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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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more time is needed to collect information and analyze all the circumstances of that terrible story, but for now alexey zarubin will be in his usual pre-trial detention center. vladimir bazov, dmitry shestukhin, anton petrov, lead the duty unit. the former chairman of the soviet district court of rostov-nadonu, elena kobleva , was arrested for receiving a large bribe . the supreme qualification board of judges gave permission for this. now, by decision of the basmany court of the capital, the former servant themis has been taken into custody for 2 months. kobleva, according to investigators , took half a million rubles from a rostov businessman engaged in fishing and selling fish. olga zhurenkova found out why the businessman paid money to the judge and who helped her with this. meeting at
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the higher qualification board of judges , the ex-chairman of the soviet district court of rostov, elena kobleva, arrived with a heavy black bag. she probably understood that most likely after the board meeting she would go to an isolation ward. the chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation appealed to the highest qualification board judge of the russian federation with a proposal to give consent to the execution of a court decision on the election of a judge, the chairman of the sovetsky district court of the city of rostov on dana, kobleva elena georgievna, staying. elena kobleva is accused of receiving a bribe from rostov businessman leonid karakhanov, as journalists reported, for a bribe he sought the decisions he needed, according to the materials presented , on november 5 of the twenty-second year 10:54 karakhanov personally transferred koblevo to her office.
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elena kobleva headed the sovetsky district court of rostov until november last year, when they came to search her place. elena kobleva appeared in scandals more than once, but they did not continue, because these scandals happened when elena zolotareva was the chairman. in the region, it seems that a conveyor belt has been organized to make the necessary decisions. the criminal case against the ex-president of the soviet court of rostov, elena kobleva, is already the sixth in a row in just over a year. weeks earlier, questions appeared to the former chairman of the central court of rostov alexey kudelin. but perhaps the most high-profile trial involves the ex-chairman of the rostov regional court, elena zolotareva. she was detained last year and placed under arrest. at that time, the servant of themis allegedly influenced court decisions related to major property disputes in cities and districts of the region. it is possible that entrepreneurs tried to resolve business conflicts by bribing judges. in the zolotaryovo case , seven episodes have been established, and there may be more during the investigation. even more, journalists
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reported that zolotareva, having learned about her possible detention and arrest, tried to settle accounts with life. the woman was ill, but the doctors managed to save her, no one expected that the previously sent deputy zolotareva tatyana yurova would be transferred to the isolation ward so quickly, later the former chairman of the railway court of rostov georgy bondarenko was detained, the head of the regional judicial department andrei roshchevsky began a purge, a large-scale purge the entire judicial community of the rostov region.
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and not only putin and modi managed to visit today at the russia exhibition, what else were they talking about? russian troops in ukraine hit several at once. and, accordingly, russia’s innocence of the west’s attempts to shift responsibility for this tragedy to moscow. the kremlin called it a yezuid pr operation on blood. we will show vasily nebendi's speech at the un. russia is reviving the machine tool industry 130
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billion rubles. for the next 3 years. plans for the development of domestic industry were discussed today at the innoprom exhibition. we talked about strengthening ties with friendly economies. which ones? projects will be developed within the framework of the ias and the union state, we will discuss the details in numbers. extreme heat in the south of russia, up to +40 there, there is a high risk of fire, however, weather forecasters do not rule out thunderstorms. there’s just one problem: the long-awaited moisture may simply not reach the ground due to high temperatures and wind and may evaporate earlier; our weather forecasters have the details. during the official visit of the indian head of state to moscow, russian president vladimir putin and indian prime minister narendri signed two joint statements and nine documents, the first
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deputy minister of foreign affairs of india announced this at a briefing. well , putin and modi also discussed deepening contacts in the energy sector and set a goal to achieve trade turnover between the two countries in... billions of dollars in the next 6 years, and today vladimir putin awarded fashion the order of st. andrew the apostle the first-called for outstanding services in the development of a particularly privileged strategic partnership between our countries. vladimir putin and narendra modi talked for more than 2 and a half hours and, as the kremlin said, exhaustively managed to discuss almost the entire agenda. about the atmosphere of russian-indian negotiations and the results. the main day of the visit of the prime minister of india to moscow is filled with many events. after visiting the atom pavilion, vladimir putin drove in one car, a representative aurus, to the large kremlin palace, where detailed negotiations were held
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on all aspects of russian-indian relations. for the two leaders, these negotiations are already the seventeenth personal meeting of the regular the summit speaks of the intention of moscow and new delhi to further strengthen relations. based on mutual respect. today our relations have the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. we are constantly in contact and pay main attention to the development of trade and economic ties, the development of which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples of the russian federation. we cooperate closely in the international arena, including in international organizations, and above all at the un in such associations as like shoos and brix. yesterday we had the opportunity to practically talk about all issues in an informal atmosphere. i am grateful to you for the attention you pay to the most pressing problems, including trying to find some ways to resolve the ukrainian crisis, and of course, first of all, peacefully
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. and, of course, at the meeting they talked about global challenges, commenting on the position on the ukrainian crisis, the head of the indian cabinet again emphasized: a peaceful solution is necessary.
