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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. texas to krasnodar, because in the states he was dragged for interrogation by the fbi, he is learning russian and wants to fight in the sva zone. washington's information dumps howl with indignation. happy with
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the verdict for extremists berkovich and petriychuk, why the screams of foreign agents are not piercing, minus the cartridges, rockets and artillery shells. experts have calculated the damage from russian attacks on the artyom plant in kiev. by the way, where were the vaunted nato air defense systems during the attack? adventures relocands in south america. she left her homeland. in search of a better life and free love, now she has been homeless in argentina for almost a year, what is poor tanya now dreaming about, on the front page of the telegraph newspaper there is a close-up picture of a crying woman with a child in her arms , on the front page of the daily mail, there are no such pictures right away. some of them all
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certainly put pressure on emotions, this is how the british, and in general the western press warms up the topic of yesterday’s events in kiev, where, let me remind you, a missile from the norwegian hesamc air defense system fell on a children’s hospital, there is already plenty of evidence of this, right down to detailed storyboards, which completely exclude the option of a strike from russian weapons, that is, at the moment , all that remains is essentially to understand whether there was an error by the anti-aircraft missile crews of the ukrainian armed forces, or what is worse, their deliberate provocation? but nevertheless, the zelensky regime stubbornly stands its ground, blaming our troops for what happened. they, they say, deliberately committed a cynical war crime against minors, in turn, foreign sponsors of the bank gang, this the version, despite its obvious indestructibility, is apparently completely satisfactory, and very impressive efforts have been devoted to its promotion. why now? - evgenia nipot will explain. evgeniy, greetings. hello, alexey. well, it looks like a new butch is urgently needed. alexey, hello.
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indeed, they operate, both in kiev and in the west, according to almost identical training manuals. as if on command, a real salvo of large-caliber american and european british publications, the same type, flashy headlines straight from london, the main message formed by the authors of the daily mail, they say what happened explains, citing, why great britain and nato should spend more on defense. the start of the campaign was commented on by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov in an interview with pavel.
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to create a background that, uh, that, well , would probably accompany zelensky’s own participation in the nato summit. and for some reason such tragedies happen exactly at every nto summit. an explosion in kremenchug in june 2022 a couple of days before the alliance event, then in 2023 an attack on lviv, by location mercenaries, but allegedly against a civilian target. and now, the hospital. on official resources ukrainian. a car and a ball against the background of working rescuers in this frame. it is not critically assessed; first of all, it is certainly aimed at a western audience, in order for such information to shock the western viewer, the demonization of the russian federation in the western public consciousness continues. the public was presented with a doctor with
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a bloody back, who allegedly came out of an operation; photos and videos of him were scattered throughout western media, foreign propagandists love such characters, and if such characters are not observed at the scene of events, then scarlet paint helps the matter, everything is according to the precepts of the white helmets that operated in syria, the ukrainians brought their achievements to perfection, dispersing the fake news, also about the mariupol maternity hospital and after about bucha. it is interesting that ukrainian representatives, before the start of an emergency meeting of the un security council, together with their polish allies, were cheerfully discussing something, laughing, smiling, as if they were going to talk not about a tragedy, but about another anti-russian trump card. at a meeting to discuss russia at the un, vasily nebendi recalled that the russians...
