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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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trade turnover between russia and india will reach $100 billion by 2030. this is stated in the joint statement of vladimir putin, prime minister of india, at the negotiations between the president and the head of government over 2 days took place both in an official format with delegations of the two countries, and in an informal setting in novoogoryovo. the main statements, agreements and the violent reaction of the west to the visit from india are in the materials of alexey golovko and pavel zarubin. vladimir putin and narendramodi arrived at the main entrance to the large kremlin palace in the same car, their the conversation began while climbing the main staircase. the two of them entered...
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the green living room, shaking hands under the camera flashes, the prime minister of india still managed to greet minister lavrov. guests from delhi represent 1 billion 442 million people in moscow. and a little less than a month ago, modi was again elected leader of the most populous country in the world, all the more significant because his first visit after his victory was to moscow. dear mr. prime minister, this is your first official visit after being reappointed following your election to parliament, and i want to congratulate you on this once again. our countries have a very long-standing friendship, good relations that have developed over decades, but this year we celebrate 77 years of establishing diplomatic relations. today our relations have the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. my dear friend, let me thank you for your warm hospitality and respect. i would also like to thank you for your friendly words regarding the unprecedented success of the recent elections in india. modi arrived in russia again
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the day before yesterday until late evening they communicated with putin at a country residence in an informal setting, but still managed to discuss all the most important bilateral and global issues. we pay main attention to the development of trade and economic ties, a development that certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples of the russian federation. last year , trade turnover increased by 60%, even more than 66%. during the first quarter of this year it added another 20%.
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according to the statute, it is awarded to prominent russian state public figures and leaders of foreign countries for outstanding services. it gives me special pleasure to present this honorary award here, in the kremlin, in a solemn atmosphere befitting the statute of the order. this is an honor for 1 billion.
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over the decades, moscow and delhi have become partners in all areas, including space and nuclear technologies. a new meeting in the kremlin brought new bilateral agreements, only along the line. seed fund indian business is investing $100 billion in the russian economy. these are projects in education, shipbuilding and the medical industry. a very important agreement with the pulimed company that we will import equipment from unfriendly countries with indian hemodialysis equipment. we see great potential in pharmaceutical cooperation with india. countries are working on conjugating their national payment systems, mir and rupees. the indian country has a positive attitude towards working with the russian side, you know, we have two banks operating, sbr and vtb in india, so we are conducting such a large dialogue on this topic in order to facilitate the work of both our companies that operate in the indian market, for indian companies, and for citizens. the leaders also discussed today
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the development of transport corridors, industrial cooperation, and cooperation in agriculture. during the negotiations, the president and the prime minister went through all these areas in great detail; the goal was set... the guest from india managed to do so even before arriving in the kremlin. to evaluate promising russian technologies, putin and modi began a long day of negotiations at vdnkh. this is the now famous atom pavilion throughout the country, and a tour of it is conducted by the head of the rosatom corporation, recalling the early nineties, when the industry almost died. the west offered for 700 million. close the nuclear industry of our country and achieve zero nuclear generation in the russian federation by 2024. people did not receive salaries, neither energy workers, nor those who made weapons. according to the agreement, american specialists were sent not only to energy, but also to military
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nuclear facilities, they sat and looked at how many weapons, what kind of weapons, what technologies were being made, next to the enterprises, produced weapons. nuclear fuel , a building was built where representatives of the us government lived permanently, they went to work in these workshops where nuclear weapons fuel was produced every day, they had a work desk there, on the table there was a flag of the united states, that was the level russia's trust in our partners, we were saved by vladimir vladimirovich putin, the russian people were saved, the people under the leadership of vladimir vladimich putin, we support you. currently , russian-indian cooperation in nuclear exemplary in the field at the kudankulam npp, our country is planning the construction of the third stage of reactors of the fifth and sixth power units. and as always, russia is not just building a nuclear power plant for its partners, but is helping to create an entire industry. there are many students from india in moscow. we’ll
