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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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and now to the situation with wildfires in russian regions. the area of ​​fires in yakutia has increased sharply. about half a million are currently on fire. forests, the situation in
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buryat is becoming more complicated, approximately 3,000 hectares caught fire there in one day, and there are dozens of large outbreaks in the republic covering an area of ​​18,000 hectares. in transbaikalia, they managed to defend a village, the fire was not allowed to spread to residential buildings, and a b-200 plane had to be brought in to extinguish it. large areas are also burning in the amur region, in the krasnoyarsk territory, in tevey and ikom, in the khabarovsk territory fires decreased, the situation was affected by the weather, and it started raining in the region. in komsomolsk , construction of a fundamentally new floating dock began at sea; it is designed for transporting ships and vessels weighing up to 7,500 tons. the implementation of the project will open up new opportunities for the plant. which ones will lyudmila smirnova tell? amur shipbuilding is the largest river line in eastern russia, where sea vessels are built, including ice-class ships. nuclear and diesel submarines icebreaker. drilling platform for
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during its eighty-eight-year history , the legendary plant on the amur has built more than 330 ships, but the ship that is being laid today in the fate of amur shipbuilders will become a turning point, and the spalinskaya floating cradle will help build and deliver to the sea ships of projects that were previously impossible on the amur. the transport dock accompanies all large orders at sea, such as the carvettes that are built here for the pacific fleet; it helps ships with sea drafts overcome river ones. kata and the amur estuary, the new dock-amur of large size will replace the nikzey transport and will literally expand the capabilities of the enterprise, the overall width of orders under construction will be increased to 23.5 m. the project of the almaz marine design bureau will be built within the framework of the usc dock program, in parallel with the amurets dock, laid down last year. his brother, the younger amurets, now has more than half of the technical readiness, the implementation of these two... investment projects will allow us
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to reach a new, qualitative level, to build here more displacement or a different class, such as frigates. in our welding and assembly shop there is a slogan: you give frigates to your native fleet, amur shipbuilders for their work. the decision to start this program was taken at the highest level, by the country's top officials. this is the merit of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, this is the merit of the prime minister. it was they who were then given the most important strategic decisions, and today, 2 years later, we see the foundation of the document that money is indeed provided within the framework of the state defense order program today, so today we in fact, we are giving a new impetus to life to the amur shipyard, and this is a new impetus to the development of komsomolsk-on-amur, the city of presidential attention, in december of the twenty -third year, the shipyard consisting of... oska
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received a license to build ships of the first rank of frigates in the civilian segment , the prospect of creating a series of new completely domestic rescue ships. in addition, we now have a request from the ministry of defense for the construction of a continuation of the series of our corvettes. also as part of diversification production within the framework of civil shipbuilding, we are now setting prices for a series of civil orders; rescue ships are needed so that when fishermen go out to catch fish.
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one of the most modern shipyards in the far eastern region, well, in principle, in the country. the prospect of orders that will become possible with the new transport dock will ensure the loading of the amur shipbuilding ... until 2037. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, lead khabarovsk. now let's take a break for commercials, and then on air russia-24, program "fifth studio". with that, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, good news. start your business journey with sber support. they will open an account at sber business and help with accounting.
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transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a subscription with berlime. the fifth one is on air studio, my name is anton potkovenko, one of the most discussed topics now is the 75th nato summit in washington, opening which, in particular, biden said that in the near future the united states of america, as well as germany, the netherlands, romania and italy will provide kiev with five additional . systems, strategic air defense systems and will also provide dozens of additional tactical air defense systems. this statement was made. let's discuss this with evgeny buzhinsky, vice-president of the russian council on international affairs, head of the center for politics and military studies, faculty of world politics, moscow state university,
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lieutenant general reserve. now we are in contact with the fifth studio. evgeny petrovich, i greet you. hello. please explain what this statement means. yes, regarding air defense, what do the americans and the north atlantic alliance want to create, perhaps, an umbrella for the f-16, which will be delivered to ukraine, and most importantly, how can we counteract all this. you know, well, first of all, a few words about the summit itself, in general it’s 75 years, of course, anniversary, jubilee, all such anniversary events, they, as a rule, are a report on the successes achieved, fanfare, toasts, bramourous speeches and so on, but this anniversary summit actually turned into a discussion of two main issues, the main issue is a demonstration of health, physical and mental abilities.
