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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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arrivals, and there are very interesting objects there, and people could ask the authorities why military installations are directly adjacent to residential buildings and hospitals, b. try to raise the morale of the army and the people based on hatred of the enemy, they say he beat targeted children, although everyone knows that it was a downed missile that fell, this is a quote: to distract the masses from the daily lawlessness of power, corruption, tariff increases, rising prices, growth disappointment of the masses and so on. d. to divert attention from the constant retreat of the ukrainian armed forces. d: add another reason for justification unlimited land mobilization. e, media hype in the western press before the nato summit.
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from the ex-101 missile there would have been much more damage to the building it hit, we constantly write, we constantly write that air defense missiles, the ukrainian armed forces often go astray, there have been many such tragedies before, and the banking sector, that is, the office of the president , constantly lied to people that it was the russians who were specifically targeting residential buildings, the bank needed to constantly stir up hatred. the military even themselves
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admitted that many tragedies were the work of their air defense. these are quotes from ukrainian public, these are not mine, not my words. colleagues, now i hope you understand that no matter how much the kiev regime and its western sponsors try to present the tragedy that occurred as the result of a targeted russian strike, even in their eyes. for ordinary ukrainians, this version does not stand up to criticism. under these conditions, we extremely regret that the security council was dragged into the dirty propaganda campaign of kiev and its accomplices. we would like to ask mr. zhovner a question about how, when he went out into the street, he realized that the hospital had been subjected to russian strike. who provided him with such data that... speaks to truth and common
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sense, does he understand that if it was a russian missile, there would be nothing left of the building, and the children, most of the adults would have died, they would have been wounded , but judging by the dark screen, we are unlikely to hear an answer to this question from mr. zhovner, we have repeatedly said that russia does not attack...
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and this target, according to objective control data based on the testimony of the kiev residents themselves, was hit. since the plant is located approximately 2 km from the damaged okhmand children's hospital, there is every reason to believe that the ukrainian air defense missile that hit him was intended specifically to intercept that missile, that russian missile that hit the plant. such tragedies could have been avoided if the kiev regime, in violation of ihl, had not placed air defense systems and heavy weapons in residential areas, but at this moment its western sponsors prefer to turn a blind eye. we also cannot fail to say that ukrainians themselves have noticed a remarkable trend on social networks.
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the tragedy with an air defense missile hitting a children's hospital occurred exactly on the eve of the nato summit, and this is already the third nato summit since the beginning of the northeast military district. similar situations arose before each of them. this was the case on june 27, 2022, when ukrainian media reported an explosion in a shopping center in the city of kremenchuk, poltava region. at a time when there were supposedly hundreds of people inside. in fact, the fire in the shopping center, which was not functioning, occurred as a result of the detonation of stored in a nearby building, received from the united states and europe. so was when, on the night of july 6, 2023 , the russian aerospace forces attacked the temporary deployment points of the armed forces of ukraine of foreign mercenaries in lviv. it is noteworthy that the mayor of the city of lvov, sadovy, admitted that residential buildings
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were damaged precisely by fragments of a rocket and air defense missiles. and in all cases, these situations were played up to the maximum by the leader of the kiev clique. videos posted by ukrainian internet users show how five missiles arrive at the artyom plant one after another, without any damage, to uks russia. it is also clear that without any
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damage to interference , a lone ukrainian air defense missile flies into the area of ​​the children's hospital. distinguishable characteristic plumage and other characteristics. how is it that it cannot be confused with anything ; ukrainian air defense clearly misses all five strikes on the plant, but clearly hits the children’s hospital. perhaps a representative of the kiev regime can answer this question for us.
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managed to make a statement about the impossibility of negotiations with russia. there is no doubt that the ukrainian leadership will use today’s situation as a reason for further ignoring the request in ukrainian society, and indeed on the part of the entire world majority, the entire world majority, to find a peaceful solution to the ukrainian crisis. it is, it is understandable, because in such a scenario the need to extend martial law will disappear, and this will entail a need.
