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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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russia maintains its position as india's fourth leading trading partner; economic relations between the countries are developing very dynamically in the thirteenth year. turnover did not
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exceed 6 billion dollars, after 10 years the figure increased almost 11 times, to an all-time record 64 billion 600 million dollars, by the thirtieth year the goal was set to reach the 100 billion mark. we are constantly in contact and focus on development trade and economic relations, development, which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples of the russian federation. last year trade turnover. by 60%, even more, 66%, in the first quarter of this year it added another 20%. the main contribution to the growth of trade turnover was made by the export of russian energy resources; over 10 years, their volume increased from $309 million to more than $53 billion, that is, 170 times. india is the largest buyer of russian oil after china. russia and india are considering the possibility of concluding a long-term agreement.
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agreements for the supply of oil, both countries are interested in this, deputy prime minister alexander novak told reporters, who was part of the delegation at the russian-indian negotiations in the kremlin. countries are also studying prospects for increasing gas supplies, including lng. the whole world is facing a fuel and energy crisis, but thanks to our cooperation, we have been able to avoid difficulties for the ordinary citizens of india. we provide them with gasoline, diesel fuel, so the whole world... must admit that thanks to indian-russian cooperation in the energy sector, we ensure stability in the world market. currently, the volume of foreign direct investment from russia to india reached $1.260 million. the money goes to the aerospace, defense, chemical, oil and gas industries. russia-india plans to actively cooperate in pharmaceuticals and aircraft manufacturing, deputy head of the presidential administration, maxim oreshkin, said following the negotiations. from
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the point of view of economic interaction, the main result of the negotiations was, of course, an agreed program between russia and india, strategic cooperation, development of strategic directions until 2030, all these directions, they cover the key topics of our interaction, including trade, agriculture, food, energy, industrial cooperation, high technology, and of course all issues that... foreign trade settlements will continue to play a key role in the development of trade, russia is conducting a large dialogue with india in order to make it easier for businesses in both countries and is counting on some progress, as vtb head andrei kostin commented on this topic. let me remind you that both sberbank and vtb operate in india. we had problems with calculations to the group, now they are somehow being resolved, well, there is a constructive discussion of this topic, there are, of course, problems associated with sanctions, there are problems. i must say that the indian
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country has a positive attitude towards working with the russian side; cooperation in the nuclear industry is traditionally an important area. rosatom is discussing with india the construction of six more high-power power units at a new site. the parties are also considering the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant. in april of this year, rosatom transferred its proposals in the field of floating stations. and let me remind you that it is russia that is building the largest one. in india kudan kula. two blocks were put into operation. the launch of the third could happen as early as this year. there will be six of them in total. we are now very actively developing an agenda for further cooperation. to the extent that we have tested each other and built very effective
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relationships in the current modern generation, the so-called nuclear energy generation 3+, we want to move together into the fourth generation. this is a fast reactor, a reactor fast neutrons, this is a further modification of development. wwr technologies, pressurized water reactors, this is the closure of the fuel cycle. aerfi, the national agency for attracting investments to india, will support russian companies entering the indian market. we are talking about an amount of up to 100 billion rubles. russian special forces are coming to storm, surrender. yes, drop by there, drop by to see them. 150 of one. oh, okay, let's go out where we're going, exit the building to the left, fire for the bmw arrived, landing, fire, well, accepted, point 81 is ours, we
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occupied it, don't open fire on anyone there, ours 200-300 no, we entered without loss, because we entered with prayer. of course, that's true.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 10, 1790 , alexander radishchev, the author of the book journey from st. petersburg to moscow, was imprisoned in the peter and paul fortress and put on trial. then she was considered to be with ramolnaya. the author was a nobleman and spoke about the terrible conditions in which serfs lived for days. the landowners were bullied, the printing houses refused to print it and radishchev printed it himself, and the censor missed it, deciding that these were just travel notes. one copy went to catherine ii. she called the writer “a rebel worse than pugachev,” and his book is a quotation filled with the most harmful
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speculations in order to create indignation among the people against the rank of royal power. the fortresses of radishche were kept in shackles, he was deprived of his nobility, all ranks were exiled to the ilimsky island for 10 years, where he spent less than six, but suffered from poor health and died in 1802. he was only 53. shortly before his death, radishchev wrote: “posterity for me will take revenge." after the october revolution , radishchev was indeed declared the first russian revolutionary, and his journey was included in the school curriculum. on july 10, 1940 , the french republic collapsed, and was replaced by the so-called french state, led by marshal henri pitain. by that time, the wehrmacht had defeated the french the army of the national assembly moved from paris to the resort town of vichim and on this day voted to change the constitution and vested pétain with dictatorial powers. he was a hero. the first world war, and now he cooperated with the nazis. by the way, it was he who
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coined the term “collaborationism”. hitler gave him southern france, but the vichy regime obeyed berlin in everything. pétain sent hundreds of thousands of people to forced labor in germany and transferred them. jews for extermination, executed hostage resistance members. french units fought against the red army on the eastern front. the ss charlemagne division was formed. in '45, pétain was arrested. sentenced to death, but general de gaulle, who served with the marshal in his youth, commuted the sentence to life imprisonment, but since then the name of henritain has become synonymous with shame and betrayal. on july 10, 1960, the ussr national football team defeated the yugoslav national team in the final match and became the european champion. by the way, this was the first such continental championship. the game took place in paris at the parc the prince stadium. in the first half of the meeting.