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yesterday there were a whole series of strikes, including again on the mirgorod airfield, everyone admits that, uh, we were even able to reduce the number of, for example, x101 air-launched missiles, uh, before we had salvos of 80 missiles there, but it’s not just the x101, everything, including iskander, and other, uh, types of missiles, now 30 participated, why 30? because ukrainian air defense actually intercepts no more than 10% at present. that is, the system is becoming
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more and more depleted, more and more leaky, and it’s not only not enough for cover, there are three main tasks - covering cities, critical infrastructure, including energy, and covering everything on the line of combat contact , not even enough to cover large cities, not to mention troops, and elements of infrastructure, you know, for me there are several mysteries in these statements by biden, firstly, i don’t really understand what a system is, to install five systems, i think we are talking about batteries, hardly divisions, we are talking about five additional batteries, that’s 20 launchers in the minimum minimum configuration, well, 25-26 there in the middle and 32 there in the maximum, and why strategically, i don’t understand, strategically
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they probably mean zz, patriot air defense systems, american, which, so to speak, they have the longest range, but this does not at all make them strategic, what biden promised in his speech is generally the entire set of western systems, here and... american patriot and german airistey and norwegian sams, italian samp t and even americans they extracted, apparently re-opened their reserves, an old hawk, which had long been taken out of service, was in storage guards, german cheetahs, that is, everything that is in the west was promised to be supplied to ukraine, but of course... it’s not a matter of the number of items, but the whole point is the number of launchers, and
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most importantly, it’s at least poor, but at the time the conflict began, ukraine still had the remnants of the soviet and chalon air defense system, they squandered a lot, of course, what was there during the soviet union, there was a separate air defense army covering the territory of ukraine , there was really deep naughtiness there. a system of about 1,200 launchers of various systems, by the fourteenth, especially by the twenty-second year, much had disappeared, the air defense system, so to speak, became significantly less dense, moreover, at the beginning in a special military operation, the aerospace forces destroyed almost half of the ukrainian air defense, unfortunately, all these chaotic western supplies are there in threes. batteries, two, one, did not improve the weather, integration with soviet
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systems did not happen, that is, at the moment, the ukrainian air defense system is a spectacle, well, not very, so to speak, impressive, will the westerners really succeed, well, that’s the idea , to recreate the layered air defense system of ukraine, this will, of course, take years, i don’t see it. evgen viktorevich, continuing to discuss statements that were made at the summit, on the one hand, european american politicians there said that they would increase the contributions of the north atlantic alliance to the military industry, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, they admitted that difficulties arise, that they are experiencing difficulties with the production of weapons and
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production of equipment for kiev, what could this mean and what development is there?
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so to speak, guarantees of demand not for 2-3 years, but for decades to come, with the determination of annual supplies, roughly every year there million, then there will be investments, then there will be restoration, this applies not only to shells, but to all other weapons systems, but i repeat once again, from my point of view, now the adoption of this cardinal political decision is a little slowed down by the uncertainty of the prospects. the end of the russian-ukrainian conflict, well, the principle of irreversibility, so to speak, the principle of irreversibility of ukraine’s entry into nato, i really want to discuss with you, the foreign press writes about this, american, european, ukrainian, of course, too some kind of leak, let’s call it that, a media leak that in the draft final declaration of
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the summit, ukraine’s entry into the north atlantic alliance will be described as irreversible, this is a direct quote. and kiev is already not happy with this formulation in advance, there are already such discussions in the media, that is, they were expecting , apparently, a direct invitation, apparently, this is how you believe this story with this possible ending in the final stone with this irreversibility, this igroslov again kiev continues to serve breakfast, what do you think? well, absolutely, absolutely true, you understand, i remember bucharest, 1980, the nato summit, at which russia was also, so to speak, invited. as a guest, they then wanted the united states to present ukraine and georgia with the so -called membership preparation plan, but, uh, so to speak, germany and france stood up as a wall. sarkozy, merkel, i remember candalisa rice, i watched there on the screen, how she
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rushed between these tables of the french and german delegation, i was shocked. fists, splashed with saliva, trying to achieve, so to speak, this formulation that ukraine and georgia will become members of nato, they even used the verb shell, english, instead of will, to emphasize, so to speak, the significance of this promise, well , 16 years have passed since the eighth year, and it’s still not there, to accept ukraine into nato, while no one is going to , uh, so they struggled for a long time, how to put it, so to speak, to choose some word.
