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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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“washington, together with its allies, will allocate at least a billion dollars to the kiev regime, the money will be used to strengthen the air defense system.” president biden announced this nato summit. the russian ambassador to the united states noted: “the meeting participants are trying to demonize russia.” russian attack aircraft in the southern donetsk direction destroyed the fortification of the ukrainian armed forces near the village of urozhainye and advanced forward. the successful attack was carried out by soldiers in infantry fighting vehicles, who were supported from the air. attack drone operators.
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natural fires are being fought in twenty-three regions of russia, the situation is difficult in transbaikalia, there are more than 100 large outbreaks there, and this is in forty-degree heat. in yakutia, the fire has already passed through more than half a million hectares of taiga, 11 fires near populated areas. saudi arabia is threatening to sell some european securities if the g7 countries withdraw russia's frozen assets, bloomberg writes, citing sources. officially the kingdom of munich. does not confirm this information, europe is concerned that other countries will follow the example of riyadh. at least a billion dollars the strengthening of the ukrainian air defense system will be provided by the united states and its allies. american president joe biden announced this following the first day of the nato summit. according to him, with the help of the alliance , kiev will be able to win the conflict with russia. at the same time, during his speech, biden once again misspoke, calling ukraine uranus. as they also stated. were not voiced,
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our own us correspondent, dmitry melnikov, found out. the first of the three days of this anniversary and, as it has already been dubbed, fateful nato summit, officially began here in washington with ceremonial reception on the occasion of the seventy -fifth anniversary of the alliance, the leaders of nato member countries are received by the host of the summit, president joe biden, to which, as we understand, special, close attention is now focused on the background of the political chaos in which the united states finds itself in connection with demands for biden to withdraw his candidacy from the election race, of course. for the united states itself, this is primarily a domestic political, pre-election event, but for the summit participants , the president’s address on the first day will largely determine further tone of discussion. together we are creating a global coalition to support ukraine, together we are providing ukraine with all the weapons it needs to defend itself: tanks, armored personnel carriers, air defense systems, long-range missiles and supplying millions of ammunition, and today i am announcing a historic... contribution from the united states, germany,
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the netherlands, romania and italy will provide ukraine with equipment for five additional strategic air defense systems; in the coming months , the united states and partners intend to provide ukraine with dozens of additional tactical assets air defense. the united states will make sure that when we deliver critical air interceptors, ukraine will be the first recipient, they will receive these systems before anyone else. two topics : confrontation with china and the conflict in ukraine will be the main topics of discussion in the next 2 days in washington, today zelensky arrived here in the united states, joe biden is expected to receive him in the white house, and in addition, a meeting of the nato council ukraine will take place , after which biden and zelensky will hold events with the leaders countries that have signed bilateral security agreements with ukraine, this is especially emphasized as a kind of alternative to ukraine’s full membership in nato. just the day before, the american press said:
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the contract for the supply of stinger missiles is worth about $700 million. the reality of the war in ukraine demonstrated not only that our reserves and production capabilities were too low, but also showed huge gaps in the interoperability of our forces. the most famous example is the german-dutch brigade, which was supposed to was ready for joint action, but in reality the standard 155 mm ammunition that the netherlands has is not suitable for use in germany.
