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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. the zelensky regime is dispersing a fake story about an alleged russian strike on a hospital. what technologies were used and why did kiev need a new butch-level lie right now? american. who is ready to fight for
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russia. ronald gadier moved from texas to krasnodar because in the states he was dragged for interrogation by the fbi, he is learning russian and wants to fight in the northern military district zone. washington's information dumpsters howl with indignation. berkovich and petriychuk are dissatisfied with the sentence for extremists. why the screams of the foreign agents are not piercing. minus cartridges, rockets and artillery shells. experts have calculated the damage from russian attacks on the artyom plant in kiev. by the way, where were the vaunted nato air defense systems during the attack? adventures of relakantka in south america. she left her homeland in search of a better life and free love, and now she has been homeless in argentina for almost a year, which is what poor tanya now dreams of. the front page of the telegraph newspaper
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shows a close-up of a crying woman with a child in her arms, on the front page of the daily mail, there are several similar pictures at once, all of them, of course, put pressure on emotions, this is how the british, and in general, the western press are heating up the topic of yesterday’s events in kiev, where, let me remind you, a rocket from the norwegian palls complex fell on a children’s hospital, evidence of this has already been collected there is plenty, right down to detailed transcripts, which... completely exclude the option of a strike from russian weapons, that is, at the moment , all that remains is essentially to understand whether there was an error by the anti-aircraft missile crews of the ukrainian armed forces, or , worse, their own deliberate provocation. but no matter however, the zelensky regime stubbornly stands its ground, blaming our troops for what happened. they allegedly intentionally committed a cynical war crime against minors. in turn, foreign sponsors of the bank gang, this version, despite its obvious unconvincingness, as can be seen from...
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is used to create a background that, well, would probably accompany zelensky’s participation in the nato summit. and for some reason such tragedies happen right before every nato summit. explosion in kremenchug in june 2022 a couple of days before the event alliance, then in 2023 a strike on lvov, on the location of the mercenaries, but allegedly on a civilian target. and now there is a hospital.
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a doctor with a bloody back, who allegedly came out of an operation, photos and videos of him were scattered throughout western media, foreign propagandists love such people, and if such characters are not observed at the scene of events, then allaa paint helps the matter: everything is according to the precepts of the white helmets that operated in syria, the ukrainians brought their developments to perfection, dispersing fakes about the mariupol maternity hospital and then about bucha. it is interesting that ukrainian representatives, before the start of an emergency meeting of the un security council, together with their polish allies, were cheerfully discussing something, laughing , smiling, as if they were going to talk not about a tragedy, but about another anti-russian trump card. at the meeting, russia's envoy to the un, vasily nebendi, recalled that russian missiles definitely hit.
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misses all five hits on the plant, but clearly hits the children's hospital. against this background and in full accordance with his manuals, the head of the presidential office yarmak has already managed to make a statement about the impossibility of negotiations with russia. meanwhile, on the network , various telegram channels, the independent ones, began urgent collections. ukrainian bloggers note that scammers who profit from the trust of those who want to help decided to take advantage of what happened. naturally, on a raised one. the noise flocked and foreign agents, among whom, for example, monetochka, idelman, pokrovsky, galkin, began to post links to collections, and also strenuously demonstrate how they were grieving. nothing like this natural after the death of children in donetsk, belgorod or sevastopol, when kiev hit the beach with cassette tapes, was not
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observed, they did not write about this so actively in the west, victims among the civilian population of russia do not bother them, are not interested, they do not notice them, just like... our so-called fugitive former fellow citizens, who work on the topics assigned to them, also notice , talk about the tears of ukrainian children, completely ignoring the dozens, hundreds of dead civilians, including children in our country. sbu the very next day after the strike on the hospital allegedly presented evidence of taking out from the storerooms fragments of missiles left over from previous attacks, it’s true. no one mentioned several important facts, notes russian foreign ministry official maria zakharova. for example, the fact that kiev places military facilities next to social ones and that militants deliberately hide air defense systems in residential areas. the ukrainian country, together with its allies, is silent about this, not
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admitting that the strike was carried out by a western-made anti-missile missile, which brought destruction. moreover information about another damaged clinic, also due to the actions of the ukrainian air defense, the kiev regime is not particularly promoted. but we need one that will help extract even more money from our partners for weapons that will help zelensky stay in power, delaying the fighting by creating new fakes in an attempt to repeat bucha’s resonance. but in the meantime , the nato summit, one of the leitmotifs of which will apparently be the above-mentioned events in kiev, is about to begin, and the zelensky regime, of course, pins great hopes on it, because amid such noise russophobic hysteria. under the pretext of protection from some russian aggression, one can make another attempt not just to beg for weapons from the alliance, but to ask for membership in it, although the likelihood of this is still extremely low, our correspondent in the united states, dmitry melnikov, was convinced. even before the start of the summit, this nato meeting in washington was declared
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fateful both for the alliance members themselves and for those who are called partners here. of the 38 delegations, 32 are nato member states, including new countries finland and sweden. rest six executors of the geopolitical will of the united states, as was intended when the bloc was created. as expected, the united states chose the melon auditorium, essentially the birthplace of the alliance, as the venue for this anniversary nato summit. it was here that 75 years ago, in april 1949 , the north atlantic treaty was signed, but the bloc approached this anniversary with an unclear future, and the first reason for this is the vague future of the united states itself. secretary general stoltenberg in washington.
