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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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look, look in the application or on the website. trade turnover between russia and india will reach $100 billion by 2030. this is stated in a joint statement by vladimir putin and prime minister. india on rendremode. negotiations between the president and the head of government over 2 days took place both in an official format with delegations of the two countries, and in an informal setting in novoogoryovo. today our relations have the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. we are constantly in contact with you and focus on development trade and economic relations, the development of which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples of the russian federation. we cooperate closely in
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the international arena, including in international organizations, and above all at the un, in such associations as the shanghai cooperation organization and brix. we had the opportunity yesterday in an informal setting to talk practically on all issues. i am grateful to you for the attention you pay to the most pressing problems, including trying to find some ways to solve the noukrainian crisis and, of course, above all peacefully . the focus of the visit of the head of the indian government to russia, including the peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine. i can confidently say, based on our past experience, that we will continue to develop , strengthen the relationship between our countries, and achieve new goals. thank you for the attention you pay to pressing problems, including trying to find peaceful ways to resolve the ukrainian crisis. i have heard your position, your positive views and ideas, and i can assure you that india has always been on side. peace, as your friend, i
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have always told you that for the sake of a bright future , peace is a must, so we believe that war is not the solution, the solution cannot be achieved through war, bombs, missiles, rifles cannot ensure peace, so we focus on dialogue is necessary. at the meeting with vladimir putin, indian prime minister narandremodi also discussed the topic of cash payments using cards of national payment systems, according to deputy head of the presidential administration maxim oresh. 70% of trade turnover is already serviced in national currencies. details from anna lazareva. russia maintains its position as india's fourth leading trading partner. economic relations between countries are developing very dynamically. in the thirteenth year, trade turnover did not exceed $6 billion. after 10 years , the figure has grown almost 11 times to an all-time record 64 billion 600 million dollars, by
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the thirtieth year the goal has been set to reach 100 billion. we are constantly in contact and focus on development trade and economic relations, the development of which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples of the russian federation. last year, trade turnover increased by 60%, even more, 66%. during the first quarter of this year it added another 20%. made the main contribution to the growth of trade turnover. export of russian energy resources. over 10 years, their volume increased from $309 million to more than $53 billion, that is, 170 times. india is the largest buyer of russian oil after china. russia-india are considering the possibility of concluding a long-term agreement for the supply of oil. both countries are interested in this , deputy prime minister alexander novak, who was part of the delegation at the russian-indian meeting, told reporters. the whole world is facing
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a fuel and energy crisis, but through our cooperation we have been able to avoid hardship for the common citizens of india, we are providing them with petrol and diesel, so the whole world should recognize that through india-russia energy cooperation we are providing stability in the world market, now the volume of foreign direct investment from russia to... russia-india plan to actively cooperate in pharmaceuticals and aircraft manufacturing, deputy head of the presidential administration maxim oreshkin said following the negotiations. from the point of view of economic interaction, the main result of the negotiations was, of course, an agreed program of strategic cooperation between russia and india. their directions until 2030,
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all these directions, they cover key topics of our interaction, this includes trade, agriculture, food. energy, industrial cooperation, the sphere of high technology, and of course, all the issues that provide this. foreign trade settlements will continue to play a key role in the development of trade. russia is conducting a large dialogue with india in order to facilitate the work of businesses in both countries and is counting on some progress. this is how the head of vtb andrey kostin commented on this topic. let me remind you that both sberbank and vtb operate in india. we had problems.