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the number of troops to be ready to fight on the border if necessary, but the goal is deterrence, for this it is necessary to fill gaps in equipment with air defense systems, long-range weapons, which requires more defense spending. all this, of course, in addition to obligations to ukraine, arms supplies at the current level for at least the next year, to a general demonstration to kiev that the west is not will leave the current ukrainian regime to the mercy of fate, so now we are talking about the fact that the summit will announce the strengthening of ukrainian air defense, including the transfer of additional systems. german chancellor olaf scholz spoke about this the day before. germany has led the way by providing a third patriot system, which is very important for air defense, in addition to all the support we provide. this includes, for example, our irist system, which is very effective there. this also
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includes the cheetah system. but the only one the dove of peace at this gathering of hawks seems to be the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban. the summit in washington is his fourth, as we remember, stop after trips to kiev and moscow. and beijing, of course, the reaction to its peace initiative in the european union in washington is extremely harsh, nevertheless, here it is going, apparently, to declare out loud that a ceasefire and peace negotiations are the only way to establish peace in europe, that’s how recently , the head of the hungarian ministry of foreign affairs outlined the position of his country, on which he will promote the opening summit. unfortunately, the likelihood of war spreading increases every day, which is why this nato summit is critical. hungary is clear. this war will not lead to any solution on the battlefield. instead, negotiations and diplomatic settlements are needed. it is this position that we will present during the 3 days of the nato summit. and of course, for the us president himself, this meeting may turn out to be a kind of farewell to big politics. and
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biden's speech at the nato anniversary summit. many, of course, will regard it as his political testament and moral preparation for the arrival of donald trump, under which nato, if not collapses, this. of course, it is impossible, but at least it can change radically, given trump’s initiatives to possibly weaken the role of the united states, reducing america’s financial participation in the alliance. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the first day of the nato summit in washington showed the aggressive nature of the alliance, said us russian ambassador anatoly antonov. he noted that during the events not a single word was said about world. according to the diplomat , the north atlantic alliance is trying to intimidate everyone. ideas of strategic defeat of russia and follow the path of escalation, actually paving the way to the third world war. the roar of explosions was heard tonight in several regions of ukraine. such messages came, in particular, from odessa. local publications counted at least three such cases.
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it is also known about explosions in the khmelnitsky region. in rivne. the strikes caused power outages in some areas. ukrainian journalists talk about severe fire. a few hours earlier there were explosions. thundered in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime, an air raid alert was announced on the territory of ukraine several times, sirens were heard in thirteen regions of the country, as well as in the territories of the zaporozhye and kherson regions, where zelensky’s troops are now in charge. in the south donetsk direction of the special operation, fighters from the vostok group of troops successfully advanced forward. in the area of ​​the village of urozhainoye, russian soldiers defeated a nationalist fortification. after discovery enemy positions, a combat force advanced towards them. an infantry vehicle with attack aircraft, for support , copters were raised into the sky, which dropped grenades on the ukrainian militants in the trenches, this allowed the russian fighters to begin the assault, as a result of difficult work they managed to destroy the nationalists in a fortified strong point,
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and it was such that their birds saw us , that we are going, it’s now time to bury ourselves, dig in and just wait, it’s motionless, it’s waiting, it’s hard when it’s hot when you’re waiting, in the lugansk people’s republic russian anti-aircraft gunners are completing tests of a mobile installation created right in the special operation zone. one of the most important tasks is protection against drone attacks. it is especially needed by our drone operators who conduct reconnaissance and adjust artillery fire. the installation has already received a name, our war correspondent alexey baranov will explain why st. john's wort is written through a, and this is not a mistake. we meet with the design engineers who just so happened to now serve in a separate anti-aircraft missile division of the third corps of the southern group of forces. training ground in the lugansk people's republic. literally to the teeth, an armed steel
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vehicle, outwardly similar to a buggy, from concept to implementation, not many months have passed. and in modern combat conditions there is a need to combat uavs of various types. several pieces on all four sides of the car - the chief designer with the call sign vizier tells us. these devices are loaded with an electric match, a lush projectile, or shot, or now we use 762 cartridges. the platform with a coaxial machine gun rotates 360° in any direction. another weapon: six kalashnikov assault rifles, combined into a single system, are controlled from a panel located. in the cockpit, the fact that in the logo of this model the word st. john's wort is written with an a
