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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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he recently had a child, who until this year was still the first deputy of kuleba, the first deputy minister of foreign affairs, and now zelensky personally just recently appointed her head of the delegation for all representatives in all international organizations in iven, that is, not just there, you know, that is, this is an official, a high-ranking one at that, an official, a diplomat from zelensky, she personally organized, participated in the removal...
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of her own, as it turns out, she recently gave birth to his child, no one really knew this, she put her god-loving husband in the thirteenth car, and he left ukraine under someone else’s passport, according to his passport he is 94 years old, there is no passport, they even found the one whose passport it was, who allegedly lost it somewhere, from somewhere in transcarpathia, but the border guard, they say, he got rich well, he’s not poor, what was the problem for him to leave, well , because he’s in the base, yes...
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we can draw such an interim result of the development of this defensive alliance, which always said, the soviet union collapsed, we are russia against you, nothing we do, we are not approaching you, but...
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with us directly, and zelensky’s task is simply to hold on at this moment, he is not interested in the number, which means those killed at the front, his task is simple, he bought him time, so it was extended until the twenty-fifth year, and then it is no longer known, and orban, when i said that when i talked with the president of russia, he said that he was surprised why zelensky doesn’t plan, it’s in his interests to stop hostilities, he has huge losses, but he doesn’t do this, he’s there signing mythical hundred-year agreements with britain, he expects that... our
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drones will be shot down, and he managed to sign a hundred-year agreement. britain? signed, no, it’s just important, because given the speed of change of prime ministers. they made secret applications, so -called regional plans, under which each european nato country made a financial and legal commitment to very seriously change its landscape. this includes military schengen, so that cargo can move freely, and expansion of infrastructure, expanding old tunnels for heavy tanks
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abram means strengthening bridges. now money is being spent on building fortifications, but the plans are probably for such a global military-industrial conglomerate. companies that are now making money, well, just as an example, there germany pledged 100 billion euros until the thirtieth year for the rearmament of the bundesweir, and military companies came and said, the money has run out, we need more, that’s it, and so in all countries these super profits that they receive, and the twenty-sixth year is the peak year for them in terms of production capacity, they are already at 3-4 years have recorded very serious financial gains for themselves, this is the growth of shares of everything else, they are now investing money there, they would like this process not to stop, so... nato plans to become a global player, not the north atlantic, not the north the atlantic is on a planetary scale. let me remind you that they said that they want to increase the rapid reaction forces that do not have national subordination from 30 thousand to 300. this is the country, these are the troops that, when
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called from washington, will rise and fly somewhere, for example, to southeast asia, the philippines, or anywhere, we now see that there is a block of countries, that means australia, britain. and the united states against china already indicates that we will strengthen ourselves more and interact with nato. we see that north korea, south korea, japan will sign additional agreements, that is, it should become a big global player, and we see that the americans will distribute, including technologies, the so -called nuclear sharing, that is, nuclear warheads that are moved to their bases, that is, in fact, as they say, we are covering this with an umbrella, but these are offensive weapons. and what do we see in europe? we see that the americans are forcing everyone to buy f-35 aircraft, these are aircraft, although not quite the fifth generation, as they call them, but nevertheless, they have low radar signature, they are an internal bomb, which allows them to transport various ammunition, including and nuclear ones, which
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you won’t see right away, you won’t understand in this an armada of aircraft, some of them carry a nuclear bomb, some just cruise missiles, these are aircraft that break through a layered air defense system, these are operational-tactical missiles, which... now on the basis of the so-called, this is just a mobile installation, the previous generation m-270 tracked, well, the ms that we talked about today, the west has already confirmed that they struck, and the cassette worked normally on the beach in sevastopol, by the way, they didn’t notice these children’s deaths, they pushed it aside for themselves, so here is the atak ms rocket, they won’t produce it anymore, they have already certified a new rocket that will be there in pairs, it’s...