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there must be a cessation, and not a suspension, in order to give kiev the opportunity to heal its wounds and arm itself. in addition, the root causes of the ukrainian crisis must be addressed. without this, there will be no sustainable and long-term peace. our conditions for the end of the conflict, president putin outlined in detail on june 14 at a meeting with the leadership of the foreign ministry. and as long as kiev and its sponsors remain deaf to
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calls to use diplomacy, we will be forced to continue to seek to force ukraine to peace and eliminate the root causes of the current crisis situation through military means. i am once again taking up my duties as chairman of the council and now give the floor to ukraine. this was a speech by the permanent representative of our country. un vasily nebendi at a meeting security council for ukraine. well, now let’s speak to our colleagues from the vesti dezhnaya program. hello, the legal program of vesti dezhurnaya is live. tatyana petrova is with you. the rector of the baltic federal university, alexander fedorov, is suspected of embezzling 18 million rubles. the administrative building on nekrasovo in kaliningrad was searched. in the operational video, investigators then take out a hefty wad of cash from the envelope. fingerprints of the head of the university on five thousand dollar bills. there is a whole scattering of them on the table. one at a time
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5,000 rubles were found in the office. according to others, 700,000. together with the rector , his deputy elena myalkina was detained. both were taken away for a conversation with the investigator. they are suspected of misappropriation and embezzlement of funds by a group of persons by prior conspiracy using their official position. according to some media reports, the rector of the baltic university issued orders on additional payments to his employees. for the intensity of work, and vice-rector myalkina collected them from teachers and gave them to fedorov. a criminal case has been initiated in in the near future, fedorova and the myalkins must choose a preventive measure. the zamaskarilsky court of moscow took into custody the probable killer of the skater, konstantin balishansky. andrei demin was brought to the meeting in a wheelchair; he was seriously injured during detention. in addition to murder, the man is accused of illegally acquiring firearms and attempting to kill employees. demin
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spent almost a month in the hospital after he resisted arrest and opened fire on the police, with a bandaged he sat with his head in the meeting room, not paying attention to the journalists, and moved along the corridors, accompanied by doctors. demin came to the attention of the operatives on june 6, when he started shooting on sviridov street on... most likely there were no emotions, at first demin hit konstantin in the back, he tried to hide, ran through the yard and turned towards the road, but to no avail, there is an armed man here shot again, a guy walks with a machine gun, shoots at him, he walks like this... the killer left,
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the police announced an interception plan and soon they overtook the criminal, but demin did not plan to give up and opened fire on the police officers, he fired at least four shots from a machine gun, ran, turned behind the site, well, well, the stadium childishly ran up the mountain, and here the police ran. he shouts to us, run away into the entrance, and you yourself with machine guns in bulletproof vests, then shooting started right around the corner, here’s the thing, be cool, the police had to use their service weapons, i took cover behind the car and also tried from cover, already directly by he started shooting at him, continued to fire back at us, after which a couple more shots were fired, well, in particular, i
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fired six shots, after which, well, the citizen was wounded, everything actually stopped. searches were carried out in demin’s apartment, and investigators found several machine gun magazines and military uniforms in the closet. apparently, the killer carefully prepared for the crime , as it turned out, he knew his victim well, he had been following balishansky for a long time, he allegedly committed the crime because of the girl whom he and... already during the interrogation, demin partially admitted his guilt; in addition to murder, he is accused of illegal possession of weapons and an attempt on the life of police officers. at the moment, andrei demin is being taken away from the moscow district court in an ambulance, despite the fact that his lawyer is there.
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an american with russian roots, khlebnikov was one of the most prominent foreign journalists in russia. he wrote a lot about the new russian business, crime - he revealed the secrets of the oligarchs. the security forces found out what happened. gang crime, but its participants managed to escape justice. why did this happen? andrei ivlev remembered the story of the high-profile case. the same crime scene. on july 9, 2004 , journalist paul klebnikov left the editorial office of the russian version of forbes magazine, where he was editor-in-chief, heading towards
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the metro station, the botanical garden. at some point, a lada car caught up with him, from which several killers were killed. khlebnikov’s colleague and friend, 20 years after the cynical massacre, cannot hold back his tears, i am sure that the reason for the murder of paul was his professional activity. what he told the west the truth about russia, this is certainly important, this is his journalistic activity, but he also taught us our journalistic activity, he was a mentor for us, at first we called him gender, and then he became pasha, and pavel yuryevich, if
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we we still remember, he is still alive, and pasha is still there. the american is half a loaf of bread. who was called pavel yuryevich in russia, was a descendant of russian emigrants, was born in new york in 1963, studied there, graduated from the university of california, then the school of economics in london, defended doctoral dissertation on the topic of stolypin agrarian reform and economic development of russia. khlebnikov always considered himself russian, in thinking, in mentality, in character. that is why he came to moscow and headed the editorial office of the russian version of the financial magazine forbes. one of the first materials.