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probably ask students from india how they like their stay in russia and their exile. i really like it here. russia is class. and how can you miss this opportunity to take a photo with the president and prime minister? narendromodi managed to meet with his compatriots today, living and working in moscow. he told them that india would open two new consulates in russia in yekaterinburg and kazan. this will strengthen ties between countries and help travelers. the prime minister began the conversation with a greeting in russian. hello moscow. another important ceremony took place in the alexander samod. flowers to the tomb of the unknown soldier. india honors the memory of the real heroes of world war ii. the indian prime minister's visit to moscow is already being called one of the landmark political events of the year. vladimir putin saw off the distinguished guest from india today before the car and farewell was
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as warm as possible. however, soon the president and prime minister will see each other again, this time in kazan at the brix summit, but they saw him off. fashion at vnukovo airport to the famous melody from a soviet film. alexey golovko, alexey petrov, natalya lundovskaya, sofia petrosyan, anton kasimovich, vadim samsonov. news from the kremlin. footage of how putin received fashion at his home in the novo ogorev residence became one of the most discussed, but only our program managed to see another one there big news. it’s funny, of course, to say this, but it’s true, it’s for these dogs. now the whole world is watching, these are the dogs that kim chin-in gave to vladimir putin, and you and i can now make sure that they live in novo ogorevo, in putin’s residence. over the past 24 hours, so many events have already taken place as part of the indian prime minister’s visit to russia, but this turns out to be just
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the beginning. now from vdnkh, the leaders of russia and india are heading to the kremlin, this is where official negotiations between the two countries will begin, and traveling in the same car. putin, judging by these shots. invited the guest to take the place on the right, that is, the place where putin himself usually occupies, all these shots haunt the west, the explosion of jealous and even boorish comments is very large in our country. there is no point in discussing the influence of the united states, they should mind their own affairs, let
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them influence themselves. many people pay attention to the fact that all the time there are some tragic coincidences, like an important visit to russia, or an important meeting of the russian president, like a nato summit, like only some important things for relations between kiev and the west, terrible things happen there all the time. in this regard, there are no, there are no coincidences, of course, these are all, you know, pr operations, and pr operations on blood, it is obvious that the anti-missile was inappropriately used, which ended up in this hospital, in the children's room, this is really a tragedy, but it is deliberately used to create a background that, well, would probably accompany zelensky’s participation in the nato summit.
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sphere, today for us india is one of the key partners, according to
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the results of last year, for example, if we talk about oil supplies, they amounted to about 90 million tons, this is 40% of india’s total needs, what kind of growth is this if we compare there with the twenty- first year, for example, but exactly twice, in 2022 it was 45 million tons, in 2021 only 5 million tons, if you compare with the twenty-first, it turns out to be almost 20 times. amounted to an increase, the communication between putin and mode over the past 24 hours was so frank and detailed that they decided not to conduct working vow with assistants and ministers, all issues had already been discussed by that time. pavel zarubin, alexander medvedev, alexander makarov, program to lead and moscow, kremlin putin. in the usa, meanwhile, the nato summit started. the alliance is 75 years old, and at this moment the leaders of the bloc countries are celebrating the anniversary during a ceremony in washington. well, only after that. discuss the main topic of the summit, support for ukraine, or more precisely, how far they are ready to go with this. the key
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question: will kiev receive a real invitation to nato? according to american media reports, delegates they are already struggling with the wording in the final document of the summit, whether to include the irreversibility of ukraine’s entry into the alliance. so far, on the surface , state leaders who have arrived in washington are discussing military supplies and financing. will the 32 countries of the bloc approve the idea of ​​the outgoing secretary general? between members of the alliance, and for better coordination a nato special command will be created in germany. as before , hungary stands out from the chorus of propagandists; it refuses to arm ukraine; at the summit it intends to advocate a ceasefire and negotiations on ukraine, probably at based on the diplomatic efforts of prime minister orbán, who carried out. negotiations in ukraine, russia and china, but whether all the promises will become reality during
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the summit, our correspondent for the united states, dmitry melnikov, found out. even before the start of the summit, this nato meeting in washington was declared fateful both for the alliance members themselves and for those who are called partners here. of the 38 delegations, 32 are nato member states, including new zealand, finland and sweden. the remaining six are executors of the geopolitical will of the united states, as it was. conceived when creating the block. as expected, the united states chose the melon auditorium, essentially the birthplace of the alliance, as the venue for this anniversary nato summit. exactly here 75 years ago. in april , forty years ago, the north atlantic treaty was signed, but the bloc approached this anniversary with an unclear future, and the first reason for this is the vague future of the united states itself. secretary general stoltenberg in washington is trying to play baseball under the supervision of us secretary of state anthony blinken, as if demonstrating by whose rules nato plays. and at a meeting with the head pentagon austin, on the eve of the official