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800 kg, by the way, this is about the hospital that they describe, that our rocket is almost eight meters the size flew in and part of a small, that means, two-story brick house nearby was damaged, but no, of course, this myth would already be dispelled, if only we could see what it was like when they arrived, how many six arrived there, although it was already claimed that
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they shot everything down , six one in one, explosion completely different, the consequences are completely different, why did i focus on it now? only that it is beneficial for them to believe, this was done in order to increase the escalation, in order to allocate more assistance, and we understand that orban did not just say that europe is preparing to water its units on the territory of ukraine, not just like that, zelensky has now announced the creation of a ukrainian unit on the territory of poland, supposedly from emigrants, this is the legalization of just units that will come, so in the near future of course we... we need not to relax, this is actually happening, and i think that a serious escalation from a meeting with ours with
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real european troops is simply not far off. advertising. trade turnover between russia and india will reach $100 billion by 2030. this was stated in a joint statement by vladimir putin and indian prime minister narendra modi. negotiations between the president and the head of government in 2 days. took place both in an official format with delegations of the two countries, and in an informal setting in novoogoriv. main statement, agreements and violent reaction of the west to the visit from india. in the materials of alexey golovko and pavel zarubin. vladimir putin and narendromodi arrived at the main entrance to the large kremlin palace in the same car. and their conversation began while climbing the main staircase. the two of them entered the green living room. the premieres shake hands under camera flashes. still has time to greet minister lavrov, the guest from delhi represents 1 billion 442
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million people in moscow and a little less than a month ago modi was again elected leader of the densely populated country in the world, it is all the more significant that the first visit after the victory to moscow, dear mr. prime minister, this is your first official visit after being reappointed as a result of being elected to parliament, and i want to congratulate you on this once again, our countries have a very long history. friendship, good relations that have developed over decades, but this year we celebrate 77 years of diplomatic relations. today our relations have the character of a particularly privileged strategic partnership. my dear friend, let me thank you for your warm hospitality and respect. i would also like to thank you for your friendly words regarding the unprecedented success of the recent elections in india. modi arrived in russia the day before and yesterday they talked until late evening.
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questions yesterday, we also agreed that we discussed everything at home that needed to establish peace as soon as possible. i have heard your position, your views, and i can assure you that india has always been on the side of peace. when i listened to you, i felt your optimism. in the conflict around ukraine, india has a special position, which, of course, is not liked by those who are trying to put pressure on delhi. from the west, but a country that has suffered for centuries from colonialists understands perfectly how important it is to defend its interests. for his decade of work on russian-indian relations, narendromodi is certainly worthy of the award that was presented to him today by vladimir putin, the country's highest order, the order of st. andrew the apostle. the ceremony is also in st. andrew's hall. according to the statute. it is awarded to prominent russian statesmen, public figures and
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leaders of foreign countries for outstanding services. it gives me special pleasure to present this honorary award here in the kremlin in a solemn atmosphere befitting the statute of the order. this is an honor for 1 million 400 million people of india. it is also an acknowledgment of centuries of friendship. the relations between our states are one of those that have been tested by time. the soviet union recognized india a few months before it became independent from great britain, since then almost every leader of a distant country has visited the kremlin. republics. over the decades, moscow and delhi have become partners in all areas, including space and nuclear technologies. a new meeting in the kremlin brought new
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bilateral agreements, only through the rdif. indian business is investing in the russian economy. these are projects in education, shipbuilding and the medical industry. a very important agreement with the polymed company that we will import equipment from unfriendly countries with indian hemodialysis equipment; we see great potential in pharmaceutical cooperation with india. countries are working on conjugating their national payment systems, mir and rupees. the indian country has a positive attitude towards working with the russian side; you know, we have two banks. both sberbank and vtb operate in india, which is why we are conducting such a large dialogue on this topic in order to make work easier for both our companies that operate in the indian market, indian companies, and for citizens. the leaders also discussed today the development of transport corridors, industrial cooperation, cooperation in agriculture farm. during the negotiations, the president and prime minister went over all
