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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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america beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. the state duma adopted a law on changes in taxation, and today the federation council will take up the law. what other documents are on the agenda? the fsb stopped an attempt by the sbu to carry out a terrorist attack on the heavy sheep-carrying cruiser admiral kuznetsov in murmansk. agent ur, who was preparing a terrorist attack against military personnel of the ministry of defense, was also detained. a billion in air defense, belligerent rhetoric and not a word about peace. how the first day of the nato summit has passed. russia's
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daniel medvedev in the wimbledon semifinals. in a difficult four-hour match, he beat the first racket of the world. the federation council today will consider a law on additional adjustment of the russian tax system, including a progressive scale of personal income tax. all documents were initiated by the government and have already been adopted by the state duma in their final reading today. a progressive tax scale will be introduced starting next year, providing rates from 13 to 22%, depending on the income of citizens. the basic tax rate of 13% remains for those who earn up to rub 2,400,000. in year. the changes will not affect payments to sbo participants. in moscow, a terrorist attack on high-ranking military officials was prevented, as reported by the fsb, an agent of the ukrainian special services was detained, who...
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he was promised large monetary rewards and travel abroad, the sailor contacted the security authorities to organize. staging a terrorist attack, after which the ukrainian curator stopped responding and deleted the accounts. in march 2024 on me a certain oleg came out via video call via a foreign internet messenger. and he said that he is an employee of tsypso and his activities are supervised directly by the head of the main intelligence department of the medical defense of ukraine, kirill budanov. during telephone conversations using methods of psychological influence, oleg tried to recruit me for...
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before this there were the usual slips, he called the ukrainians uraintsy, he also managed to let it slip. even before russian bombs fell on ukraine, the alliance began to act. i ordered the us will strengthen nato's eastern flank. more soldiers, more planes, more capabilities, nato is moving fast. bravura speeches from the stage on the sidelines admit to themselves that they do not have time to keep up with the needs of ukraine. they cannot produce as many weapons as needed, he writes. newspapers call the summit tough on the outside, fragile on the inside. allies on all fronts are torn apart by contradictions. this week in washington , nato is likely paving an irreversible path to world war instead of a clear path to peace, and a president with signs of dementia is the man who sits at the table with america's checkbook forces us to continue to pay for it. on the anniversary, nato released a video highlighting the strength of the alliance shoulder to shoulder with ukrainian soldiers.
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he can’t sort things out in his homeland, after parliamentary elections that were unsuccessful for his party , a new cabinet needs to be formed, the opposition is in a hurry, because of this macron missed the first day of work in washington, and zelensky showed up a day earlier and came to clean up the doorsteps. in washington, kuleba meets with
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blinkin, rumored to be trying to get americans permission to fire their weapons at russian airfields. ukrainian. the delegation does not hide the fact that it is waiting with horror for november, when the government in the states may change the course of the united states. even before i occupy the oval office, after our victory in the presidential election, i will end this terrible war between russia and ukraine and prevent world war iii. we are very close to world war iii and biden has no idea about it. the gala evening continued, but biden was already leaving. it's no secret that the oldest president in us history goes to bed early. after eight he finds it difficult to gather his thoughts. biden feels good until 20:00. let's say the pentagon notices an approaching nuclear bomb at some point, and it will be at 11:00 pm. who will you call, first lady? well, he has a team that tells him
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all the news that matters to the american people. the nato summit program is also tailored to suit the regime of the american president. the allies will gather for joint photography only today. this was stated by the russian ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov. he noted that during the event not a single word about peace was heard. according to the diplomat , the north atlantic alliance is trying to intimidate everyone for the sake of the idea of ​​strategic defeat . russia is following the path of escalation, actually paving the way to the third world war. the prime minister of hungary asked the president of turkey to support his peace initiative in ukraine. viktor orban announced this following negotiations with ricep taip erdogan on the sidelines of the nato summit. the head of the hungarian cabinet called for joint efforts to resolve the conflict, and also noted
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the successful mediation of ankara in concluding a grain deal. let me remind you that as part of a peace mission, viktor orban visited kiev, moscow and beijing. the hungarian prime minister continued his diplomatic efforts. within the framework of the nato summit. saudi arabia could sell some of its european debt if the group of seven countries decide to confiscate nearly $300 billion in frozen russian assets. about the possibility of such a scenario, according to sources from bloomberg representatives kingdoms hinted privately. according to the agency , debts issued by the french treasury were separately mentioned. let me remind you that the group of seven countries agreed on a loan to ukraine of 50. according to the plan, it will be repaid at the expense of interest on frozen russian assets. in the lugansk people's republic, russian checks are completing tests of a mobile unit created right in the north military district zone near the front line. one of the most important tasks of the new product is protection against drone attacks. it is especially needed by our
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drone operators who conduct reconnaissance and adjust artillery fire. the installation has already received a name. our military correspondent, alexey baranov, will explain why the beast b... through a is not a mistake, conduct a test, with engineers, designers, who just so happened, now serve in a separate anti-aircraft missile division of the third corps of the southern group of forces, we meet at the training ground in the lugansk people's republic, we do not disclose the exact location for security reasons. literally armed to the teeth.