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forward, this time victor ponedelnik scored, scored the ball in a high jump, with a header, on monday with a header scores the second goal, the decisive goal that brought our team the european cup. the stands burst into applause, our guys were so exhausted that their red t-shirts turned white with sweat and salt. they were paid a modest bonus of $200. western clubs offered lucrative contracts, but everyone refused. this was not allowed in the ussr. curiously, the final match has begun. 10 pm moscow time on sunday and ended at one o'clock in the morning the next day.
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my last name was a dream for headline writers, he later admitted monday. on july 10, 1985, french intelligence agents blew up the rainbow warrior, the flagship of the international environmental organization greenpece. he was in new zealand, in the port of auckland and was supposed to sail to atullu mururoa with a protest against nuclear testing, which. france spent there. they caused enormous damage to the environment. when the explosions became underground, cracks appeared in the foundation of atola, and there was a danger of the release of radioactive materials. in order to interfere with environmentalists, saboteurs laid two warheads. after the first explosion, the crew abandoned the ship, but photographer fernando pereira returned for his equipment, not expecting that there would be a second explosion and killed. the agents were detained, the new zealanders sentenced them to 10 years, but then they were handed over to the french and they were released. nuclear tests at maruroa. continued for more than 10 years, today a high level of radiation remains here, since the french
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for a long time dumped barrels of nuclear waste to the bottom, analysis of water and bottom sediments of plankton shows increased levels of uranium, plutonium and radionuclides. this is what this day in history was like. july 10 is the day of military glory of russia. july 10, 1709 battle of poltava. the russian army under the command of peter i defeated the swedish. “at this hour the fate of the fatherland is being decided,” peter ii addressed the troops before the battle. the skill of our commanders and the courage of the russian soldiers made the defeat of the swedes inevitable, their king charles x hid in dendera. in the northern war, a turning point occurred in favor of russia. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation. what else, tense inside america, outside its borders, what is
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the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. we find ourselves in a difficult life situation; we don’t have enough money for the basic necessities. don’t rush to the bank, the state is ready to help. lifting aids are available. according to the social contract, who can conclude it under what conditions, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with the fact that this year the social contract transferred to the principles of social treasury. what does it mean? first of all, the rules by which agreements are concluded are uniform throughout the country. at the same time, most of the information about the applicant, his family, and income is received by social protection authorities themselves through interdepartmental interaction channels. to download information. information about labor income in the information system takes time, so the calculation of average per capita income
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is made for the last three months preceding the month before the month of filing an application for a social contract. when calculating need, social protection authorities will take into account the income of only family members. now the family includes the applicant, his spouse, their minor children and children, students under 23 years of age if they are studying full-time. in cash, with the exception of payments such as state social assistance, tax deductions, maternity capital, one-time assistance for the treatment of a child and a number of other payments. property valuation does not apply to the social contract, savings will also not be taken into account, but it is important to note that the income received from managing these savings will be taken into account when
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calculating the average per capita income for assigning a social contract. it will depend on the resulting amount. can you qualify for a social contract? the average per capita income of a family or single citizen must be below the subsistence level per capita in the region. when concluding a social contract , the social protection authority undertakes to provide state support. these could be social services, the purchase of necessary goods and, finally, cash payments. it all depends on the goals of the social contract. all of them are strictly defined, this can be overcoming a difficult life situation, searching for work. and if necessary, training or retraining, farming or starting your own business. the amount of the monetary payment is determined by the citizen independently and reflected in the business plan or cost estimate, but this amount cannot exceed 350,000 rubles for opening a business and 200,000 rubles for opening a personal subsidiary plot.