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trust the trust of those who want to help. naturally, in response to the noise raised , foreign agents also flocked in, among whom, for example, monetochka, idelman, pokrovsky, galkin, began to post links to collections, and also strenuously demonstrate how they were grieving. nothing like this was natural after the deaths of children in donetsk, belgorod or sevastopol, when
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kiev hit the beach with cassettes . this was not written about so actively in the west: civilian casualties russia. they don’t care, they’re not interested, they don’t notice them, just as our so-called fugitive former fellow citizens, who work in the prisons assigned to them, don’t notice them, talk about the tears of ukrainian children, completely ignoring dozens, hundreds of dead civilians, including children , in our country. a new company in western media in the best traditions of promotion. fake news, which influenced the decision of western leaders to escalate the conflict. the sbu, the very next day after the attack on the hospital, allegedly presented evidence was taken from the storerooms by fragments of missiles left over from previous strikes. true, no one mentioned several important facts, notes russian foreign ministry official maria zakharova. for example, the fact that
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kiev places military facilities next to social ones and that militants deliberately hide air defense systems in residential areas. the ukrainian country, together with... is silent about this, not admitting that the strike was carried out by a western-made anti-missile missile, which brought destruction, and information about another damaged clinic as well due to the actions of the ukrainian air defense, the kiev regime is not promoting much, the picture is faded, but what is needed is one that will help extract even more money from partners for weapons that will help zelensky stay in power, delaying the fighting by creating new fakes in an attempt to repeat bucha’s resonance. evgenia. this hysteria is so beneficial for kyiv. fighters from the group of russian troops-center took control of another settlement on the territory of the donetsk people's republic. this is yasnobrodovka, which is located west of avdeevka, was converted enemy in a powerful fortified area. in addition,
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over 400 ukrainian armed forces personnel were killed in the same day in the obdeevsky direction. and the northern ones on the donetsk front eliminated up to 770 ukrainian militants. in the latest special operation reports. the high command in kiev shakes iskander at just one word, especially on the eve of the nato summit, and what can we say about the landing sites of our high-precision missiles, there is no living space left from the intended targets, here is an example from the last of how our military made adjustments to the plans vsushnikov, they were preparing an attack in the crimean direction, russian intelligence identified the positions of several american rszzo hymers, after which missiles were launched at them. during the day, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high-precision weapons on american multiple rocket launcher systems prepared for striking the territory of crimea, as well as the location of an official meeting of the command staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the objectives of the strike were achieved: four
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us-made haymar launchers were destroyed, as well as up to thirty foreign specialists serving them. there was a flight to khaymarsy from a ukrainian colony discovered by intelligence. a pillar of flame as tall as a multi-story building is proof of this. the center group took control of the village of yasnobrodovka in the dpr. the liberation of yasnobrodovka opens the way for an accelerated advance to the volchie river, which will be of strategic importance in the course of further military operations. and sometimes our military doesn’t even have to do anything to destroy, say, an artillery position of the ukrainian armed forces. in ukrainian there are almost no professionals in the units, they are all hastily mobilized, and therefore these are the stories. it’s a rare occurrence that the howitzer’s crew self-destructed during the shot, the shell was stored in improper conditions, and so
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it exploded in the opposite direction. in the donetsk direction, more than 700 people per day is a loss of ukrainian formations. our troops improved the position along the front line, as the dry land soldiers did not interfere. the counterattack failed, even despite the participation of elite fighters from the apfor unit. so it turns out that there are fewer and fewer elites left, each an attempt to attack turns into... an assault, nothing changes, only there are fewer people. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. russia is moving in the right direction, and the united states is sinking to the bottom. the motivation of an american named ronald gadier, who moved to our country for ideological reasons, and a change of continent. a former pilot who served in civil aviation for two decades, he made the decision already at retirement age. in an exclusive interview with our program, the now former texan shared his. hopes, says he fell in love with russia at first sight, but most importantly, he sees the future here, unlike
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the usa, where the decline and collapse of the state is already clearly felt. and of course, this political position did not go unnoticed by the american intelligence services, because the pilot dared to publicly speak out against the pseudo-democratic stream, he survived persecution and interrogations by the fbi, but now he not only feels safe, but is also ready to actively get involved in the work to protect the interests of russia. says that when during the cold war the united states competed with the soviet union, he sincerely believed that nuclear war
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was almost inevitable, he was very happy when he saw trikalor over the kremlin, he thought that america and russia would become friends, but he was quickly disappointed. during the thirteenth and fourteenth years, when the conflict occurred in ukraine, the maidan, then it became clear to me how much influence the united states had on this. and then i realized that these are the very red lines for russia, which can lead us not only to the era of the soviet past, but to the new a conflict that could be much more dangerous. deciding to find out more about what was happening in the donbass, ronald came across videos online of american volunteer racel bentley, who since 1914 fought in the dpr people's militia, a special forces battalion, texan bentley, wearing a cap stylized as a cowboy hat with the same red star. a professional warrior and talented blogger for almost 10 years at the front became a well-known personality in his zone. i
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started communicating with him on skype and supported his channel, as well as the organization that was called humanitarian aid to donbass, in which he was an administrator. by the time i started talking to him, he had already completely turned into an information warrior. ronald even went to donetsk in 1918, where he met with bentley, who showed him around. destruction after attacks on the ssu, the positions where he fought. then i returned to moscow, stayed here for several days, and then i learned that the fbi had begun an investigation against me. they wanted me to come to their office and tell them everything, what do i know about russell bentley? ronald consulted with a lawyer, did not cooperate, continued to send humanitarian aid to donbass and money to... this site, the administration of which was handled by bentley,
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sent from one to two thousand dollars a month, ronald continued to travel to russia as a tourist. i liked the country more and more, the fbi liked it less and less, when in the fall of twenty-one ronald once again returned from moscow to the states, he was given an eight-hour interrogation, right at the airport kennedy's phone with photos, videos, and all contacts was confiscated and not returned in new york. they asked what i was doing in russia, they asked if i was working for the russian government, for example, they asked about connections with political associations in the united states, possibly banned. he was asked about political associations because in the twenty-first year, ronald gadier entered a closed chat with participants in the march to save america and the storming of the capitol in washington. remember when protesters against the presidential results the elections of the twentieth year, in which biden beat trump, caused a stir not only throughout the country, but throughout the world. ronald himself did not participate in this assault, but rented
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an apartment in the city and offered it to those who had nowhere to stay. the organization learned about this about what would you do if you found out that the plane you are flying in is being flown by an extremist. robert was fired for damaging the airline's reputation when it became known that his friend, war blogger, special forces bentley, had died, it became.