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berezovsky in fraud, laundering budget money, connections with the mafia, ordered reprisals against undesirables. one of the chapters is devoted to the murder of journalist vladislav listiv, page 160, here is the quote: february 28 , the day before listiv’s murder, berezovsky met with a thief in law named nikolai and gave him $100,000 in cash. on the night of march 1, after work, lestyev drove up to his house. in the darkness of his gloomy entrance. the killer was crawling, shots rang out. khlebnikov was then one of the first to point out berezovsky as the person who ordered the murder of vladislav listyev, the author and host of the popular tv shows “the view, field of miracles, topic and rush hour.” a year after the presentation of the book, klebnikov was killed. many then openly said that this was hardly a coincidence. petros grebyan, former investigator
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for particularly important cases of the prosecutor general's office, was involved in the investigation of the murder of paul klebnikov. it was he who managed to find the alleged killers; even then the name of the customer was mentioned, but there was not enough evidence to prove the testimony. my personal version, i am convinced of this, this is berezovsky, i have no doubts, a lot of things that khlebnikov would reveal and open his eyes, berezovsky was very scared, very much, he said, oh well, don’t you want to work with us, well, no i need it, i don't need it. it was a command to kill him, they kept him in prison, and they knew what time he leaves work, leaves the office from work, he walked by with a backpack on his shoulders, and what? in order to know everything about the case, you need to know first of all the victim and who needs it. berezovsky then promptly responded to
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the murder of klepnikov, made a statement from london, wrote that paul, they say, handled the facts very arbitrarily, apparently, someone did not like it very much, beryuzovsky did not like it, everyone knew it. it is true that berezovsky tore metal when the book the godfather of the kremlin was published. that, that he...
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in the cultural capital, the police descended from heaven to earth yet another. guide on the roofs of st. petersburg, the self-proclaimed guide found clients on social networks, judging by the crowd in the attic of one of the houses, illegal walks were clearly in demand, there were minors among the visitors, it’s clear that there was no talk of any security measures, it’s just tough, for a risky walk, clients paid a thousand rubles, the group could have up to thirty participants at once, and the guide turned out to be a twenty-one-year-old resident stavropol region.
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freely got onto the roofs - who was his business partner? tried to eliminate a competitor, the oktyabrsky district court of novosibirsk began to consider the case of an attempt on the life of local businessman vladimir fomin. the killer shot a businessman in a parking lot, firing seven bullets almost point-blank at once, but the victim miraculously survived. how did the perpetrators of the crime find them? from novosibirsk, elena kopyllova. they are trying to hide their faces behind medical masks. they don’t want to be under the gun of video cameras, but a year ago in august, the alleged killer and his accomplice, according to investigators, tried to kill an entrepreneur in the best traditions
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of a crime series. according to the investigation, the organizer of the crime, due to a long-standing personal unpleasant relationship with a forty-year-old acquaintance caused by disagreements in business activities, developed a criminal plan aimed at committing the latter’s murder. the businessman promised 10 million rubles for the life of a competitor. accomplices drew up a murder plan, arranged surveillance of a potential victim when they found out where the man lives and what time he goes to wrestling training, let's get to work. according to investigators, the attempted murder took place here, in the parking lot near house number 8 on ippodromskaya street, at night the killers lay in wait for their victim and fired seven shots almost point-blank. fortunately, employees of a local coffee shop called an ambulance in time. the moment of the assassination attempt that night was recorded by a video camera. pocket,
