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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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saudi arabia threatens to sell european securities if russian frozen assets are seized, what is known about this? russian daniil medvedev in the semi-finals in embeldon, in a difficult four-hour match, he beat the first racket of the world. the united states and allies will allocate at least a billion dollars to strengthen the ukrainian air defense system. the american announced this following the results of the first day of the nato summit. president joe biden, according to him, with the help of the alliance , kiev will be able to win the conflict. at the same time, during his speech, biden once again i made a mistake once, calling ukraine uranus. our own us correspondent, dmitry melnikov, found out what other statements were made. the first of the three days of this anniversary and, as it has already been dubbed, the fateful nato summit, here in washington, officially began with a gala reception on the occasion of the seventy- fifth anniversary of the alliance, the leaders of nato member countries are received by the host. this is president joe
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biden, who, as we understand, is now receiving special, close attention against the backdrop of the political chaos in which the united states finds itself in connection with demands for biden to withdraw his candidacy from the election race, of course, for the united states itself, this is primarily a domestic political election event, but for the summit participants , the president’s address on the first day will largely set the further tone of the discussion. together we are creating a global coalition to support ukraine, together we... provide ukraine with all the weapons, tanks, armored personnel carriers, air defense systems, long-range missiles and supply millions of ammunition, and today i am announcing a historic contribution: the usa, germany, the netherlands, romania and italy will provide ukraine with equipment for five additional strategic air defense systems, and in the coming months the united states and partners intend to provide ukraine with dozens of additional tactical air defense systems. the us will take care.
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are not suitable for use in german howitzers, on the contrary, this is the exact opposite of force compatibility. we are now moving forward with the nato defense plan, with a forward presence, working to position more troops so that we are ready to fight on the border if will be needed, but the goal is deterrence for this...
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leader, by providing the third patri system, which is very important for air defense, in addition to all the support that we provide, this includes, for example, our iriste system, which is very effective there, here the same applies to the cheetah system, but the only dove of peace at this gathering of hawks seems to be the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, the summit in washington is his fourth, as we remember, stop after trips to kiev, moscow and beijing, and of course, the reaction to his peace initiative in the european union in washington is extremely harsh. however,
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here he is going, apparently, to declare out loud that a ceasefire and peace negotiations are the only way to establish peace in europe, as the head of the hungarian foreign ministry outlined the day before. his country's position on which he will promote at the summit that opens. unfortunately, the likelihood of the war spreading increases every day. that's why this nato summit is critical. hungary's position is clear. this the war will not lead to any solution on the battlefield. instead, negotiations and a diplomatic settlement are needed. it is this position that we will present during the 3 days of the nato summit. and of course, for the us president himself, this meeting may turn out to be a kind of farewell to the big one. biden’s policies and speech at the nato anniversary summit will, of course, be regarded by many as his political testament and morally preparing for the arrival of donald trump, in which nato, if it does not collapse, this is of course impossible, then at least it can change radically, given trump’s initiatives to
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possibly weaken the role of the united states and reduce america’s financial participation in the alliance. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the first day of the nato summit in washington showed. the aggressive nature of the alliance, said russian ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov. he noted that during the events not a single word about peace was heard. according to the diplomat, the north atlantic alliance is trying to intimidate everyone for the sake of the idea of ​​strategic defeat russia is following the path of escalation, essentially paving the way to the third world war. the roar of explosions was heard tonight in several regions of ukraine. such messages came, in particular, from odessa, local publications. at least three such cases were considered. it is also known about explosions in the khmelnitsky region. in rivne, the strikes led to power outages in some areas. ukrainian journalists talk about a strong fire. a few hours earlier, explosions occurred in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. the air raid alert was announced at
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territory of ukraine several times. sirens were heard in thirteen regions of the country, as well as in the territories of zaporozhye and kherson regions, where zelensky’s troops are now in charge. in the navgeevsky direction of the special operation, fighters from the group of troops towards the center destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. scouts using drones discovered the positions of the nationalists. the coordinates were immediately transmitted to the crew of the t-80 tank. the servicemen moved to a closed firing position, aimed the gun at the target and hit the enemy with 125-mm high-explosive fragmentation rounds shells. as a result, it was possible to destroy the enemy fortifications. this allowed the assault units to advance deeper. defense of the vsso in terms of somewhere a swamp is not a swamp , this is it, it’s generally passable hubs potholes, as if for this machine, one might say it’s not even obstructive, and it passes well using methods we work mainly in closed positions, we move to a position covertly, we work out covertly, we leave, we try
