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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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applications for payment through public services, on the other hand, every third application turned out to be repeated or unfounded, but the absolute majority of applications for compensation in connection with natural disasters have already been processed, the issue of increasing the amount of payments to victims has been worked out, a draft resolution has been submitted to the government, which provides for their increase one and a half times, that is, instead of 10 thousand 1500 rubles. for loss of property instead.
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242 people in total, all the rest went to relatives and friends, yeah, well, well renting housing, and of course, the most important question.
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we will build individual housing and control the houses that people have undertaken to build themselves, which means that people choose their own schedule, territory, region will compensate for the rental of apartments, since now this is done in these territories, unemployment in russia is traditionally low, but now the figure is at a record low level of 2.6...
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employees, and of course, they themselves make a significant contribution to employment. today we are already forming the budget of the social fund for a three-year period with taking into account indexation guarantees and accordingly, in accordance with the bills that have already been adopted today, the pension will be indexed from february 1, 2025. another topic of the meeting: work to improve checkpoints along the state border, so at one of the... checkpoints on the border with azerbaijan, the number of lanes increased from 14 to 22, 10 checkpoints were created on the border with new constituent entities of russia. another area of ​​work is providing points with new equipment, which will reduce the time required for all checks. under special control, your instructions, vladimir vladimirovich, to reduce the inspection time of freight transport to 10 minutes at road checkpoints. currently. inspection
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of a vehicle takes on average approximately 38 minutes, the task you have set is complex, complex, but feasible, and we will certainly solve it, and... innovative digital solutions have already been put into operation, these are electronic queuing, dispatching, monitoring and informing drivers about queues. we are also developing an integrated checkpoint system - together with the federal customs service, which will allow us to combine data on vehicles crossing the border in a single information environment. the development of checkpoints across the state border became the main topic of the meeting. their technical support determines how much time travelers will spend and how quickly goods will be processed . and in this matter, digitalization becomes the most important tool. about membership ukraine is out of the question in nato; this
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would mean a direct conflict between the alliance and russia. this was stated by the head of the hungarian foreign ministry at the washington summit. peter seyarta emphasized the quote: everyone who is in their right mind understands the impossibility of joining. en stoltenberg also said that it is too early to talk about inviting ukraine. the topic will be continued by ekaterina shamaeva. nato did not hide from the ukrainian leadership that nothing was going to happen to them at the summit in washington, as the american press wrote, even before the start of the event, the american authorities they moderated kiev’s expectations regarding potential membership in the alliance, and prepared the following message for zelensky. don't do that again. this, according to washington post sources, is a hint of his public dissatisfaction with the results of last year's summit. the polish authorities outlined the prospects for square more clearly. according to them , ukraine will not be able to join nato while it is at war. membership
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would mean that we would have to join the war against russia, the western public has absolutely no such thing wishes, but ukraine gets a lot. among those promised are more than a billion dollars for strengthening. air defense, in particular, they plan to supply five strategic air defense systems to kiev, including the american petriat and the italian sampti. this is not enough, the ukrainian authorities immediately complained. at the moment, the ukrainian air defense system is a spectacle, well, not very, so to speak, impressive. will the westerners really be able to, well, this is the idea, to recreate a layered air defense system. ukraine, of course they will spend on this years, and not just one, not two, this will take at least 5-10 years, massive supplies of air defense systems are needed, i don’t see such a prospect yet, but
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nato is not going to abandon the course of escalation, and this policy is not changing even after the change of government at the top, the new prime minister of the united kingdom, keir starmer , made it clear that his government will not... revoke permission for kiev to fire british weapons into russian territory, and will not abandon efforts in the west to obtain equipment from countries outside the bloc, as bloomberg writes that they are trying to convince the president of the republic of korea to supply artillery shells to ukraine, thereby changing the country's policy, which prohibits sending lethal weapons to conflict zones. it is becoming increasingly difficult to convince european residents of the need for further support for ukraine. there will likely again be a range of expressions of solidarity at the summit. i hope that the alliances will unite and really support ukraine with the next package, but unfortunately, i
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am not sure about this. not sure about the power of unity nato and the publication's observers. stephen walt believes that the alliance is heading towards the abyss; loud statements should not be taken seriously. atlantic solidarity is not worth it, according to the journalist, europe and the united states are moving away from each other, and the only question is how far will it go, how quickly? ekaterina shamaeva, lead. well, perhaps, olga, let’s continue the ukrainian bloc. as it turned out, the ukrainian government has barred all employees of 133 public organizations receiving foreign grants from mobilizing. oh , how, the ukrainian media report about this. moreover, most of them are engaged in studying public opinion, but at the same time, ordinary citizens can only hide; at the moment, more than 400 thousand draft dodgers are already wanted, and the confrontation with military commissars is becoming increasingly fierce, in addition to fights, the number of cases of arson of
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military vehicles is growing. details from margarita semenyuk. the absurdity of what is happening in the video is off the charts; this guy is only 22 years old, his police officers. roki's yard will probably have a military commissar start guarding schoolchildren and visiting the last time i called, i met 20-year-olds in whom , well, they supposedly couldn’t be drafted, and the boy was 19 and 18 years old, so they find methods like how to get more, faster, weaker , like from the village, like from there, so that there are fewer problems with the person to pick him up quickly.