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awarding you with the order of st. andrew the first-called apostle reflects the sincere gratitude from the russian side for the significant contribution you make. to strengthen friendship and mutual understanding between our states and peoples. having been at the head of the indian government for 10 years now, you have really contributed to ensuring that russian-indian relations acquire the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. it is difficult to overestimate your contribution to the formation of a sustainable basis for russian-indian cooperation in the international arena, where... our country defends the principles of multipolarity and strict adherence to international law, work together in
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the interests of ensuring stability, global and regional security, and work closely within the framework of brix and the shanghai cooperation organization. the warm embrace they exchanged during the ceremony speaks volumes about the level of trust that has developed between the two leaders. for outstanding services in the development of a particularly privileged strategic partnership between the russian federation and the republic of india and friendly relations between the russian and indian peoples, the order of st. andrew the first-called apostle is awarded to narendra damadardas mudi, prime minister of the republic of india.
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narendro mode said that it was a great honor for him to receive the order of st. andrew the first-called, and he dedicated this award to the people of india. dear friend, president vladimir putin. i would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the honor that i was given when i was awarded the highest order of russia, this award in recognition of the centuries-old friendship, as well as mutual trust between our countries. today , globally, the partnership between india and russia takes on new significance, we are both convinced that further efforts are needed to ensure global stability and peace. in the future, we will continue to work together to achieve these goals. let me, on behalf of the 1,400 million people of india, once again thank you, governor. the friendship between india and russia is based on interpersonal
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connections, narendra modi emphasized that the intention to develop these relations is obvious. the head of the indian government is expected in russia this fall. vladimir putin invited guests to october brix summit in kazan. the russian direct investment fund has announced major projects with indian enterprises. rfp and partners will invest up to 100 billion rubles in the company. which are developing the markets of the south asian republic, the parties agreed on a partnership in the field of information technology, support for educational and entrepreneurial initiatives, there is an agreement on cooperation in the medical field, the strengthening of bilateral ties was announced during the visit of the prime minister of india to russia at the rendremode. what is this projects, we’ll tell you in more detail now. yes, olga? yes, of course, so, the russian direct investment fund, the national agency for attracting investments. india agreed to support the entry of domestic companies into the market of the republic and to attract indian
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business to russia, in particular, rdif, the national qualification joint stock company and the hunartek company announced a partnership in the field of it. the agreement envisages the creation of an educational environment using modern information technologies, including the development of digital platforms for accreditation and certification of professional personnel in russia and india. according to the general director of the rdif, advanced information technologies are one of the key requirements for training qualified personnel, without which the growth of companies and the economy as a whole is generally impossible. total investments in shipbuilding infrastructure projects in russia and india will amount to more than 20 billion rubles. to this end , the russian private equity fund and the indian group of nce group entered into an agreement, which kirill dmitriev called an important example of industrial cooperation. cooperation in this area. due to the rapid growth of bilateral trade. joint investments in construction at the shipyard
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and expansion of existing shipbuilding facilities are aimed at digitalizing production and expanding the shipbuilding base. well, in the prospects of working together, producing our own equipment and components. all these steps, according to the rdif ceo, will significantly strengthen the positions of russia and india in the global shipbuilding market. and depending on foreign carriers during transportation. russia and india also agreed to cooperate in the medical field, as well as the russian federation and the company's leading manufacturer of medical products. agreed to localize the production of hemodialysis products in russia. and it is noted that the project is aimed at reducing the import of consumables for the development of the russian production base. the total volume of investments in the country's projects by rdif and partners will be about 3 billion rubles. well , also this year within the framework of the st. petersburg international economic forum
