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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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the troops of the kiev regime dealt a new blow to civilians in the city of shibekin, belgorod region. what are the consequences of the blow? the federation council adopted a law on changes in taxation, what will change when and what other documents are on the agenda today? the fsb stopped an attempt by the sbu to carry out a terrorist attack on a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser. admiral kuznetsov in murmansk also detained agent gur , who was preparing a terrorist attack against military personnel of the ministry of defense. a billion in air defense is warlike rhetoric and not a word about peace. how did it go?
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counted at least five arrivals, more likely in total, the city was struck by a nato 155 caliber, and some of the shells were high-explosive fragmentation, and the other with cluster submunitions, and all of them fell in dense residential areas, right on residential areas, houses, there were cars, people, unfortunately. one person was killed, seven more were injured, all of them were taken medically...
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and door to door, the extent of the damage is being clarified. alexander korbov, vyacheslav pozolkov, conduct belgorod region, shibekina. today, the energy dar came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. it worked out there there were no casualties; the water intake building of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was damaged. in the city itself , the power supply was disrupted. the clear goal of such shelling is to cause irreparable damage to city infrastructure and... vital activity of the city directly for the simple reason that the consequences could be catastrophic for the city, now we are working to quickly eliminate the consequences of this shelling, but at the moment there are no casualties. ukraine can use british high-precision stormshadow cruise missiles for attacks on targets in russia. this was stated by the newly elected prime minister of the united kingdom. according to kirostarmer,
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quoted by bloomberg, kiev must use these weapons in accordance with international law for defense purposes, but it is up to ukraine to decide how to deploy them for these defensive purposes. the kremlin said that it has not yet familiarized itself with the information, but if it is true, moscow will take this seriously and develop an appropriate response. this is another one an irresponsible step, an absolutely irresponsible step towards escalating tension. and serious escalation of the situation, we will carefully record all this and, of course, take appropriate measures. the fsb reported the prevention of a terrorist attack on the aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov. ukrainian special services in messenger tried to recruit one of the sailors who served on the ship. he was promised a large monetary reward and travel abroad. the serviceman contacted the security authorities, who organized.
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staged terrorist attack, after which the ukrainian curator stopped responding and deleted the accounts, in march 2024 , a certain oleg contacted me via a foreign internet messenger via video link... and he said that he was an employee of tsypso and his activities were supervised directly by the head of the main intelligence department of the medical defense of ukraine kirill budanov. during telephone conversations using psychological influence techniques, oleg tried to recruit me to commit a terrorist attack on a warship. besides, in a terrorist attack against high-ranking military personnel in moscow was prevented, as reported by the fsb, and an agent of the ukrainian special services who organized the delivery was detained. the detainee admitted that in may he was recruited by ukrainian military intelligence. the united states and
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allies will support at least a billion dollars to strengthen the ukrainian air defense system. joe biden announced this following the first day of the nato summit. according to him, with the help of the alliance, kiev will be able to win the conflict with russia. what other statements were made, our international. they met at the fountain and were led to a symbolic place by a marine to photograph nato allies as if they were lost. the alliance created 75 years ago calls itself defensive, but is heading towards a third world war. the united states, germany, the netherlands, romania and italy will provide ukraine with equipment for five additional strategic air defense systems. in addition, in the coming months we intend to provide ukraine with dozens of additional air defense systems. but just a few minutes later biden did not understand how to leave the stage, before this there were the usual reservations: he called the ukrainians ukrainians, and he also managed to let it slip. even before the russian bombs fell on ukraine, the alliance began to act, i ordered the united states to strengthen nato's eastern flank. more
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soldiers, more planes, more capabilities, nato is moving fast. bravura speeches from the stage on the sidelines admit to themselves that they do not have time to keep up with what is needed. ukraine cannot produce as many weapons as it needs, writes the wall street journal. newspapers call the summit tough on the outside, fragile on the inside. allies for everyone the fronts are torn apart by contradictions. this week in washington, nato is likely charting an irreversible path to world war rather than a clear path to peace. and the president with signs of dementia, the man who sits at the table with america's checkbook, forces us to continue to pay for it. a video where it is emphasized that the forces of the alliance are shoulder to shoulder with ukrainian soldiers and the talkers in this formation are nationalistic. washington summit is a demobilization chord for secretary general nato stoltenberg, outgoing leader biden
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presents the medal of freedom, in his response he calls for the supply of equipment and ammunition to ukraine at any cost. not everyone agrees. not only does hungary not give weapons to kiev, it does not allow them on its territory. even transport it, hungary’s position is clear, this war will not lead to any solution on the battlefield, instead negotiations and a diplomatic settlement are needed, this is the position we will present to the nato summit within 3 days. the arrival of macron’s summit was in doubt; the french president will not sort out affairs at home, after unsuccessful parliamentary elections for his party , a new cabinet needs to be formed. the opposition is in a hurry because of this, macron missed his first day of work in washington.