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not to appear to the enemy, we disguise ourselves we disguise ourselves very well until it happens that we bury ourselves, that is, it all depends on the situation from... the tasks are set, sometimes we come quickly, we leave quickly. in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military destroyed a fortified point of the ukrainian armed forces near the village of urozhainoye. capturing positions helped our units advance to new frontiers. in order to make attacks more effective and reduce losses, russian fighters carefully practice assaults in training and use various tricks to mislead the enemy. our war correspondent sergei samokha will tell you the details. each individual supporter - this is a fortification with its own characteristics and structure, so before the assault they build it on a life- size training ground and train. as a result, during a real capture, all the group’s actions are verified to the point of automaticity. they threw a grenade, it worked, the first ones jumped in, giving the opportunity to cover
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the others who were coming in from behind, everyone went, this is already a two, three. now the assault units of the vostok group are systematically advancing from buryat. in the vremev direction in the area of ​​the village of urozhainoye, it is here in iisu that the group is kept, which makes forays into our positions in staromayrsky. now staromayskaya is completely under the control of our forces, russian army soldiers have entrenched themselves in fortified houses, but the ukrainian armed forces are not abandoning attempts to counterattack. there is practically no area in the vremev direction where there are no fortifications. the assault is carried out lightly. after securing the position , an additional one is immediately supplied.
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military personnel, nine armored vehicles and two combat vehicles. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead.
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general mobilization in ukraine received forceful response from the residents of odessa. at night , unknown persons set fire to the car of a military registration and enlistment office employee, leaving only a charred island. and this is not the first such case. another arson occurred just a day ago. there in odessa, a resident showed the resourcefulness inherent in the townspeople in order to escape from the raid of the security forces. seeing the military walking down the street, the man fell to the ground. and pretended to be dead. a tcc employee examined the alleged body and left. in dnepropetrovsk, a resident simply tried to escape from the hands of the security forces, but as they say local internet resources were unsuccessful, calls for help also did not help. montenegro's sanctions against russian media are a hostile act of naked censorship, to which moscow will respond asymmetrically. this statement was made by the representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. she emphasized that in this way she would only get burned.
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western countries, according to journalists, europe and the united states cannot produce as many weapons as russia already produces. military experts also say the same. russia is too big, too well endowed is too well-resourced for ukraine to defeat. russia is a colossus with many strengths, vast reserves of natural resources, several vital allies, and a powerful and expanding war. industrial base. the pentagon is already calling on allies to prepare for protracted wars. according to
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the us first deputy secretary of defense, washington is rapidly losing global leadership, which means that everyone else must immediately prove their commitment to the united states. i know we have everything necessary not only to compete with other countries, but to win this competition and gain the upper hand. this includes ensuring that we are prepared for the possibility of a protracted war. anyone should be ready for it. ally and not only in europe. meanwhile, at a meeting of the un security council, new unfounded accusations were made against russia, this time about the shelling of a children's hospital. the permanent representative of our country named the real reasons for the tragedy. if we talk about the strikes of the russian aerospace forces, which were actually carried out on objects military industry of ukraine to the aviation bases of the armed forces of ukraine, then one of the targets in kiev was the kiev plant named after artyom, one of the largest enterprises of the concern. ukroboronprom is one of the main producers of aircraft missiles, weapons and
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ammunition, and this target, according to objective control data based on the testimony of the kiev residents themselves, was hit. since the plant is located approximately 2 km from the damaged okhmand children's hospital, there is every reason to believe that the ukrainian air defense missile that hit it was intended specifically for intercepting that missile, that russian missile.
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former us president donald trump invited joe biden to hold another debate. according to the republican, revenge would allow biden to rehabilitate himself after failure and prove that he is capable of fighting for his post. the white house assures that the current president intends to serve out his second term in full, and moreover, does not need additional examination. meanwhile, as the washington post writes.
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people were killed and more than twenty were injured. crews are currently working at the scene of the accident ambulance and police, here is another photo from the scene of the accident, you can see what is left of the bus. flat fires are being fought in 23 regions of russia; more than 100 large outbreaks are active in transbaikalia, many of them in hard-to-reach areas; extinguishing there is only possible with the help of aviation and paratroopers. it's been 40 degrees in the region for several days now. the heat and this further complicates the situation, the area of ​​fires in yakutia is growing, more than 500 thousand hectares of taiga are on fire, 11 outbreaks near populated areas, the rescue team in the region has been strengthened, helicopters were connected, a fire was raging in a local nature reserve, in the north of the khabarovsk territory rains helped rescuers extinguish the fires, the area engulfed in fire was reduced by 4.00
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hectares, two villages remain in the danger zone, large areas are also burning in the amur region, buryatye, and krasnoyarsk.