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china, for this washington and invited us allies in the asia-pacific region: australia, new zealand, south korea and japan. the united states includes great britain and australia may be the next evolutionary step in attempts to extend american influence to the global south. at the same time, clear explanations of why european nato members need an open confrontation with china will not be given at this meeting. but the appearance in washington of zelensky, with whom president biden.
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weapons, the press is discussing the transfer of additional batteries of patriate complexes to kiev. the only dove of peace on this flight yastrebov, it seems that the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, will be there. the summit in washington, his fourth stop after trains to kiev, moscow and beijing. fragments of the letter that orban sent appeared in the european media the day before. in the letter, orban confirms his
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position on the need for peace in europe, which is impossible without direct contact between moscow and kiev. the negative economic consequences of war put great pressure on the daily lives of our citizens and the competitiveness of the eu. political leadership from the united states limited due to the ongoing election campaign there. the peace mission of the hungarian prime minister in washington is approximately clear: the indignation and dissatisfaction of europe is nothing more than a translation of the us position, now poland intends to discuss the role of hungary’s presidency of the european union, due to orban’s uncoordinated but active actions in an attempt to resolve the conflict. it is unlikely that brussels is seeking to immediately get even with hungary due to orban’s global spectacular performances, although experts say there are mechanisms in place to deprive orbán's presidency. one of the main intrigues of the meeting in washington will be the state of health of the host of the summit,
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the aging biden as a symbol of the entire north atlantic bloc overshadows the meeting in washington and the precarious position of the european partners, macron's leadership ambitions have noticeably dimmed after the elections in france, and german chancellor scholz has weakened after the results his party in the european parliament elections, over all of nato, bloomberg warns, the dark shadow of donald trump hangs. while the allies will promise. continue to support ukraine, plans to provide long-term assistance to kiev have stalled, president vladimir zelensky's hopes of joining the alliance remain distant, and time may be running out. donald trump, who is ahead of biden on issues, once threatened to leave nato and promised to make a deal with putin to end the war. the day before, the faithful squire of the former, possibly future us president, speaker of the lower house mike johnson. again warned europe: get ready to pay more. he will voice this position of trump at
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planned dinner, which will be held with the leaders of countries who have flown to washington. everyone can't live off america. donald trump says it as bluntly as anyone. it's just rightly fair to ask everyone to contribute as well. many of the guests will listen to biden at the anniversary nato summit as a testament. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. russia is moving in the right direction, and the united states is sinking to the bottom. the motivation of an american named ronald gadier, who came to ours. country for ideological reasons, and a change of continent, a former pilot
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who served in civil aviation for two decades, decided to do so already at retirement age. in an exclusive interview with our program, the now former texan shared his hopes, says he fell in love at first sight in russia, but most importantly, here he sees a future, unlike the usa, where the decline and collapse of the state is already clearly felt. and, of course, this political position did not go unnoticed by the american intelligence services, because the pilot dared publicly. usa, a former civil aviation pilot, moved to russia because he is being persecuted in the states for helping donbass, because he does not like biden and considers russia healthier compared to america. ronald gadier, a burly texan in his
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60s, says that when the united states competed with the soviet union during the cold war, he honestly believed there would be a nuclear war. almost inevitably i was very happy when i saw trikalor over the kremlin, i thought america and russia would become friends, but quickly disappointed. during the thirteenth and fourteenth years, when the conflict occurred in ukraine, the maidan, then it became clear to me how much influence the united states had on this. and then i realized that these are the very red lines for russia that can lead us into something other than an era. soviet past into a new conflict that could be much more dangerous. deciding to find out more about what was happening in the donbass, ronald came across videos online of american volunteer russell bentley, who, since the age of fourteen, fought in the people's militia of the dpr, a special forces battalion, a texan bentley, wearing a cap stylized as a cowboy hat, with a constant red star, a professional
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warrior and a talented blogger, for almost 10 years at the front, he became a well-known personality in the northern military district zone. i started communicating with him on skype and supported his channel, as well as an organization called humanitarian aid to donbass, in which he was an administrator, at the time when i started talking to him, he had already completely turned into an information warrior. ronald even went to donetsk in '8, where he met with bentley, he showed him the destruction after the attacks in soo, the positions where he fought. then i returned to moscow, stayed here for several days, that’s when i found out that the f.b.i.
