in the crimean direction. russian intelligence identified the positions of several american haiers missile launchers, after which missiles were launched at them. during the day, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a group strike with high-precision weapons on american multiple rocket launcher systems prepared for striking the territory of crimea, as well as the location of an official meeting of the command staff of the armed forces of ukraine. strike targets achieved: four us-made haymar launchers were destroyed, as well as up to thirty foreign
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specialists servicing them. there was a flight to khaymarsy from a ukrainian colony discovered by intelligence. a clearly impressive column of flame as high as the number of shells in the cars in the warehouse was a multi-storey building, confirmation of this that the center group took control of the settlement of yasnobrodovka in the dpr, the liberation of yasnobrodovka opens the way for an accelerated advance to the volchie river, which will be of strategic importance during further... operations, and sometimes our military doesn’t even have to do anything to destroy, say, an artillery position in the ssu. there are almost no professionals in ukrainian units, they are all hastily mobilized, and therefore such stories are not uncommon. during the shot, the combat crew of the howitzer self-destructed. the shell was stored in improper conditions, so it exploded in the opposite direction. in the donetsk direction
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, more than 700 people per day are losses of ukrainian formations. our troops have improved the position along the front line, as... the vsushniki were obstructed, the counterattack fizzled out, even despite the participation of elite fighters from the apfor unit in it, and so it turns out, there are fewer and fewer elites left, every attempt at an offensive turns into a meat assault, nothing changes, only there are fewer people. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. in ukraine , 10 people were detained in one day who were trying to escape to romania, the border service reported. three made their way to the border through the mountains, more. increasingly, there are reports of clashes
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between ukrainians and military commissars. details at another such case was recorded in odessa. margarita semenyuk.
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he personally takes the coach to the bus, although he doesn’t sit there himself, beesny camp is good in chernigov, it will suit you, first you need to successfully get through season number 13, and then end up in the wrong house, they spoke differently to people in uniform, with a hairdryer, the former the prisoner, according to the rules , stood up for the guy in the clutches of the thiefs, no force, the gift of persuasion worked, he’s wanted, so what, wait, he’s not wanted, that’s all. guys, go, i say, go, you said he’s not in love, so why are you leaving him? if you want, go, come on, ukrainians stand up for each other before the military commissars with...
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in the document of the ministry of defense of ukraine, now there are eight regions in the ranking of the most missing regions, lvov region tops the list, there are almost 86,000 ukrainians on the wanted list, transcarpathian region is in second place and 54,000, three the leaders were closed by ivanofrankivsk (33,000 people), on the list of ternopil, khmelnitsky, chernivtsi, rivne and kiev regions , military commissars compiled over 180,000 administrative protocols against violators, and the pace is growing, more than 8,000 are issued per month protocols, the soldier is assured that there is nothing to be afraid of. there is no need to be afraid of ttc. there is no need to be afraid of ttc. i know that the guys come all right, that they don’t screw anyone over. i personally have already had many people liable for military service come and update
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their data. all was good. now it is very important that all those liable for military service update their data, because people are needed now. but in nikolaev, the guys, that is, the military commissars, came and knocked out the applicant for a place in the dugout. in this village, it is easier for ukrainians to pretend. dead on the sidewalk than actually dying in trench. an odessa resident, seeing the employees of the shopping center, lay down on the asphalt and simply relaxed. in transcarpathia , along the tisa river, there is a barbed wire fence; ukrainians who are trying to escape mobilization are constantly drowning here, and these tourists were detained by border guards. 17 people in three cars tried to leave for moldova. administrative protocols were drawn up against everyone, instead of imprisonment, probably at the front. there is only one result. in all senses. margarita semenyok, my alenova, news. travel with alfabank.
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loyalty program for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank and receive up to 10% cashback on a business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. well, now let's return to the first topic of the issue, after intense negotiations with vladimir putin,
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the prime minister of india refused to
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tell the truth about what happened, but the truth, as you know, is not of interest to our western colleagues, and in the best traditions, they tried to pass off what they wanted for the provocations of buche or with the mariupol hospital, which was mentioned today indeed, condemning the allegedly targeted strike of the russian aerospace forces on a children's medical facility.
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the cunning of such tactics is not visible with weapons. here are links to the most popular ones for the most complete publication, this is a qr code, please check attention, this is what the remaining ukrainian telegram channels published in hot pursuit.
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to distract the masses from the daily lawlessness of power, corruption, tariff increases, rising prices, growing disappointment.


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