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the indian company cadilla pharmaceuticals and rdif signed an agreement to create a pharmaceutical complex in russia. plant of injection drugs. it is still unknown where exactly the facilities will be built, but it is already known that the volume of investment in the project at the first stage alone is estimated at 10 billion rubles, investments from the rdif will amount to up to one and a half billion rubles. the opening of the enterprise is expected in 2027. of course, india is russia’s most important strategic investment partner and we have signed several very important agreements, we continue cooperation with india. industry and signed a very important agreement with the pulemed company that we will import equipment from unfriendly countries with indian hemodialysis equipment, this is certainly very good news for many of our patients who have renal failure, we see great potential in pharmaceutical cooperation with india, before that we signed an important agreement with the cadilla company, they will build a large
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pharmaceutical enterprise in russia. recent examples cooperation. russia-india in the medical field have already proven the success of joint pharmaceutical projects. during the coronavirus pandemic , india became the largest production partner; the production of the vi satellite and the light satellite was established there, and what’s more, these drugs were registered in the country and were used in the vaccination program. russian troops from the center group took control of the village of yasnobrodovka in the donetsk people's republic. this was reported. just the word iskander
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shakes kiev, especially on the eve of the summit nato, and what can we say about the places of arrival of our high-precision missiles from the intended ones. a high-precision weapon strike on american hai multiple launch rocket system systems prepared for attacks on the territory of crimea, as well as the location of an official meeting of the command staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the objectives of the strike were achieved: four us-made haymar launchers were destroyed, as well as up to thirty-five foreign specialists servicing them. the week has just begun, and at least seven
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american missile defense systems have already been liquidated, billions dollars of military aid went up in smoke, but also two. zelensky will talk about this with his curator at the summit in washington. shortly before the khaymars, there was a targeted strike on a ukrainian colony discovered by intelligence in the village of stetkovka, sumy region. the report of the ministry of defense says that the warehouse and military vehicles for transporting ammunition were liquidated. apparently, the transportation of the bc, which was important for the ukrainian armed forces, did not take place. the personnel in davesak were liquidated, the number of shells in the vehicles in the warehouse was obvious. an impressive pillar of flame as tall as multi-storey building is proof of this. the center group took control of the village of yasnobrodovka in the dpr. the liberation of yasnobrodovka opens the way to the volchie river, which will be important in the course of further military operations; access to the river is completely different prospects, both for us and for the enemy. now the opportunity has arisen
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to knock him out to the other side, and sometimes our military doesn’t even have to do anything to... during the shot, the combat crew of the howitzer self-destructed, the shell was stored in improper conditions, and so it exploded into the other side, but there is no time to learn about such nuances as how to store shells, how to handle installations when mobilized, and the truth is, when to tell, the level of losses at the fronts is off the charts, so it is necessary to make up for it. as quickly as possible, but in the donetsk direction there are more than 700 people per day, this is a loss of ukrainian formations, our troops have improved the situation along the front line, how did the dry land soldiers not interfere? the counterattack floundered even despite the participation of elite fighters from the apfor unit in it, so it turns out that there are fewer and fewer elites remains, and every attempt at an offensive turns into a meat assault, nothing
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changes, only there are fewer people, here the artillery of the south group precisely worked out the coordinates from reconnaissance, the ukrainian tank seemed to have gotten lost in three pine trees, our military quickly adjusted to it, stood rooted to the spot in the end, another episode, not far from there. the militants have set up personnel locations on the outskirts of the village, they even seem to have hidden themselves behind trees, but from above our people see more than they think on the other side of the front. russia does not and has never carried out attacks on civilian targets and facilities. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov stated this today. he once again recalled the statements of the russian ministry of defense, which absolutely excludes that there were attacks on any civilian targets. in ukraine. in this case, we are talking about the fall of an anti-missile missile. it’s a pr operation, and a pr operation involving blood, but it’s obvious that