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start of the summit, voices the current appetites of the alliance. our security is a global issue. therefore, the main topic of the summit in washington, contrary to expectations, will not be ukraine, which, according to nato strategists, is only a tool for weakening russia. nato's main target today is china. for this purpose, washington has invited us allies in the asia-pacific region. australia, new zealand, south korea and japan. prime minister kishida will reaffirm with other leaders the inseparability of security security in the atlantic ocean. the united states includes great britain and australia may be the next evolutionary step in attempts to extend american influence to the global south. at the same time , no clear explanations will be given to european nato members for open confrontation with china at this meeting. but the appearance in washington
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of zelensky, with whom president biden has a separate meeting planned, makes this nato summit more meaningful. obvious. allies will announce significant new steps to strengthen military political partnership with ukraine. these measures, along with our support , will become part of the bridge to ukraine’s membership in nato. a bridge to nato membership is a new formulation for ukraine. according to cnn, which has reviewed the draft final declaration of the summit, ukraine’s entry into the alliance will be called irreversible, without specific dates, all on the same conditions. the most important of which is to combat corruption. apparently, washington will again promise zelensky weapons. the press is discussing the transfer of additional batteries of patriat complexes to kiev. the only dove of peace at this gathering of hawks, it seems that the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, will be there. the summit in washington is his fourth stop after trips to kiev, moscow and beijing.
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the day before, fragments of a letter that orban sent to the head of the european council michel and eu leaders appeared in the european media. following the negotiations with the letter, orban confirms his position on the need for peace in europe, which is impossible without direct contact between moscow and kiev. the negative economic consequences of war put great pressure on the daily lives of our citizens and eu competitiveness. political leadership from the united states is limited due to the ongoing election campaign there. it is approximately clear how they will react to the hungarian prime minister’s peace mission in washington. the indignation and dissatisfaction of europe is nothing more than a translation of the us position; now poland intends to discuss the role of hungary’s presidency of the european union, due to orban’s uncoordinated but active actions in an attempt to resolve the conflict. it is unlikely that brussels is seeking to immediately get even with hungary due to global spectacular speeches by orbán, although experts say there are mechanisms to deprive
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orbán of the presidency. one of the main intrigues of the meeting in washington will be the state. health of the host of the summit, the dormant biden as a symbol of the entire north atlantic bloc overshadows the meeting in washington and the precarious position of the european partners, macron’s leadership ambitions noticeably dimmed after the elections in france, and german chancellor scholz weakened after the results of his party in the elections to the european parliament, over all of nato , warns bloomberg, the dark shadow of donald trump looms. while allies will pledge to continue to support ukraine, plans to ensure... donald trump, who is ahead of biden on issues, once threatened to leave nato and promised to make a deal with putin to end the war. the day before, the faithful squire of the former, possibly
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future us president, speaker of the lower house mike johnson again warned europe: get ready to pay more. he will voice trump's position at a planned dinner, which will hold meetings with the leaders of the countries who have flown to washington. everyone can't live off america. donald trump says it as bluntly as anyone. it's just rightly fair to ask everyone to contribute as well. but of course, first of all, all eyes in washington will be on joe biden, who he will appear before his nato allies.
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pr operation on blood, this is how presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on the hit of a ukrainian anti-missile at a children's hospital in kiev, the author and host of the program moscow kremlin putin, pavel zarubin. let me remind you that the day before the russian armed forces launched a massive attack on the military infrastructure of ukraine. in kiev, they almost immediately began to dispel fake news about allegedly intentional attacks on civilian targets. according to peskov, this tragedy is being used deliberately, precisely as a backdrop for... the participation of the head of the zelensky regime at the nato summit. and in this regard, the press secretary of the head of state emphasized, there are no coincidences. moscow, in turn , intends to tell the truth about the attack on
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the hospital in russia in those countries where the audience is ready to hear it. with details, evgeniy nipat. as if on command, a real salvo of large-caliber, american, european british publications, the same type, flashy headlines straight from london, formed the main message.
