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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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russia and india intend to develop a common security system in eurasia, which will strengthen international stability, and the bilateral relationship between moscow and new delhi is so reliable that by 2030 the volume of mutual trade should exceed $100 billion. all this is indicated in the documents signed following today’s negotiations between vladimir putin and narendra modia, although the importance of the indian prime minister’s visit is measured not only by the achievement of a number of official agreements. what else will alexey golovko and the leading authors tell you? programs moscow kremlin-putin pavel zaruden to the main entrance to the large kremlin palace vladimir putin and narendra modi arrived in the same car; their conversation began while climbing the main staircase. the two of them entered the green living room. they shake hands as cameras flash, and the indian prime minister still manages to greet minister lavrov. guests from delhi represent 1.442 million people in moscow. and a little less than a month ago , modi was elected again.
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the development of which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples russian federation. last year , trade turnover increased by 60%, even more, 66%. during the first quarter of this year it added another 20%. we cooperate closely in the international arena, including international organizations and, above all, at the un in such associations as the shanghai cooperation organization and brix. we had the opportunity yesterday to informally.
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it gives me special pleasure to present this honorary award here in the kremlin in a solemn atmosphere befitting the statute of the order. this is an honor for 1 million 400 million people of india. this is also a recognition of the age-old friendship, as well as mutual trust between india and russia. and this is a very special status of relations between leaders, which means a special status for russia. over the decades, moscow and delhi have become partners in all areas, including space and nuclear technologies. a new meeting in the kremlin brought new bilateral agreements, only through rdif, indian business is investing.
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$100 billion into the russian economy, these are projects in education, shipbuilding and the medical industry. a very important agreement with the machine gun company, that we will import equipment from unfriendly ones. countries, we see great potential in pharmaceutical cooperation with india. countries are working with indian hemodialysis equipment, we are working on conjugating their national payment systems, world and rupees. the indian country has a positive attitude towards working with the russian side, you know, we have two banks , sbr and vtb, in india, so we are conducting such a large dialogue on this topic in order to make work easier for our companies that operate in indian market. companies and citizens. the leaders also discussed today the development of transport corridors, industrial cooperation, and cooperation in agriculture. during the negotiations, the president and prime minister went through all these areas in great detail. a trade turnover target of $100 billion by 2030 has been set.
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the guest from india managed to evaluate promising russian technologies even before arriving in the kremlin. it's a long day of negotiation meetings. putin and modi started at vdnkh. it is now famous throughout the country the atom pavilion, with a tour of it given by the head of the rosatom corporation, recalls the early nineties, when the industry almost died. the west offered to close the nuclear industry of our country for $700 million and achieve zero nuclear power generation in the russian federation by 2024. people did not receive salaries, neither energy workers, nor those who made weapons. american specialists.
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the flag of the united states was very much on the table, this was the level of trust on the part of russia in our partners, we were saved by vladim vladimirovich putin, the russian people, the people under the leadership of vladimi vladimirovich putin, we support you, now russian indian cooperation in the nuclear field is exemplary at the kudankulam npp, our country is planning to build the third stage of reactors in the fifth and sixth power units, and as always, russia is not just building a nuclear power plant for its partners, but helps... to create an entire industry, there are a lot of students from india in moscow, we’ll probably ask students from india how they like staying in russia and studying, i really like it here, russia is cool and friendly, and how can you miss this opportunity
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to take a photo with the president and prime minister? at rendromode today i managed to meet with compatriots living and working in moscow, he told them that india will open two new consulates in russia in ekaterina. honors the memory of the real heroes of the second world flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier, india war. the indian prime minister's visit to moscow is already being called one of the landmark political events of the year.