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is not a grammatical error at all, the name for the car was invented by the military themselves, it actually consists of three words: st. john's wort, faith and fight. while the anti-aircraft gunners of the third corps are preparing their new vehicle for combat work, drones from the central military district are in the air in the vdeevsky direction. the whole group. which aims and highlights the target, also we can carry out artillery adjustments in the air; it can stay up to 8 hours; the standard landing method is using a parachute; in case of some situation, you can land it in an airplane. other unmanned aerial vehicles detect targets and adjust artillery fire. objective control over hit accuracy is also the task of the uav crews of the central military
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district. meanwhile, at the test site, tests of the mobile anti-aircraft gun are being completed. monitor with a digital thermal imager and a sight, with it you can measure the target range watch the target. engineers are special. we paid attention, of course, to protecting the vehicle itself; in the case where we cannot determine the direction of the approaching drone, all ammunition is shot in a circle. protection from air attacks, which is carried out by anti-aircraft units, is, of course, the most important component of the combat work of infantry and equipment on the ground. alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news: donetsk and lugansk people's republics, line of combat contact. povalnaya. mobilization in ukraine received forceful response from the residents of odessa, at night unknown persons set fire to the car
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of a military registration and enlistment office employee, all that was left of it was a burnt island, and this is not the first such case, another arson occurred about a day ago, and there in odessa a resident showed the resourcefulness inherent in the townspeople to escape the raid security forces. seeing the military walking down the street, the man fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. a tcc employee examined the alleged body and left. and in dnepropetrovsk, a resident simply tried... to escape from the hands of the security forces, but as they say local internet resources were unsuccessful, calls for help also did not help. now a shot from the usa, where the bridge over the 13-kilometer strait in new york jammed due to the heat, the structure did not have time to turn around, the metal parts overheated and expanded, so the path from manhattan to bronze was blocked, so it was time to turn. the suffering part of the place, firefighters cooled it with water, now these frames are on your screens, and of course, as
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a consequence of this emergency, huge traffic jams, now they are on your screens, automobile the movement has practically come to a standstill, test fires are being fought in 23 regions of russia, more than 100 large outbreaks are operating in transbaikalia, many of them are in hard-to-reach areas, extinguishing there is only possible with the help of aviation and paratroopers, in the region there have been forty-degree weather for several days now... the mountain is complicating the situation even further, the area of ​​fires in yakutia is growing, with more than 500,000 hectares of taiga on fire, 11 outbreaks near populated areas. the region has strengthened its rescue team, deployed helicopters, and a fire is raging in a local nature reserve. in the north of the khabarovsk territory in rain helped rescuers extinguish fires; the area engulfed in fire was reduced by 4,000 hectares; two villages remain in the danger zone; large areas are also burning in the amur region and buryatia. in the krasnoyarsk territory, in teve and koma.
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now economic news, maria filippova joins me. masha, good morning, food prices will rise more slowly this fall. good morning, roman, experts came to these conclusions with the caveat that a sharp return of inflation to the target should not yet be expected. food inflation level may decline this fall. rionovosti reported this with reference to the acro rating agency. experts note to expect a rapid slowdown. gasoline, as well as rising wages. all this against the backdrop of a long period of high rates. previously, the central bank stated that the peak of annual inflation in russia will be in july; from the end of summer and beginning of autumn they expect to see a gradual decrease in the rate of price growth. saudi arabia has threatened the g7 countries to sell part of their european bonds. bloomberg reports this. this is the step the kingdom will take, if the seven decide to seize almost
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$300 billion of frozen russian assets. however, the agency’s sources did not specify what caused eriad’s statement. is it okay? we are talking about our own interests or solidarity with our country. now european officials are concerned that other states could follow saudi arabia's lead. previously, the g7 countries agreed on a $50 billion loan to ukraine. according to the plan, it will be paid off using interest from russian assets frozen in the west. export duty wheat production decreased by almost 6.5%, the men's agricultural enterprise reported. from today the rate is 1.701 rubles per ton. flexible export mechanism. the duties, as well as the return of funds received from them, subsidize agricultural producers have been in effect in russia since 2021. the amount of duties is calculated based on the prices of export contracts; they are registered on the moscow exchange. earlier , the ministry of agriculture stated that this year , against the backdrop of a declining harvest, we can expect an increase in prices on the world grain market. american