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with an electric match, a lush projectile, or a shot, or now we use 762 cartridges. the platform with the coaxial machine gun rotates 360° in any direction. another weapon: six kalashnikov assault rifles, combined into a single system, controlled from a panel located in the cockpit. the fact that in the logo of this model the word st. john's wort is written with an a is not at all the case. grammatical error, the name for the car was invented by the military themselves, it actually
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consists of three words: st. john's wort, faith and battle. while the anti-aircraft gunners of the third corps are preparing their new vehicle for combat work, at vdeevsky direction in the air there are drones of the central military district. a whole group of uavs works with the artillery of the center group, which regularly. uses high-precision guided missiles krasnopol, a crew technician with the call sign start tells us. the payload is a laser that aims and illuminates the target. we can also carry out artillery adjustments in the air; it can remain in the air for up to 8 hours; the standard method of landing is using a parachute; in case of some situation, you can land it using an airplane. practiced, remains intact, nothing is damaged. other unmanned aerial vehicles detect targets and adjust
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artillery fire. objective control over hit accuracy is also the task of the uav crews of the central military district. at the test site, meanwhile, tests of the mobile anti-aircraft gun are being completed. monitor with digital thermal imager and sight. with his help.
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this was announced by the governor of the zaporozhye region, evgeniy baletsky, according to preliminary data, there were no casualties during the shelling. previously, representatives of zaporozhye nuclear power plant power plants said. and here is what energodar reports to the authorities. clearly, the purpose of such shelling is to cause irreparable damage to the city infrastructure and the life of the city directly. for the simple reason that the consequences can be catastrophic for the city. here. we are currently working on a speedy one. the ukrainian
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government has prohibited the mobilization of all employees of 133 public organizations receiving foreign grants. ukrainian media reported this. most of the booked employees are engaged studying public opinion. but ordinary citizens can only hide from military commissars. at the moment , more than 400 thousand evaders are already wanted. hundreds of people are detained daily trying to escape from the country, the confrontation with the military commissars is becoming increasingly tough, in addition to fights , the number of cases of arson of military vehicles is growing, the next such cases occurred in lvov in odessa, in the verkhovna rada , meanwhile, they stated that the tightening of mobilization in ukraine has exclusively negative consequences, finishing off the country's economy, and this was said by a deputy from the presidential faction , servant of the people, gheorghe mazurasu. european states will clash. with serious difficulties if the united states refuses military supplies to ukraine, the prime minister of sweden announced this. according to him,
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at the nato summit in copenhagen he said that without scaling up western support, kiev will never be able to win. the topic will be continued by alega komarova. ukraine asks washington to lift restrictions on strikes deep into russian territories. according to the politician's publication, the controversy has been going on for several years now. months. at the same time, journalists emphasize that most of the previous ones. europe and the united states cannot produce as many weapons as russia already produces, and military experts say the same. russia is too big, too well resourced, too well equipped for ukraine to defeat. russia is a colossus with many strengths, vast reserves of natural resources, several
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vital allies, and a powerful and expanding military-industrial base. race are already calling on the allies to prepare for protracted wars, according to the us first deputy secretary of defense, washington is rapidly losing global leadership, which means that everyone else must immediately prove their commitment to the united states. i know that we have everything we need, not only to compete with other countries, but to win this competition and gain the upper hand. this includes ensuring that we are prepared for the possibility of an outbreak of war. any ally must be ready for it, and not only in europe. meanwhile, at a meeting of the un security council addressed to new unfounded accusations were made against russia, this time about the shelling of a children's hospital. the permanent representative of our country named the real reasons for the tragedy. if we talk about the strikes of the russian aerospace forces, which were actually inflicted on military industry facilities of ukraine and aviation bases of the armed forces of ukraine, then one of the targets in kiev was