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footage of how putin received fashion at his home in the novo ogorev residence became one of the most discussed, but only our program managed to see another big news there, it’s funny to say this, of course, but it’s true, these are the dogs that the whole world is now watching, these are the dogs that kim chin-in gave to vladimir putin, and we are with you right now we can make sure that they live in novoogoryovo at putin’s residence; over the past 24 hours, so many events have already occurred as part of the visit of the indian prime minister to russia. russia and india are heading to the kremlin , this is where official negotiations between the two countries will begin, and they are traveling in the same car. putin, judging by these shots, invited the guest
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to take the place on the right, that is, the place where putin himself usually occupies. all these shots haunt the west. an explosion of jealous and even boorish comments. we are having very large-scale negotiations, here is the american pressure on... how seriously does these negotiations affect our relations? well, as for me , it doesn’t affect me at all; i don’t think it’s even worth explaining ; the president knows. the tasks that were set before him were the russian people, which then they were set out for the government in its instructions, we decide these tasks, who influences whom, well, in this situation, i don’t see any point in discussing the influence of the united states, they should be busy with their own affairs, let them influence themselves. many people pay attention to the fact that there are always some tragic coincidences, as soon as an important visit. to russia, or an important meeting of the russian president, as soon as the nato summit, as soon as some important things for
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relations between kiev and the west happen all the time there are terrible things there, well, i believe that in this regard there are no coincidences, there are no coincidences, of course, these are all such, you know, pr operations, and pr operations involving blood, it is obvious that the anti-missile system was used inappropriately. which ended up in this hospital as a children's room, this is truly a tragedy, but it is deliberately used to create a background that, well, would probably accompany zelensky's participation in the nato summit. the technique is quite unscrupulous, jesuitical, well-known, and repeated many times. we have a lot of information now it’s hard to reach the western world, they don’t want to hear anything. we see newspapers, we see tv channels, we see. the hysteria that is happening there, well, this is probably due to the monopoly dominance
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of the anglo-saxon media there, but we will still carry the truth about what happened in our country, in those countries where the audience is ready to hear us and where we have technological opportunities to reach local audiences. the order of andrei pervozvanov is the highest award in russia for 33 years, the modern history of his country only three foreign leaders were honored. a special relationship that has always existed. only the best have become strong in recent years. do i understand correctly that india has actually become for us, well, probably, the second market for oil supplies? and india became the first market, and uh, i want to note that in the energy sector today india is one of the key partners for us, according to the results of last year, for example, if we talk about oil supplies, they amounted to about 90 million tons, this 40% of india's total requirement, how much growth is this? if compare there with the twenty-first year, for example, but exactly twice, in 2022 it
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was 45 million tons, in 2021 only 5 million tons, if you compare with the twenty-first, it turns out that the growth was almost 20 times, communication putin and mode were so frank and detailed over the past 24 hours that they decided not to hold a working vow with assistants and ministers; all issues had already been discussed by that time. pavel zarubin, alexander medvedev, alexander makarov, program host moscow crimea. putin. in the usa, the nato summit begins today, one the leitmotifs of which will apparently be the events in kiev, where a children's hospital was allegedly hit by our coral missile. ironclad evidence that in fact an air defense complex munition flew into the building. representatives of western countries obviously do not notice. and the zelensky regime, of course, has its own benefit here, because under the guise of such hysteria, one can make another attempt to force itself into the alliance, although the likelihood of this is still extremely low. i'm convinced. in the united states, dmitry melnikov. even before the start of the summit, this meeting
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nato was declared fateful in washington both for the members of the alliance themselves and for those who are called partners here. of the 38 delegations, 32 are nato member states, including new zealand, finland and sweden. the remaining six are executors of the geopolitical will of the united states, as was intended when the bloc was created. the united states, as expected, chose mela as the venue for this anniversary nato summit. the auditorium is essentially the birthplace of the alliance. it was here that the north atlantic treaty was signed 75 years ago, in april 1949, but the bloc approached the current anniversary with an unclear future, and the first reason for this is the vague future of the united states itself. secretary general stoltenberg in washington is trying to play baseball under the supervision of us secretary of state anthony blinken, as if demonstrating by whose rules nato plays. and at a meeting with pentagon chief austin, on the eve of the official start of the summit. voices today's appetites of the alliance. our security is