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atom is discussing with india the construction of six more high-power power units at the new site. the parties are also considering the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant. in april of this year, rosatom submitted its proposals in the field of floating stations. and let me remind you that it is russia that is building the largest nuclear power plant in india, kudan kula. two blocks were put into operation. the launch of the third could happen as early as this year. there will be six of them in total. very active. we are now developing an agenda for further cooperation, and since we have tested each other and built very effective relations in the current modern generation, the so-called generation 3+ of nuclear energy, then we want to move together to the fourth generation, these are fast reactors, fast neutron reactors, this is a further modification
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of the development of our wwr technologies, pressurized water reactors, this is the closure of the fuel cycle. aerfi, the national agency for attracting investments in india, will support russian companies. entering the indian market, we are talking about an amount of up to 100 billion rubles. well, another area where russia and india agreed to increase cooperation is nuclear energy. rosatom has already proposed several new projects to indian partners. this was discussed at the pavilion of the russian state corporation navodh. vladimir putin and narendramodi were given a tour there. anastasia efimova will tell you which exhibits were of particular interest to the guests. vladimir putin was the first to arrive at the rosatom pavilion at vdnkh this morning, and personally greeted the guest, the prime minister of india, at the entrance. the excursion starts right here at rendromode, very attentive, because the cooperation between russia and india in the use
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peaceful atom, is strategic in nature and time-tested. exchanges of delegations began back in the seventies of the last century , interaction did not stop even in difficult times for our... about crisis times, how much about the level of russian trust in the west, betrayed trust, next to the enterprises that produced weapons-grade nuclear fuel, a building was built where they lived
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representatives of the us government on a permanent basis, they went to work in these workshops where nuclear weapons fuel was produced, every day to work, they had a table there a worker and... there was a united flag on the table. this was the level of trust on the part of russia in our partners. translators try not to miss a single word. however, the level of mutual understanding seems to be clear without words. the flagship project of russian-indian cooperation in the industry is, of course, kudan kulam. six power units of a nuclear power plant, a reliable foundation for india’s independence and its sustainable economic growth.
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the leaders place their emphasis personally: here is a stand dedicated to the technology of radiation exposure of products. in hot climates, moderate exposure to ionizing radiation helps preserve any supplies from fish to grain, while remaining completely harmless to humans. this is my most important one. and now you have your own specialists. this is prosumajita mukhirji, a graduate student at the national research nuclear university of mythi.
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70 students from india are currently studying there, 200 specialists have been trained at the novovoronezh nuclear power plant. we'll probably ask, excuse me, how they like it. how long have you been here? i've been here 6 years. yes. this is my final year of study, i will be a doctor and will work in our country, i will try to take part in joint projects between india and russia. by the way, speaking about joint projects, vladimir putin stops at the rendemode at the map of the northern sea route; the development of its transit potential is another topic for dialogue between moscow and new delhi. fuel savings due to shorter distances are an obvious advantage of this route, but they are far from the only one. besides shortening the route, we have three more traffic jams here, these are gibraltar, the vanity canal and war
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in the red sea. therefore, there is very, very great interest in this northern sea route. this will happen without any obstacles. there are no obstacles, interaction between the two countries is strengthening, despite sanctions, financial restrictions and logistics restructuring. not a single joint project was stopped; on the contrary, they taught us to value reliable partnership even more. among the new areas of cooperation are six high-power units at the new site of a low-power nuclear power plant. in april, a partner from india information was presented on rusatom's solutions in the field of floating nuclear power plants. anastasia efimova. news. the nato summit has started in the usa. the alliance is 75 years old and a leader. bloc countries celebrated the anniversary during a ceremony in washington. the main topic of the summit, of
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course, will be support for ukraine, or more precisely, how far is the alliance ready to go in this? the key question is whether kiev will receive a real invitation to nato? according to american media, delegates are already struggling with the wording in the final document of the summit, whether to include the irreversibility of ukraine’s entry into the alliance. but for now, in more detail, state leaders who arrived in washington are discussing military supplies and financing. whether the bloc's 32 countries will approve outgoing secretary general stoltenberg's idea of ​​forking out $40 billion in 2025. in a new speech, stoltenberg emphasized that costs will be distributed among the members of the alliance, and for better coordination , a nato special command will be created in germany. hungary continues to stand out from the chorus of propagandists, refusing to arm ukraine, and intends to advocate for a ceasefire at the summit and negotiations on ukraine. based on the diplomatic efforts of prime minister orbán, who held negotiations in ukraine, russia and china. but will all the promises become
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reality during the summit, our correspondent in the united states dmitry melnikov found out. even before the start of the summit, this nato meeting in washington was declared fateful both for the alliance members themselves and for those who are called partners here. of the 38 delegations , 32 are nato member states, including new zealand, finland and sweden, the remaining six are executors of the geopolitical will of the united states, as well as was conceived when creating the block. as expected, the united states chose the melon auditorium, essentially the birthplace of the alliance, as the venue for this anniversary nato summit. it was here that 75 years ago, in april 1949 , the north atlantic treaty was signed, but the bloc approached this anniversary with an unclear future, and the first reason for this is the vague future of the united states itself. general stoltenberg is in washington trying to play baseball. under the supervision of us secretary of state anthony blinken, as if demonstrating by whose rules nato plays, at a meeting with
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pentagon chief austin, on the eve of the official start of the summit, voices the alliance’s current appetites. our security is a global issue. therefore, the main topic of the summit in washington, contrary to expectations, will not be ukraine, which, according to nato strategists, is only a tool for weakening russia. nato's main target today is china.
