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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the nato summit will be of decisive importance internationally. security due to the threat of an escalation of the conflict, and hungary will speak out there with a call for a diplomatic solution. this position of budapest was announced by the head of the hungarian foreign ministry. meanwhile, the leaders of nato countries, judging by the announcements, are preparing for a new arms race. let’s ask our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, what is the situation at the anniversary summit of the alliance. dmitry, greetings, what is the alliance up to? hello. really the first of three
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days of this anniversary and, as it has already been dubbed , the fateful nato summit here in washington officially began with a gala reception on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the alliance , the leaders of the nato member countries are received by the host of the summit, president joe biden, to which , as we understand, special attention is now being focused on the background of that political the chaos in which the united states finds itself in connection with demands for biden to withdraw his candidacy from the election race, of course, for the united states itself, this is primarily domestic political.
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bilateral security agreements, this is especially emphasized as a kind of alternative to ukraine’s full membership in nato. even on the eve, the american press said that in the final nato communication, ukraine’s membership would be called irreversible without specific deadlines. and this is actually a continuation of the thesis that biden himself has already put forward several times. however, now a new wording has appeared, it sounds like ukraine’s bridge to nato membership. what will be discussed at this summit the day before?
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stoltenberg and the lithuanian defense minister, let's let's listen to their statement. just today , nato's logistics procurement agency signed a new multinational contract for the supply of stinger missiles worth about $700 million. the reality of the war in ukraine demonstrated not only that our reserves and production capabilities were too low, but also showed huge gaps in the interoperability of our forces. most.
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on the border, if necessary, but the goal is deterrence, for this you need to fill in the gaps in equipment with air defense systems, long-range weapons, for which you need more defense spending. all this, of course, in addition to obligations in ukraine, arms supplies at the current level, at least for the next year, to the general demonstration to kiev that the west will not abandon the current ukrainian regime to the mercy of fate, so now we are talking about the fact that the summit will announced the strengthening of ukrainian air defense, including the transfer: german chancellor olaf scholz spoke about this the day before, let's listen to his words. germany took the lead by providing a third patriot system, which is very important for air defense, in addition to all the support we provide. this includes, for example, our iriste system, which is very effective there. this also includes the cheetah system. but the only dove of peace. at this gathering of the hawks it looks like
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there will be the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, the summit in washington, his fourth, as we remember, stop after trips to kiev, moscow and beijing, and of course, the reaction to his peace initiative in the european union. it is this position that we will present for 3 days at the nato summit. and of course, for the us president himself, this meeting may
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biden's speech at the anniversary nato summit will turn out to be a kind of farewell to big politics. many, of course, will regard it as his political testament and moral preparation. by the arrival of donald trump, in which nato, if it does not collapse, this is of course impossible, then at least it can change radically, taking into account those of his initiatives, those of trump’s initiatives to possibly weaken the role of the united states and reduce america’s financial participation in the alliance. dmitry, yes dmitry, thank you, it was our own correspondent in the usa dmitry melnikov about the nato summit in washington. well , continuing the topic, about what my colleague said. of the united states, that today’s statements by united states president joe biden will be discussed and, of course, the first statements of his words are already appearing, we can see them now, they, of course, diverge from the peace
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agenda that is planned at this summit promote hungary. let's read it out, this means that the united states and its allies will supply ukraine with five additional strategic air defense systems, this. statement by joe biden, as well as dozens of tactical air defense systems and hundreds of interceptor missiles for air defense systems will be supplied to them, we are talking about statements for next year, also the united states will make ukraine a priority destination for the export of air defense systems, kiev will receive them earlier, than anyone else, and the west will hand over five more strategic air defense systems, but this is already happening... repetitions, but thereby we understand that the rhetoric does not seem peaceful at all. so, trade turnover between russia and india will reach $100 billion by 2030, about this vladimir putin said in a joint statement with indian prime minister narendra modi.
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negotiations between the president and the head of government over 2 days took place both in an official format with delegations of the two countries, and in an informal setting in novoogoryovo. the main statements, agreements and the violent reaction of the west to the visit from india in the materials of alexey golovko and pavel zarubin. vladimir putin and narendromodi arrived at the main entrance to the large kremlin palace in the same car. and their conversation began while climbing front staircase. the two of them entered the green living room. they shake hands as cameras flash, and the indian prime minister still manages to greet minister lavrov. guests from delhi are represented in moscow by 1 billion 442 million people and a little less.
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our relations have the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. my dear friend, let me thank you for your warm hospitality. i would also like to thank you for your friendly words regarding the unprecedented success of the recent elections in india. modi arrived in russia the day before yesterday until late in the evening, they communicated with putin at a country residence in an informal setting, but at the same time they still managed to discuss all the most important bilateral and global issues.