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a global issue. therefore, the main topic of the summit in washington, contrary to expectations, will not be ukraine, which, according to nato strategists, is only a tool for weakening russia. nato's main target today is china. for this purpose , us allies in the asia-pacific region have been invited to washington. australia, new zealand, south korea and japan. will reaffirm, along with other leaders , the inseparability of security in the atlantic ocean from the security of the indo-pacific region. the merger of the nato and aocus blocs, which, in addition to the united states, includes great britain and australia. may be the next evolutionary step in attempts to spread american influence to the global south, with clear explanations, why wouldn't open confrontation with china be done by european nato members at this meeting. but the appearance in washington of zelensky, with whom president biden is scheduled to have a separate meeting, makes the meaning of this nato summit more obvious. allies
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will announce significant new steps to strengthen their military and political capabilities. the only dove of peace at this rally of the hawks seems to be hungarian prime minister viktor orban. the summit in washington is his fourth stop after trips to kiev, moscow and beijing. in the european media yesterday fragments of a letter have appeared that orban sent to the head of the european council michel and eu leaders following negotiations with vladimir
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putin. in the letter, orban confirms his position on the need for peace in europe, which is impossible without direct contact. the negative economic consequences of war put great pressure on the daily lives of our citizens and the competitiveness of the eu. political leadership from the united states is limited due to the ongoing election campaign there. how will they react to the hungarian peace mission? the premiere in washington is approximately clear. the indignation and discontent of europe is nothing more than a translation of the us position. and now poland intends to discuss the role of the chairmanship. in hungary in the european union due to uncoordinated but active actions by orban in an attempt to resolve the conflict. it is unlikely that brussels is seeking to immediately get even with hungary due to orban’s global spectacular performances, although experts say there are mechanisms in place to deprive orban of the presidency. one of the main intrigues of the meeting in washington will be the health status of the summit host.
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the dormant biden, as a symbol of the entire north atlantic bloc, overshadows the meeting in washington and is shaky. the position of european partners, macron’s leadership ambitions noticeably dimmed after the elections in france, and german chancellor scholz weakened after the results of his party in the elections to the european parliament; over all of nato, bloomberg warns, the dark shadow of donald trump hangs. while allies will pledge to continue to support ukraine, plans to provide long-term aid to kiev have stalled. impasse, president vladimir zelensky's hopes of joining the alliance remain distant. time may run out. donald trump, who is ahead of biden on the issues, once threatened to leave nato and promised to make a deal with putin to end the war. the day before, the faithful squire of the former, possibly future us president, speaker of the lower house mike johnson again warned europe: “get ready to pay more.”
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he will voice this position of trump at a planned dinner, which he will hold with those arriving in washington. leaders of countries. everyone can't live off america. donald trump says it as bluntly as anyone. it's just rightly fair to ask everyone to contribute as well. but, of course, first of all, all eyes in washington will be on joe biden, who the so -called leader of the free world will appear before nato allies. for the us president himself, this meeting may turn out to be a farewell to big politics. the european integration process of georgia is temporarily suspended, the eu ambassador in tbilis stated this decision of the european union today. the reason given was the law on enoagents, which was recently adopted by the georgian parliament. according to
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european officials, tracking foreign influence is supposedly a step back and anti-western rhetoric. the intentions of the current georgian government are unclear to the leader of the european union. the foreign influence transparency act is clearly a step backwards. also completely anti-western, anti-european rhetoric. is incomparable with the declared goal of joining the european union, unfortunately, at present at the moment, georgia's accession is suspended. according to the european diplomat, this is only the first step in
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connection with the law on foreign agents, which was adopted in georgia this year. the eu now plans to provide all support directly to ngos and georgian media. simply put, brussels will continue to pay politically affiliated structures, which the new law should identify. the document itself was dubbed russian and the fact that similar legal norms were adopted in. in many countries of the world, including european ones, no one is embarrassed, the culprit is already appointed. according to the russian foreign intelligence service, moscow’s hand was found here too. with the anti-russian fervor inherent in the white house, the basis of the propaganda campaign is planned to be a sensational revelation. russia is to blame for all georgia's troubles. at the same time, the emphasis will be placed on unwinding accusations of the georgian dream of political lack of independence, which threatens to take the georgia ship under full sails away from the european ones. shores. the foreign intelligence service believes that the united states is preparing a change of power in georgia. the country is expecting parliamentary elections this fall. and if their results do not suit washington, it is likely that there will no longer be protests, but another
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color revolution, one of the main characters of which will be georgian president salame zurabishvili, who should give an interview to the american media with a warning to georgian citizens about the catastrophic consequences of rapprochement with russia and defectives .