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ankara at the conclusion of a grain deal. i also noted the successful mediation ; let me remind you that as part of the peace mission, viktor orban visited kiev, moscow and beijing.
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they will pay 18%, everything up to 50 million will be subject to a rate of 20%, but those who
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receive over 50 will pay 22%. increased rates do not apply to all income, but to the excess amount. due to increased personal income tax payments to participants of a special military operation, as well as northern allowances, are withdrawn. tax deductions for the second and third of each subsequent child are doubled. according to preliminary estimates, the progressive scale is more than 500 billion additional revenues in 2025 alone. of course, i support these tax changes, in many ways they are overdue, in many ways they are due to the current economic situation, the social situation, in many ways they have simply reached, let’s say , evolutionary path of development, the first point is, of course, personal income tax, because a...
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from the cost of living, then it will be indexed by one percentage point per year until the twenty-ninth year, it is assumed that the tax will be local, the need for its introduction and the size of the rates will be determined by the municipalities. now, as for legal entities, company income tax will increase from 20 to 25%. the exception is those who work under an agreement on the protection of investment incentives under special investment contracts in special economic zones. the tax rate is lower if the company does not engage in business. there are also changes related to the use of simplified
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taxation system, on the one hand , the threshold values ​​​​for the application of this system are expanded, on the other hand, to combat the incorrect application of this system, with the fragmentation of business, some instruments are introduced, for example, vat appears, which did not exist before, this is in order to divide the real . medium and small businesses and businesses that would like to look like medium and small businesses, in reality they look more like large businesses. now about the economic effect, from an increase in the income tax rate the budget will receive an additional 1,600 billion rubles next year, and in 3 years about 5 trillion. the changes also affected a number of specific industries: the mineral extraction tax for the iron and steel industry will increase. ore, fertilizers, coal and diamonds, so the premium will be 10% on the cut-off price for
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coking coal and anthracite and 5% for thermal coal. according to our expert estimates, this cannot influence prices in the direction of increasing them, because in our opinion, these business opportunities that are being provided should provoke increased competition in business, and increased competition in... always only leads to a reduction and stabilization of prices, so naturally, there may be some not very, let's say, conscientious businesses.
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systems. the communist party of the russian federation has come up with initiatives to hold a second international anti-fascist forum this fall. it should become part of the program of events in preparation for the eightieth anniversary of the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war. this was discussed at a press conference in moscow. while holding the executive committee of the union of communist parties captive, we determined further task for the near future. first of all, celebrate your eightieth birthday.
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gennady zyuganov’s book “serving the people” was presented, this is a collection of his speeches, articles and interviews from the 1990-2000s, dedicated to the most important events of that era. over the past 24 hours alone, losses in the ukrainian armed forces in all areas of the special operation exceeded 2,000 people. the ministry of defense also notes that our unit occupied more advantageous positions and repelled several enemy counterattacks. during the fighting, the national. lost a large number of weapons and equipment, in their including six howitzers made in the usa and great britain, as well as a german marder infantry fighting vehicle. aviation, artillery and missile forces achieved notable successes. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery were destroyed within 24 hours.