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i felt your optimism; in the conflict around ukraine, india has a special position, which,
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of course, is not liked by those who are trying to put pressure on the west, but the country, which has suffered for centuries from the colonialists, understands perfectly well how important it is to defend its interests. for a decade of work on russian-indian relations, narendromodi, of course, deserves the award that vladimir putin presented to him today, the highest order of the country, the order of st. apostle andrew the first-called. ceremony. also in st. andrew's hall. according to the statute, it is awarded to prominent russian statesmen, public figures and leaders of foreign countries for outstanding services. it gives me special pleasure to present this honorary award here, in the kremlin, in a solemn atmosphere befitting the statute of the order. this is an honor for the 1 billion 400 million people of india, it is also
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a recognition of centuries-old friendship, as well as mutual trust between india and russia. and this is a very special status of relations between leaders, and therefore a special status of russian-indian ties. the relations between our states are one of those that have been tested by time. the soviet union recognized india several months before it became independent. since then , almost every leader of the distant republic has visited the kremlin from great britain. over the decades, moscow and delhi have become partners in all areas, including space and nuclear technologies. a new meeting in the kremlin brought new bilateral agreements. through the rdif alone, indian businesses are investing $100 billion in the russian economy. these are projects in education, shipbuilding and the medical industry. a very important agreement with the pulimet company that we will import.
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this is the now famous
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atom pavilion throughout the country, and the head of the rosatom corporation gives a tour of it and recalls the early nineties, when the industry almost died. the west offered to close the nuclear industry of our country for $700 million and go to by 2024, nuclear power generation in the russian federation will be zero. american specialists under the agreements were sent not only to energy, but to military nuclear facilities, sat and watched how many weapons, what weapons, what technologies were being made, next to the enterprises that produced weapons-grade nuclear fuel, a building was built where they lived on a permanent basis representatives of the us government, they went to work in these workshops where nuclear weapons fuel was produced. every day they had a work table there, on on the table stood the flag of the united states, this
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was the level of trust on the part of russia in our partners, vladimir vladimirovich putin saved us, the russian people saved, the people under the leadership of vladimir vladimirovich putin, we support you, now russian-indian cooperation in the nuclear field is exemplary, kudan kulam npp, our country is planning to build the third stage of reactors, the fifth and sixth power units, and as always, russia for its own... is not just building a nuclear power plant, but is helping to create an entire industry, here in there are many students from india in moscow. we ask, probably, for the product, as they like their stay in russia and training. i really like it here, russia is cool and friendly. and how can you miss this opportunity to take a photo with the president and prime minister? narendromodi today managed to meet with compatriots living and working in moscow. he told them that india would open two new consulates in russia - in yekaterinburg and kazan. this will strengthen ties between countries and help travelers.
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the prime minister began the conversation with a greeting on russian hello moscow, how are you? another important ceremony in the alexander garden on rendromod laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier, india honors the memory of the real heroes of the second world war. the indian prime minister's visit to moscow is already being called one of the landmark political events of the year. vladimir putin accompanied the distinguished guest from india to his car today and the farewell was as warm as possible. soon though. lundovskaya, sofia petrosyan, anton kasimovich, vadim samsonov, news from the kremlin. footage of how
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putin received fashion at his home residence novo ogoreva became one of the most discussed, but only our program managed to see another big one there. news. it’s funny, of course, to say this, but it’s true. it is these dogs that the whole world is now watching. these are the dogs that kim jinneung gave to vladimir putin. and now we can make sure that they live in novo ogorevo, in putin’s residence. over the past 24 hours, so many events have already occurred as part of the indian prime minister’s visit to russia, but it turns out that this is just the beginning. now with vdnkh, leaders of russia and india heading to the kremlin, this is where they will begin. official negotiations between the two countries, and they are traveling in the same car, putin, judging by these frames, invited the guest to take the place on the right, that is, the place where putin himself usually occupies, all these frames haunt the west with an explosion of jealous and even boorish comments, very we are having large-scale negotiations, this is the pressure of the americans, how seriously does it affect these negotiations, does it affect our
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relationship, as for me, it doesn’t affect me at all, i do n’t even think it affects the president... only an important visit to russia or an important meeting of the russian president, as soon as a nato summit, as soon as some important things for relations between kiev and the west , terrible things happen there all the time. well, i believe that in this regard there are no, there are no coincidences, of course, these are all such,
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you know, a pr operation, and pr operations involving blood, it is obvious that there was... an anti-missile that got into this hospital to the children's. it's truly a tragedy, but it's deliberately used to create a backdrop that, well, i guess... would accompany zelensky's participation in the nato summit. the technique is quite unscrupulous, jesuitical, well-known, and repeated many times. now it is very difficult for us to reach the western world with information; they don’t want to hear anything. we see newspapers, we see tv channels, we see the hysteria that is happening there, but this is probably due to the monopoly dominance of the anglo-saxon media there , but we will still carry the truth about what happened in our country, in those countries where the audience is ready for us hear and where we have the technological ability to reach local
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audiences. the order of andrei pervozvanova, russia’s highest award , has only been awarded to three people in 33 years of the country’s modern history. strange leader, a special relationship that has always been strong, has only become better in recent years, do i understand correctly that india has actually become for us, well, probably the second market for oil supplies, india has become the first market, and i want to note that in energy sector today for us india is one of the key partners, according to the results of last year, for example, if we talk about oil supplies, they amounted to about 90 million tons, that’s 40%. the needs of india, what kind of growth is this, if we compare it with the twenty-first year, for example, exactly twice, in 2022 it was 45 million tons,
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a rare ukrainian colony in the village of stetkovka, sumy region. the report of the ministry of defense says that the warehouse and military vehicles for transporting ammunition were liquidated. the number of shells in the vehicles in the warehouse was clearly impressive, a column of flame as tall as a multi-story building is proof of this. the center group took control of the settlement of yasnobrodovka in the dpr. the liberation of yasnobrodovka opens the way for an accelerated advance to the volchie river, which will be of strategic importance. during further military operations, and sometimes our military does not even have to do anything to destroy, say, an artillery position of the ukrainian armed forces.