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i think this is another, so to speak, flowery phrase that has little behind it, thank you, thank you very much for the detailed analysis, evgeniy buzhinsky, vice-president of the russian council, was in touch with us for international affairs, head of the center for political-military research, faculty of world politics, moscow state university, lieutenant general reserve. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. we continue the broadcast, interaction between russia and india in the field of nuclear energy in the context of the meeting between vladimir putin and the prime minister of india at render fashion in moscow, now we will discuss, in
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particular it was stated about very large-scale things indeed, plans for the construction in india, in addition to the already operating power units at the kudan kulam nuclear power plant, six more high-power power units at a new site, we are also talking about construction in india according to russian standards according to... employee of the institute of industrial ecology of the ural branch of the russian academy of sciences , communications with the fifth studio alexey akimovich, i greet you, good morning, you know, first this question, here is india, for example, in the matter of purchasing weapons, it focuses on different countries, here... this is the principle of multi-vector, as they say, that’s what concerns the construction of nuclear power plants, here it’s clearly russia, clearly rosatom state corporation, what dictated
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this so-called choice and such an extremely clear direction? ok, thank you, a very interesting question, i can answer it only from the point of view of some external assessment, without diving into some internal marketing tools i use. each country can close some elements of its defense strategy and will still be forced to turn to some external
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source to maintain its defense capability; from the point of view of nuclear energy, energy is just as extreme an important element in the development of any country, each country will strive to obtain sources. sustainable supply of electricity, but the difference here is that nuclear energy cannot exist in isolation from the significant and significant development of infrastructure industries, including training of specialists, including design, including control, monitoring everything else, that is, a long period operation of nuclear power plants in the russian federation, starting from the history of the soviet union, just these for more than 70 years of operation, they
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have ensured such a level of technology development that today is probably the most acceptable for the population from the point of view of safety and sustainability. step and or sustainable generation of electricity. there are too many areas, types, types of weapons; probably, the russian federation still has priority in some of these types and types. across the entire line of weapons , we probably have no point in competing to supply the maximum number of weapons to external market. from the point of view of nuclear energy, this is a peaceful product that does not lead to any aggressive actions or
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induce aggression; on the contrary, it is a product that seeks to improve the living conditions of the country where rusatom comes with its projects, that is, how can i put it, the background is different between sale of weapons. and the sale of nuclear power plants, well, this is probably the first such chaotic assessment, the second i still insist that today in the russian federation sufficiently powerful, stable and confidently developing institutions that allow nuclear power plants to operate in a safe manner, and here we must also pay attention to the point that... the simplest and most attractive element in nuclear generation is the generation of electricity at nuclear power plants, but what ensures all this? this is
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mining, this is fuel production, and probably the most difficult and most technologically costly with great risks is the management of spent nuclear fuel, that is, in its projects, the state corporation rosatom always adheres to such a strategy that the state corporation solves all the headaches that arise during operation on its own, but either with the involvement of natural partners, and... it seems to me that the most attractive point is precisely the fact that from all foreign stations, where the state corporation is implementing its projects, all spent fuel will be processed on the territory of the russian federation, which means that the country that consumes electricity should not, will not, invest in the insane development of industries for either storage or disposal of spent nuclear fuel, or reprocessing, these costs are... much
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higher than the costs of construction and operation of nuclear power plants, that is, by promoting our projects, we, on the one hand , bring confident development to those territories where the nuclear power plant will be built and operated, on the other hand, we minimize global risks, global risks of nuclear and radiation incidents, because... any, any step, any stage of the life cycle of nuclear power production requires colossal intellectual costs and colossal material resources, the absence of one of the elements always leads to an increase in the risks of certain adverse events. moving on, moving directly to the projects, if possible, we
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still have a couple of minutes left with you, here we are talking about nuclear ones. in itself is interesting and promising, that is, there are fewer costs, fewer delivery requirements, fewer fuel replacement requirements, and most importantly, we can safely, the russian federation can safely propose such projects based on successful experience of operating a floating nuclear power plant now, look, it operates in far from ideal climatic conditions.
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that is, pivek is an extreme temperature, extremely low temperature, and this does not in any way affect the safety of operation. station of the kruvonos academy, yes pivek, our floating station, yes, yes, yes, yes, everything, everything is correct, absolutely correct, you are correcting, station of the klomanos academy in the city of pivek, a floating station, which today provides heat and electricity, and most importantly and most what is noteworthy is that it made it possible to replace the capacity of a coal station. you know, the residents of pivek celebrate the moment that for the first time after the launch of the nuclear power plant they saw white snow in their city, this is important, it is important to feel how much the environment and human life are changing in the presence of a seemingly terrible monster, but the monster is robbed and a monster controlled and working for the benefit of people. thank you, yes,
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thank you very much, yes, alexey yakimovich, yes, yes, yes, nuclear energy, how truly truly peaceful and a safe source of energy, at the same time extremely powerful, we discussed with alexey yakidin, a member of the public council of the state corporation rusat, a leading researcher at the institute of industrial ecology of the ural branch of the russian academy of sciences, the situation with nuclear energy in relations with russia and india. this was the fifth studio, see you later. the state duma adopted a law on changes in taxation, today the federation council will deal with the law, what other documents are on the agenda today?


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