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q46 air target detection radar and three improved holk anti-aircraft missile system launchers. usa, storage depots for unmanned boats of the ukrainian armed forces, and were also defeated by a concentration of enemy manpower and military equipment in 131 area. air defense systems shot down a mig-29 aircraft of the ukrainian air force and 55 unmanned aerial vehicles. the ukrainian government has reserved the mobilization of all employees of 133 public organizations receiving foreign grants. ukrainian media reported this. most of the employees are booked. is engaged in studying public opinion, so ordinary citizens can only hide from military commissars. at the moment , more than 400 thousand evaders are already wanted. several hundred people are detained every day trying to flee the country. the confrontation with the military commissars is becoming increasingly tough; in addition to fights, the number of cases of arson of military vehicles is also growing. the next such
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cases occurred in lvov and odessa. meanwhile, the verkhovna rada announced that mobilization would be tightened. in ukraine has exclusively negative consequences, finishing off the country’s economy, and this was said by a deputy from the presidential faction, servant of the people, georgy mazurasha. saudi arabia may sell part of its european debt obligations if the countries of the family group decide to confiscate almost $300 billion of frozen russian assets. according to bloomberg's source, representatives of the kingdom hinted privately about the possibility of such a scenario. according to the agency. separately, debts issued by the french treasury were mentioned. let me remind you that the group of seven countries agreed on a loan to ukraine of $50 billion. according to the plan, it will be paid off at the expense of interest on frozen russian assets. in kaliningrad, the court arrested the rector of the baltic federal university alexandra fedorova. he will spend at least 2 months in custody. it was precisely this
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preventive measure that the investigative prosecutor considered necessary. they believe that otherwise fedorov could influence... witnesses and interfere with the investigation. fedorov himself and his defense asked for house arrest, emphasizing the fact that the rector, sick, elderly parents with a son were a student. the head of the university is accused of embezzlement and embezzlement. according to investigators, he and his deputy elena myalkina embezzled money in the form of bonuses for employees. the state duma adopted second reading of a package of bills banning drug propaganda. we are talking, in particular, about fines for violating the requirements for labeling works. with information about prohibited substances. deputies also approved an amendment according to which literature published before august 1990 will not fall under this law. our correspondent works on okhotny ryad.
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concerning foreign qualified in addition, the bill contains norms, specialists, for them an increase in the period of continuous implementation is provided labor activity from 6 months to one year. deputies during today's hearings of this bill especially emphasized that great attention. based
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on the fact that the analysis we conducted shows that the main category of crimes committed on the territory of the russian federation by foreign citizens is committed precisely by persons who are in an uncertain legal status or who are in abuse of the right of stay. presence of forged documents. based on this, we consider the most dangerous crimes that are aimed at legalizing migrants, at committing crimes based on official forgery. another very relevant bill, which deputies considered in the first reading. we are talking about introducing fines for reckless drivers on electric scooters and other personal mobility devices. during the hearings , parliamentarians cited the following statistics in 2020.
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the bill proposes to establish liability for leaving the scene of an accident, failure to comply with a request to stop, driving while intoxicated, refusal from passing.
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strategic partnership in all areas of cooperation, building a multipolar world, a fair world order, this
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is how we are... on sakhalin, they are working out a scenario for using drones, this includes delivering goods, monitoring construction sites, searching for illegal dumps, analyzing forests, putting out fires. for the first time in the region , a design and educational intensive is being held on the archipelago, the main sites of the yuzhno-sakhalinsk airfield pushisty. several thousand drone operators are participating in almost 40 federal subjects. the program
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of competitive discipline, exhibitions is the latest. with increasing autonomy of drones, that is , everything that is aimed at increasing the time the drone remains in the air, that is , reducing energy consumption and increasing battery life. sergei sobyanin inspected the improvement work in moscow's most popular park, gorky park. about 30 million people visit it annually; about 20 pavilions will appear on pushkinskaya embankment, united in
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thematic quarters. we will construct part of the path network and create additional sports activities in the fun-filled garden, so that gurkovo park will get a second wind and will be even more popular in our country and for muscovites.
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