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open a small business in krasnodar, more texas likes st. petersburg, and ronald often visits moscow, he says: it’s very clean and safe here, in america it’s not like that now, in every sense. antom potkovenko, and a texas volunteer. the formation of the armed forces of ukraine today lost dozens of manpower near the settlements of tokarevka and tiginka, kherson region, in areas of which russian artillery effectively worked, among the destroyed militants, including those who. served in the thirty-fifth and thirty-seventh marine brigades, that is, the elite of the armed forces of the kiev regime, and what else targets are hit on the right bank of the dnieper, our special correspondent, mikhail andronik, will tell you , fire, shot, 42° to the teplov veterans of the airborne troops it seems that it is not hot enough, there is a whole regiment of them in the kherson direction, they are working on
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the right bank of the dnieper. one of the first mobilized regiments that arrived in the northern military district has been known in the kherson region for almost 2 years. every bush is already in its area of ​​responsibility, there is a counter-battery fight, the infantry provides reconnaissance of targets, accordingly, we work on these targets, there are observation posts, there are mortars, sometimes equipment, just trains, and so on. when a detected target moves quickly or can hide from the affected area, our artillery crews with kaze drones advance to the line of contact. it all depends on the goal, that is, if the goal is relevant there, let’s say, the enemy’s equipment is some kind of extra personnel, then it’s best, that is, let’s say, if there are some directly, the enemy is trying to carry out a rotation during the day in one of the populated areas on the right the bank of the dnieper is now one of the multiple launch rocket systems city, groups of dnieper troops will work for this purpose. a whole package - this is
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almost 40 rocket shells after shooting are sent across the river, the artillery says that in this place literally not... ago the same accumulation of the enemy was destroyed, they have such places, probably accumulations, let's say, where honey and apparently it’s smeared, there are valleys there, at the exit from the dnieper, from where they are trying to work with their boats there, i don’t know that they still have some kind of shell bases there, i don’t know, but they, yes, in our direction we often work in the same direction, at the site of the salvo there is a column of dust that can be seen from several kilometers away, the crew immediately turns the combat vehicle off and leaves the firing position. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, conduct the kherson region. the unwanted foreign agent medusa draws parallels with the meirhold case. on the website of another foreign agent and part-time extremist gary kasparov, a poisonous headline appears about a sentence for nothing. publications recognized by the agent complain about the quote "dystopia". all this is an extremely violent reaction. it’s been a long time since the russian media responded to the verdict of the russian court,
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which a day earlier sentenced yevgeny berkovich and svetlana to 6 years in a general regime colony. triychuk, both defendants, let me remind you, are included in the federal list of terrorists, punished under the article on justifying terrorism on the theatrical stage, in the resonant play finist yasny sokol, in their own way, while both berkovich and petriychuk categorically do not admit guilt, in their opinion, the production, on the contrary , is anti-terrorist, what do they intend to prove through an appeal, here, of course, it would be worthwhile to be patient while waiting for the decision of the next court, but the press of a certain kind clearly does not want to wait... because they need to cook up the same type of articles about the bloody regime according to a well-known manual here now, even if they look frankly false, evgenia petrukhin will confirm, hello, well, again i imagine repressions where there are none, even as i imagine them to the point of absurdity, the court verdict for extremists berkovich and petriychuk
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seems to give foreign agents chills. washington information dumps have already calculated when the director and playwright will be released, supposedly already in 1929, even the headlines of the state department media, well, just according to the manual, almost word for word. here he is, agent medusa writes a quote 6 years ago... so this is a foreign agent, the voice of america, in exactly the same words, and why are pro-western propagandists not in a hurry to tell what this performance is about? are they afraid that after this the sympathetic reader will stop wiping away his tears? well, these are all the headlines, that in russia they are being tried for art, for plays, dramaturgy, these are the goals of all these headlines and an information campaign so fleeting enough, it will soon collapse, er, to discredit. the legislation of the russian federation and the judicial system of our country, well, they don’t say anything at all, it’s not visible in all of them in medusa, in the bbc, in the voice