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well, sort of, the pocket was through, so you couldn’t see it, that’s it, got out of the car and went towards the parking lot, i saw that he was standing, going on in the back door, doing something there, from here i began to slowly move towards him, the plan failed, the victim received multiple wounds, but he is alive, by the way, first aid was provided to him by a random witness, one of the employees of the coffee shop, they tried to find him today, we cannot comment on this situation, you have some kind of ban, we cannot talk, this employee is here today, at least tell me, no, not here, here doesn't work, doesn't work anymore, no, doesn't work, customer this crime is still on the federal wanted list, according to one version he may be in the united arab emirates, but the perpetrator of the showdown in the style of the nineties now faces a prison sentence of at least 8 years, possibly much more, they have already been convicted before. elena kopylova, ivan osintsev,
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duty officer, novosibirsk. 3000 liters of surrogate alcohol were seized by operatives in the ivanovo region; counterfeit goods were produced in a former warehouse, which was specially converted for these purposes. behind the nondescript iron gates it turned out a large room, near the walls there are huge tanks of vague liquid, and next door there are boxes with finished counterfeit products. criminal cases have been initiated. all products are sent for examination, the identities of the organizers of the criminal business are established. judging by the equipment found at the illegal alcohol factory, the booze was prepared according to a simple recipe. the alcohol was mixed with dye, and labels of famous brands of alcohol were glued onto the bottle. in the room there were 500 liters of the finishing ingredient, labeling various brands amounting to over 11.5 million rubles. and stickers imitating excise stamps. to remove the counterfeit, the police needed a forklift. the blacksmith is a misfortune. moscow
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regional court. left alexey zarubin, a blacksmith at the stupino metallurgical plant, in custody. the master is accused of killing six people, injuring four more and causing damage worth more than 600 million rubles. according to investigators, the accused, after a quarrel with his wife, blew up a five-story building with gas, although the defendant himself claims that he was only marinating cockroaches in the apartment. report by vladimir bazov. alexey zarubin is not in the courtroom uttered not a word, apparently he was more used to working with a hammer... before he went to jail, he was a blacksmith, and maybe the man still hopes that the investigation will not be able to prove his guilt in the murder of six people. alexey, do you repent of sodein, no, do you want to say a few words? zarubin was one of the victims of the explosion of a residential apartment building in stupino, moscow region. two of the five floors simply collapsed on unsuspecting residents in the early morning. six people died, including his wife and two alexey's children. experts established that the epicenter of the explosion was located precisely in
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the apartment of the young people. parents, the man then told investigators, lit a cigarette in the toilet, then everything was in a fog. but the picture didn’t add up, it was very fortunate that the man went out to smoke, because in such cases the toilet is the safest place in the apartment. the weirdness didn't end there. investigators noticed that all four burners of the gas stove were turned on, and someone had deliberately blocked the ventilation. during one of the additional inspections of the crime scene specialists from the ventilation ducts of the apartment that was. in the center of the explosions , a baby blanket was recovered, which was placed there by our accused. and the puzzle came together. investigators believe that this evidence is enough to find alexei zarubin guilty of murdering his wife, two children, six-and-eleven-year-old three neighbors. the motive could have been jealousy. according to rumors, the couple often quarreled; alexey himself was extremely hot-tempered. besides, you can’t deny him cunning. the accused, throughout all stages of the investigation, put forward various
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versions. which the investigator needed to check, but they were all refuted because they could not be confirmed. on the eve of the investigation, the case was resumed, the reason was not disclosed, perhaps zarubin composed another fable. investigators need more time to collect information and analyze all the circumstances of that terrible story, but for now alexey zarubin will be in his usual pre-trial detention center. vladimir bazov, dmitry shestukhin, anton petrov, lead the duty unit. former chairman of the soviet district court of rostov. on the don, elena kobleva was arrested for receiving a large bribe , this was given permission by the highest qualification board of judges. now, according to the decision of the basmanov court of the capital, the former servant themis has been taken into custody for 2 months. koblevo, according to investigators , took half a million rubles from a rostov businessman engaged in catching and selling fish. why did the businessman pay the judge money and who helped.


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