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stock indices are breaking records. the s&p-500 is already in updates the maximum for the fifth time in a row. back at six o'clock. however, one. artificial intelligence, a statement by fed chairman jerome paul, who hinted at a possible rate cut. the committee has said that we will not consider a rate cut until we are confident that inflation is approaching the target 2%. first quarter confidence data. added, but newer statistics indicate some progress. if we see more good indicators, it will lead us to believe that inflation is heading towards the target meaning. i would like to note that, despite the positive response from the fed, the shares of many companies from the real sector of the economy are in the red. and the explosive growth in the securities of developers
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of artificial intelligence systems, according to analysts, is increasingly reminiscent of a bubble. at the end of the dollar exchange rate. 88 rub. exactly, euro 95 rub. 34 kopecks novel, marsh, thank you, now to the very last message. the united states and allies will allocate a billion dollars to ukraine to strengthen air defense. american president joe biden announced this following the first day of the nato summit. moscow warns, supplies weapons to kiev directly involve the alliance countries in the conflict. in odessa, residents are actively resisting the general mobilization. at night , unknown persons set fire to the car of a military registration and enlistment office employee. this. khabarovsk and krasnoyarsk territories.
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hamas. the houthis launched new attacks in
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the arabian sea and the gulf of adon. yemensko's representative reported this. movements. according to him, the targets were three ships associated with israel and the united states. ballistic missiles hit an american container ship, and drones attacked ships flying the flags of malta and liberia. the us military command did not confirm the attack, but reported the interception of one of the houthi drones. ilya kostin will present sports news. ilya, good morning. khabib nurmagomedov may join the board of directors of the russian premier league club. yes, roman, good morning, the dynamo makhachkola club announced such a possible step; for the first time in its history, this team will play next season in the top division of russian football. russian tennis player daniil medvedev reached the semi-finals at embledon at the 1/4 stage, he defeated the first racket of the world italian yannick ciner. the players spent 4 hours and five sets on courter; in the decisive game
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medvedev was stronger 6:3. during the third set, the italian took a medical break due to dizziness, left the court, but then returned to continue the match. for medvedev, the victory over sinner was the first in the last six meetings. in the semi-finals of wimbledon, where the russian qualified for the second time. for his career, he will play with the current champion of the tournament, carlos alcaraz. the spaniard was stronger than the american tommy paul in the quarterfinals. russian tennis player elena vesnina accepted an invitation to play at the 24 olympics in paris in a neutral status. the athlete was invited to participate by the international olympic committee. vesnina is now 37 years old, last year she resumed her career after the birth of her second child, in 2016 she became an olympic champion in... in the world, but as the winner of a gold medal at one of the previous olympics, the russian woman received a wild
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card, this is a special invitation that allows her to compete , regardless of the current rating. except for the spring over the past 24 hours , freestyle wrestler shamil mamedov and kana player olesya ramasenko accepted invitations to the olympic games in a neutral status. total russians. who agreed to go to paris in a neutral status, at the moment there are 16 people. the spanish national team became the first finalist of the 2024 european football championship. in the semi-finals , the fuento team defeated the french team 2:1. the french opened the scoring in this match. in the ninth minute, after mbappe's cross, kolo muani scored with a header. the spaniards bounced back quite quickly. just 12 minutes after conceding the goal , he scored. yamal, his goal from outside the penalty area turned out to be very beautiful, and yamal became the youngest scorer in the history of the world and european championships. on july 13
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he will only turn 17 years old. the winning goal for the spanish national team was scored before the break, dani olmo scored. in the euro final, the spaniards will play against the winner of the england -netherlands pair. this meeting will take place today in munich. in the overseas equivalent. the first finalist of the european cup of america was also determined, it was the argentina national team, which in the semi-finals was stronger than canada, 2:0. the argentines opened the scoring in the twenty-second minute, it was done by julian alvarez. he went one on one with the canadian goalkeeper and converted his chance. the author of the second goal of the argentines was leo messi, he gracefully substituted his foot after enz fernandez's shot. argentina reached the final of the copa america for the second time in a row. in 2021 , this team defeated brazil in the decisive match. this year, the argentines will meet the winner of the uruguay-colombia pair in the final. the fifth stage of the silk road raleigh intensified the fight in the overall standings
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among the trucks. the victory was won by belarusian sergei vizovich from the maz sportauto team , reducing the gap in the general classification from the russian dmitry sotnikov from camaster to just 36 seconds. the stage for other representatives of kamaster did not go well at the very beginning of the race in mongolia. using cards of national payment systems, the russian presidential administration notes that 70% of trade turnover is already serviced in the currencies of the two countries.