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russia took retaliatory measures and stopped supplying oil to states that fixed the maximum price, but supplies to friendly countries jumped sharply, while in the first half of the year russia’s oil and gas revenues exceeded 5 trillion and 698 billion rubles an increase of almost 69% compared to last year. saudi arabia has threatened the countries. sell part of european bonds, bloomberg reports. the kingdom will take such a step if the seven decide to seize almost $300 billion of frozen russian assets. however, the agency’s sources did not specify what was the reason for eriad’s statement, whether it was about his own interests or solidarity with our country. now european officials are concerned that other states may follow suit
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saudi arabia. previously, the g7 countries agreed on a $50 billion loan to ukraine. according to the plan there will be one. at the expense of interest in russian assets frozen in the west. the bank of russia reported a cooling in corporate lending. however, activity in retail remained high in june. this is stated in the regulator's commentary on monetary conditions. the reason for the rush in retail was the end of the preferential mortgage program. according to the central bank, in may the corporate loan portfolio of banks grew by 1.9%. retail for two. coffee prices are skyrocketing. historical record, follows from ice futures data. the exchange value of the rabusta variety for the first time approached $5,000 per ton, which is 82% more than at the beginning of the year. this level of prices has not been seen at least since the beginning of 2008. the british edition of the financial times predicts a further increase in coffee prices in the world. key factors include climate change, supply disruptions in
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the soviet canal, and new eu environmental regulations. coffee may become more expensive in russia, according to experts. by 15-30%. the final exchange rate for the dollar today is 88 rubles exactly, the euro is 95 rubles. 34 kopecks that's all i have. novel. mash, thank you, we continue. and now footage from the usa. in new mexico. suddenly the flood began. water quickly filled the city streets. now look at these footage of eyewitnesses on your screens. authorities announced an emergency evacuation. a state of emergency has been declared. a few more shots of eyewitnesses from the scene of the emergency. the new european rocket launcher rian-6 flew into space for the first time. the launch took place from the kourou spaceport in quiana, france, the rocket launched several small satellites into low-earth orbit, after about 2 hours the agency announced that the test
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could not be completed. the rocket lost control, the engine that was supposed to lower it from orbit turned off. the carrier had to fly by inertia. there were unmanned capsules on board; they were supposed to return to earth, but they failed to do so. the development of ariane 6 took 10 years, and the launch was constantly delayed. sports news will be presented by ilya kostin. ilya, good morning. messi moved into second place in history goals for the national team. yes, roman, good morning, the day before he scored against the canadian team. this goal became his 109th as part of the argentina national team. read more about the game between argentina and canada in the issue. well, let's start with tennis. russian daniil medvedev reached the semi-finals of wimbledon at stage 1.4, he defeated the first racket of the world, italian janik ciner. the players spent 4 hours on the court. five sets in the decisive game medvedev was stronger 6:3. during the third set, the italian took a medical break due to dizziness and left the court.