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he was questioned because in the twenty -first year, ronald gadier entered a closed chat of participants in the march to save america and the storming of the capitol in washington. remember when protesters against the results of the 2020 presidential election, in which biden beat trump, caused a stir not only throughout the country, but throughout the world. ronald himself is in this did not participate in the assault, but rented an apartment in the city and offered it to those who had nowhere
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to stay. they found out about this in the organization antifa usa, which, according to them, is a viper. what would you do if you found out that the plane you were flying on was being flown by an extremist? robert was fired for damaging the reputation of the airline, when it became known that his friend, a military blogger, a special forces soldier from bentley was killed, this was the last straw, ronald gadier moved to... i applied for service in the russian army, i'm not sure, that me will be able to accept due to the age of the language barrier and american citizenship, but i can help, not necessarily on the front lines, i can drive a car, are you ready to take part in a special military operation, if they call, i will go, while ronald lived in the states, it was possible to save up something, now the former pilot
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is thinking about opening a small business in krasnodar, texas also likes st. petersburg and... this evening, air defense systems on duty destroyed several ukrainian drones over the belgorod region, as the ministry of defense stated, the militants tried use aircraft-type drones for a terrorist attack. in total, over the past 24 hours, the region has already been attacked by six dozen ukrainian uavs, and the number of shells fired at residential areas has already reached almost two hundred. 20 civilians were wounded, four died. the consequence was... all the windows on this side of the building flew out along with it. residents of shibikin spent a sleepless night, enemy ammunition fell one after another on residential areas,
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several people were injured. new craters gape in courtyards, the streets are strewn with portions of deadly fragments. sat trembled into the basement from the basement, well, where the windows are flying, the glass is breaking. what an impression that the walls are about to collapse, yes, yes, so loud, so loud. the militants of the kyiv regime beat. 10 apartment buildings came under fire from cannon and rocket artillery, more than a hundred windows were broken, and utility workers came out to clean the streets in the morning. there is enough work, yes there is enough work. in parallel with artillery strikes, the enemy is launching drones; dozens of explosions under fire in residential buildings, shops, educational and medical institutions are recorded every day. here such spare parts from unmanned aerial vehicles. there are also a lot of devices on the shibekinsky streets, one of the fpv drones attacked a children's clinic, crashed into a wall, broke out the windows, but no one was hurt,
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because it happened at night, so there were no visitors there. on the night of july 9, the missile danger signal was heard in belgorod itself, non-nazis again struck the city, there were dead and wounded, many, having heard the missile danger signal, managed to hide in shelters. minus cartridges, rockets and artillery shells. experts have calculated the damage from russian attacks on the artyom plant in kiev.
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by the way, where were the vaunted nato air defense systems during the attack? there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. pinoplex boards provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. loyalty program. izber thank you has been updated, pay with any izber card and get twice as many bonuses as before, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%.
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as. earlier, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a subscription with berprime. returning to the topic of attacks on kiev, we will show spectacular footage, which clearly demonstrate what the real target of the russian missiles was, this, of course, is not a children’s hospital or residential buildings at all, but an industrial building, where six high-precision kha-101s flew in one after another, a video that remarkably went viral on social networks despite the extremely harsh ukrainian censorship, and its author actually performed the function of objective control, because he did not just show the target of the strikes, but called it in plain text: this is
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the fourth to fifth tupportem i heard, well, it’s hard to say whether the young man will punished for revealing the truth or he will still manage to avoid repressive measures, but be that as it may, the building with its characteristic beige cladding is really difficult not to recognize, the artyom defense plant is far from a new target for our troops, it has been hit more than once... repeatedly, however now he, presumably, asked for particularly harsh demilitarization, but for what reasons? let's figure it out with the help of vadim zavodchenkov. bullseye shot. one of the main suppliers of missiles and projectiles for the criminal regime has been demilitarized in kiev. according to the latest according to information, the artyom plant received at least six hits. the footage of the arrivals is impressive, it’s a pity that there are no similar videos with
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the consequences. in this case, censorship worked better than air defense; the destruction of such a plant will deal a serious blow to the combat readiness of the ukrainian armed forces and will certainly contribute to our successes on the battlefield. the artyom plant is located almost in the very center of kiev and occupies a very impressive territory, it is tens of thousands of kilometers of production space, we often say that...
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gold in ukraine, every specialist is now like gold, the death of one of them is much more serious, for example, than the death of a company of ordinary militants, to whom the war is dear, to whom the mother is dear, this is about the owners of artyom, before the coup in 2014 the enterprise existed at the expense of civilian products, and also soviet aircraft missiles, mostly for export, and anti-tank missiles, developed in-house, after the maidan... government orders poured in like a river. in 2017, for example, the plant began making components for alha mlrs missiles. this is the ukrainian version our smerch. and after some time , lines for the production of casings for artillery shells, including nato caliber, were opened. the fact that for 10 years it flew across the donbass from the ukrainian country, on which the kiev people warmed their hands.


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