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before giving money to a business, the state you need to make sure that the person can do it. to run this business, for this they introduced a test for entrepreneurial abilities, an hour of time is allotted for 45 questions, each question has three answers, only one of them is correct, if more than half of the correct answers are correct, the test is passed. testing to determine the level of entrepreneurial competencies is carried out by social protection authorities using the msp.rf platform. if a citizen passes the test with an unsatisfactory result, the social protection authorities will send a referral. it for free training to develop entrepreneurial competencies. based on the results of this training , the citizen will receive a confirmation document. we must remember that under the social contract there are obligations that must be fulfilled. for example, the business must have existed for at least two years and be the main source of income. it is necessary to keep all documents and receipts confirming payment of rent, equipment and
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supplies. this is necessary to confirm the targeted spending of funds. and every month for a year is required. income account. social contract mechanism allows you to create a long-term source of income, so the citizen is accompanied not only by employees of the social protection agency, but also by representatives of business support organizations and various business communities. at every stage of development of your business, from forming an idea and drawing up a business plan to entering sales markets. in addition, after the implementation of the social contract, citizens will also be able to apply for various business support measures. the social contract is concluded for a period of 3 to 12 months, for opening a business and running private household plots it will be valid for a year, for job search 9 months, to overcome a difficult life situation maximum 6 months. you can apply for a social contract through government services; this is now available in most regions of the country. you can come in person to the social security authority, at
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your place of residence, or to the mfc office. please note, obtain this service. already only a citizen of russia and only at the place of permanent or temporary registration. let's repeat the most important thing. this year the social contract was transferred to the principles of social treasury. the rule is the same throughout the country, most of the information social security authorities receive it themselves. only citizens or families with an income below the subsistence level in the region can enter into a social contract. when calculating need , only the income of family members will be taken into account. these are spouses and children. minors and full-time students, and in order to get money to start a business, they now need to pass an entrepreneurial aptitude test. if you have any questions, if you want to start your small business, but don’t know where to start, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we ’ll talk to experts and definitely we'll tell you all about it in one of the next issues. instructions.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the fraudster would have had access to the money, a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account was running for seconds, urgently dictate the number. whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking. the latest proposal for the development of tax legislation for the second reading was received the night before. so deputies together with the government agreed to increase the deduction for guardians of children with disabilities from 6.00 rubles. up to 12 thousand. in total, 225 amendments were received, as you understand, in fact there are... much more of them, because in individual amendments several questions are raised at once, 78 amendments were recommended for adoption, 109
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amendments were recommended for rejection, 38 amendments were withdrawn by the authors. in addition, deputies adopted a proposal for a family tax deduction, an annual payment to working parents of two or more children in the amount of 7% of 13%. whose income is not exceeds one and a half subsistence minimum per month, and if the law is adopted , citizens will be able to apply for a deduction for 2025 from june 1 to october 1, 2026, you and i in this table of amendments, including, have made all the proposals that were made during ... yesterday's meeting of our president vladimir vladimirovich putin with families, before that he met with the northerners, he also asked
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the state duma deputies to take into account the decisions that were developed during the conversation with residents of the northern territories, the discussion of the progressive scale continues taxation, we are considering an option in which for those who... be less than 200,000 rubles per month, the personal income tax rate will remain at 13%. if income exceeds 2,400,000 rubles. per year, then the amount exceeding the threshold will be charged 15%. personal income tax can reach up to 22% if income is more than 50 million rubles. sbo participants are offered to keep the rate at 13%. the progressive scale, as introduced by the government, supports.
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the general income tax rate of organizations can be raised from 20 to 25%, in which case, even taking into account deductions, in 2025 the budget will additionally receive more than one and a half trillion rubles, and in 2025 and 27, about 5 trillion. it is proposed to set the income tax for it companies at 5% in 2025-30. let me remind you that in the version of the first reading it was about 2025-27. the zero rate currently in effect will remain until the end of 2024. the third reading of the bill on additional adjustment of the tax system is scheduled for july 10. one of
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the first issues to be discussed is the family tax deduction.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. chasing views they change entire locations, it’s easy to make a zipfake,
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change. all fakes. but beat yourself over the head, the main thing is van, hurry up, what kindles interest, what has begun and makes life brighter, the flint has sharpened me, of course, the flint, we are coming out
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, russia is russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website.
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of course, it’s hard to imagine the hysteria of the americans, well, well, listen, they they put russia on isolation, they called everyone they could, they twisted their arms, they came up with restrictions, their phone got red hot.


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