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but then he returned and the match continued. for medvedev, the victory over sinner was the first in the last six head-to-head meetings. in the semi-finals of wimbledon, where the russian entered for the second time in his career, he will play with the current champion of the tournament, carlos alcaraz. the spaniard was stronger than the american tommy paul in the quarterfinals. russian tennis player elena vesnina accepted the invitation to play at the olympics in paris in a neutral status. the athlete was invited to participate by the international olympic committee. spring is now 37 years old. in past in 2016, she resumed her career after the birth of her second child, and in 2016 she became an olympic champion together with ekaterina makarova. spring's current doubles ranking is low, she is 478 in the world, but as a gold medal winner at one of the previous olympiads. the russian woman received a wildcard, this is a special invitation that allows her to compete, regardless of the rating at the moment, except in the spring; over the last 24 hours
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, freestyle wrestler shamil mamedov and rope player olesya accepted an invitation to the olympic games in a neutral status ramasenko. in total , there are currently 16 russians who agreed to go to paris in a neutral status. the spanish national team became the first finalist of the european football championship in... in the semi-finals, del fuento's team defeated the french team 2:1. the french opened the scoring in this match. in the ninth minute , mbappe's cross scored with a header from kola moani. the spaniards bounced back quite quickly; 12 minutes after conceding the goal, lamin yamal scored. his voice from outside the penalty area turned out to be very beautiful. yamal has become the most the youngest goal scorer in the history of the world and european championships. on july 13 , he will only turn 17. the spanish national team scored the winning goal before the break, dani olmo scored. in the euro final, the spaniards will play against the winner of the england-netherlands pair. this meeting will take place in
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munich today. in the overseas equivalent of the european america's cup, the first finalist was also determined to be the argentina team, which was stronger than canada 2:0 in the semi-finals. the argentines opened the scoring in the twenty-second minute, it was done by julián alvarez, he came out one on one with the canadian. goalkeeper and converted his chance. the author of the second goal for the argentines was lionel messi. he gracefully planted his foot after enz fernandez's shot. argentina reached the final of the copa america for the second time in a row. in 2021, this team defeated brazil in the decisive match. this year , the argentines will play in the final with the winner of the uruguay-colombia pair. the fifth stage of the silk road raid intensified the fight in the overall standings among trucks. the victory was won by belarusian sergei vizovich from the mass sport auto team. and he reduced the gap in general classification from russian dmitry sotnikov from kamaz-master in just 36 seconds.
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stas redikultsev will tell you more about the fifth stage of the silk road rally. with dawn , the rali caravan, and this is more than a thousand people and 300 pieces of equipment, as a single biomechanical organism. cross the russian border, customs formalities do not affect the race schedule, only the appetite of the pilots at the finish of the special stage, many preferred precious minutes of sleep, any soup, preferably russian, to breakfast, that’s great, the organizers promised that the catering will be ours, russian, because the last time we visited china and chinese catering came, to be honest, we didn’t feel at ease, so i went into the bins and took out some stew, we cooked pasta there naval style, 300 km of stones, dust, hard sand . admire,
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but i have never seen something like this in my life, but it is better to look not at the sides, but under the wheels, advises mongolian motorcycle racer murun purivdorge. i can say one thing: be careful, there is a stone around every turn, other participants need to be very careful with the wheels and take care of them, dust from racing cars racing across the steppe is clearly visible, however, this is not the best landmark for cars behind, the fact is that the mongolian wind blows away this cloud. international rally-marathon silk road. arrived in the land of eternal blue skies. for motorcycle racer alexei naumov, dust became not a guide, but an insurmountable obstacle and even the cause of a fall. but in marathon rallies, the track is the same for everyone. the gazellists fed me all day. thanks to the gas team. i'm full. like this. i'll stay away from them now. yesterday
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broken steering, so... before the finish of the stage , the car was traveling on a tow truck, today there is a new problem: three broken tires. the white tiger, the main award of the silk road, is running further and further away from last year’s winner in the suv category, andrei rutskov. yesterday’s experience cooled the ardor in general very much, because yesterday we didn’t even finish, today we have already firmly decided, let us stop every 15 minutes, let there be no time there, the worst, but we will take the finish ourselves, we will take all the points today we'll calmly drive ourselves into... nabivak. the legendary kamaz trucks were unable to build on the success of the altai stage. at the very beginning of the race in mongolia, andrei korginov's truck overturned. bogdan karimov's crew had to change the shock absorbers. slightly faster than nikolaev and sotnikov at the finish line was belarusian sergei vizovich on the oil. although the record holder of the silk road, dmitry sotnikov, hardly took his foot off the gas pedal in white boots, unusual for the blue armada. they look good, in fact i'm just a large size and i often wear shoes
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including boots, i choose from stock what... choose what you want, what suits our style, we just had to buy boots a little similar to our style, well, with a white color, but it looks elegant. the silk road is just accelerating, despite the fact that almost half of the race is behind us, all the main tests of the dangerous off-road conditions of mongolia are only ahead, fatigue is accumulating, and the mileage of special stages is only growing. one hundred sredikultsev, ivan lavrikov and alexander stalmashevsky, news from khovd. mongolia. you are who i am traveler, balloonist jean ivan, and so we go out of our minds, what a fairy tale without ivan, uh, uh, what started? without deception
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and without flint, go sharpen the flint for me, get a self-written pen and magic ink, the main thing is to hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because that i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to go. i can't live without traveling. flint, he who has a flint in his pocket does not need a feather. soon, are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs. and movies, watch,
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watch in the application or on the website.


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