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a car and a ball against the background of working rescuers in this frame. it is not critically assessed; first of all, it is certainly aimed at a western audience in order for such information to be shocking. western viewer, the demonization of the russian federation continued in the western public consciousness, the public they presented a doctor with a bloody back,
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who allegedly came out of an operation, photos and videos of him were scattered throughout western media, foreign propagandists love such characters, and if such characters are not observed at the scene of events, then scarlet paint helps the cause, all according to the precepts of the white helmets, which operating in syria, the ukrainians brought their developments to perfection, dispersing fakes about the mariupol maternity hospital and... then about bucha. it is interesting that ukrainian representatives, before the start of an emergency meeting of the un security council, together with their polish allies, they were happily discussing something, laughing and smiling, as if they were going to talk not about a tragedy, but about another anti-russian goat. at the meeting, russia's envoy to the un, vasily nebendi, recalled that russian missiles definitely hit the defense plant. videos posted by ukrainian internet users show one after another at the artyom plant. five russian aerospace forces missiles arrive without any interference or damage. it is also clear that without any interference damage
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, a single ukrainian air defense missile flies into the area of ​​the children's hospital. her cannot be confused with anything due to its clearly distinguishable characteristic plumage. how is it that ukrainian air defense misses all five strikes on the plant, but clearly hits the children’s hospital. against this background and in full accordance with our own. nothing like this, natural after the death of children , was observed in donetsk, belgorod or sevastopol, when kiev hit the beach with cassettes, but they did not write about this in tactics. in
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the west, casualties among the civilian population of russia do not concern them, they are not interested, they are not they notice, just as our so-called fugitive former fellow citizens, who work on the topics assigned to them, do not notice, talk about the tears of ukrainian children, completely ignoring dozens, hundreds of dead civilians, including children in our country. the sbu, the very next day after the attack on the hospital, presented supposed evidence, having taken out from the storerooms fragments of missiles left over from previous attacks, however, no one mentioned several important facts, notes russian foreign ministry official maria zakharova. for example, the fact that military installations kiev places next to the social ones the fact that militants deliberately hide air defense systems in residential areas. the ukrainian country , together with its allies, is silent about this, not admitting that
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the strike was carried out by an anti-missile missile for... production, which brought destruction, and information about another damaged clinic, also due to the actions of the ukrainian air defense, is not particularly promoted by the kiev regime, the picture is faded, but we need one that will help extract even more weapons money from our partners, which will help zelensky stay in power, prolonging the fighting, creating new fakes in an attempt to replicate buchi's resonance. in the dpr, the russian military liberated the village of yasnobrodovka, the ministry of defense reported this today. the defense department also spoke about the destruction of four american haimers installations, which were prepared for attacks on crimea. denis alekseev will tell you more about the progress of the special operation. the high command in kiev is shaking at just one word from iskander, especially on the eve of the nato summit. and what can we say about the landing sites of our high-precision missiles? there is no living space left from the intended goals. here is an example from the latest of how our
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military made adjustments. vsushnikov’s plans, they were preparing an attack in the crimean direction, russian intelligence identified the positions of several american hymers, after which a missile strike was launched on them. during the day, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a group strike with high-precision weapons on the american hymers multiple launch rocket system systems, prepared for striking the territory of crimea, as well as the site of an official meeting of the command staff of the armed forces of ukraine. the strike targets were achieved, four launchers were destroyed. the number of shells in the vehicles in the warehouse was clearly impressive, a column of flame as high as a multi-story building is proof of this. the center group took control
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of the populated area. rodovka in the dpr , the liberation of yasnobrodovka opens the way for an accelerated advance to the volchie river, which will be of strategic importance during further military operations. and sometimes our military doesn’t even have to do anything to destroy, say, an artillery position in ssu. there are almost no professionals in ukrainian units, they are all hastily mobilized, and therefore such stories are not uncommon. during the shot, the combat crew of the howitzer self-destructed. the shell was stored in improper conditions, so it exploded. reversed. in the donetsk direction , more than 700 people per day are losses of ukrainian formations. our troops improved the position along the front line, as the dry land soldiers did not interfere. the counterattack failed, even despite the participation of elite fighters, the apfor unit. yes and it turns out that there is less and less elite left, every attempt at an offensive turns into a meat assault. nothing changes, only there are fewer people. denis alekseev, olga
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