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i said, have you told anyone? yes, he said, the tetsekashnik who brought them is standing, and well, yes, he said there, i say, yes, people are different, you can think specifically so that they don’t take him away, i stand there, choose people for myself, i say, well, give me the documents , and he’s been there for 10 years already he is registered at the dispensary, one could say that it was the tskashniks who did it, but he is undergoing vlc, the doctors said that he is healthy, this is not a crime, i think what a mess, the whole mobilization is one crime, in dnepropetrovsk the man was alone against the army of military commissars, the ukrainian started to run, but the valiant policemen rushed into the fight. the detainee was beaten on the legs, then knocked to the ground and the man screamed. they want to go to the front, but the commanders don’t particularly favor such people at the front line, i’m drunks, drug addicts and other degenerates,
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who were brought from the tsk, from whom it was then necessary to re-educate, remake, and even if there were not 10 people, but five, five normal fighters who would really serve, would defend the country, would protect each other’s backs, but because of two degenerates , whole people die divisions, july 16 is the last day. when ukrainians must update their data in the shopping center, those liable for military service are identified using 37 points, but not all of them are reflected in the military registration document. in addition, the kiev authorities will introduce centralized printing and distribution of summonses. the agenda will be accompanied by an electronic signature of the head of the trading center or department. then they will be centrally printed along with an inventory of the attachments and sent to reservists and military personnel by registered mail. according to the new law on mobilization. the summons is considered served, regardless of whether the person received it or not. and while the system
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is not working, ukrainians are fleeing, more than twenty men are detained. the group tried to illegally cross the border, where they were driven on a grain truck by the organizer of the scheme. to moldova they had to walk, for which they paid from 5 to 16 thousand euros, but the plan failed. margarita semenyuk, yulia tyushevskaya, news. a terrorist attack against high-ranking officials was prevented in moscow. as reported by the fsb , an agent of the ukrainian special services was detained, who organized the delivery of explosive devices to three heads of departments of the ministry of defense. and they were disguised in gift wrapping. in addition, the fsb reported the prevention of a terrorist attack on the aircraft carrier admiral kuznetsov in the murmansk region. the topic will continue anna voronina. carry out a terrorist attack, you will go to finland. the sbu came up with such an offer for russian sailors and tried to recruit one. one of the employees on the aircraft-carrying cruiser is admiral kuznetsov, who is based in murmansk. in march 2024
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, a certain oleg contacted me via a foreign internet messenger via video link. and he said that he is an employee of tsypso, and his activities are supervised directly by the head of the main intelligence department of the medical defense of ukraine, kirill budanov. during telephone conversations - using methods of psychological influence. oleg tried to recruit me to carry out a terrorist attack on a warship. the methods are still the same: they lured me with money, promised to take me abroad using forged documents, and threatened to fabricate evidence of sponsorship of the armed forces of ukraine. the officer with such a proposal from the ukrainian side went straight to the security agencies, where a whole performance was put on for the recruiters who demanded video evidence of the arson on the cruiser. from testing explosives to staging on a ship. here you go it turned out that the so-called oleg, as
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expected, disappeared after receiving the video, deleting all messengers, perhaps turning his attention to moscow, where a citizen recruited by the sbu was preparing an assassination attempt on three high-ranking military personnel of the ministry of defense; explosive devices were supposed to be delivered to them in gift wrapping, but the attacker detained earlier, counterintelligence represented by the federal security service could have identified in advance the recruitment approaches of the ukrainian special services, organized a full-fledged operational game, and this is the most important thing, i will tell you, the enemy should not guess that his... recruiting approach and sabotage aspirations have been exposed. earlier, the fsb stopped an attempt to hijack a russian strategic bomber tu-22 m3. the russian pilot, whom the ukrainian special services tried to recruit, was also contacted on messenger. our interlocutor did not even hide that he was from the ukrainian special services. pavlo introduced himself and offered to hijack a combat aircraft on the territory of ukraine, but not just