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these areas in great detail. a trade turnover target of $100 billion by 2030 has been set . the guest from india managed to evaluate promising russian technologies even before arriving in the kremlin. it's a long day of negotiation meetings. putin and modi started at vdnkh. this is the now famous atom pavilion throughout the country, and the head of the rosatom corporation gives a tour of it and recalls the early nineties, when the industry almost died. the west offered to close it for $700 million our country's nuclear industry should exit. by 2024, there will be zero nuclear generation in the russian federation, people did not receive salaries, not energy workers, not those who made weapons. according to the agreement, american specialists were sent not only to energy, but also to military nuclear facilities, they sat and looked at how many weapons, what kind of weapons, what technologies were being made. next to the enterprises that produced
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weapons-grade nuclear fuel, a building was built where representatives of the us government lived... on a permanent basis, they walked to work in these workshops where nuclear weapons fuel was produced, every day, they had a work table there, on the table there was a flag of the united states, this was the level of trust on the part of russia in our partners, vladimir vladimirovich putin saved us, the russian people saved , people under the leadership of vladimi vladimich putin, we support you, now russian-indian cooperation in the nuclear field is exemplary. at the kudan kulam nuclear power plant, our country is planning to build the third stage of reactors of the fifth and sixth power units, and as always russia is not just building a nuclear power plant for its partners, but is helping to create an entire industry. there are many students from india in moscow. we'll probably ask the students how they like their stay in russia and their studies, i really like it here, russia
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is cool and friendly. and how can you miss such an opportunity? that india will open two new consulates in russia in yekaterinburg and kazan. this will strengthen ties between countries and help travelers. the prime minister began the conversation with a greeting in russian. hello moscow. more one important ceremony in the alexander garden on rendromod laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. india honors the memory. real heroes of world war ii. the indian prime minister's visit to moscow is already being called one of the landmark political events of the year. vladimir putin accompanied the distinguished guest from india to his car today and the farewell was as warm as possible. however, soon the president and prime minister will see each other again, this time
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in kazan at the brix summit, and they saw off at the rendrum at vnukovo airport under the famous melody from the soviet. news from the kremlin: footage of how putin received fashion at his home in the novo ogorev residence became one of the most discussed, but only our program managed to see another big news there. it’s funny, of course, to say this, but it’s true, these are the dogs that the whole world is now watching, these are the dogs that kimchik gave to vladimir putin. it’s just the beginning, now from vdnkh the leaders of russia and india are heading to the kremlin, this is where official negotiations between the two countries will begin, and
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they are traveling in the same car. putin, judging by these staff, invited the guest to take the place on the right, that is, the place where putin himself usually occupies. all these images haunt the west with an explosion of jealous and even boorish comments. we are having very large-scale negotiations, so the pressure from the americans, how seriously does it affect these negotiations?
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all these, you know, pr operations, and pr operations on blood, it is obvious that the anti-missile was inappropriately used, which ended up in this hospital in the children's room, this is truly a tragedy, but it is deliberately used to create a background that, well, probably would have accompanied zelensky’s participation in the nato summit, the methodology is quite unscrupulous, jesuitical, and well-known.
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the order of andrei pervozvanov is russia’s highest award for 33 years of the country’s modern history , it was awarded only to three foreign leaders, a special relationship that has always been strong, has only become better in recent years, do i understand correctly that india has actually become, well, probably second for us market already for oil supplies, india has become the first market, and i want to note that in the energy sector today, india is one of our key partners.
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events that are taking place there, so it’s probably not worth counting on the fact that one of the ukrainians there will somehow try to understand this situation, i ’ll be honest, i expected something like that,
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but i didn’t think that in fact we can talk about a children’s hospital, but why, because i don’t think that they deliberately slaughtered the children’s hospital, they just used it from that, they sent it in a different way, it fell, can i ask very simple questions that anyone .
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throwing the remains of our rocket is not difficult at all.
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