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details from anna lazareva. russia maintains its position as india's fourth leading trading partner. economic relations between countries are developing very dynamically. in the thirteenth year, trade turnover did not exceed 6 billion dollars, after 10 years the figure increased almost 11 times to an all-time record 64 billion 600 million dollars, by the thirtieth year the goal was set to reach 100 billion. we are constantly in contact and most importantly we pay attention to the development of trade and economic relations, the development of which certainly corresponds to the interests of both the people of india and the peoples of the russian federation. last year, trade turnover increased by 60%, even more than 66%. in the first quarter of this year it increased. another 20%. the main contribution to the growth of trade turnover was made by the export of russian energy resources. over 10 years, their volume increased from 309 million dollars to more
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than. 53 billion dollars, that is, 170 times. india is the largest buyer of russian oil after china. russia-india are considering the possibility of concluding a long-term agreement on the supply of oil, both countries are interested in this, deputy prime minister alexander novak, who was part of the delegation at the meeting, told reporters russian-indian negotiations in the kremlin. countries are also studying prospects for increasing gas supplies, including lng. the entire world is facing a fuel and energy crisis, but through our cooperation, we have been able to avoid hardship for the common citizens of india. we provide them with gasoline and diesel fuel, so the whole world must recognize that thanks to indian-russian cooperation in the energy sector, we ensure stability in the world market. now the volume of foreign direct investment from russia to india has reached $1.260 million. the money goes to the aerospace, defense,
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chemical, and gas industries. russia and india plan to actively cooperate in pharmaceuticals and aircraft manufacturing, deputy head of the presidential administration, maxim oreshkin, said following the negotiations. from the point of view of economic interaction, the main result of the negotiations was, of course, an agreed program between russia and india for strategic cooperation, the development of strategic directions until 2030, all these areas, they cover key topics our interaction. this includes trade, agriculture, food, energy, industrial cooperation, high technology, and of course, all the issues that support this. foreign trade settlements will continue to play a key role in the development of trade, russia is conducting a large dialogue with india in order to facilitate the work of business in both countries and is counting on some progress, as vtb head andrei
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kostin commented on this topic, let me remind you that in... a traditionally important area cooperation - nuclear industry. rosatom is discussing with india the construction of six more high- power power units at a new site. the parties are also considering the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant. in april of this year, rosatom submitted its proposals in the field of floating stations. and let me remind you that it is russia that is building the largest nuclear power plant in india, kudan kula. two blocks were put into operation. the launch of a third may
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occur. already this year, there will be six of them in total, we are now very actively developing the agenda for further cooperation, and since we have checked each other and have built very effective relationships in the current modern generation, the so-called generation 3+ of nuclear energy, then we want to go together to the fourth generation, this is a fast reactor, a fast neutron reactor, this is a further modification of the development of our wwr technologies, pressurized water reactors, this is the closure of the fuel cycle . arf national agency for promoting investments in india will support russian companies entering the indian market. we are talking about an amount of up to 100 billion rubles.
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