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the kiev plant named after artyom, one of the largest enterprises of the ukroboronprom concern. it is one of the main manufacturers of aircraft missiles, weapons and ammunition, and this goal, according to objective control data, according to evidence the people of kiev themselves were amazed. since the plant is located approximately two kilometers from the damaged okhmand children's hospital, there is every reason to believe that the ukrainian air defense missile that hit it was intended specifically to intercept that missile, that russian missile that hit the plant. such tragedies could have been avoided if the kiev regime, in violation of international humanitarian law , had not placed air defense systems and heavy weapons in residential areas. nebendya emphasized that ukrainian air defense missed all five strikes on the plant, but clearly hit children's hospital, while there is no information in the ukrainian media about attacks on production, the diplomat asked his norwegian colleagues
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whether they gave permission to attack the children's hospital, because it was oslo that supplied ukraine. nasamc missile systems that operate in kiev. alika komarova, lead. go to the moss exhibition. or maybe to me? better at a tasty point. check out the clips. a real reason to meet. superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends. hurry up to buy and win. travel loyalty program sber thank you updated, pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything.
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varvara, greetings, what other projects laws adopted by the state duma today? vera, good afternoon, but one of these fairly high-profile, significant bills, in the first reading, the deputies considered a document that is aimed at bringing legislation in accordance with the norms of the new federal law on citizenship of the russian federation. as the parliamentarians noted, the document is indeed extremely important and relevant, since the legislation excludes the rule on recognizing a foreign citizen as a native speaker of the russian language as a basis for issuing him a visa, a temporary permit accommodation and residence permit. the changes are also aimed at establishing a simplified procedure for issuing residence permits without obtaining a temporary residence permit.
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deputies approached the norms that will be directed against illegal migration. we have developed comprehensive bills that address the most serious problem of illegal migration. based on the fact that the analysis we conducted shows that the main category of crimes committed on the territory of the russian federation by foreign citizens is committed by persons who are in an uncertain legal status or whose right of stay is being abused. based on this, we consider the most dangerous crimes to be those aimed at legalizing migrants and committing
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crimes of official forgery. another bill, which the media are actively writing about today, in the second reading, deputies adopted a document introducing liability for promoting drugs, and the maximum penalty will be up to 2 years in prison, and will also be introduced a fine of up to 600,000 rubles for disseminating violations of labeling requirements regarding the labeling of works of literature and art that contain information. art, a special regime has been established, works of literature and art do not fall under propaganda, if drugs constitute, this important thing, an integral part of the artistic concept, justified by the genre, and do not encourage the use of drugs and do not advertise these drugs, a list of literature that is subject to labeling will be established.
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federal executive body, authorized by the russian government, this is what i want to draw attention to, this will most likely be, of course, the ministry of culture, but the state duma especially emphasized that the new norms will not affect those works that were published before 1990, since at one time they were already passed soviet censorship, which means that changes will not affect the cult works of bulgakov, leo tolstoy, conan doyle, and this is just that. what citizens were worried about, this discussion was heated both on the internet and in specialized communities, and here, by the way, on the wall state duma, another bill that was adopted today by the lower house of parliament, on the possibility of depriving a driver’s license for driving a vehicle with hidden license plates, this is still the first reading of the bill, there were quite heated debates on it, let me remind you that
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today driving a car without a license plate or with a special device that hides the license plate itself is subject to a fine of up to 500 rubles and deprivation of rights for up to 3 months, here if this new bill is fully adopted in three readings, negligent motorists may lose their rights for up to one and a half years, although today in the debate there were even proposals for criminal liability for such behavior with imprisonment.
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