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an aircraft, a long-range bomber, a missile carrier, carrier of nuclear weapons. and again blackmail threats. the pilot was bribed, everything was according to the manual, they even sent a video of a million dollars in cash, they promised three in total. russian intelligence services, together with the pilots, staged a so-called operational game for the ukrainians in order to obtain the necessary information. the result is still the same, the operation failed. at the same time , the ukrainian side, trying to recruit our military, expects to receive not only sabotage or a terrorist attack, but also subsequent information fireworks in the media about an attack on objects that are significant for russia, so that to demonstrate to western curators that their money is
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in europe, in the usa, and not far from kiev.
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in many ways they are determined by the current economic situation, the social situation, uh, in many ways they have simply entered , let’s say, an evolutionary path of development. the first point is, of course, personal income tax, because, a, progression is returning, and b, such a new mechanism is being introduced, interaction between taxpayers and the state, individuals, which has never existed before, namely tax refunds. e families with ten children or more. we have before this and the family, as such, a tax accounting unit did not exist. russians can now receive a family tax deduction, this is an annual payment to working parents of two or more children whose income does not exceed one and a half subsistence minimum per month. you can return 7% of thirteen paid
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personal income tax. citizens will be able to apply for the deduction for 2025. from june 1 to october 1, 2026, with regard to personal income tax, the federation council approved the introduction of a progressive scale. it is important that these changes will not affect svo participants and recipients of northern allowances. so, if the annual income does not exceed 2.4 million rubles. the base rate remains at 13%. it rises to 15% for income up to 5 million rubles. per year, up to 18 for income up to... and up to 20 for income up to 50 million, and income above this amount will be taxed at a rate of 22%. in this case, the new rate does not apply to the entire amount, only to the excess of the established threshold. a tourist tax has replaced the resort fee. it is planned that the rate will increase gradually, starting from 1% of the cost
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residence in 2025 and adding one percentage point until 2020. for business, which are provided, they should provoke increased competition in business, and increased competition always only leads to a decrease and stabilization of prices, so naturally there may be some... very , let's say, conscientious businessmen who will try to raise prices for this brand, but i think that market relations here... will lower them to the level that should be. zero income tax rate for it companies introduced in 2022 will be remain in effect until the end of this year, and then in
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2025-2030 the rate will increase to 5%. corporate income tax increased from 20 to 25%. however, small tech companies are provided with tax incentives. thus, even taking into account deductions in 2025 , the budget will receive an additional 15 trillion rubles, about 5 trillion for 2025-2027. there are also changes related to the use of a simplified taxation system. on the one hand, the thresholds for the application of this system are expanding. on the other side, to combat the incorrect use of this system, with the health of business , some instruments are introduced, for example, vat appears. which did not exist before, this is in order to separate what is actually a medium and small business and a business that would like to look
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like a medium and small business, but in fact it is more like a large business. the mineral extraction tax has been increased. the cut-off price for thermal coal will be $120 per ton and $167 for coking coal. if these values ​​are exceeded , a surcharge of 5 and 10% will be charged. price. current for anthracite will be $135 per ton, the premium will be 10%. changes to the budget code were adopted, the estimate of the federal budget deficit for 2024 was increased to 1.1% of gdp from the currently approved 9. the estimate of revenue was lowered by 300 billion, but still exceeds 35 trillion rubles. and now it’s time for economic news: russia in june. reduced oil production by 114,000 barrels per day. the country produced 9,139,000 barrels daily. this is stated in the latest opec report. as for global demand growth,