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of america, the essence of the matter is not described, they don’t talk about the fact that this is a justification for terrorism, foreign agent boris akunin compares what is happening with stalin’s repressions, saying that now it’s even worse, intentionally distorts facts and puts pressure on emotions, but he is an extremist duo. and petrichuk received 6 years not for directing and drama as such, not for their professions, but for justifying terrorism, which they brought to the stage, and what does stalin have to do with it. foreign agent dmitry bykov plays a different violin, he seems to be trying in every possible way to convey the significance of the extremist creativity of berkovich and petriychuk, he calls them the best writers in russia, foreign agent semyon treskunov crackles like a smoldering coal, says that this is a shameful trial and that he is ready with... figure it out he’s the one who’s going to take revenge, treskunov writes that he has a dull rage, well, if only he’d come to the courthouse, maybe it would be easier, senya,
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senya, get on the first mare and come here, we’ll explain everything to you, where are you? then you’re trying to explain to us from abroad how we can stage plays here on stage and who should write the scripts, come here, let’s talk, here’s director kobirkovich, sticking his tongue out at someone in the courtroom, and also... making some gestures to his advantage specific audience? it is significant that these two figures are exactly how they behaved throughout during the trial they behaved, it is indicative how they asked the sin officers to intertwined their hands, that is, they were taken in handcuffs to the courthouse and asked to be somehow shackled together, so that together they would show some kind of finger figures and smile at camera and for american tabloids. the state department media has really gone overboard and agent medusa is launching a stream with an announcement about how the russian government is trying to control art,
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aka medusa is publishing a big report where almost all the paragraphs are about torture berkovich and petriychuk, and there is no air conditioning in the courtroom, and they say even relatives were not allowed in right away, the pro-western media is trying to put pressure on pity, the lawyer has similar rhetoric.
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you need to become an extremist correctly, many people here are led to the fact that they were imprisoned for a post, imprisoned for reposting, imprisoned there for something else, yes, imprisoned for the script, imprisoned for the performance, imprisoned for the fact that people who see this information, will be inclined to violate the legislation of the russian federation, no matter how they yell, those who fled to agents, trying to bite russia, whatever...
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a few hours ago, air defense systems on duty destroyed two ukrainian drones over the belgorod region, as the ministry of defense stated, militants tried to use aircraft-type drones for a terrorist attack. in total, over the past 24 hours, the region has already been attacked by six dozen ukrainian uavs, the number of shells fired at residential areas has already reached almost two hundred. 20 civilians were wounded, four died, the consequences of the barbaric shelling in the report by alexander korobov. the enemy shell fell directly. in the vicinity of a residential building, here there once was a ventilated facade, it was all crumbling, and along with it all the windows on this side of the building flew out. residents of shibikin spent a sleepless night, enemy ammunition fell one after another on residential areas, several people were injured, new craters gaped in the courtyards, streets strewn with portions of deadly fragments, they sat, trembled, basement from basement, well, where the windows are flying, glass
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breaks like that. the impression that the walls are about to collapse, yes, yes, so loud, so loud, militants of the kiev regime fired with cannon and rocket artillery, 10 apartment buildings came under fire, more than a hundred windows were broken, and from the very morning employees of public utilities came out to clean the streets. there is enough work, yes, there is enough work, in parallel with artillery strikes, the enemy launches drones, dozens of explosions under fire in residential buildings and stores are recorded every day. educational medical institutions. there are also plenty of such spare parts from unmanned aerial vehicles on the streets of shibekino. one of the fpv drones attacked a children's clinic, crashed into a wall, broke out the windows, but no one was hurt because it happened at night, so there were no visiting staff there. on the night of july 9, a missile danger signal was heard in belgorod itself; it was not
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the nazis who again struck... the city, there were dead and wounded. many, having heard the missile danger signal, managed to hide in shelters. residents of the building continue to find damage even in the most protected areas of the high-rise building. i squinted, yeah, you see how much they will change, probably, if you straighten them it won’t work, there will be fragments flying. border residents are always on alert; the threat of both shelling and drone attacks remains. alexander korobov, alexey korniev, vyacheslav podzolkov and andrey kazakov. news. belgorod region. now there is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. minus cartridges, rockets and artillery shells. experts have calculated the damage from russian attacks on the artyom plant in kiev. by the way, where were the vaunted nato air defense systems during the attack?
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. look, look in the app or on the website, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now need to watch watch, this is america, a program about
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a country that is difficult to understand. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.


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