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there are almost no professionals in ukrainian units, they are all hastily mobilized, and therefore stories like this are not rarity. during the shot, the combat crew of the howitzer self-destructed. the shell was stored in improper conditions, so it exploded in the opposite direction. in the donetsk direction , more than 700 people per day are losses of ukrainian formations. our troops have improved. the position along the front line was not hampered by the dry land soldiers, the counterattack floundered, even despite the participation of elite fighters in it, the obfor unit is still going ahead, there are fewer and fewer elites left, every attempt at an offensive turns into a meat assault, nothing changes, only people it gets smaller. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. a pr operation on blood, this is how the kremlin commented on the reaction of the kiev regime and its curators to a ukrainian anti-missile missile hitting... a children's hospital in kiev. the facts were collected by evgeniy nipot. as if on cue, a real salvo of large-caliber american and european british publications.
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the same type of flashy headlines straight from london. the main message was formed by the authors of the daily mail, saying that what happened explains, i quote, why great britain and nato should spend more on defense. the ongoing campaign was commented on by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov in an interview with pavel zarubin, author and host of the moscow program. which, well, would probably accompany zelensky’s participation in the nato summit. and for some reason such tragedies happen right before
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every nato summit. an explosion in kremenchug in june 2022 a couple of days before the alliance event, then in 2023 an attack on lvov, on the location of the mercenaries, but allegedly on a civilian object, now a hospital. on official resources of ukrainian departments staged photos began to appear at lightning speed. a car and a ball are positioned from an angle against the background of working rescuers in this frame. it is not critically assessed; first of all, it is certainly aimed at a western audience, in order for such information to shock the western viewer, the demonization of the russian federation in the western public consciousness continues. the public was presented with a doctor with a bloody back, who allegedly came out of an operation. photos and videos of him spread throughout the west. such foreign propagandists they love it, and if such characters are not observed at the scene of events, then scarlet paint helps the matter, everything is according to the precepts of the white helmets that operated in syria, the ukrainians
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brought their achievements to perfection. dispelling the fake news about the mariupol maternity hospital and then about bucha. it is interesting that ukrainian representatives, before the start of an emergency meeting of the un security council, together with their polish allies, were cheerfully discussing something, laughing , smiling, as if they were going to talk not about a tragedy, but about another anti-russian trump card. at the meeting, russia's envoy to the un, vasily nebendi recalled that russian missiles definitely hit the defense plant. videos posted by ukrainian internet users show how
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they began to post links to fees, and also intensively demonstrate how they grieve. nothing like this natural was observed after the deaths of children in donetsk, belgorod or sevastopol, when kiev hit the beach with cassettes, and this was not written about so actively in the west. casualties among the civilian population of russia do not bother them, they are not interested, they do not notice them, just as they do not notice them anyway our so-called fugitive former fellow citizens,
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who work under... the temnik handed to them, talk there about the tears of ukrainian children, completely ignoring the dozens, hundreds of dead civilians, including children in our country. the sbu, the very next day after the attack on the hospital, presented alleged evidence, having taken out from the storerooms fragments of missiles left over from previous attacks, however, no one mentioned several important facts, notes russian foreign ministry official maria zakharova. for example, the fact that kiev places military facilities next to social and the fact that militants deliberately hide air defense systems in residential areas. the ukrainian country, together with its allies, is silent about this, not admitting that the strike was carried out by a western-made anti-missile missile, which brought destruction. moreover , the kiev regime is not particularly promoting information about another clinic that was damaged, also due to the actions of the ukrainian air defense, the picture is faded, but they need something that will help extract
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even more arms money from their partners. which will help zelensky stay in power by prolonging the fighting and creating new ones fakes in an attempt to replicate the resonance of butchi.
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