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the organization again maintained its estimates. in this year an increase of 2,250,000 barrels per day is expected, next year by 1,850,000. the growth in consumption will be driven by high demand for transportation, and therefore for gasoline and kerosene. family mortgages in russia have been extended until... 2030. the program applies to families with children who have at least one child under 6 years old, the ministry of finance reports. the rate on such a mortgage remains the same - 6%. the maximum loan amount is rub 12 million. for moscow, moscow region, st. petersburg and leningrad region, 6 million for other regions. also the ministry of finance proposed to increase budget allocations for family mortgages this year by 66 billion rubles. now almost 224 are provided for these purposes . arabica coffee has risen in price to a two-year maximum, so for a pound of coffee beans on the stock exchange in new york they give almost 2.5 dollars, an increase of 1.5% per day. among the reasons is hot
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weather. in vietnam, thailand and the philippines , the thermometer rose to 48°; tensions are heightened by the expected crop shortage in brazil, the largest coffee producer. and boeing, based on the results of the first half of the year, immediately sales reduced by 70%. customers received 175 aircraft, the company reported. things are not going well for the corporation after the incident with the 737 max. his emergency exit plug fell off during the flight. after this, boeing is under close scrutiny from regulators. at the same time , the company's shares have fallen by almost a third since the beginning of this year. it was economic news. short. well, now to the cultural news. why did the roman viktyuk theater change its name, how to update its repertoire, and also? how does the theater on malaya bronnaya live? yes, intrigue, answer to all these questions were asked by the artistic director of both theaters, konstantin bogomalov, in an interview with our tv channel.
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sofia sergeeva will talk about what awaits theatergoers in the new season. the wind of change burst into roman viktyuk's theater. a month after konstantin bogomolov was appointed artistic director, the name was changed. now this is the melnikov stage theater. as a tribute to the memory of the creator, russian architect, constructivist konstantin melnik. there is no clean-up going on, the only question is to improve the efficiency of the theater in all areas. new name, a new brand, a new style,
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not everyone has accepted the changes yet. and on the internet, dissatisfied people even publish a petition calling for the theater to return its former name and to remove bogomolov from the post of artistic director. but his team is already actively working in all areas, including on a new logo and website. the previous address teatrvikту still exists, but only as a transit point to the melnikov stage. changes are expected to affect the repertoire. bogomolov opposes the mummification of performances. therefore , he will invite directors working in the renovated theater to work diametrically.
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the entire cast has practically transferred to fixed-term contracts, if another director or artistic director needs some changes, he will easily implement them and will not be a hostage to some past decisions, but the new artistic director is not going to erase the memory of viktyuk, in honor of the former director anniversary events and lectures will be held, a commemorative plaque will be unveiled on the theater building, and some of roman grigorievich’s beloved performances by the public will remain in the repertoire, even if they are to be carried out in sofia! it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, to bring russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how
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exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with the production of raw materials, exports, what is our product like? so, we are starting this hour with the main topic, yes, of course, the situation with forest fires and the liquidation of the consequences of floods in russian regions, this is where vladimir putin began today’s meeting with the government, but first of all the president asked, asked report on how things are going with assistance to victims, has compensation been paid?
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what are the amounts for housing people who have lost their homes when new houses are built for them? elizaveta khromtsova will tell you what else was discussed and what was discussed. elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, personnel training, tours, creative groups, the summer months, a wide range of issues were discussed by the president of russia via videoconference today with members of the cabinet of ministers. the meeting began with the most pressing issues, the situation with forest fires and floods. and the forecast remains unfavorable, because the peak of summer fires has not yet passed, and this summer could become the hottest in the last 30 years. according to aviation forest protection, today there are over 500 forest fires throughout the country covering an area of ​​more than 1 million.


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