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allies will announce significant new steps to strengthen their military political partnership with ukraine. these measures, along with our support, will become part of the bridge to ukraine’s membership in nato. bridge to membership nato is a new formulation for ukraine, according to cnn, which has reviewed the draft final declaration of the summit, ukraine’s entry into the alliance will be called irreversible. without specific dates, everything is on the same conditions, the main thing of which is to overcome corruption. apparently, in washington zelensky will again be promised weapons; the press is discussing the transfer of additional batteries of patriat complexes to kiev. the only peace dove at this gathering of hawks seems to be the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban. washington summit, his fourth stop after trips to kyiv, moscow and beijing.
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the day before, fragments of a letter that orban sent to the head of the european council appeared in the european media. in the letter, orban confirms his position on the need for peace in europe, which is impossible without direct contact between moscow and kiev. the negative economic consequences of war put great pressure on the daily lives of our citizens and the competitiveness of the eu. political leadership from the united states is limited due to the ongoing election campaign there. how will he react to mission? the hungarian prime minister in washington is approximately clear: the indignation and dissatisfaction of europe is nothing more than a translation of the us position; now poland intends to discuss the role of hungary’s presidency of the european union, due to orban’s uncoordinated but active actions in an attempt to resolve the conflict. it is unlikely that brussels is seeking to immediately get even with hungary due to orban’s global spectacular performances, although experts
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say there are mechanisms in place to deprive orban of the presidency. the main intrigues of the meeting in washington will be the state health of the host of the summit, the dormant biden as a symbol of the entire north atlantic bloc overshadows the meeting in washington and the precarious position of the european partners, macron's leadership ambitions noticeably dimmed after the elections in france, and german chancellor scholz weakened after the results of his party in the elections to the european parliament, over all of nato donald trump's dark shadow looms, bloomberg warns. while the allies will promise to continue. support ukraine, plans to provide long-term assistance to kiev have reached a dead end, hopes president vladimir zelensky's intention to join the alliance remains distant, time may run out. donald trump, who is ahead of biden on issues, once threatened to leave nato and promised to make a deal with putin to end the war.
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the day before, the faithful squire of the former, possibly future us president, speaker of the lower house mike johnson. waited for europe: get ready to pay more. he will voice this position of trump at a planned dinner, which he will hold with the leaders of the countries who have flown to washington. all cannot live off america. donald trump says it as bluntly as anyone. it's just rightly fair to ask everyone to contribute as well. but, of course, all eyes in washington will be on joe first. biden, how will the so-called leader of the free world appear before nato allies? for the us president himself, this meeting may turn out to be a farewell to big politics, and many of the guests will listen to biden’s speech at the anniversary nato summit as a testament. dmitriy melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. this evening , air defense systems on duty destroyed
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several ukrainian drones over the belgorod region. according to the ministry of defense, the militants tried to use aircraft-type drones. for a terrorist attack. in total, over the past 24 hours, the region has already been attacked by six dozen ukrainian uavs. and the number of shells fired at elderly areas has already reached almost two hundred. 20 civilians were wounded, four died. consequences of barbaric shelling. in the report by alexander korobov. an enemy shell fell in close proximity to a residential building. this is where there once was a ventilated façade, it was all crumbling together. all the windows on this side of the building blew out, the residents of shibekin spent a sleepless night, enemy ammunition fell one after another onto residential areas, several people were injured, new craters behind... in the courtyards the streets were strewn with portions of deadly fragments, they sat, trembling into the basement from the basement , well, where the windows are flying, the glass is breaking,
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it feels like the walls are about to collapse, yes, yes, so loud, so loud, militants of the kiev regime used cannon and rocket artillery, 10 apartment buildings came under fire, more than a hundred windows were broken, and public utility workers came out to clean the streets in the morning. there is enough work. yes, there is plenty of work. in parallel with artillery strikes, the enemy is launching drones; dozens of explosions under fire in residential buildings, shops, and educational medical institutions are recorded every day. there are also plenty of such spare parts from unmanned aerial vehicles on the streets of shebekino. one of the fpv drones attacked a children's clinic, crashed into a wall, broke out the windows, but no one was hurt, because it... went on at night, therefore, there were no visitor staff here, on the night of july 9 the missile danger signal was heard in belgorod itself, non-nazis again struck the city, there
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are dead and wounded, many, having heard the signal of a missile danger, managed to hide in shelters, residents of the house continue to find damage even in the most protected places of the high-rise building, it was knocked down, yeah, see how much, they will probably change it if they straighten it you won't be able to cut it into pieces. border residents are always on alert; the threat of both shelling and drone attacks remains. alexander korobov, alexey korniev, vyacheslav podzolkov and andrey kazakov, conduct the belgorod region. on this day 20 years ago, polokhlebnikov died, the editor-in-chief of russian forbes was killed. the high-profile criminal case is still being investigated and is classified as secret. klebnikov was called a living database with information about oligarchs and organized crime. could know who killed vlad listiv, about what khlebnikov took the secrets with him in andrei iblev’s report. the same crime scene,
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on july 9, 2004, journalist paul klebnikov left the editorial office of the russian version of forbes magazine, where he was editor-in-chief, heading towards the botanical garden metro station. at some point, a lada car caught up with him, from which the killers fired several shots at him.