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harms the government of georgia, then this is a lie, it harms, among other things, the interests of the west, for which georgia is an important point on the geopolitical map, the sooner they do this understand, so much the better. since december last year , georgia has been an official candidate for joining the european union. from a geographical point of view, it is absurd, but in the big political game , geography is nothing. the west is accustomed to carrying the european dream to any point in the world; the fact that this is not what they are dreaming about in tbilisi has become unpleasant on both sides of the ocean. surprise. natalya solovyova, yulia tyushevskaya and evgenia zemtsova. news. relations between russia and china have withstood the test of a changing international situation
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and today have become a model of cooperation between major sovereign powers. this was stated by soffet speaker valentina matvienko at a meeting with the chairman of the standing committee of the all-china people's congress zhao letzi. the head of the people's republic of china's parliament came to the brix forum, which will be held in st. petersburg. we know that we have... a very good practice of constant contacts between the leaders of our countries, their bilateral meetings, discussions of the bilateral agenda, the broad international agenda, and this once again emphasizes that russia and china attach great importance to consistent development of comprehensive partnership and... strategic interaction in the new era. china and russia are trusting neighbors, good friends and partners. under the strategic leadership
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of chinese president xijenping and russian president vladimir putin, china-russia relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are developing dynamically as they enter a new era. the it project of school 21 has begun the qualifying stage for participants from magadan. this educational platform from sber will begin its work in the fall work in kolyma, its graduates will receive not only a sought-after specialty, but almost certainly a highly paid job, and most importantly, you can start learning new things at any age without experience. about the school of information technology in a report by anastasia ponko. not even students yet, but in the future it specialists in magadan will be in demand. there will be a new campus of school 21, educational sites of otsber, where those who wish will be able to do so in the fall. a huge
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number of different projects are being implemented, well, let’s say, worthy of all-russian level, including the opening of the school 21 campus. in the meantime, future students of school 21 have arrived in novosibirs, the first pool for students has started there, this is the final qualifying stage, almost a month, applicants will write code, learn the basics of programming languages, create various games and applications , as well as work on your own and team projects. the best thing in the fall will be the first students of school 21 in magadan, this is a completely non-standard thing, of course it was possible to appear only thanks to this very close cooperation with sergei konstanovich with the governor, who really wanted the children to study at home, so that they would not have to go to any region, in fact, today we are launching this project, i really want to believe that
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this project will successful. the success of everything will depend on you, on your activities. atsber school of digital technologies is for those who want to discover the world of it, change their profession and gain practical knowledge, and the training is free. the possibility of admission to school 21 does not depend on previous knowledge, work experience or programming skills. the teachers will teach you everything. the main desire. students without experience in development are capable. i quickly catch up with those who are already familiar with the industry. thanks to the instructions of president vladimir. the magadan region is joining the unique educational project of sberbank, which will provide kolyma residents with the opportunity to receive a free, world-class education in the field of it. i would like to say to germanich, thank you for believing in magadan, in the people of magadan, very talented people live here, unique people, training programs last up to 3 years. students will master several
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programming languages ​​and learn to work with databases. capable people had the opportunity to develop and gain new knowledge in one of the most sought-after areas of the economy in kolyma. anastasia panko, lead. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question
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