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the anti-missile missile that ended up in this hospital’s children’s room was used inappropriately. this indeed a tragedy, but it is used, deliberately used to create. facility in ukraine, the key word here is about the military, well, among them are the artyom, antonov factories and the luch design bureau in kiev, the dnepr and yuzhimash enterprise in dnepropetrovsk, calling for
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heavy engineering in kramatorsk. once again, as has happened many times with ukrainian air defense, its missiles went off course and hit residential buildings and social institutions. it happened this time, it has already been confirmed, including by numerous witnesses, that one of. missiles from the western neusams air defense system hit a building on the territory of the ahmaddet children's hospital in kiev. the zelensky regime’s attempts to use the tragedy of the children’s hospital in kiev for propaganda purposes once again confirm its inhuman nazi essence. to maintain power, the kiev regime is ready for any crime. he is indifferent to the fates and lives of his fellow citizens, including children. today, russia presented the facts that refute kiev’s version to everyone in detail at the un security council in new york. according to. permanent representative of russia during the organization of the history of the alleged russian missile attack on a children's hospital in kiev is being dispersed so that there are no questions about why kiev places military
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facilities next to civilian ones. among other reasons, vasily nebenzya named attempts to distract ukrainians from rising tariffs and derogations in the ssu, to justify violent mobilization, and simply to earn points before the nato summit. as the diplomat noted, if the hospital had really been hit by a russian missile, the building would have been nothing. there would be no evidence left that she actually worked at the medical institution ukrainian air defense is more than enough. the ex-101 missile would have caused much more damage to the building it hit. we constantly write that air defense missiles and the ukrainian armed forces often go astray, there have been many such tragedies before, and the bank, that is, the president’s office, constantly lied to people that it was the russians who were specifically targeting residential buildings.
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ambassador in washington anatoly antonov expressed the opinion that kiev's western backers apparently want to use the claim of a strike attributed to russia as justification for further escalation of the conflict in ukraine. quote: the hysteria being spread here about the damaged hospital in kiev is an example of rabid anti-russian propaganda. the american officialdom and local observers, without understanding the facts, are cynically using what happened.
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you are a more protective patient, now even ambulances in odessa can probably burst into flames like a match, military commissars hope to quietly approach their victims, but odessa residents are also tracking down the tcc and burning their minibuses. in the ovano-frankivsk region, young people with bats attacked a security officer’s car in the end they threw her into the enemy along with the driver, and at the same time managed to recapture the military men whom they planned to take with them. and for me. this is how the odessa fitness trainer warmly greeted the tsashnikov, later the man was severely beaten, who? demyan ganul, here he is in the photo, a radical activist, was one of the organizers of the arson of the trade union house in odessa on may 2, 1914, now in conjunction with the trade center, so to speak, he helps, he personally leads the beaten coach to the bus, although
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he himself... does not land there in chernigov fresh camp is good, it will suit you, it started on through season number 13 get through successfully, otherwise you might end up in the wrong house, they spoke differently to people in uniform, like a hairdryer, a former prisoner according to the rules stood up for the guy in the clutches of the thiefs, no force, the gift of persuasion worked, he is wanted, so well you why wait, he’s not wanted, that’s it, guys, go, i say,
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fuck the old ones, well, they don’t abandon their own. since february 24, 2020, tcc has submitted over 400 reports of searches for draft evaders. the data is reflected in the official document of the ministry of defense of ukraine. now in the ranking of the most there are eight missing regions. lvovskaya topped the list. there are almost 86,000 ukrainians wanted there. in second place is zakarpattia and 54,000. ivano-frankivsk region closed the top three. 33,000 people. the list includes ternopil, khmelnitsky, chernovtsy.
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in nikolaev, the guys, that is, the military commissars, came and knocked out the applicant for a place in the dugout. in this village, it is easier for ukrainians to pretend to be dead on the sidewalk than to actually die in a trench. an odessa resident, seeing the employees of the shopping center, lay down on the asphalt and simply relaxed. in transcarpathia there is a barbed wire fence along the tisa river, ukrainians who are trying to escape mobilization are constantly drowning here, and these...


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