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economic development of russia. plebnikov always considered himself russian both in mentality and character. that is why he came to moscow and headed the editorial office of the russian version financial magazine forbes. one of the first materials is a rating of the 100 richest people in russia. then it became a sensation. someone was dissatisfied; they understand that this data will become the subject of study for the prosecutor general’s office. others accused the magazine of being subjective. but the real sensation was created by an article about boris berezovsky, the russian neftyan businessman and media mogul. khlebnikov’s material was the result of a large number of interviews and journalistic investigations about the activities
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of the oligarch who had already fled russia at that time. he went through the most bloody battle path. and the destructiveness of his path was amazing, even by russian standards. after this publication, perezovsky filed a lawsuit against khlebnikovo. in defense of honor and dignity, the process lasted 6 years, but the oligarch never received an apology. moreover, in 2000, khlebnikov published a book about the crimes of a businessman; it became a bestseller and sold thousands of copies in different languages. khlebnikov's book , the godfather of the kremlin, boris berezovsky, or the history of the plunder of russia, is a peculiar criminal dossier of a fugitive oligarch. the author directly points out, citing evidence of berezovsky’s participation in fraud and laundering of budget money. connections with the mafia , ordered reprisals against undesirables. one of the chapters is devoted to the murder of journalist vladislav listev. page 160. and here's the quote.
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then the name of the customer was also mentioned, but there was not enough evidence, my personal version, i am convinced of this, it is berezovsky, i have no doubts, a lot of things that khlebnikov would reveal and open his eyes, very frightened berezovsky, very much, he said, ok, no if you want to work with us, well, no, i don’t need him, it was a command to kill him, they kept him in prison, and
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they knew what time he was... berezovsky then promptly reacted to the murder of khlebnikov, made a statement from london, wrote that the floor, they say, treated the facts are very arbitrary, apparently, someone didn’t like it very much, berezovsky didn’t like it, and everyone knew it. in the summer of 2005 , a year after the murder of paul klebnikov, the russian prosecutor general's office announced the completion of the investigation into the case. the investigation established that the journalist was killed by members of an organized criminal group, three alleged perpetrators. were detained, but in may 2006 they were acquitted by the jury, and british and american law enforcement officers prevented them from asking berezovsky himself. can we voice to berezovsky these questions that you put to him? i say: it’s possible, it’s through the prosecutor general’s office, to them at the ministry of justice, this is a month. then he comes: is it possible to give them the questionnaire to his lawyer?
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well, what hasn't been done yet? in march 2013, berezovsky died in strange circumstances. circumstances, but the investigation into crimes that he may have ordered continues. the russian supreme court sent the case of the murder of american journalist paul klebnikov for a new trial. now the materials are classified as secret. the official case has been suspended, but not closed, which means that the search for all possible persons involved in the massacre continues. andrey ivlev, anastasia zorina, yulia kozhurova, sergey ukhvaryonykh, mikhail erdiev, news. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to go to domklik to find housing to suit every taste. with a mortgage for the construction of a house, a new building or a secondary building. choose something that everyone will like. at domklik, everyone will find housing for themselves. go to the moss exhibition! or maybe come to me,
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